How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 63: drunk


Hou Mo hadn't been back to this house for a long time. If the security guard at the gate didn't know Hou Mo, they would have been able to come in. Standing at the door of the house, he thought for a while about the password to open the door.

Push the door open and walk in, the smell of turbid air after the dust has settled is blowing your face.

He first put a suitcase inside the door, then carried the suitcase that Sui Houyu was sitting on and tried hard to enter the room, and even bumped Sui Houyu for crossing the threshold.

Sui Hou Yu was about to fall asleep in a daze, but suddenly he became energetic again. He looked up and looked around, and it happened that Hou Mo turned on the light at this time.

Suihou Yu glanced around and said, "I came to your house to play!"

"Well, I've been here several times."

"When you ignore me, I want to come to your house to look for you, but I'm afraid you will find me annoying." Sui Houyu said, putting his face on the pole of the suitcase, sighing, as if very sad.

"When you want to find me, I may not still live here."

"Too… "

"You sit here for a while, and I will simply clean up."

Hou Mo went in and opened the window, then lifted the cloth covering the furniture, and piled them all aside.

I found a vacuum cleaner at home to start cleaning, and the table was covered with dust, so I simply vacuumed it together, and then wiped it carefully.

Just tidy up within the scope of activities, and the kitchen and master bedroom will not be entered, and the door is not even planned to be opened.

After Sui Hou Yu was woken up, she stood up and walked towards Hou Mo, and said excitedly, "I'll clean it up for you!"

This sentence was said too excitedly, which caused Hou Mo to stop, and looked at Sui Hou Yu in shock, with a vague premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, seeing Sui Houyu smiling like a little fool, Sui Houyu would never have such an expression on weekdays.

Drinking crazy

Hou Mo was afraid that Sui Hou Yu would not be able to hear himself clearly, so he turned off the vacuum cleaner and said, "There was something covering the sofa before, but I took it off, and now there is no dust. You sit on the sofa for a while, and I'll clean it up in a while."

"I'll help you!" Suihou Yu said again, very persistent, and really started to help Hou Mo clean up.

Suihou Yu was always active, and when he felt bored at home, he would tidy up the house, so he was not a young master who didn't touch the spring water with his fingers.

Hou Mo stared at Sui Houyu for a while, and seeing that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him, he didn't stop him, and turned on the vacuum cleaner again to start cleaning.

Sui Hou Yu followed behind Hou Mo, after Hou Mo sucked up the ashes on the table, Sui Hou Yu followed to wipe.

After the two cooperated, the living room was roughly tidied up in a short while.

Hou Mo opened the door of his room and said, "Let's sleep here today. This was my room before."

"Okay!" Suihou Yu readily agreed.

Hou Mo tore off the cloth, and Sui Hou Yu quickly took it over, saying, "I'll take it out for you!"

Hou Mo gave the cloth to Sui Houyu, and cleaned the room with a vacuum cleaner, when he suddenly heard the sound of a glass falling to the ground. He quickly turned off the vacuum cleaner, walked out of the room and saw Sui Houyu squatting by the dining table, trying to pick up the broken glass on the ground.

Sui Hou Yu sent the blindfold away and was about to go back to the room, but his walking was unsteady, and when he almost fell, he hit the dining table.

There was originally a glass vase on the dining table, but Sui Hou Yu knocked it to the ground and smashed it into pieces.

When Hou Mo saw it, he hurried over to help Sui Hou Yu up, and said, "Don't touch it, don't get hurt. I'll clean it up, you go and rest."

After Hou Mo finished speaking, he brought a broom and swept the broken glass into the dustpan.

Suihou Yu stood on the side with nothing to do, looked left and right, saw a small toy on the TV cabinet, reached out to take a look, saw that there was a spring, twisted it for a long time, and then put it on the ground.

The toy in the shape of a little sheep started to walk on the ground wagging its head. Sui Hou Yu squatted to see that it was not enough, he knelt and crawled along with the toy.

When Hou Mo turned his head, he saw Sui Hou Yu crawling and bumping his head against the edge of the sideboard.

"Hmm..." Suihou Yu's body was so painful that he huddled into a ball covering his head.

Hou Mo hurriedly put down the things in his hands and went to look for him, rubbed his head for him and asked, "Does it hurt? Are you okay?"

"It hurts..." Suihou Yu replied aggrievedly, then pointed to the side cabinet and said, "You hit it!"

Hou Mo was stunned for a moment, but obediently hit the side cabinet twice: "I did."

"It hurts..." Sui Hou Yu began to drill into Hou Mo's arms, so that Hou Mo raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Hou Mo swallowed heavily, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, the sound of swallowing was very abrupt in the quiet living room. His eyes looked at the ceiling and then at the dining table, but he didn't dare to look at Suihou Yu.

Suihou Yu was still hugging him, but he didn't dare to move at all.

He dare not move! ! !

Now that he dares to stay here, he respects himself as a man! ! !

Is this a gift

No, this is a pit.

As long as he can't handle it well, he will go into the pit and lie down. After Hou Yu wakes up, he has to be buried for him, and he has to step on the soil to reinforce it after covering it.

Unable to struggle, he could only think of his epitaph in advance.

"I, I...go and pour the glass down, otherwise it will be easy to get hurt." Hou Mo said with a particularly weak voice.

Suihou Yu pressed Hou Mo's squatting legs with both hands to prevent him from moving: "My head still hurts!"

"I'll rub it for you." Hou Mo didn't dare to look at Sui Houyu, and stretched out his hand to rub Suihou Yu's head, and almost touched the wound on Suihouyu's eyebrow, which made Suihou Yu unhappy for a while.

Hou Mo could only look at Sui Hou Yu again, and simply sat on the ground, reaching out to rub Sui Hou Yu's head.

At this time, Suihou Yu looked like a little beast that had lost its vigor, supporting his body with his arms in aggrieved manner, and looked at him with those harmless eyes.

Perhaps this is what a boy with the appearance of Suihou Yu should look like, he looks very obedient and soft.

Seeing Hou Mo's heart itch.

"Is it better?" Hou Mo asked after rubbing for a while.


"I'm going to pour the glass, you don't move here." Hou Mo stood up with one hand propped up, walked over to clean the glass on the ground, and poured it very far before he was relieved.

When he came back, he saw that Suihou Yu was still obediently sitting in the original place, without moving, as if he was waiting for him.

He pointed to his room: "I've packed my room, shall we go to sleep now?"

Suihou Yu shook his head and refused bluntly: "No."


"Let's play together!" Suihou Yu suddenly raised his arms and said excitedly.

Hou Mo was very familiar with this scene. When he was a child, Sui Houyu always said such things to him with excitement. He was always very excited, full of energy, and never had time to relax.

In a daze, he saw what Sui Hou Yu should look like when he grows up normally.

Hou Mo suddenly felt a little sad, and asked, "Are you always trying to pretend to be yourself? Is this what you really look like? It has been... hard to restrain yourself?"

Suihou Yu didn't seem to understand, she tilted her head and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Hou Mo sighed, then walked over and pulled Sui Hou Yu up, and said, "It's late, we won't play today, let's go to bed, are you still going to wash up? I'm afraid I have to wait a while to take a shower. The water heater in my house It is very old, and it takes a while to get hot water."

After all, this is a house more than ten years ago, and the home appliances are not advanced, they are all very traditional home appliances.

Hou Mo walked in and studied for a while where the water valve was. Only after it was turned on did water flow into the water heater, and then turned on the electrical switch.

Suihou Yu refused to let go, and sat still on the sofa in the living room: "Don't sleep! I want to eat more cute!"

"What to eat?" Hou Mo was very puzzled.

"It's so cute! I want to eat it!" Suihou Yu repeated, his voice getting louder and louder.

"What is CUTE?!" Hou Mo was very confused. He was a sports student and basically didn't eat snacks, so he didn't know what it was, so he had to take out his phone to check what CUTE was.

After checking, I found that the cuteness was mostly ice cream, and I immediately shook my head: "No, this is not good for muscles."

Sui Hou Yu became anxious after hearing this, and yelled at Hou Mo: "Aren't you allowed to eat after the game?! You are not allowed to eat anything! What's the fun in that! I want to eat, I want to eat!"

Hou Mo patiently followed Hou Yu and explained: "Brother Yu, this is really not good. Even after the season is over, carbonated drinks, fried food, ice cream and milk tea are still not allowed. I'll cook something delicious for you tomorrow, okay? You make braised chicken, do you have anything else you want to eat?"

"I want to eat more cute food!" Suihou Yu still insisted.

"No!" Hou Mo was also firm.

Sui Hou Yu looked at Hou Mo for a while, his eyes blinked, his eye circles turned red, and he cried out: "I want to eat..."

Hou Mo was stunned. He reached out and wiped away his tears. He lost all principles for a moment: "All right, all right, I'll buy it for you, one for each flavor."

This is really a lore.

Hou Mo can go through fire and water to follow Hou Yu!

After he finished talking, he got up, planning to go downstairs to buy ice cream for Sui Hou Yu, but when he was walking out, he was still thinking, it's almost one o'clock in the morning, where is the door still open? Is there a 24-hour convenience store nearby

After walking to the door and opening the door, Suihou Yu suddenly chased after him, tugged at his sleeve and asked, "What are you doing?"

Hou Mo was very surprised and explained, "I'll buy you ice cream."

"Then am I home alone?"

Hou Mo explained patiently: "You wait at home for a while, I'll be right back."

"I do not!"

"Then shall we go together?"

"I'm scared when it's dark."

Hou Mo was so shocked that he stuttered: "Afraid, afraid of the dark?"


"Then... what should I do then? I ran and came back soon. I ran so fast. "

"No, you don't want me again? Leave me alone?"

Asked this sentence, Hou Mo's heart melted, he quickly closed the door, and said, "I want it, I want it, I can't let you go."

"Hmm!" Suihou Yu was comforted.

Hou Mo looked at him helplessly, and reasoned with him: "I won't be able to go, and you won't be able to eat ice cream. What do you think? We have to find a solution."

"Then don't eat." Suihou Yu said still a little disappointed.

"That's right! It's not that I won't buy it for you, it's because you said you didn't want to eat it."

"En." Suihou Yu nodded.

Followed Hou Yu into the room again, sat on the sofa and said to Hou Mo, "I want to watch TV."

Hou Mo connected the TV, turned it on, and said, "I haven't paid the cable TV fee, and I don't have many channels."

"I can connect to my mobile phone, and I have a membership." He said it very arrogantly.

Fortunately, the TV at Hou Mo's house was replaced later, and it can be connected to other devices, and you can watch Internet TV after turning it on.

After tuning in with Hou Yu for a while, a Korean drama began to play.

Hou Mo took the opportunity to tidy up the other rooms. After a while, he sat beside Sui Hou Yu and watched. Seeing that Sui Hou Yu was actually watching it quite intently, he frowned, as if he was about to cry following the plot in the next second.

Hou Mo looked at the TV and couldn't help muttering: "Is this woman from Pengci? When the car comes, she should run quickly, staring at the car foolishly is for nothing, any man who is so far away from her can run over Save her, she can run away if she is a little smarter, that man looks very shrewd, why does he like such a silly thing? It's too fake."

Sui Hou Yu turned her head and glared at Hou Mo.

Hou Mo immediately shut up.

In the Korean drama, the male protagonist lived up to expectations and was hit by a car and sent to the hospital.

The heroine cried and regretted outside the door of the emergency room, and the whole person fell into a state of hysteria.

Hou Mo really didn't understand, and complained again: "People regret it when they get bumped, why did you do it earlier? Can't you tell if he likes you or not? You have to get bumped to realize that he really likes you? Don't you Silly?"

Sui Hou Yu patted Hou Mo's thigh unhappily.

When Hou Mo turned his head, he saw Sui Hou Yu crying.

He realized that he should leave on this occasion and watch Sui Houyu from a distance as long as he doesn't make trouble.

When Sui Hou Yu woke up from the wine, he knew that he had seen the scene of him crying while watching a Korean drama, so he must find fault with him. This time, Hou Yu couldn't let him go without fighting for a few days and nights.

He got up quietly, wanting to leave while Sui Hou Yu wasn't paying attention.

It was only after he got up that he noticed that Sui Hou Yu had been tugging at the corner of his clothes.

He sat down again.

The king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die.

Today, Hou Mo put his dog's life here, and whenever Hou Yu sobered up, he would die bravely!

After living such a life in the world, Hou Mo has no regrets, but he is afraid that he will become a virgin after being a ghost and make trouble for his mother.

Hou Mo yawned so sleepy, he glanced at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

He could only look at Suihou Yu and ask, "Brother Yu, let's sleep."

"No!" Suihou Yu was still very energetic.

He thought, what happened tonight is enough for him to die, and he is not afraid of dying again. So he picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, stood up and then bent down, carrying Sui Hou Yu on his shoulders very quickly and went into his room.

"Be obedient and sleep!" Hou Mo carried Sui Houyu to the door, but Sui Houyu grabbed the door frame and refused to go in.

Suihou Yu struggled hard: "I want to finish watching the episode just now."

"I'll watch it with you tomorrow! Sleep now!"

"I do not!"

"I can't cure you anymore?" Hou Mo raised his hand and scratched Sui Houyu's armpit a few times. Feeling itchy, he let go. Hou Mo took Suihou Yu into the house and put it on the bed.

Sui Houyu wanted to get up, but Hou Mo couldn't let him, so he threw himself on Suihou Yu to prevent him from getting up.

Suihou Yu struggled and tried to reach out.

Hou Mo was relentless, wrapped around Hou Yu like an octopus, did not let go of his arms, and was still chasing after Hou Yu: "Brother Yu, brother, good brother, go to sleep, come, I will coax you to sleep."

Sui Hou Yu struggled desperately.

Hou Mo hugged him tighter and tighter, refusing to let go.

Until Sui Hou Yu gradually calmed down, and gradually fell asleep leaning on Hou Mo's chest.

Hou Mo heaved a sigh of relief, patted Sui Hou Yu's back with his hands, coaxed him, and fell asleep.

This day is really too tiring.