How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 138: season finale


Hou Mo didn't make trouble when he was studying with him, instead he was conscientious.

He knows how hard it is to study with Hou Yu, and he will not let other students around him feel that he has been recommended, and he has nothing to do every day, which is in stark contrast to them.

During this time, he will also study hard.

As Hou Yu brushed the questions, he would follow suit, and then compare the answers of the two.

After the comparison, he will also tell Sui Houyu his thinking about solving problems, and when Sui Houyu's thinking is more flexible than his, he will also humbly ask for advice.

When he needed to memorize ancient prose and words, he would also take Sui Houyu.

The daily tasks include supervising Suhou Yu's meals, taking into account the nutritional balance, and watching when Sui Houyu sleeps, so that he can't stay up too late.

The limit that Hou Mo can accept is 1:30 in the morning, and it really won't work any later. If things go on like this, his body won't be able to bear it.

After two treatments, plus Hou Mo's side will make Sui Houyu calm down and get enough sleep, Sui Houyu's mood is getting more and more peaceful, and the number of times of getting angry is decreasing day by day.

Competitiveness has not diminished at all.

Every time the competitive spirit is displayed in strange places, Hou Mo is caught off guard.

For example, if Hou Mo was faster than him in completing the questions, he would suddenly be upset: "You are so arrogant!"

Hou Mo had to apologize to him for doing the questions too quickly, and after that, he would deliberately wait for Sui Hou Yu when doing the questions.

For another example, Hou Mo occasionally gave Sang a lecture topic, and Sang Xian quickly understood it. Hou Mo said: "Smart, you can understand it with a little bit."

After returning to his seat, Sui Hou Yu suddenly ignored Hou Mo, and Hou Mo thought he was jealous, inexplicably, but he heard him ask himself: "Why, I can't figure it out? I'm a slow learner? I Stupid?"

"Ancestor..." Hou Mo was really helpless, he really had no other meaning, "You are the smartest! Really!"

"Tch." Sui Hou Yu did the questions by himself, and didn't talk much to Hou Mo all night.

On other occasions, Suihou Yu is particularly difficult to coax.

But it's much easier to coax at night. After all, Suihou Yu is a person who doesn't have enough sex. If he wants to, he will turn around and act like a baby with Hou Mo.

Generally, if you don't leave overnight, these things will be over.

In the first mock exam, Sui Houyu's grades had improved a lot, and he was ranked 24th in the whole school year group.

The second mock exam was the 13th place in the whole school year group.

By the time of the third model, I had already reached the second place in the school year group.

The first place was Hou Mo who followed the exam.

When they got the papers, Hou Mo and Sui Hou Yu studied Sui Hou Yu's papers together.

The two of them used the papers of the three mock exams to study over and over again, and then continued to study the questions. It seemed that they had relaxed a lot.

At least Suihou Yu's current grades and status are very stable, and it's not a problem to really take the college entrance examination.

The lost part of the memory was gradually retrieved, and the memory returned to normal.

So the two began to practice other things. Hou Mo bought a copybook for Sui Houyu and asked Sui Houyu to practice writing.

Hou Mo looked at him while he was writing, and then reached out to hold Sui Hou Yu's hand and taught him: "When writing the horizontal hook, you put so much effort into it, did you watch it? Like this..."

After less than five minutes of teaching, Suihou Yu's body suddenly fell down, and he woke up instantly after hitting his head on the table, and opened his eyes in astonishment.

Hou Mo quickly rubbed his head for him: "Why did you fall asleep so fast this time? Are you so sleepy while writing?"

Hou Mo rubbed his painful forehead, looked at his handwriting again, and asked a little desperately: "Is my handwriting still saved?"

"It's helped! Look at your first handwriting, and then look at your current handwriting. Isn't it much better? This is called subtlety. Our handwriting is becoming more and more similar. This is what you call following your husband's style."

He took his previous handwriting, compared it with the current one, and took a look at Hou Mo's notebook. His current handwriting was indeed more and more like Hou Mo's handwriting.

After the two of them got together, their living habits became basically the same, and now even the fonts are almost the same.

Hou Mo blended into his life silently, and blended in to such a deep degree that it was hard to pull away.

It's an amazing feeling.

Suddenly a person appeared, allowing him to be good for him sincerely, and share his joys and sorrows with him. The man dreams his dreams, and he yearns for the man's longing.

They have the same dream, the same pursuit.

They work just as hard.

It has snowed in his world, and this man can see the brightness in his world. It was raining in this person's world, and he could feel the moisture and tenderness in this person's world.

This person understands him, and he also likes this person.

Sui Hou Yu suddenly laughed, put down the copybook and burrowed into Hou Mo's arms: "I'm tired of studying, I'll sleep for a while."

"Yeah." Hou Mo hugged him cautiously, leaning against the wall behind him, reached out and pulled the bed curtain to block the two of them, and coaxed him to sleep.

Following Hou Yu's college entrance examination, Hou Mo also followed.

Hou Mo didn't need to enter the examination room. Mother Hou's company is very busy, so she can't find time to come here.

When Hou Yu's parents came, he was in a bad mood, so Hou Mo acted as a family member and stayed with him in a hotel near the examination room.

After entering the examination room with Hou Yu, Hou Mo, like many netizens, was most concerned about the essay questions for the college entrance examination.

It's not that he can't understand other topics, but that he knows where Sui Houyu's weakness lies. Both he and Sui Houyu's composition are weak points. Both of them have poor literary talents, and composition without emotion is okay.

The topic of the composition has a little emotional element, and Sui Houyu may overturn on the spot.

It is a little difficult for a person who has no emotions since he was a child to write an emotional composition.

After Hou Mo saw the title of the composition, he fell into confusion.

Composition topic: Looking back.

This miraculous theme, this profound meaning, this thing that can be strayed thousands of miles away if you are not careful...

Hou Mo rubbed his face in despair.

Hou Mo walked around outside the examination room, bought a box of incense, found a picture of Wenquxing in his mobile phone, put it on the desktop, and respectfully put two sticks of incense on Wenquxing, hoping that Wenquxing would bless Suihou Yu.

"Don't think it's shabby..." Hou Mo put two steamed buns on the table, "This is also a sincerity, we don't ask for brilliant writing, we just ask my brother Yu to not digress in his composition."

After Sui Hou Yu finished the exam, Hou Mo wished that Sui Hou Yu could write the composition again and show him how many points he could get in the composition.

But seeing that Sui Houyu was still studying the next subjects seriously, he didn't mention these things, for fear of disturbing Sui Houyu.

Forget it, let's go after the exam, don't mention it.

June 8.

Sui Hou Yu ate breakfast, stared at Hou Mo, and asked with a smile, "Why is the corner of your mouth so swollen?"

"I'm on fire. I saw the topic of the composition yesterday and got anxious. It popped up one day, and I still have it in my mouth. I'll buy some vitamin B2 later."

"Well, don't get angry, I think I can write well."


"Just... anyway... I don't realize it even if I run away... I am very happy to write."

Hou Mo's anger flared up again.

After the afternoon exam, Hou Mo stood at the school gate and waited.

The school gate was already crowded with people, but most of the waiting crowd were parents, and a few were reporters. Hou Mo stood out in the crowd, mainly because he was young, tall and fair, so he could be seen at a glance.

While waiting, a parent next to him asked him: "Who are you waiting for? Brother and sister coming to take the exam?"

"Oh, wait for my partner." Hou Mo replied calmly.

The uncle looked Hou Mo up and down, and asked, "Are you still dating in the third year of high school? Are you already in college?"

"No, I'm also a senior in high school this year."

"Aren't you going to take the college entrance examination?" The uncle said "tsk tsk" twice, "I still have to go to college, and it's hard to find a job without a college degree. Is it a delay in dating?"

Hou Mo replied politely: "Oh, no, I've already confirmed my recommendation, so I didn't take the college entrance examination."

"That's it! Where is the escort?"

"Hua Da."

"..." The surrounding parents seemed to be listening to the two of them talking. After hearing about it, they all looked at him. The parent who asked the question didn't speak for a while, and finally said, "Then... that's okay. Are you taking the exam? She also Exam in Beijing?"

"Well, I'm also going to Huada."

"Can you pass the exam?"

"Should be able to, the last mock exam was fifth in the province."

"That's not bad." The uncle stopped talking.

When the door of the examination room opened and the candidates came out one after another, Hou Mo immediately burst into laughter seeing his familiar curly hair approaching from far to near.

The parents who were watching saw a good-looking boy walking in front of Hou Mo, and they all paid attention. Since Suihou Yu came out earlier, the other parents were still waiting, and they happened to overhear their conversation.

"How did you do in the exam?" Hou Mo dragged Sui Hou Yu over.

"Comprehensive science and English, if not full marks, they are close to full marks. Today, Su Anyi and the others' parents are here. If they don't come with us, let's go eat by ourselves."

"What to eat?"


With that said, the two walked away side by side.

At noon on the day when the college entrance examination results were released, Sui Houyu was called by the school teacher to the original Qingyu campus.

Hou Mo naturally followed, but they didn't even enter the school gate, and they only let Hou Yu in alone.

Hou Mo stood outside the school gate, and Sui Hou Yu stood inside the school gate, both of them were very confused.

The teacher dragged Sui Hou Yu into the building, and at the same time turned around and said to Hou Mo: "For the college entrance examination, don't come in if you haven't participated. Go around the neighborhood and come back in the afternoon."

"Why can't I participate?" Hou Mo asked while standing outside the door, leaning on the railing.

"Oh, why ask so many questions?" The teacher was unwilling to answer.

Suihou Yu was taken to an office, and then a teacher came and chatted with him with a smile.

What he meant was that he heard that Sui Houyu had done well in the mock exam, and he probably did well in the college entrance examination. They plan to sign an enrollment agreement with Suihou Yu, so that Suihouyu can go to Peking University even if his score is not enough in the college entrance examination.

After chatting for a while, he realized that the teacher was from Peking University.

He was a little strange, hesitated for a while and said, "I want to see the score first."

The teacher didn't care, and seemed to be very talkative. He kept persuading him, and asked him if he wanted to eat, and offered to order lunch for them.

Suihou Yu quickly refused: "I'm going to participate in a national competition in the future, so I can't eat outside."

"Oh... I heard that you have good grades in style and style, so I wanted to sign with you in advance."

"Thank you for your kindness, I still want to go to the same school as my friend..."

"Oh, your own future is more important! We will also have a generous scholarship, and the educational resources will definitely give you the best."

The enthusiastic teacher chatted with him for two hours, trying to persuade him to sign the contract the whole time, which made him a little flustered.

He wanted to leave, but they refused to let him go and kept him all the time. He gradually realized that something was wrong.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Sui Hou Yu hurriedly got up after answering, and finally escaped from the teacher's sight.

After waiting for a while and trying to escape, I found the teacher wandering in the corridor waiting for him.

Sui Hou Yu could only go back and call Hou Mo to ask, "What's the situation?! It looks like I committed a crime."

"Hey..." Hou Mo laughed after hearing this, "My mother also experienced it back then. He didn't look at you, but he was afraid that when you went to the bathroom, the teacher from Huada came and snatched you away."

"What's the meaning?"

"The battle between Huada University and Peking University to snatch students is very interesting every year. The top few in the province will receive calls, and those who can be robbed by real people... You must have done well in the exam."

"Isn't the score out yet?"

"Can they know the news in advance?"

"Then what should I do now?"

"I'll save you, I have experience in jumping the fence."

Sui Hou Yu waited in the bathroom for a while, opened the single window in the bathroom and looked out, and saw Hou Mo standing downstairs, mouthing: I'll follow you.

This is the third floor!

After thinking about it, he climbed out of the window and climbed down bit by bit. After Hou Mo received him, he lifted him down by the waist, put him on the ground, and then pulled him towards the school. run outside.

The teacher waiting upstairs saw Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo running out from the window, quickly opened the window and shouted: "Think about it! Ouch!"

"Thank you teacher." Suihou Yu hurriedly replied respectfully, and then continued to run outside.

After the two ran out of the school, they found a quiet place to stop. Suihou Yu was still curious about his score, and kept checking the time with his mobile phone.

In fact, after knowing that a teacher dug Sui Hou Yu, Hou Mo felt relieved, sat on the railing, dangling his feet, and looked at Sui Hou Yu leisurely.

Sui Houyu muttered: "I don't know how Su Anyi did in the exam..."

Deng Yiheng and Shen Junjing were recommended to Dongti.

Sang Xian had more setbacks. Because his tennis points were not as good as Hou Mo, it was very difficult to get approved. Fortunately, he was recommended to Peking University.

Ran Shu is already determined to repeat.

Among them, only Su Anyi, Ai Mengtian and him took the college entrance examination normally.

Ai Mengtian is a person who only needs a book, which is not worrying. Su Anyi is more concerned about Su Anyi, and Su Anyi seems to want to go to the same school as him.

Hou Mo held his mobile phone and said, "You will check your score later, and I will watch Su Anyi's in the group."

"Okay." Suihou Yu was so nervous that his voice trembled slightly.

After the system was refreshed, Sui Hou Yu quickly clicked in to check it out, but after waiting for a while, it was still buffering. He was so anxious that he thought there was a problem with the system, but the score suddenly popped up: 724 points.

Hou Mo took a look with his head and sighed, "Not bad, it should be pretty good."

"Yeah!" Suihou Yu nodded while looking at the score, still a little excited in his heart. Is this score acceptable

After waiting for a while, Hou Mo said, "Su Anyi has a score of 701."

Suihou Yu instantly felt relieved.

Hou Mo said again: "Ai Mengtian played really well too, with a score of 687!"

"She used to be in class ten, and her academic performance was good."

After knowing their scores, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Their small group is still swiping the news quickly.

Deng Yiheng: Brother Yu seems to be the champion of the city.

Deng Yiheng: Let me see...

Deng Yiheng: Save it! Province!

Ran Shu: Where did you get the news? Why didn't I see it!

Deng Yiheng: We have a lot of people!

Ran Shu: Gossip, right

Shen Junjing: The principal posted it on Moments, and Ge Ge reposted it. Congratulations to Sui Hou Yu, who got the first place in the province in the college entrance examination.

Ran Shu: I fuck, I fuck, my brother Yu is awesome!

Ai Mengtian: Ah!

Su Anyi:! ! !

Shen Junjing: Who else but my Brother Yu!

Lu Yanxin: What a dick!

Hou Mo: Hee hee!

Sui Hou Yu looked at the group for a while, then looked up at Hou Mo: "If you take the college entrance examination, will the provincial number one be you?"

Hou Mo shook his head again and again: "I used to rely on good-looking handwriting to be slightly better, but your handwriting is good-looking now, and I will definitely not pass the test."

"whispering sound-"

"My brother Yu is awesome!" Hou Mo said, dragging Sui Houyu into his arms.

"I think I can go to school with you."

"Yes, I can. Wait for Huada's call later."

"Well, what should I say when I get connected?"

"Say you're considering Peking University and see what they say."

Suihou Yu laughed immediately, very brilliantly.

It's a pity that the two hugged each other for too long, and Sui Hou Yu fell asleep again. In the end, it was Hou Mo who answered the call from Huada for him. After the negotiation, he happily decided on the school.

This year's National Youth Tennis Championships, everyone who took the college entrance examination participated again.

Su Anyi also worked as an assistant for the tennis team for the last time.

Since Hou Yu had been preparing for the exam for almost a year, his strength was a little behind, and his ranking was not very good. In the end, the doubles combination of him and Hou Mo only ranked seventh.

On the contrary, Hou Mo's performance in singles competitions has always been excellent, and he is still the first in the country.

After the game, the team of sports students will be disbanded. After that, they will go their separate ways.

Originally, the graduates of Fengyu High School wanted to have a dinner together, but unexpectedly, Liu Mo and the others also came with them.

Liu Mo said carelessly: "I heard that your school dinner is at public expense, we must come!"

Yang Hong also nodded: "We want to have dinner with the provincial champion and recommended students, so as to improve our own level."

It was rare for Hou Mo not to scold them, and took them to the restaurant together. After all, they were old rivals, and they often played together, so it was really easy to show affection.

After graduating, the season has passed, and everyone broke the fast and drank alcohol on this day.

Liu Mo picked up the wine glass, and said loudly, "Come, let's have a drink in the future."

Lu Yanxin, Deng Yiheng, and Shen Junjing naturally wanted to raise their glasses. Shen Junjing also added: "My girlfriend will be the same in the future, but she went back early."

Hou Mo couldn't participate. Seeing Yang Hong raised his glass, he immediately scolded: "The level of Dongti is not good! Do you want anything?"

Yang Hong was very angry: "I can do it! My level is good!"

Sui Hou Yu rested his chin and shook his head coldly: "I didn't feel it."

Yang Hong was so angry that he almost cried, raised his glass and drank the wine himself.

After drinking for a while, they discovered that Hou Mo was secretly pouring iced black tea into the cup, and Liu Mo immediately yelled, "You little monkey, can't you afford it? Huh? Are you ashamed of yourself? Are black tea fooling fools?"

"I'm fooling you!" Hou Mo replied confidently, and then pointed at Sui Hou Yu, "If our guy drinks too much, and I get drunk again, none of you will be able to stop him."

Ran Shu had already drank two bottles and was fine, so he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it true?"

Hou Mo nodded seriously.

"I don't believe it!" Ran Shu got excited, thinking that Hou Mo was showing off that he knew Sui Houyu better than himself, so he wanted to drink with Sui Houyu.

Sui Houyu was a little embarrassed, but considering that beer should not have the strength of fruit wine, he risked his life to accompany Junzi.

Hou Mo stopped drinking at all and just chatted with other people.

Chatting and chatting, Sang Xian fell on the table sullenly, and fell asleep as if he had lost consciousness. The suddenness was scary, and Hou Mo even tried Sang Xian's breathing.

Everyone studied around Sang Xian for a while, and found that there was only one bottle of wine in front of Sang Xian, and only two-thirds of it had gone down.

This drinking capacity is really shabby.

Standing proudly beside Sang Xian, Ran Shu patted Sang Xian's neck one after another: "Small sample... that's how much you can drink! You've let me discover your weakness!"

It's a pity that soon he didn't have the energy to criticize Sang Xian, because Suihou Yu was really annoying.

"Ran Shu!" Suihou Yu stood in front of him, staring at him seriously, "Show me the dance you practiced!"

"Farewell Brother Yu..."

"I teach you!"

"It's time to eat! Can we talk after eating?"

"I'll teach you! You're not in a hurry, you're not in a hurry? Come, come here!"

Ran Shu was dragged to a corner by Sui Hou Yu to dance together, and Sui Hou Yu enthusiastically helped him break his legs.

He looked at Hou Mo and saw Hou Mo spread his arms and shrugged his shoulders: "If you don't listen to the old man... ah... If you don't listen to brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you will suffer in front of your eyes."

Ran Shu was about to cry, and after breaking his legs, Hou Yu wanted to run a race with him, and play cockfights together again, and he still didn't let him go.

On the other side, Liu Mo pulled Hou Mo and cried with snot and tears: "Four years! Four years! I have been abused by you for four years! Only in the competitions that you do not participate in can I taste the first!" First, what does it feel like! Every time I participate in a competition, I first check to see if you are on the list! You beast, you are such a beast, why don’t you have any weaknesses?"

Hou Mo replied with a smile: "I have a weakness, my weakness is my boyfriend."

"Is it useful? Ah? Is it useful? Can I hit him in singles? I can't! You have a boyfriend to cheer you up! I have nothing! I am the second, third, and third child of ten thousand years. Four... how long will I have to see when I meet you, I feel bitter!"

"Hahaha!" Hou Mo couldn't help laughing.

Before Liu Mo could scold enough, he was interrupted.

Ran Shu grabbed Hou Mo's arm and didn't let go: "Hou Mo, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to be played to death by brother Yu! I... I'm not stuttering now... I can't breathe... My brother Yu is crazy! He's crazy Already!"

"Then help coax this one, I'll go and see Brother Yu." Hou Mo handed Liu Mo to Ran Shu.

Ran Shu looked at Liu Mo a little at a loss, so he could only pass Liu Mo a tissue. After handing over the tissues, he turned his head and saw Sang Xian woke up at some point, looking at him with a gloomy face, and instantly felt a dull pain in his buttocks.

In the end, it was Hou Mo who carried Sui Hou Yu away.

On the way back to the hotel, Suihou Yu still called him vaguely: "An Nanxi, let's play together..."

"Yeah, okay, let's play with you."

"Don't ignore me..."

"Well, I will never ignore you again, and I will never leave you in my life."

"Well... I like you."

"I like you too."

After the game, the school arranged for a car to send them to the school, and everyone separated at the school gate.

This time apart, it may really be forever.

Deng Yiheng, who used to be very active after school, suddenly didn't want to leave. Looking at his teammates, he suddenly choked up and said: "When we meet again, we will no longer be teammates, and we will be rivals in the future, but... all work hard!"

Going to several schools separately, they will be rivals when they meet again.

A word made them feel a lot.

After hearing this, Ran Shu was silent for a while, and then started to cry for no reason: "I used to think that you have a low laugh point, but I didn't expect you to have a low point of tears... I cried too, and I don't play tennis..."

Suihou Yu was silent for a while, then suddenly stretched out his fist: "Come on!"

Hou Mo silently raised his hand and put it together with his fist.

Others came over one after another. The former teammates stood in a circle, fisted together, and said together: "Come on!"

Youthful, flamboyant and wanton.

They fight for themselves, for the future, and for those who care about them.

What is held in the hand is not a racket, but their dream.

Never admit defeat, never give up.

A victorious boy who never gives up.

The author has something to say:

This book is over~ I really feel a little bit reluctant to write a small composition.

This can be regarded as my production work, my favorite character design, my favorite subject matter, a sweet story of a deadly enemy + a bamboo horse.

When I wrote it myself, my heart was ah, I like them so much, ah, they are so nice!

I will also go to make an appointment with them, as if I am raising a set child, and when I am no longer poor, I will go to ask the boss [clench fist]

This book has signed a contract to publish in Simplified Chinese, and the base map of the cover has come out, which is very beautiful! Just proofreading and waiting for the ISBN. For specific information, please pay attention to my scarf: Mexico, who can't wake up.

This book is very cold, campus + tennis, daily life is still slow, there are not too many cool elements, and there are no foreshadowings such as falling horses, which is not pleasing in online articles.

Writing in the ice cellar, thank you for being with me until now, it makes me feel that this is a precious recognition, it is like the effect of 500 people shouting out 1000 people in the book review area, hahaha!

The next book is Interstellar + Mecha + Metaphysics and Cultivation of Immortals. It is still a production of cold themes, and it has been in advance for too long, so it has to be filled. The span is huge, and it's normal that you don't like it.

If possible, I hope you will still be there when I write a small and fresh subject like this next time.

Your liking is a kind of kindness, it is my encouragement when I am at a low point, thank you, thank you.

Thank you again sincerely.

Nice to have you.


In addition, I would like to thank [Xianxisleep Proofreading Group] for synchronous proofreading of the full text.

Brother Yu and Senior Brother are always there.

A victorious boy who never gives up.

Everyone, remember to bookmark the author~ I knew it when I opened a new book~

You can jump from the author's column to receive the document:

"Interstellar Grandfather"

1. There is an oriental beauty named Yi Yan in the refugee area.

He is so cute that even criminal fugitives look down on him.

I heard that he was expelled from the army, but he is indeed a waste.

2. Yi Yan, who was about to soar in the Mahayana period, was knocked thousands of years into the future by the nine-nine thunder calamity.

In a world that advocates spiritual power, his celestial spirit root has become useless instead.

Until one day, the spiritual power was restrained, and the traditional combat power became a scarce talent overnight.

The alliance army found a group of "interstellar waste" for him. He looked at this group of geniuses with inferiority complex, and rubbed his hands in excitement.

3. Everyone knows that the Alliance Army has recruited a waste to train a group of waste, and they are laughing like crazy!

Who knows later...

After being trained by Yi Yan, that frail, trembling trash was able to win against ten mechas alone with one machine, crushing victory.

The red-haired girl who was treated as a plaything, signed a life-and-death contract in the fighting arena, and killed a scumbag with her hands.

An army suddenly appeared in the interstellar.

Their combat power is astonishing. Without mechs, they are basically death-like existences, which makes the armies of many planets frightened.

This army does not belong to any alliance and only maintains cooperative relations with the outside world.

All soldiers obey only one person—Yi Yan.

They called Yi Yan: Master.

4. Legend has it that the semi-AI new humans are ruthless and loveless, cold-blooded and numb, and they are a group of monsters with powerful spiritual power.

Until the new marshal exploded the electrical equipment of the entire block because of jealousy and uncontrollable mental power...

When Yi Yan secretly kissed him, the room was safe and sound. However, the danger began to spread from three kilometers away, and the earthquake lasted for fifteen minutes!

[small theater]

Yi Yan: You and I are not compatible.

Marshal: I admire science.


Yi Yan: I made a calculation, it is not suitable to play today.

Marshal: Everyone evacuates.

Everyone:? ? ?

Yi Yan said to the apprentices: The content of your entrance examination has been determined.

The apprentices became nervous.

Yi Yan: If you succeed in assassinating the marshal, you will succeed in the exam.

Disciples: …

This book is also known as "I Founded a School in the Interstellar", "The Last Immortal Cultivator in the Universe", "Later, All the Big Men in the Interstellar World Are My Disciples and Grandchildren"

The first chapter will be updated at 18:18 tomorrow afternoon.