How Could This Cat Tease Me?

Chapter 100: My dream at the age of twenty-six


After the news of the defeat in the Oshika battle came, Huaguo netizens thought that Xia Rong's next move was at least to promote his spirit of never admitting defeat, and that he would fight harder and braver on the road of acting in the future... Who would have thought that the new The plan was announced, but it had nothing to do with acting - he was going to hold a concert.

The scale of the concert is not large, there are only three concerts, respectively in cities B, S and C, and the ticket prices are set extremely low, which is almost equivalent to half sale and half free—if it is not to avoid "the concert hall is full of spectators." Bustling passers-by and real fans can't squeeze in", Xia Rong wanted to hold a free charity concert directly.

Because he hasn't focused on singing for several years, and only occasionally releases EPs at the beginning and end of the year, recording a few songs, and there are no popular hits that are widely spread, so this concert is mostly for fans, so Xia Rong is also more concerned about the attitude of his "pompom" to this, but he did not expect that the voice of opposition is much less than expected——

[Aww! Fluffy is going to hold a concert? ! going to go! !]

[Would I say that I am a fan of the singer Rong XD~ I thought he was completely acting, but I didn’t expect to wait for his concert in my lifetime, I am touched~]

[Yeah hahaha, Oshika has gone, I thought I would be an actor in the future, I didn't expect to see singer Rong again, my brother really never forgets his original intention TvT.]

[It's ridiculous for passers-by to enter by mistake, didn't the concert make it clear that they want to squeeze money from fans? Fortunately, you are still happy to send money.]

[Blind-eyed passers-by, shut up, don’t look at the concert ticket price before spraying it, you can’t buy a cup of milk tea for more than this price, right? See the full fare here [picture]]

[I believe that others are cheating fans of money. We have never been short of money. 2333 This concert should be just to fulfill my dream of being a singer. I would rather pay out of my own pocket and tell fans, "I contracted this concert for you." , 噫~~ Inexplicably, there is a feeling of being doted on by overbearing fluffy [shy] [shy]]

[Our fluff is also great hhh we planted flowers intentionally and the flowers never bloomed, but unintentionally planted willows and willows, and Liu Chengyin did not forget his little flowers after that, how great~]

[Being an actor, I went to Oshika for a while and came back. How about being self-willed and realizing my dream of being a singer? The persistent fluffy is inexplicably cute XDD]

[And the thought of being able to get close to such a cute plush, I can't sit still, thinking that time flies, and I will fly to the time to grab tickets!]

Seeing that the "pompoms" were so full of expectations, Xia Rong certainly didn't want to let them down. He turned down other jobs two months in advance and returned to the recording studio to concentrate on polishing his skills, exploring his mentality and feelings, and even wrote his own He wrote two songs and played them to Su Chi in his spare time.

Su Chi would be able to play after listening to it twice, and he would sit and accompany Xia Rong, and Xia Rong would try to sing.

After Xia Rong finished singing, he found that Su Chi hadn't played a single note wrong, and said with a smile: "Young man, I think you are very talented, learn to sing from me."

"I just know how to play, and I'm far from singing." Su Chi's fingers rested on the black and white piano keys, and the contrast became more and more beautiful. He smiled and looked up at Xia Rong, "Otherwise, don't invite me to the concert There's a band, how about I accompany you?"

"The whole process? Then you're going to be exhausted." Xia Rong said, "And some performance effects can't be expressed by the piano. You might as well become a cat and perform the pedal piano. The effect will definitely be doubled!"

"If I become a cat," Su Chi smiled half-smile, and the joke turned into frivolous love words at some point, "I must first teach your fans what a cat's estrus period is."


"It's the other way around, let's do it again."

"… roll!"


The first stop of the concert was in S City, and there were huge crowds of people that day, and no seats were occupied.

This can happen because on the one hand, Xia Rong’s reputation and popularity have indeed increased because of several outstanding dramas and topical movies; on the other hand, this concert has invited many big-name guests: "Liangshan The original crew of the first season of "Bo and Romeo", plus Hou Xu; there are also popular florets Meng Xuan, Zhang Youying and others; and Xia Rong's most popular CP "Xiangfang" Su Chi has also confirmed that he will come.

Now, fans of variety shows, Xiaohua Xiaosheng, Rongxue CP, and Xia Rong's own die-hard fans, the concert venue was overcrowded and blocked.

Xia Rong himself didn't want to hold a concert with 10,000 people, so the venue was not too big, it could only accommodate about 5,000 people. As a result, not only the tickets in the front row were full, but also the tickets in the back row sold out quickly, and the attendance rate was even better than that of some professional singers.

Xia Rong would not be complacent with this achievement, but when he stood on the stage and looked at the bright light sticks below the stage, he would feel a deep sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Singing and acting are different in many ways, but they are similar in some ways. For example, you have to put your heart into it, put your heart into it, and put your heart into everything before you can sing a good song and act in a good show; another example, when you forget yourself and immerse yourself in the artistic conception created by songs and scripts, the spirit that transcends the material world Satisfaction will make people addicted and nostalgic.

He fell in love with singing for this reason, and now, for the same reason, he also feels that the world of light and shadow is slowly opening the door to him.

After singing a fast song with dancing and singing, the exaggerated stage light effects and numerous backup dancers receded like a tide. Xia Rong put on a white coat, sat on the lifting platform, and sang a slow lyrical song. The name is "Letter from Eighteen".

"Who made me hug/Who made my heart beat like crazy

Even if tomorrow the whole city will collapse

Also let me love until the last second"

This song was the title song of Xia Rong's first album when he debuted. He invited a well-known musical talent in the circle to write the lyrics.

This is also one of the few songs that Xia Rong is famous for as a singer. He sat on the lifting platform, and the audience sang along with him.

Xia Rong didn't stop, and didn't extend the microphone to the stage for an enthusiastic "interaction" like other singers. It was dark all around, he sat in a bright light and shadow, eyes half closed, the camera projected his face on the big screen, his skin color was so white that it was almost transparent, almost even the hair on his face was completely visible.

Moreover, even in the chorus of thousands of people, his clear and clean voice can be clearly recognized—in fact, this belongs to the core of the voice, sound pressure, and sound field in singing skills, but not many people understand this. They all thought it was because Xia Rong's voice was bright and pleasant enough.

Xia Rong didn't care too much, he sang the whole song seriously, and then said, "Good evening everyone, have you eaten yet?"

In a second, he changed from a non-human being to a down-to-earth young man. The audience laughed and screamed, telling him: "Good evening, let's eat!"

"It's good to eat. If you have enough energy, you can listen for a while." Xia Rong laughed, "I haven't eaten yet, I'm so hungry!"

The auditorium burst into laughter again, and someone shouted, "Hurry up and eat!"

"I can't eat now. I like to be hungry when I sing. I eat so much that I feel out of breath." Xia Rong said with a smile, "Let's rest for a while and chat for a while."

The auditorium all agreed: "Okay—"

"What are you talking about? Let's talk about this song." Xia Rong sat on the lifting platform, shaking his legs lightly, which caused exclamations from the audience—in fact, the security measures were tied behind him—Xia Rong Showing a mischievous smile, he said, "Don't be afraid. When I entered the entertainment industry, I was just eighteen years old, and then I sang this song "Letter from Eighteen Years Old". I have always liked this song. When I sing, I feel like I’m singing to my future self.”

"I feel like this song is very resolute and brave... Let me tell you, my dream when I was eighteen was to find a girl I really, really like, and then announce to the world who she is, and I want to be with her together."

There was a mix of exclamations and screams from the audience.

"Haha, when I was in the second year of middle school." Xia Rong said, "I thought it was cool to be so reckless and betray the whole world. But now that I think about it, am I bullying you too? You like me so much, I If you say you like others, you will like others, won't you be very angry?"

This time, it was a mixture of laughter and "No!"

Xia Rong knew that in the past few years, due to the change of his own acting route, the composition of fans has also changed a lot, although he still can't say confidently like Su Chi's fans, "He has never relied on fans. , fans don't even think about interfering with him", but judging from the on-site reaction, it is obvious that he is more rational and respectful than before.

"This year, um, my birthday is already over, I am twenty-six years old." Xia Rong said with a smile, "—at the age of twenty-six, my dream is to travel around the world with the person I love, and then have a cup of tea in a cake. Quietly slip a ring on."

He clenched the microphone slightly, and looked at the audience amidst the screams, the light in his eyes was pure and gentle:

"Will you forgive me?"


The lights came on suddenly.

Under the lifting platform where Xia Rong was sitting, a beam of chasing light lit up. Under the chasing light, there was a piano and the person sitting behind the piano.

A sharp-eyed fan who was sitting close had already recognized it and screamed: "Su Chi!!"

Su Chi played a short melody briskly with one hand in response. Xia Rong also tapped the edge of the lifting platform with his knuckles, and said with a smile, "The next song is "Yu Sheng"."

While speaking, the piano sounded.

"... like missing a lifetime / I just learned to love

The rest of my days are spent falling in love with you

If you only do this thing in this life / it’s worth it”

Xia Rong had never sung this song before, nor had the fans heard it before, and the arena was unusually silent.

Xia Rong used a slightly lower voice this time, and the melody was unfamiliar. If he sang it a cappella, he would find it bland and boring at first listen; In the crevices of the singing, it is instantly injected with vivid splendor, as if it is not just an accompaniment, but an integral part of the real song, and the two complement each other seamlessly.

“… to love for the rest of my life / for the rest of my life

love with all my life"

The lifting platform fell slowly, Xia Rong put away the microphone, turned sideways, supported the edge of the platform with one hand, and stood up easily.

Su Chi also stood up from the piano and walked over. Xia Rong took his hand, and they both bowed deeply.

There was a moment of silence in the audience, and then there was prolonged applause.


Xia Rong's concert has been over for nearly half a month, and the upsurge of discussions about it on the Internet has receded a lot, but there are still people who persist in asking:

[Is that what Xia Rong said to the fans at the concert?]

[Is he and Su Chi really a couple?]

[Xia Rong just talked about his current dream, don't spread too much.]

[Simply talking about dreams, why do you ask "Are you willing to forgive me?" I just don't understand, I just ask.]

[For those who have never been to the scene and are not diehard fans, forget it, the feeling of the scene at that time was beyond your comprehension. My best friend has always been a passerby fan of Rongrong. I was dragged to this concert. After returning, she cried a lot and became a diehard fan even more loyal than me.]

[Actually, celebrities and idols are also human beings, who doesn't know the fans? It's just that they have placed too many dreams on them. If the idol suddenly happily abandons their hands and falls in love, it will be difficult for fans to accept it. By doing this, Xia Rong tried his best to be considerate of his fans. It not only prepared them psychologically, but also left them room. Those who are willing to believe can silently bless them, and those who don't want to believe can still choose not to believe.]

[The world is safe with the law of both, it is really too difficult to think of the best of both worlds, even if it is true, I can understand Rongrong's approach.]

[I have been a fan of Rongxue for three years, who can understand my feelings at that time! ! ! I didn't say anything, and then I dug out the concert video on my phone and cried for a while.]

[Stay ahead, please share the video! ! There is no official video of this concert, and few fans are willing to discover the video of the scene. The ones that are posted are all blurred. It all depends on word of mouth. Yes!]

[Loving him is of course protecting him. If you have done this, we must work hard to do it! Speaking of which, he said three years ago that the trust between him and us is mutual [tears streaming] he really did [tears streaming]]

The concert incident, apart from shocking Xia Rong and Su Chi's fans internally, did not arouse strong public attention because there was no explicit acknowledgment and no clear images leaked out. However, certain influences still moisten things silently, with the two fans as the center, rippling away layer by layer like water waves.

However, the road to realizing the wish that Xia Rong said at the concert still seems to be a long way—

Cheng Ran of Cheng Yu's family was accidentally kicked out by Cheng Yu to sleep on the street; Li Yan and An Yiran quarreled, and came to ask Xia Rong to help An Yiran change his mind; Together, we are determined not to find a little female cat...

The promised world trip, when can we start? !

The author has something to say: The two songs mentioned, one is "I'm Fine" by Rene Liu, and Ashin wrote the lyrics; the other is "Love with the Rest of My Life" by Jacky Cheung, and Lin Xi wrote the lyrics.