How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 140: Spoiler speed limit driving


Sang Xian was born to be pessimistic, but he met a boy who was so optimistic that he made mistakes.

Then I started to pay attention to this boy, and gradually my heart was moved.

He wanted to abduct this boy, and he didn't experience much twists and turns from making the decision to taking it down, and he was happy for a while.

Unexpectedly, the torment this boy gave him was after falling in love...

Falling in love with this boy seems to be going through calamities.

But I have to admit that this boy brought light to his life.

So, never let go.


At first, Sang Xian didn't pay much attention to Ran Shu.

In his opinion, Ran Shu was noisy all day long, stuttering, especially noisy.

In his impression, Ran Shu was either with Suihou Yu, or standing in a group of girls, no boy seemed obtrusive, and he was very gregarious.

The most interesting thing is that Ran Shu is not feminine, but he is not particularly manly, he is in the middle, he can be regarded as a delicate boy.

This kind of boy, those who like him will especially like him, and those who don't like him are also extremely disgusting.

Especially Ran Shu's character, most people really can't bear it.

The first time I noticed Ran Shu was when Ran Shu sneaked away from the self-study class in the afternoon, squatting outside the iron fence of the tennis court, watching Sui Hou Yu practice with the team furtively.

At this time, Suihou Yu has not yet joined the tennis team, but just trains with him every day.

On this day, he wanted to be lazy, so he went out to buy a bottle of water, but wandered around outside for several times before returning.

When I came back, I happened to see Ran Shu's sneaky look, his buttocks pouted, and his squatting look were ridiculous. Below the iron fence is a concrete wall, which is 80 centimeters high, and Ran Shu hid here.

He walked over and stood behind Ran Shu, holding water in one hand and looking down at Ran Shu, his eyes suddenly sank.

Everyone has their own absolute domain.

Some are hand controlled, some are leg controlled.

Sang Xian's absolute domain is the position of the back of the neck.

He lowered his head and saw that because Ran Shu was squatting, the collar of the white shirt of the original Qingyu school uniform was not tied properly, revealing his slender neck.

Ran Shu has a standard swan neck, with a slender and fair neck, thin but graceful shoulders, and even good right-angled shoulders.

From the hairline to the hollow in the middle of the back, it seems to be his favorite look.

At this time, Ran Shu raised his head, looked at him, and waved to him: "Don't, don't stand next to me, what should Brother Yu do if he sees me?"

"What are you squatting here for?"

"I, I have to see if you guys are bullying my Brother Yu."

"Just go in? We won't stop you."

"I don't, Brother Yu will be annoying."

Sang Xian didn't speak, and lowered his head to look at the back of Ran Shu's neck, but he didn't see it. Ran Shu suddenly stood up and stood behind him.

Ran Shu was thin enough to be able to hide completely behind him without being seen. After he stood up, he even grabbed his pants and asked him to put his legs together.

He put his legs together, and felt Ran Shu tugging at the clothes behind him. It was very light, and there was only a slight feeling of falling, but it made him feel itchy.

Suihou Yu glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze and continued training.

Ran Shu asked behind him: "Brother Yu, has he continued to practice?"


"You, don't move."


When Ran Shu couldn't bear it anymore, he probed to the field and saw that Sui Hou Yu had already continued to practice.

Ran Shu looked up at him angrily, but didn't scold him, after all, they didn't know each other well.

Ran Shu squatted down again and waved to him: "You, you go in quickly!"

He didn't stay any longer, and walked directly into the venue. After entering, I looked left and right, and moved the awning that the coach often used, so that the light shining obliquely could cast shadows, so that Ran Shu would not be exposed to the sun outside the fence.


I got acquainted with Ran Shu probably because of the time when they became doubles partners and went to a competition together very unexpectedly.

Probably because he noticed the scar on his wrist, Ran Shu became supernatural. When there were only the two of them, Ran Shu always looked at him and followed him no matter what he did.

He was tired from racing during the day, and he heard that the night view near the artificial lake is quite good, so he changed into light clothes and planned to go for a night run.

Not long after I walked out, I heard the sound of "popping" when I was walking in slippers. When he turned his head, he saw Ran Shu following him with treacherous eyebrows.

He simply stopped, but Ran Shu pretended to be looking at the scenery, as if he was not surprised by Ran Shu, but the moon in the night sky.

He pointed to Xiaolu: "Then I continue to run?"

Ran Shu quickly walked over, tugged at his sleeve and said, "I'll run with you, we'll run into each other anyway."

He hesitated for a while, and he didn't know whether it was because he was shocked that Ran Shu stopped stuttering suddenly, or it was because Ran Shu was holding his hand by the sleeve. Finally, he looked at the slippers on Ran Shu's feet. These are not shoes for night running at all, are they

He looked at the small river next to him, and suddenly felt a little melancholy. If he wanted to jump into this river, he needed a lot of faith. In such shallow water, he lay flat on his back into the water, and the water was enough to reach the height of the tip of his nose.

He could only change his mind: "Let's take a walk, the air around here is quite good."

"Oh..." Ran Shu followed him, looking left and right, seeming very vigilant.

This is a small jungle, very quiet at night, and it was only the two of them who walked for a long time. The evening wind blew the trees, the leaves rustled, and when the shadows of the trees swayed, only the black outlines could be seen shaking.

Probably out of fear, Ran Shu kept tugging at his sleeves, causing one side of his clothes to droop, while the other side was stretched tight.

"Can it be changed to a handle?" He asked suddenly.

Ran Shu looked back at him, then looked at his hands, and asked, "You, are you disgusting?"

"Will that loosen my sleeve?"

Ran Shu let go quickly, shaking his shoulders to adjust his clothes.

After walking for a while, Ran Shu heard a rustling sound, reached out to him again, finally took his hand with both hands, and asked nervously: "You, tell me, will there be snakes here? "


"Yes... I, I hate snakes the most, and bugs, the wriggling ones, it's disgusting to think about."

"Then let's go back."


Sang Xian could only hold Ran Shu's hand, half dragging and half dragging Ran Shu back to the hotel.

Back here, Ran Shu came back to life, and began to talk about their competition: "You, you should be the person who can appreciate my progress the most. Let's compete together! Have I improved at a speed visible to the naked eye?"

"Uh..." Sang Xian thought about his choice of words and replied, "You really have a lot of room for improvement."

"That's right! I, I think I'm super awesome! Every effective ball is super amazing! I definitely have the talent in this area."

Ran Shu's blind self-confidence caused him to look back at Ran Shu with doubts on his face.

But Ran Shu smiled happily, as if he was still waiting for him to praise himself.

Ran Shu is the kind of boy who smiles brightly, his eyes are full of clear springs, and his laughter is like the tinkling of spring water.

He can only compromise: "Well, you are very talented."

Back at the hotel, Sang Xian was going to discuss singles tactics with Coach Wang. After returning, he took a shower, wiped his hair and came out to find that Ran Shu had fallen asleep.

Ran Shu's bed was on the outside, and through the light in the bathroom, he could see Ran Shu lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Ran Shu didn't sleep well, he hugged the entire quilt tightly.

He saw the back of Ran Shu's neck and slender back, and his eyes swept over Ran Shu's waist.

Ran Shu's pajamas were shorts. At this moment, he could see Ran Shu's long legs wrapped around the quilt, which were thin and long, and the picture of being wrapped around the quilt unexpectedly... made him like it.

He watched for a long time, and suddenly felt that when Ran Shu was quiet, he seemed to be quite in line with his liking.


Sang Xian actually doesn't have the patience to play games.

He felt very annoying, it was a waste of time, he might as well do something else.

After disturbing Ran Shu's relationship, Ran Shu suddenly entangled him and always asked him to play games together.

During the Saturday holiday, he received a message from Ran Shu in the afternoon. He ignored it, and Ran Shu didn't bother too much.

As a result, WeChat was suddenly swiped an hour later. Ran Shu seemed to be annoyed by his former pig teammates, and sent a series of voice messages. After listening roughly, he was just scolding his pig teammate for how stupid they were, sending heads one after another, a bunch of idiots, really fucking idiots.

Finally, ask him if he wants to play games together.

Ran Shu: Is it difficult to reply a message? Mr President.

Presenter: Sorry, I just finished listening to the voice message.

Ran Shu: Listened for ten minutes

Contribution: See for yourself how many voices you send.

Ran Shu: Won't it be converted into text

Contribution: Got it.

Sang Xian finally played the game, sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and he didn't have time to eat the fruit plate brought to him by the housekeeper.

After playing for a while, Sang Xian saw that the team was in a bad state, so he turned on the microphone after saying a few words.

Unexpectedly, this also attracted the booing of teammates.

Teammate 1: Ahh! male voice.

Teammate 2: Voice changer.

Teammate 3: God please add friends!

Sang Xian ignored it.

Gradually, the painting styles of the other people in the team changed, and they seemed to be mocking Sang Xian for pretending to be aggressive, maybe they were deliberately showing off their voices, trying to be mysterious, or maybe they were just a stinky dick in reality.

Ran Shu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly started typing and cursing, and the scolding was quite exciting.

The system will block some swearing words, and Ran Shu is very particular about swearing, not a single word is blocked, making the other party want to die on the spot.

Teammate 1: What's your relationship? You protect him so much.

Ran Shu was playing a female character at the time, so he simply answered: his girlfriend! You don't need to be silly, he is very handsome in reality, with a height of 1.9 meters and eight-pack abs. It makes me feel so happy every minute, and I will roll.

Sang Xian looked at Ran Shu's typing and suddenly laughed.

He suddenly felt that Suihou Yu should be very happy, he should be very happy to be protected by such a little thing, right

Is it possible that one day, this little thing will protect him too

The scolding battle was still going on, Sang Xian saw that they were not in the mood to play games anymore, so he scolded wholeheartedly, so he could only continue the game alone.

When the game was about to end, he finally typed a line and sent it: Sorry everyone, the object is strictly controlled, so I can't add you.

Then, the victory screen jumped out, and the game ended.

After the game was over, Ran Shu and Sang Xian joined the mic alone.

After connecting, Sang Xian heard the sound of "clicking" eating potato chips, followed by Ran Shu's voice: "This group of people are not shameless, so if someone brings vegetables, they should be taken honestly. You still have to add friends. If you don’t add them, you will lose face, and start swearing, ridiculing, and this face should be thrown into the septic tank, just like them.”


"But to be honest, your voice and your game play are good, and you can get out of the order if you play more."

"not interested."

Ran Shu took another bite of potato chips, and then said: "Yes, you are the overlord, and you have no shortage of suitors."



"No one is chasing me."

"No, it's impossible, right?"


"Are you too cold?"

"They all said that I look like a scumbag, maybe not only have girlfriends, but also several, but in fact I don't have any."

Ran Shu laughed out loud, seemed to be choking, and coughed for a while.

After recovering, Ran Shucai said: "You, you should be easy to find a partner. You can play the game well, and you can look good, except that you are a little greasy."

"Now playing games well is one of the criteria for choosing a mate?"

"At least I, I like the game well played."

"Oh..." he replied.

Ran Shu suddenly became irritable: "Fuck! Your bubbly sound makes me get goosebumps all over, can you talk properly?"

"I'm talking nicely."

"Forget it, give it another shot."
