How Could This Cat Tease Me?

Chapter 99: When will I have kittens?


Starting from the afternoon in Huaguo, when people pass through the layers of clouds and reach the sunset, it is still noon, as if the clock has been moved forward a few points briskly.

Walking out of the airport, the bright golden sun shines on the person, and the fine dust floats in the air, filled with indescribable warmth.

Xia Rong was so sunburned that he raised his hand slightly to cover the sun, and Su Chi put a black peaked cap on his head: "Be careful not to get sunburned, future actor."

"Don't flatter me." Reflecting the overwhelming golden sunlight, under the shadow of the brim of his hat, Xia Rong's face looked deeper and deeper, and even the shadow of his eyelashes was as delicate and beautiful as a butterfly's wing. But he didn't maintain this noble and glamorous shell, and said with a smile, "I don't have any hope at all. Let's take a day trip to Ohshka."

As an "award", the Oscars are actually different from those well-known international film festivals. The purpose of the film festival is to communicate and show, and the final award is only the climax to push it to the end; and the existence of Oshika itself is like the annual Olympic competition in Halaiwu, with a certain number of projects set up, and the participating films There is only one champion, and the final winner will hold a statuette and stand at the top of this carnival party.

However, Huaguo movies have won the awards of the three major international film festivals, but there has never been a pure Huaguo movie or Chinese actor who has won the heavyweight award of Oshika. Even Xia Rong, the best actor nomination, They all appeared after a full twenty years of faults.

Every year, Ausha, major websites and forums will open posts asking: "Why can't Huaguo movies get Ausha? Why can't Huaguo actors never get Ausha?" The answers are eloquent and varied, but some people Before actually holding the little golden man in his hand, no one dared to say that he was the absolute correct answer.

Why can't Huaguo Films tm get Oshika? This has almost become an obsession of Chinese people.

— No wonder, after announcing the nominations for the Oscars this year, Xia Rong almost became a "national hero" in China. He was nominated for the best foreign language film, which helped him share the firepower (although Li Yan’s film was starred by Chinese actors, it was selected as an American imperial film); and secondly, Xia Rong’s team tirelessly "poured cold water" PR.

"Sister Yi, have you read the reports on the Internet today?" Xia Rong slowed down and waited for Shu Yi to come to him, then asked with a smile, "How is it? Can you still control it?"

"The mood of the netizens is very stable." Shu Yi said in a bad mood, "I have been instilling it since the nomination, and now I feel that if you can justify your name and come back to the red carpet, you will win glory for the country. No one believes it and guides the public opinion. It was sent by us. I really convinced you. Everyone who came to the award ceremony is trying their best to build up momentum, but you are the only one who is trying to pour cold water on you. Do you read too many online articles, and you are playing some cool routines that suppress first and then rise?"

"There are no routines." Xia Rong laughed, "I'm just more self-aware."

However, Shu Yi's words still had a certain impact on him, for example, when he actually walked on the red carpet, the word "glory for the country" still lingered in his mind magically.

After entering the arena, he secretly took out his mobile phone, and there was already Su Chi's message on it: "I'm watching the live broadcast, you are very handsome today. [Kitten holding her face.jpg]"

Looking at Su Chi's ridiculous expression pack, Xia Rong couldn't help poking the cat's fleshy face on the screen, and then replied: "When signing, I really want to add a 'visit here' at the end. [Small cat rubs face.jpg]”

Su Chi replied: "You can try it next time^_^. It will start right away, don't play with your phone."

Because he was nominated for Best Actor, Xia Rong sat very close to the front. When he looked up, he found that the camera had started filming the entire scene, and the white male actor beside him was also arranging his cufflinks and wristwatch with a serious face. Xia Rong stared at him, and smiled at him, and said in unproficient Chinese: "Hello."

"Hello." Xia Rong couldn't help laughing. For the convenience of communication, he switched to English and said, "I have seen your "Val Blue Lake" and "David Corden" that you participated in this year. It's an excellent film."

This actor is indeed an American actor that Xia Rong has always liked very much. He said these words from the heart. Unexpectedly, after listening to the other party, he also smiled and said in English: "I watched "Waiting for the Aurora" you starred in. Your The acting was excellent. I loved the part where you dance around the house and get snow blind."

"Waiting for the Aurora" has been screened in various parts of North America for a week. Because of the gay theme, the box office is destined not to be too high. Unexpectedly, this actor actually watched it. Not only did he watch it, but he could also give the compliment to a certain plot, which is enough to show that he is not just being polite.

Xia Rong said in English: "Thank you very much, I am very honored."

The actor replied stumbling in Chinese: "'re welcome."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile at the same time.

The Oscar Awards are held once a year, and the award ceremony is held in the Grand Theater every year. Over the years, the stage of the award ceremony has become more and more magnificent, and the whole stage can also change into a flowing light and shadow with the changing lights. , too beautiful to behold.

According to the usual practice, the best actor and actress of the previous session will be presented on the stage. Following the host's announcement, the last Oscar actress came in a light gold dress. And as she moved forward step by step, the stage light curtain behind her also turned into a golden color. When her glamorous face was slightly raised, and when she looked around the stage, the beautiful lights were reflected, which was almost breathtaking. A sacred feeling that dare not be violated.

"When great actors perform on the screen. What you see is not the actor, but the character that the actor plays." She spoke softly, with a soft and deep voice, "What we will see next is a singer , a civil rights activist, a never-say-die soldier, an innocent victim of wrongdoing, and a young man in pure love. Now, the best actor nominees are the ones who bring these characters to life. "

Xia Rong applauded with the audience, watching the screen behind her, showing the nominees' movie clips one by one.

He is accompanied by a white actor named Taylor Partridge in a film called "David Corden," a biopic about a civil rights leader, David Corden. Deng is so calm and introverted. In the movie, he only needs a look to express thousands of words.

Xia Rong saw himself at the end, no, it should be Ran Yi. Like Taylor's preference, the jury also chose to play a short clip of him dancing in the hut, pushing open the wooden door, and tapping to the beat of the music. Ran Yi with an oriental face is so intoxicated, silly, but in line with the With the comment given to him by the jury, "a young man in pure love".

This scene was so similar to the Goldfish Awards ceremony not long ago, but Xia Rong found that his state of mind was completely different.

"The winner is—" The last Oscar actress did not delay at all, leaning slightly, with a slight smile on her lips, "Taylor Partridge, "David Corden"."

Xia Rong stood up smiling and applauding, and Taylor also turned around and gave each of the actors on both sides a firm hug.

The host introduced calmly: "This is his third nomination, and his first award..." When Taylor came to the stage, Xia Rong found that his tone was slightly choked.

“To all the nominees out there,” he breathed deeply, “…you are equally outstanding and it is an honor to be nominated with you. I stand here to thank the talents and kindness of so many people, thank you initially The person who helped me to embark on the road of acting, thank you..." After saying all the thanks, he bowed deeply, "This means a lot to me, thank you."

There was warm and sustained applause from the audience.


When Xia Rong walked out of the theater, he deliberately avoided the reporters who were waiting around the Avenue of Stars, who were about to give him a lengthy post-match reflection.

Walking along the path, there is a small park. A man with his hands in his pockets is leaning against the fountain in the park, as if he has been waiting for him for a long time.

Seeing Xia Rong approaching, he stretched out his hand, and the smile on his lips was as clear and gentle as moonlight.

Xia Rong said, "Telepathy?"

Su Chi nodded pretendingly: "Telepathy."

Xia Rong took two quick steps, and threw himself into his arms like a small cannonball: "I didn't win the prize!"

This is different from the kitten's pounce. Su Chi was hit by him and took two steps back. He simply pulled him along and sat down by the fountain: "If you don't take it, you don't take it."

"Won't you be disappointed if you don't take it?" Xia Rong raised his face, and the stars were dotted in the velvet night sky like diamonds. "I've been vaccinating them all the time. To put it bluntly, I'm still afraid that they will scold me..."

"No." Su Chi comforted him, "It's not so easy to get into the soul at once. This year's best actor was nominated after three times. No matter how many times, it needs to be fired a few more times to ensure that the fruit will be bred?"

Xia Rong turned his face away and looked at him happily: "Are you talking dirty jokes?"

"You should be." Su Chi parted Xia Rong's fingers, interlocked his fingers little by little, and said with a smile, "When are you going to give me a fruit?"

"Pregnant your sister!" Xia Rong kicked him, "Didn't you say let me shoot? When will you give me a kitten?"

"There are two at home, do you want more?"

"I want your sister!" Xia Rong kicked him again. In the small park in the middle of the night in a foreign country, not many people recognized them.

"Speaking of which, the award speech of the last film queen was really well written." Xia Rong read softly, "When a great actor performs on the screen, what you see is not the actor, but the role performed by the actor. He turned his face to the side and said to Su Chi, "Actually, when I was filming "Waiting for the Aurora", I think I completely understood the difference between the 'experiential school' and the 'method school' you mentioned."

Su Chi looked at him quietly, and gave a low "Huh?"

"The experiential school is that if the script requires me to fall in love with someone, I have to convince myself that I am really in love with this person." Xia Rong shook his head, "The method school is that the script requires me to fall in love with a person." Man, I can look at his face and think about you."

Su Chi's fingers moved slightly, as if he was trying to restrain himself, and said in a hoarse voice: "Savvy."

"Savvy, right?" Xia Rong said triumphantly, "I've decided to be an actor who knows all kinds of methods in the future. By the way, Li Yan'an and Yi Ran also invited me to act in the next movie they're planning to make. I'll show you when I go back." The script, I think it’s super cool! Maybe I will be the next Best Actor in Ohshka!”

"Okay." Su Chi chuckled and said, "I'll show you my script when I go back. Maybe we can compete on the same stage next time."

"Are you so amazing? You are indeed the Golden Fish Movie King!" Xia Rong said with a smile, "But before filming, I still have a small dream to realize."


"I want to hold another concert of my own." Xia Rong turned his face, his eyes brightened, "Are you going to be my guest?"

The author has something to say: "Being a great actor..." This award speech was actually said by Leonardo DiCaprio. Due to the needs of the plot, he changed from the best actor to the best actress... Little Li, I'm sorry!