How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 22: in the rain


Hou Mo's sleep quality is really high. Even if there is one more person beside him, he still slept well that night without being disturbed at all.

Every morning, it was Sang Xian and the others who woke Hou Mo up after they got up, so that Hou Mo would get up to wash up.

After Sang Xian got up, he raised his hand to push Hou Mo, and saw the short black hair. He was surprised for a moment, then looked at it from a different angle, and confirmed that there were two people on the bed.

Even if he only saw the back of the head, Sang Xian still knew who this curly hair belonged to.

Deng Yiheng's bed was opposite to that of Hou Mo's. He stood up and looked at Sang Xian, feeling a little strange, and followed to see Hou Mo's bed.

After hesitating for a while, Deng Yiheng took out his mobile phone to take a picture of Hou Mo's side. After taking the picture, he had to turn the phone half a circle to see the normal direction.

That's right, the one lying next to Hou Mo is Sui Hou Yu.

Sang Xian stood on the ground and looked at Deng Yiheng questioningly.

Deng Yiheng spread his hands and shrugged, also very puzzled.

Sang Xian's location was inconvenient, so Deng Yiheng stretched out his hand to push Hou Mo awake.

Hou Mo opened his eyes, intending to turn over and get up slowly, but before turning over, he was startled when he opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes as wide as he could on his first attempt, right after waking up.

He and Su Hou Yu lay face to face on his bed, very close to each other, and his nostrils were filled with the smell of Su Hou Yu's body.

Kind of... Grapefruit flavor

He looked at Sui Houyu sleeping, curly black hair hanging down, a strand of it hung on the bridge of the nose, the "canopy" on the eyelids trembled slightly, but he didn't wake up, still sleeping sweetly.

Even when Suihou Yu was sleeping, her lips were tightly pressed together, showing a little cuteness in her stubbornness.

Hou Mo glanced down and saw that Sui Hou Yu was still wearing the clothes from last night.

Suihou Yu wears school uniform during the day, changes into a T-shirt and shorts to take a shower at night, and changes into pajamas after returning to the dormitory, a standard delicate boy.

As a result, she slept next to him without changing her pajamas yesterday

The point is, why did you sleep beside him

He carefully retracted the legs that were pressing on Suihou Yu's body. He blamed him for his bad habit of riding on quilts, and let someone beside him ride and sleep soundly.

Standing up, he pointed at Suihou Yu and mouthed to Deng Yiheng: "What's going on?"

"Do we still want to ask you?" Deng Yiheng replied in a very low voice, mainly because he knew that Suihou Yu had a bad temper and didn't want to provoke him, so the voice he answered was simply angry.

Hou Mo couldn't understand it, and asked again: "Did he go to the wrong bed?"

Deng Yiheng felt ridiculous: "He's in the lower berth, isn't that a bit ridiculous? Even if it's in the wrong direction, I'd go to Sang to offer the bed."

Hou Mo looked at Suihou Yu, then at the bed, hesitating a bit: "How do I get down?"

As he said that, he tried to step over Sui Hou Yu, but when he was stuck on Sui Hou Yu, Sui Hou Yu woke up and opened his eyes abruptly, so scared that Hou Mo exclaimed: "I'll go!"

The posture of the two of them was very awkward at this time, and Hou Mo was too frightened to move anymore.

Deng Yiheng felt that the scene was too much to see, so he covered his eyes.

But Sang Xian blew a whistle, it was no big deal for the theatergoers. For some reason, there is also a sense of joy in the expression that the pig I raised finally got the cabbage.

This cabbage is really good, the emerald cabbage is inlaid with diamonds, shiny and bright, so cute.

Hou Mo looked at Sui Hou Yu under him, and swallowed heavily. He obviously had no unreasonable intentions but had a guilty conscience, and explained in a panic: "I just want to go down."

It was really the first time for him to look at a person from this angle. It is estimated that only Sui Houyu with a small face can stand the test.

"Then you go down."


Hou Mo hurried past Sui Hou Yu and got out of bed as if he was the one who did the wrong thing.

Standing under the bed, seeing Sui Hou Yu sitting up and arranging his wrinkled clothes, he remembered to ask, "Why did you sleep on my bed?"

Suihou Yu was quite calm, and got out of bed, found out the school uniform and replied: "Sleepwalking..."

"Sleepwalking?!" Hou Mo was shocked.


Hou Mo looked at Sui Houyu's appearance, and really couldn't keep asking. Who made Sui Houyu have the expression of "If you ask again, I will beat you"

Finally he took the toiletries and went to the water room.

When he was washing up, he couldn't help thinking, Sui Hou Yu was really sleepwalking

I haven't seen Sui Houyu sleepwalking before, but it can be seen that Sui Houyu is really insomnia, and I can always hear the sound of Sui Houyu tossing and turning.

Climb onto his bed suddenly, can such a technical thing be done while sleepwalking

He knew that Sui Houyu was close to something that he could fall asleep, maybe he came to his bed because of insomnia

But he quickly denied it.

He checked on Baidu Encyclopedia, Sui Houyu's physique wouldn't make him feel sleepy, would he? It doesn't matter if you sleep or not, if you are full of energy all day, do you need to come to him specially

Suihou Yu has been here for so many years, and he has long been used to this kind of thing, so he will suddenly come to him without saying hello

The buzzing of the electric toothbrush continued, and he changed the angle of the toothbrush.

Sui Hou Yu seemed to ask him about his being gay before, did Sui Hou Yu want to seduce him after knowing he was gay

Although he is indeed interested in boys, he has no plans to fall in love right now.

Is Sui Houyu a little too proactive

Throw yourself into a hug

Take the initiative to climb the bed

Usually cold, but I didn't expect the shot to be quite coquettish.

Could it be that he has been more gentle towards Sui Houyu recently, which caused Sui Houyu to misunderstand him

He has a good attitude towards everyone, so this does not prove that Suihou Yu has the opportunity to chase him.

How should I refuse

To put it bluntly, following Hou Yu's rebellion against the generals and saying that he was being sentimental, he fell into a passive state.

Go follow Hou Yu again and emphasize that you are not gay

After washing up, Hou Mo wiped his hair and looked at himself in the mirror.

There are many water marks on the large mirror in the water room, most of which are caused by the boys splashing water everywhere while washing.

Even if the mirror is blurred, you can still see Hou Mo's incomparably handsome face.

so handsome.

So handsome that Sui Hou Yu couldn't hold back.

Walking back with the toiletries, he was still thinking about how to refuse Sui Hou Yu tactfully and without fighting.

What a headache.

For Class 17, the sports meeting is just like playing.

There are many sports students in their class, both male and female, plus Sui Houyu, a non-human existence, it is easy to win, but it takes a lot of effort to restrain one's own strength if you want to lose.

When discussing the project, Hou Mo was surrounded by a group of people.

Hou Mo took the form and asked, "No one will report for 800 meters, right?"

Deng Yiheng shook his head: "I feel disgusted when I hear 800 meters."

Others also shook their heads.

Ran Shu had been listening in, and couldn't help but ask: "Why, why? Don't sports students run eight hundred?"

"Don't run?" Deng Yiheng raised his voice, "Have you heard of 800 meters of death?"

"Why, how did you die?"

"Sprinting for two laps with all your strength, it is really impossible to take care of yourself for ten minutes after running."

"Don't you, don't you often run?"

Hou Mo turned his pen and replied: "We once ran ten consecutive 800-meter races in one afternoon, and Deng Yiheng vomited immediately after finishing the eighth. Others also had a state of being unable to take care of themselves for a while, and have had psychological shadows since then."

Ran Shu turned his head to look at Suihou Yu: "Why don't you go up."

Suihou Yu let out a "hmm".

Hou Mo turned his head to look at Sui Houyu, and then wrote Sui Houyu's name.

He looked at the others again, sighed, and wrote his name.

He knew that other people were either unable to run, or they rejected the project, and were shaded by the coach's abuse.

For this group of sports students, the track and field team signed up for sprint and jumping events, and other sports growth and running were no problem. Instead, only the 800 meters were embarrassingly left to the end.

When signing up for the relay, they had been discussing, and Ran Shu got into trouble again: "Brother Yu, Brother Yu!"

"Can he do it?" Hou Mo asked.

"In, in my brother Yu's dictionary, there is no word 'no'."

"So he doesn't have the word 'xing' in his dictionary?" Hou Mo asked back.

Ran Shu was stuck for a moment, and then sighed: "Logic, the logic is very rigorous."

Hou Mo took the initiative to ask Sui Houyu: "Do you want to run 4×200 meters or 4×100 meters?"

Sui Houyu replied: "Two hundred, I can't start, but I can do a few strokes behind."

Those who are good at starting are all from the track and field team, and they specialize in this. If you compare it with the students in other classes, you can go a few positions ahead of them when you start.

Hou Mo licked his lips. He was the last one in the 4×200m event. Suihou Yu wanted to create opportunities with him and cultivate a tacit understanding

Then he suddenly bought a racket and planned to practice tennis, was it also for him

Suihou Yu likes him so much, what should I do

It's embarrassing just thinking about it.

"Uh... I'm on the last stick, then you..." Hou Mo said hesitantly.

"Then let's take second place, or switch to the 100-meter group."

"Huh?" Hou Mo looked at Sui Hou Yu in surprise.

"It annoys me to see you."

"..." Hou Mo's face and Adam's apple froze at the same time, motionless.

But when writing the name, Hou Mo was fine again.

It was definitely trying to get his attention.

The method is quite unique.

After discussing the project, they began to discuss about customizing uniform clothes.

Ran Shu turned around and asked Suihou Yu: "Brother Yu, do you like anything?"

"Sister Bao carries the shovel." Sui Houyu replied, after all, Sister Bao is Sui Houyu's ideal type.

"Ah... thank you for not having all the members Sauron." He really doesn't have that kind of figure.

Compared with Deng Yiheng, he is in the state of seeking a spouse 365 days a year, so what he pursues is how to be handsome.

"All of us are bad, the kind of hot-blooded colleges, and our group of people must be super imposing." After finishing speaking, Su Anyi was also brought along, "When the time comes, Su Anyi will cut a princess cut and wear a skirt, super sassy."

Suihou Yu was the first to shake his head: "No, it's too stupid."

Deng Yiheng continued to suggest: "Then suit and tie, successful people."

Suihou Yu shook his head again: "Isn't that our school uniform?"

Deng Yiheng couldn't say anything.

At this time, someone suggested that all the boys wear Tang suits and the girls wear cheongsams.

The boys’ outfits are Tang suits and robes, with buttons around the neckline and embroidery on their bodies. The whole body is relatively plain, and the main body is black, which looks very domineering.

They also discussed buying a pair of retro sunglasses with black round lenses, and holding a fan in their hands, preferably a beaded bracelet.

Ran Shu took a look at the picture and muttered: "Look, it's okay, it looks a bit like Yoshiki Mashima's outfit."

"Who is Mashima Yoshiki?" Suihou Yu raised his eyes and asked.

"Oh, it's not suitable for children."

Suihou Yu looked at the photo, and finally muttered: "This is the best man of ten."

Ran Shu burst out laughing with a "puchi".

But everyone had a very happy discussion, and Suihou Yu didn't disappoint.

It was overcast this morning, and it started to rain lightly in the afternoon.

In an instant, it was raining heavily again.

The billowing clouds connected to the sky, lowering the height of the sky a little. The gloomy sky plunged the outdoors into turbid darkness. The bean-sized raindrops hit the ground and raised smoke and dust. The rain was ferocious and chaotic.

Also because of the heavy rain, the sports students did not go to training in the afternoon.

The first time you take a self-study class with them, you can feel the difference.


This group of sports students is really loud.

I don't know who took the lead, took out a table tennis bat from the drawer, held a table tennis ball, and made a gesture to hit the back row.

Hou Mo looked up at the man, smiled disdainfully, took out a table tennis racket from Deng Yiheng's drawer, and hit the ball back.

At this time, several other people began to cooperate.

This group of sports students used the way of playing tennis to play table tennis, and played two balls at the same time very lively, very busy.

They have been practicing all year round, they are accurate enough, they can hit with such a small racket, and they play pretty well.

Tennis players who can't play table tennis are not good sports students.

When Sui Hou Yu was reading a book, he was so quarreled by these laughing people that his brain ached. When he looked up, he saw Hou Mo standing in the aisle, hitting back with a ping-pong racket. His movements were neat and accurate.

At this time another ball came over, Hou Mo hadn't turned around yet, seeing that the ball was about to hit Ran Shu, Sui Hou Yu picked up a book, rolled it into a cylinder, and hit the ball back.

"Wow!" the man exclaimed.

Deng Yiheng kept his head looking the whole time, and even clapped his hands: "It's okay, it's amazing!"

Suihou Yu threw the book on the table and said, "Sit down for me!"

Hou Mo approached Sui Hou Yu, shivering from the roar, and sat down obediently.

The other sports students also sat down unconsciously.

Deng Yiheng asked softly, "What happened to him?"

Someone turned around and reminded: "He is the squad leader."

"Oh, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that there was such a thing."

Seeing that they were all seated, Suihou Yu said again: "The school committee wrote their homework on the blackboard, and everyone wrote their homework."

After speaking, no one paid attention to him.

Follow Hou Yu to look at Hou Mo.

After following Hou Yu's gaze, Hou Mo remembered: "Oh, I'm the school committee."

After speaking, he walked towards the blackboard, asking everywhere on the way: "What homework do you have? Which subject is reserved?"

Someone handed Hou Mo a notebook, which recorded homework. Hou Mo stood in front of the blackboard and copied this passage, even the typos were copied intact.

The only good thing is that the writing is pretty good.

After finishing writing, Hou Mo returned to his seat. After doing a few stretching exercises on the seat, he took out his homework book, opened it, looked at it carefully, and muttered, "Damn... you left so much?"

Deng Yiheng was also turning the pages of the book, and nodded: "Yes."

Hou Mo looked at it for a while, then got down on the table and said, "I'm too lazy to write, so I won't hand it in."

"I'll accompany you." Deng Yiheng also got down on the ground.

When Sui Hou Yu continued to write with the pen, he couldn't help but look at those two people.

Deng Yiheng could understand, but what happened to Hou Mo

With such an attitude, is it good to study

Are they bragging

After the classroom was quiet for a while, Shen Junjing from Class 16 went to the door and called for someone: "Come out, the coach said the rain is getting lighter, go to training."

The sports students in the classroom immediately wailed.

Shen Junjing looked at Suihou Yu: "Brother Yu, the coach asked you to follow along."

Sui Hou Yu hesitated for a while, he didn't want to go, but he got up when he saw that Hou Mo and the others were tidying up their things.

Su Anyi quickly took out an umbrella from her drawer and handed it to Sui Houyu.

Sui Hou Yu reached out and took it: "Thank you."

After Suihou Yu walked into the rain holding an umbrella, four students gathered around him abruptly and squeezed together. The group of people were tall and could only move slowly under an umbrella.

Hou Mo was particularly enthusiastic: "Come here, I'll help you hold it."

He could only be squeezed in the middle helplessly.

After arriving at the training ground, other people were doing stretching and other preparatory exercises in the gym. Coach Wang came over and said to Sui Houyu: "You are not used to getting wet in the rain. Just sit by the side and watch today, and learn from them."

The other team members heard it, and there was a burst of wailing.

After the official training started, Coach Wang moved a chair to Sui Houyu. He sat on the edge of the field with an umbrella and watched other people train.

Deng Yiheng ran under Sui Houyu's umbrella to temporarily hide from the rain, causing Sui Houyu to ask him: "Why do you still practice on rainy days? You have a low body fat percentage, so you catch colds easily, right?"

Deng Yiheng bowed his waist, supported his legs with his hands, and replied with a sigh: "Oh, we can encounter any situation during the competition, so we often practice the playing style against the wind, against the wind, and against the wind, otherwise we will not be able to play in the official competition. Situations are prone to occur. You have to practice even in rainy days. In the past, there was no roof in the rain and the game was not stopped because of rented venue fees.

Sui Houyu noticed that many players took off their shirts when they entered the rain, otherwise the jerseys would increase the load and it would be very uncomfortable to stick to the body.

After taking off his shirt, Sang Xian was very conspicuous in the crowd, and his figure was so good that people couldn't help but take a few more glances. Like a fitness trainer, but not like a high school student anyway.

If you want to look good, you want more body.

But Hou Mo was a special case. He was still wearing his clothes, and he brushed his hair up to the top of his head, turning his back. Then he shook his arm to shake off the rain.

The short-sleeved sportswear was soaked in rain and stuck to the body, showing a body full of explosive power. The shark muscles and male dog waist were very distinct.

The most conspicuous thing is probably the long legs with amazing proportions, straight and long.

Noticing Sui Hou Yu's gaze, Deng Yiheng smiled suddenly, and followed Hou Yu to explain: "Brother never takes off his shirt, and avoids us when changing clothes, and he doesn't take a bath with us, he goes to the private room to wash."

"Because he's gay?"

"No, isn't he very white? It's pink, like cherry blossom pink. It attracted a lot of attention when I was in junior high school, and we haven't seen it since then."

Suihou Yu couldn't help raising his eyebrows after hearing this.

Sakura pink

He was suddenly a little curious.

The author has something to say: only our brother Yu is not interested in people, without our brother Yu, we can't see Naier (Ji'er).