How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 142: Extra Story Speed Limit Driving 3


Ran Shu sat in his nanny's car, wearing a U-shaped pillow around his neck, lazily leaning on the seat for a nap, but failed to fall asleep.

He raised his hand to open a gap in the window and looked out. The car was still stuck on the road, which could be said to be impenetrable.

He took out his mobile phone, took a short video outside, and opened WeChat to send it to the person with the note [the former is not dead and the future troubles are endless].

RS: Look, the traffic jam is not because I don't want to go there.

It took about five minutes before the other side sent a message—

The predecessor is not dead and there will be endless troubles: send me the location.

He looked at the text on the screen and couldn't help but sneer, so what if he posted the location, could you fly over to see me

He tapped his finger on the screen and sent his real-time location.

ten minutes later.

The predecessor is not dead and there will be endless troubles: get out of the car and walk 700 meters north, enter the World Trade Center, go upstairs, and wait at the top of the building.

He looked at the screen and couldn't help rolling his eyes that pierced the sky.

But this is his "Party A's father", and if the service is not good, he will withdraw the capital, so he can only be obedient.

He turned back to his assistant and said, "Pack up your things and get out of the car."

"Ah? Oh, ok." The assistant was a little confused, but he quickly packed up his things and helped Ran Shu get dressed.

After putting on the peaked cap, sunglasses, and mask, he also specially put on a coat.

The assistant got out of the car with his frequently used items, a bag, and another bag. The big and small bags didn't look like they were only going out for a day.

After getting out of the car, the two looked at the direction and headed towards the World Trade Center in a dull manner.

He was well-wrapped, walked fast, and had no problems along the way.

When I was waiting for the elevator in the World Trade Center, I was recognized: "It's a bit like Ran Shu..."

Ran Shu looked at the numbers in the elevator and pretended not to hear them. They all dressed up like this. I really don't know how they could tell. Did they see his beautiful soul

After getting on the elevator together, the person who recognized him asked cautiously, "Can we take a photo together?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ran Shu took off his mask and sunglasses, and looked at the camera with a smile. After all, Ran Shu is famous for "whatever he can do, he is the number one favorite fan".

After taking the picture, I took the man's mobile phone to look at it, and then said, "Remember to retouch the picture."

"Okay, okay." Those people were overwhelmed with surprise, suppressed their screams and got off the elevator.

Ran Shu dressed neatly again, and did not open the door when he reached the top floor. After all, when he saw the news, he had already guessed that his predecessor had really "flyed".

He only opened the door and walked out when he heard the rumbling sound subsided slightly. He was not surprised when he saw the helicopter landing on the roof, so he walked straight over and boarded the helicopter.

The assistant was in a panic. He had only been Ran Shu's assistant for half a year, and he was a little surprised when he saw this kind of battle for the first time.

After getting on the helicopter, the assistant said tremblingly, "Brother Ran, I don't know how to wear this seat belt."

Ran Shu reached out to help Li put on his seat belt.

The helicopter took off and flew towards the building where Sang Xian worked. The whole process took less than fifteen minutes, including the landing time.

Ran Shu got off the helicopter, went downstairs with ease, and walked towards the floor where Sang Xian's office is located.

Pushing open the door of the office, when he walked in, he saw several people surrounded by Sang Xian, all of them looked in shock at the person who entered without knocking. After recognizing Ran Shu, they looked at each other, and finally looked at Sang Xian.

Sang Xian immediately said: "Continue to report."

Ran Shu didn't expect that there were other people in the office. After looking around, he didn't bother him, and walked to the sofa and sat down.

The assistant sat down with him, saw him reaching out, and quickly took out the script from the bag and handed it to him.

Over there, Sang Xian was dealing with work at his desk, and there was a constant stream of people around him. It was rare that he was free, and another video conference was held.

Ran Shu could only sit on the sofa with his assistant and wait for a whole day.

In the evening, Ran Shu finally couldn't sit still, he went to Sang Xian's desk and walked around.

Sang Xian looked up at him, and waved to his secretary, who immediately came over to invite him: "Teacher Ran, this way please, I will arrange for you to have dinner in the company restaurant."

"Dining with your staff?" Ran Shu asked.

"A separate room will be arranged for you."

"What about him?"

"Boss Sang is still busy."

Sang Xian's secretary graduated from Peking University. She is very beautiful. She is 175 centimeters tall and 180 centimeters after wearing high heels. She looks about the same height as him wearing flat shoes.

I heard that the annual salary of this secretary is equivalent to the annual salary of the general manager of a company.

Beautiful and capable, the most important point is that the aura is different when standing next to Sang Xian, like two giants.

Ran Shu had a good impression of her, mainly because she thought she was good-looking.

He has a good impression of good-looking people.

Ran Shu had no choice but to take his assistant to the restaurant, but after eating, he still couldn't figure out what Sang Xian was up to today.

After sitting for a while, the secretary came to invite him back to the office.

On the way back, he asked, "Are you, Boss Sang, finished?"

"not at all."

"What did he come to me for?"

This time it was Sang Xian who had to let him come, and he had to come after he got the news, because Sang Xian was the father of the employer.

Ran Shu didn't care, he was mentally prepared for this when he broke up with Sang Xian.

In the future, it will be inevitable to be worn by this predecessor.

"We'll have to wait for him to tell you in person." The secretary replied with a smile, and opened the door of the office to let Ran Shu in.

The assistant also wanted to go in, but was stopped by the secretary: "Hello, please come with me, we have some endorsement documents that you need to pass on to Teacher Ran's agent."

"Oh, okay." The assistant nodded quickly, and then said to Ran Shu, "Brother Ran, I'll go there first."


Entering the office again, Ran Shu saw a regional manager sitting opposite Sang Xian, and the two were chatting about a new project. The regional manager seemed very annoyed and kept saying that the partner was unreliable.

He knew at a glance that he had to wait, so he could only sit on the sofa.

He also pretended to be a secretary and called his assistant away, and that big stupid Sang Xian would rush over to do some shameless things. He was always thinking whether he should refuse or cooperate, but in the end he still had to wait.

After waiting for half an hour, the assistant didn't come back, but Hou's mother came, and said, "Ran Shu, do you want some biscuits?"

Now, Mother Hou is already one of the major shareholders of Sang's company, and everyone calls her Vice President Hou.

She is also really powerful, in just a few years, she has already become very successful in the company, and she is free to come and go from Sang Xian's office.

"Okay, thank you, auntie." Ran Shu immediately took it over.

"I'm a little busy over there. I heard that you came over and took the time to come here. I'll go back first."

"Mmm Good."

Mother Hou walked out quickly again.

Ran Shu read the script for a while, and when it was past 11 o'clock in the evening, Sang Xian and the regional manager hadn't finished their meeting.

The assistant also came back, sitting next to him and fell asleep like a pendulum, his body fell to the left for a while, and fell to the right for a while.

At this time, Sang Xian finally had time to call the secretary, and said to the secretary: "Arrange a car to take Teacher Ran back."

After hearing this, Ran Shu regained his energy, walked over and asked Sang Xian, "What are you doing? Send me back without saying anything?"

"Well, the purpose of calling you here is to let you see how busy I am every day."

Ran Shu only felt a wave of blood rushing straight to the sky, and he was so angry that he almost exploded: "Send a helicopter to pick me up, just to let me see how busy you are?"


"Are you crazy?"

"I'm an investor."


Ran Shu nodded in resignation, turned around and walked straight away, yelling as he walked: "My own nanny car is waiting downstairs, you don't need to take it, fuck you!"

As he spoke, he quickly walked downstairs with his assistant and left.


Before attending the press conference of the new drama, Ran Shu was still upset, he took his mobile phone and typed a small essay intending to scold Sang Xian, but finally deleted it.

He and Sang Xian broke up, this time it took a long time, it has been seven months.

To be honest, he didn't even know how long he and Sang Xian had been dating. This is probably a super-long subtraction, using the total time since they started dating to subtract the breakup time, the shortest breakup is fifteen minutes, and the longest is seven months.

Ran Shu couldn't remember the reason for breaking up this time. It was probably because he thought Sang Xian wouldn't accompany him and proposed to break up.

After breaking up, he went to the mountains to shoot a costume drama. The scenery in the mountains is good, but there is no signal at every turn. After several months of continuous shooting, he came out and found that there was no message from Sang Xian in WeChat.

Unknowingly, in the past few months, they have not reconciled.

Afterwards, he made a chance encounter with Sang Xian, or asked Hou Mo to send a message to Sang Xian, but Sang Xian didn't have much reaction.

He suddenly realized that this time it might be a real split.

Now, Sang Xian suddenly appeared again, which annoyed him, and he couldn't understand what Sang Xian was thinking.

"Brother Ran, it's time to go on stage." The assistant said to him after looking around for a while.

"okay, I get it."

Before leaving, Ran Shu took a special look in the mirror, and then went to the stage.

This is a meeting for his new drama. The venue is a university. Everyone present is a college student, and the atmosphere is very active.

At this time, someone suggested that he follow Hou Yu to interact on the phone and ask him about the new drama.

This is a link that often happens after Ran Shu became popular.

After they graduate, their grades are very good.

The doubles combination of Deng Yiheng and Shen Junjing has finally achieved some results. He also formed a mixed doubles combination with Lu Yanxin. They have played in world-class competitions.

Hou Mo successfully broke out of Asia and went to the world, which is the pride of the Chinese people, and the annual bonus is soft. I heard that Hou Mo's personal annual income reached 200 million last year, which has not yet reached the peak, and he still has unlimited potential.

Sui Hou Yu still specializes in doubles, and usually follows Hou Mo all over the world to participate in competitions, or watch Hou Mo compete.

Because he has more free time than Hou Mo, he occasionally participates in variety shows or accepts commercial endorsements. He also runs a chain store under his own hands, and his income is also good.

Several of them are old classmates, and it's no secret since they became famous.

Sui Houyu even participated in Ran Shu's resident variety show, and was a flying guest. In the show, Ran Shu pestered Sui Houyu as always, and Sui Houyu had a "boyfriend bursting with power", and since then, "Yushu Linfeng CP" has spread Come on, Hou Mo was so angry that he called Ran Shu in the early morning and asked him to stay away from Sui Hou Yu.

Everyone is a celebrity, so some interactions are naturally indispensable. Contacting Sui Houyu at the press conference can also bring popularity. Maybe it accidentally hit the headlines. This is all traffic.

Ran Shu took the mobile phone and dialed Sui Hou Yu's voice call, only to hear Hou Mo's voice: "Hey, brother Yu is asleep, what's the matter?"

Ran Shu knew from the first sentence that he had decided on this headline.

He pretended not to care and said, "Oh, it's nothing serious, I just wanted to ask you if you watched my new drama?"

Hou Mo replied lazily on the phone: "Oh, I can't stand watching all the things you acted. Only brother Yu likes to watch. Last time I cried."

"Isn't it pretty?"

"How do you know if it looks good if you don't read it?"

"I actually think what you said is very reasonable." Ran Shu said with a smile, "I'm broadcasting it live."

Hou Mo didn't believe it: "How many years are you going to play me with the live broadcast?"

Ran Shu could only signal the audience to shout, and the audience cooperated very well, and the cheers were earth-shattering.

Hou Mo collapsed on the phone: "Ran Shu! You! You!"

Ran Shu was sulking before, but now he is suddenly not.

Hou Mo is in trouble, Ran Shu likes the 10th anniversary.

After Hou Mo adjusted his mood, he said, "Ask again the question you asked just now."

"Have you watched my new play?" Ran Shu asked again.

"Look, it's beautiful! It's tear-jerking, touching, and the acting is exquisite, natural, superb, it's a classic, and it's bound to win awards."

"Then how does my Brother Yu evaluate?"

"Brother Yu likes you very much and recognizes you very much, and feels that the heroine who rejected you is somewhat ignorant."

As soon as the words fell, the heroine standing next to her couldn't help laughing, and a girl actually laughed like a galloping horse.

Ran Shu plays the male lead in this drama, deeply in love with the heroine but can't get it, so he can only be a guarding knight.

Who told... Sang Xian invested in this drama

Ran Shu is not allowed to have kissing scenes or intimate scenes in filming, so the dramas he accepts are basically male second.

At the end of the interaction, Ran Shu asked Hou Mo, "Do you have anything to tell everyone?"

"What I want to say is that Yushu Linfeng is a fake, and fishing is real. It is beneficial to the CP to benefit the people and self."

"Okay, goodbye." Ran Shu immediately hung up the phone.

He took the microphone and explained to the fans present: "It's like this. At this time, Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo are participating in the Grand Slam competition. The players live in a standard room, so the two people live together, understand me mean?"

The fans replied in unison: "Understood! Yushu Linfeng is real!"

Ran Shu immediately laughed so hard.

It's up to you to focus.


After Hou Yu and Hou Mo got off the plane and went back to his and Hou Mo's home, when they walked to the door, they saw a person waiting for them.

Suihou Yu looked at Sang Xian with a blank expression on his face.

Hou Mo was directly happy, and asked, "Come to congratulate me on winning the grand slam?"

"Have you won the Grand Slam? Have all those who can play retire?" Sang Xian was surprised, as if he didn't know it at all.

Hou Mo asked again: "Come to eat?"




Hou Mo could only open the door, push the two people's suitcases in, and watch Sang Xian follow them in.

Sui Houyu sat on the sofa to rest, and he had a headache after flying for a long time and then taking a car.

After walking around the house for a few times, Hou Mo came out with three bottles of mineral water, and stopped in front of Sang Xian: "You don't play tennis anymore, can you drink something else?"

Sang Xian nodded: "En."

"Oh..." Hou Mo put the mineral water in front of Sang Xian, "But I don't have anything else at home."

"Then what are you asking?"

"You're welcome."

After Suihou Yu drank the water, he finally felt better and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Sang Xian looked at Sui Hou Yu and said, "I broke up with Ran Shu for eight months and nine days."

"and then?"

"I pissed him off a month ago. He didn't seem to want to get back together with me. He bit me last time I kissed. He would never refuse me before."

Sui Houyu felt very puzzled: "Is it normal for an ex-boyfriend to kiss someone suddenly?"

He said and looked at Hou Mo.

Hou Mo was looked at inexplicably: "You see, what's the use of me, I have never had an ex-boyfriend."

Hou Mo and Sui Hou Yu have never broken up. After all, Hou Mo's personality would never agree to break up, and Sui Hou Yu is not the type to break up.

It's a man, and if you have any problems, you can solve them on the bed.

Suihou Yu couldn't figure it out, after all, he had never experienced such a thing before, so he could only say, "Then tell me, what's going on."

"A few days ago, I attended the charity gala, and then I found an opportunity to call him into my room alone, thinking that he should already know my hard work, and wanted to get close to him. But he refused. Yes, he scolded people for a long time."

"Wait, how do you let him know your hard work?" Suihou Yu quickly grasped the point.

Sang Xian explained exactly what he did before.

Sui Hou Yu rubbed his face after listening, Hou Mo laughed for a long time.

It is indeed something that Sang Xian can do.

Suihou Yu could only take out his mobile phone and send a voice message to Ran Shu: "I'm back to my country."

Ran Shu replied quite quickly, obviously playing with his mobile phone: "Oh, I will visit you in two days."

"what are you busy with?"

Ran Shu came back with a voice message again: "I'm scolding black fans, if I don't teach him to be a man, I won't be called Ran Shu!"

After Hou Yu started to get to the point, he sent a voice: "How are you and Sang Xian?"

Ran Shu: "If we split, what else can we do? This time the split is complete."

The voice was released publicly, and Sang Xian's face turned livid after hearing it.

Suihou Yu asked again: "What is the reason for this breakup?"

Ran Shu: "What else could it be? There are just a few reasons, either he is too bored and ignores me, or I don't think he likes me in the first place. You know what I am, I like people who are liked Hold it. But he doesn't, he likes to bully me, it's not easy for us to be entangled for so many years. "

Sang Xian, an old sex critic, has a strange hobby, and likes to see Ran Shu lose his temper or cry, which is one of the reasons why the two of them always break up.

Suihou Yu: "Then what did you think afterwards?"

Ran Shu: "After that... I don't know..."

After a while, Ran Shu sent another voice message: "I thought about it just now, and suddenly realized that I still haven't recalled it. After breaking up, I was still thinking about Sang Xian's thoughts when I took the show. It shouldn't be! I should accept it." The male number one, it’s best to have a kiss scene and a sex scene, it’s exciting just thinking about it.”

Hou Mo suddenly took the mineral water bottle in his hand and planned to leave: "This is a girlfriend topic, I shouldn't listen to it, I'm leaving first."

After walking two steps, he found that Sang Xian hadn't left, and sat back again: "Why, are you going to be alone in the same room with my Brother Yu?"

Sang Xian ignored Hou Mo, followed Hou Yu and said, "Ask him if he still plans to get back with me, and if he still likes me."

Hou Mo gave two "tsk tsk" after listening to it, and the abandoned overlord became a little bitch, which is interesting to think about.

Suihou Yu really asked.

Ran Shu: "I know, I'm pretty good at it. After breaking up so many times, I really deserved it this time. Thinking about it now, I was really wrong..."

Hearing what Ran Shu said, Sang Xian's expression finally softened a little, but Sui Hou Yu listened to the last few paragraphs...

Ran Shu: "However, Sang Xian and I are already like this, so we won't try to fix the broken mirror. It's fine if I don't do it the next time we fall in love. Anyway, my next job won't know that my previous partner would do it."

Ran Shu: "Get back together! Why should I serve him just like Sang Xian? I just realized something was wrong. A few days ago, someone asked me for a WeChat account, but I refused! What did I refuse? I Single! What's the matter with me? That man is quite handsome! I don't know if there is any room for redemption."

Ran Shu: "Well, after being with Sang Xian for so many years, he has spoiled my taste a little bit, and I don't know if ordinary ones can satisfy me, and I'm also afraid that those little ones will think I'm loose."

Sang Xian's eyes widened for a moment.

Seeing Sang Xian's phoenix eyes wide open, Hou Mo burst out laughing.

Who knows, Suihou Yu is still making things worse: "Why are you still looking for a man? Weren't you heterosexual in the first place?"

Ran Shu: "Fuck, I forgot that I used to be heterosexual! I can find a girlfriend! There are a group of female celebrities on my WeChat, all of whom are very good-looking! I haven't used it formally before, but now I can Use it."

Sang Xian stood up anxiously, and said to Suihou Yu, "Ask where he is."

Now Ran Shu is flying all over the world because of his work, and he is in a different place every day. Sang Xian, the ex, has no idea of Ran Shu's whereabouts at all.

Sui Hou Yu asked.

Ran Shu: "Where's my house in Hengdian, what's the matter, you want to come and see me?"

Sang Xian went out immediately after hearing this.

After Sang Xian left, Hou Mo laughed loudly: "I'm dying of laughter, Sang Xian's round eyes are cute and full of youthful vigor."

"Do you think it's good for them to break up? It's a kind of torture for them to keep tossing each other, right?" Suihou Yu asked seriously.

Hou Mo then restrained his smile and said, "First of all, I declare that I am not protecting Sang Xian. Let's talk about it. I think it's okay for the two of them to get back together."


"As the saying goes, dogs can't change and eat shit. Uh... the world is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Ran Shu falls in love again, and he still has to struggle with that person. Sang Xian and him have been working together for so many years. Well, after going through this time, maybe they got along pretty well, so there's no need to break up. Besides, there are very few people like Sang Xian who watch Ran Shu toss and feel like him."

Suihou Yu still felt that these two people were not suitable: "But... Ran Shu doesn't seem to be very happy with him."

"In the final analysis, both of them have problems. Every time Ran Shu breaks up, he wants to get Sang Xian's attention. After all, Sang Xian is really boring. Only when there is a breakup, Sang Xian will focus on him. It has become a habit to separate and share. Ran Shu is indeed capable of acting, and Sang Xian is indeed not a qualified boyfriend. These two people really need to get in touch, and when they get in, they will be stable."

"But… "

"Ran Shu is a god, so he will be completely honest in front of you." After finishing speaking, Hou Mo realized that something was wrong, walked up to Sui Houyu and sat down, and pulled Sui Houyu into his arms, "But you Don't think about making a jade tree facing the wind, you are mine."

Sui Hou Yu simply ignored it, and put his arms around Hou Mo's neck and kissed him proactively.

Hou Mo picked him up and walked into the bedroom, asking at the same time, "Aren't you tired?"

"I can't do it during the game, I want it..."

The bedroom door closed, muting out the sound from inside.


Ran Shu returned to his nanny's car, and as soon as he got in, he saw a person sitting in it.

Turning around, he noticed that his assistant didn't follow him into the car.

He sat opposite Sang Xian, took a sip of his wolfberry water, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

When he was young, he loved milk tea, cola, and ice cream. Now he is running around for work. If he is not careful, he may break out acne, so he can only change his living habits.

As for his previous love, La, he quit after doing 0.

"I miss you..." Sang Xian said quietly.

"Oh, I need you to think about it?" Ran Shu sneered, "You owe me a scolding, don't you?"

"I've prepared a new script for you, this time it's the male one."

Ran Shu's eyes lit up instantly, he picked up the script and looked at the character introduction, his expression gradually became ferocious: "Playing a monk?! Do you want to shave your head?"

"It's not like you haven't been bald."

Ran Shu continued to read the character introduction, and muttered: "You can let me play Fahai, at least there is Xiaoqing who misses me. It's okay if this Tang monk is Sanzang, at least I can go to the country of daughters. I even want him to be Wu Zetian In the end, he turned out to be a simple monk?"

"But he has an apprentice who treats him very well."

Ran Shu turned the pages backwards, and yelled out after reading it: "The disciples have all returned to vulgarity, and I'm still a monk?!"

Sang Xian finally nodded and admitted: "En."

Ran Shu threw the script on the table and rubbed his head angrily: "Don't be mad at me, I can't stand this when I'm old."

"Aren't you only 28 years old?"

"Yes, I'm already 28! I haven't acted as a male lead once, so it's rare that there is a male lead who is still a monk? I can't be a trafficker anymore, I'm not young anymore!"

"Then how about you read this?" Sang Xian took out another script.

Ran Shu asked, "Is this a Taoist this time?"


Ran Shu took a look at the script and almost jumped up: "I'm 178 cm tall and so thin, you want me to play Guan Yunchang?!"

"As long as I have money, I can take the role down."

"The story of the hero saving the beauty is actually saving the sister-in-law?!"

"This time I have hair!"

"I'm fighting with you!"

Ran Shu rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Sang Xian.

Ran Shu's behavior basically has the same effect as beating a dog with a meat bun, it can only be fed into Sang Xian's arms.

From being subdued by Sang Xian to being kissed, it seemed that it took less than three minutes. He struggled hard, but was held even harder.

He could only sit on Sang Xian's lap, and was kissed to the point of being filthy.

Sang Xian's shoulders are very broad, and the hug is like a harbor, which can give him a sense of security.

He wanted to bite Sang Xian at first, but remembering the last time he bit Sang Xian to tears, he couldn't bear it anymore.

After kissing for a long time before letting go, Sang Xian rubbed the tip of his nose against his and whispered, "I really miss you."

Sang Xian's voice was low and sullen, which made his heart itch.

"Oh… "

"You also know how busy I am. I will try my best to spend time with you in the future. In this case, will you be so moved that you won't break up with me?"

"Say it as if we've gotten back together."

Sang Xian pressed him into his arms, buried his face in his neck and said coquettishly: "I like you, I can't do without you... Really, the more you make trouble, the more I like you, I'm just different from normal people."

"Why do you bother with a monk and a shrunken version of Guan Yunchang?"

Sang Xian laughed at being asked, and actually took out another script to Ran Shu: "Here, at your age, it's time to challenge a real drama."

After Ran Shu saw the script, he sat in Sang Xian's arms and opened it to read the script.

This script is really good, the role given to Ran Shu is a male lead, and there is a female lead.

He was fascinated by watching it, and he didn't even care about the dishonesty of Sang Xian holding him.

The ancient court drama tells the story of the rise and fall of a dynasty. He played the young emperor with many concubines. At first glance, there are not many love scenes, but more plots.

Even if there is a kissing scene, you can borrow a seat.

After reading it, he was so excited that he turned around and kissed Sang Xian's face: "I like this script."

"Then you made me happy, and I'll get the script for you."

"Husband! You can accompany me or not in the future, and I will never make trouble again."

The air conditioner in the nanny's car was blowing the wind slowly.

Ran Shu was still filming before, and it was cumbersome to take off the costumes, and he kept telling Sang Xian not to spoil his face with makeup.

It's a pity that the makeup is still spent.

After not being together for a long time, Ran Shu was in so much pain that he cried and put on makeup.

Ran Shu rested in Sang Xian's arms, and Sang Xian took out his mobile phone to send a message to the secretary.

The secretary quickly went to solve it, saying that the management had invited the male lead to dinner, and the play this afternoon and evening was postponed.

As a result, after asking for leave, Ran Shu's nanny car drove directly to Ran Shu's house, and never left after that.


I heard that in the next few days of filming, Ran Shu's voice was a little hoarse, which could only be saved by his own dubbing in the later stage.

In the middle of the filming, I had a cold and had to persevere. It was really hard work.