How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 22


Among the Three Kingdoms, Beiyuan is undoubtedly the leader in terms of infantry, cavalry, archers, etc. However, when two countries fight, they often fight for military pay, weapons and equipment, and the will of the people. In this regard, Beiyuan and Dongling are no match for Nanjing.

Beiyuan had used all its national strength to destroy Xixia, and it was in urgent need of recuperation and peace at home. Their primary goal was to find the Xixia treasure hidden by Gu Ruzhang and completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the Imperial City Department. No matter how much Emperor Yuan wanted to support his son, he could not send troops to Dongling at this time.

But Nanjing can.

In recent years, Nanjing has quietly become the overlord of the four countries. It is a time when the country is rich and the people are strong. They have the confidence and strength to deal with a mere Dongling.

Once a country with etiquette becomes tyrannical and overbearing, it is no less than a barbarian. However, Dongling, whose territory is only one-tenth of that of Nanjing, is obviously unable to cope with the pressure from Nanjing's 100,000 elite soldiers.

They don't want to fight, and they can't afford to fight.

The officials in the Dongling cabinet who advocated peace overwhelmed the pro-war faction. In their view, instead of begging for peace after losing a few battles and cities, it would be better to actively seek peace now to minimize the losses. Otherwise, Dongling would most likely become the next Xixia.

Peace talks are urgent. A day's delay may result in thousands of soldiers dying on the battlefield and Dongling losing another city. The conditions demanded by Nanping during the peace talks will naturally rise.

So, who should be sent to negotiate

Lu Wang quickly finalized the candidate, namely Jia Huai, the former Grand Secretary of Dongke from Dongling.

Nanjing values literature, and has always treated Jia Huai with great courtesy. Sixteen years ago, when Rong Tangrong, a member of the Nanjing delegation, visited Kyoto, he became acquainted with Jia Huai through poetry and songs, and was invited to attend the wedding banquet of Jia Huai's youngest son.

With this relationship, Jia Huai is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Regarding the wedding banquet sixteen years ago, Zhao Mian also asked Rong Tang in person whether anything special happened at that time.

After Rong Tang recalled carefully, he said, "No."

Zhao Mian asked again: "Then did the teacher see Gu Ruzhang and Wan Huameng at the wedding banquet?"

Rong Tang replied: "I have never met Wan Huameng, but I did meet Gu Ruzhang once when he was young."

"Teacher, what kind of person do you think Gu Ruzhang is?"

"Gentle, kind, respectful and frugal."

Zhao Mian was quite surprised. To receive such high praise from the teacher, Gu Ruzhang must be a... gentle person

But it was this "gentle, gentle, respectful and frugal" Tutor Gu who bought at least five years of life for Western Xia and even tricked the arrogant young Prince Beiyuan when the country was about to fall.

I think gentleness is just Gu Ruzhang's appearance. The things he did and the spark he secretly left for Western Xia are enough to prove his inner perseverance.

Like a jade, like a jewel; Gu is like a jewel.

Zhao Mian had no feelings towards Xixia, but he was quite interested in this Gu Taifu. If there was a chance, he would like to make friends with him.

Two days later, Jia Huai, who was ordered to do so, personally visited the Nanping side with several boxes of gifts, trying to find out what Nanping was saying.

Dong Ling's move was within Nan Jing's expectations. Nan Jing's army was approaching Dong Ling, and the first purpose was to deter and warn. If Dong Ling still didn't know what was good for him, 100,000 elite troops would cross the southeastern border and aim at Kyoto.

This was the last gift the prime minister left for Zhao Mian—he left him the entire Nanjing.

Zhao Mian thought of the backup plan that Emperor Yuan had left for Wei Zhenfeng. Would a traitor like Lu Wang care about a hostage who might be his nephew or illegitimate child

very funny.

There is no harm without comparison. It is clear at a glance who is the treasure in the hands of parents.

Jia Huai, who was over 70 years old, came to visit. Although Rong Tang claimed to be ill and could not come out, Zhao Mian still gave him some face, met him in person and treated him with courtesy.

The two first talked about some of Jia Huai's latest literary works. Zhao Mian gave him great praise without reservation, saying that all the literati in Nanjing could recite them by heart, and they were amazed and looked forward to Jia's new works.

Jia Huai looked ashamed: "To be honest, Dongling is now facing internal and external troubles. I am not in the same state of mind as before. I am afraid I don't have the energy to write anymore."

Zhao Mian knew that the process was completed and it was time to get down to business.

As expected, Jia Huai took the opportunity to mention Dongling's intention to negotiate. He spoke earnestly, quoted classics, and finally put forward the name of caring for the people of the world: "Master Xiao, please think about the innocent people of Dongling, stop the war, and restore the friendship between the two countries."

Zhao Mian put on an awkward look: "In that case... let me think about it."

Zhao Mian's "three thoughts" took an hour. Jia Huai and others were waiting outside, and he returned to the study room, pretending to discuss with his staff, but in fact he had already made up his mind. He took the time to write a letter to his father and the prime minister, and then returned to the front hall leisurely.

Jia Huai, who was originally sitting and waiting, stood up immediately when he saw him and said, "Master Xiao, have you made a decision?"

"It's not a decision." Zhao Mian said politely, "It's just that after a brief discussion, we hope Dong Ling can show sincerity and agree to Nan Jing's three conditions."

Jia Huai hurriedly said, "Master Xiao, please speak."

Zhao Mian said: "First, I want Wanhua Meng."

This condition was reasonable. The war between the two countries was caused by Wanhua Dream, so he, as the culprit, was naturally to blame.

Jia Huai asked politely, "Master Xiao, do you want to...?"

Zhao Mian understood what Jia Huai meant: "It won't cost him his life."

Not to mention that Wan Huameng's healing skills were unmatched in the world, so it would be a pity to kill him directly. However, he still found the key clue to the Xixia treasure, and keeping him would definitely be of great use.

Jia Huai was somewhat disappointed. In his opinion, Wan Huameng had brought such great harm to Dongling that he deserved to die. Saving his life would only cause endless trouble. However, he had no right to comment on Nan Jing's decision, so he asked, "What about the second one?"

"Secondly, Dongling needs to pay for all the military pay and food for Nanjing's troops, and reduce the tariffs on Nanjing merchants' trade between the two countries. The specific amount will be determined after the Nanjing Ministry of Revenue discusses it."

This is a common tactic used by victorious countries against defeated countries throughout history. It is considered a generous gesture to only ask for compensation without asking for the cession of territory. However, Jia Huai still looked embarrassed: "This... I dare not say more. I will report everything that Lord Xiao said to the Queen Mother."

Zhao Mian nodded: "That's natural."

Jia Huai looked at the young man in front of him. He was only about the same age as his grandson, but he was able to act with ease and composure in front of him. How could one not sigh with emotion

The weak are speechless.

Jia Huai was filled with sorrow and could not vent it. He could only sigh and ask, "Excuse me, Sir Xiao, what is the last condition?"

Zhao Mian said, "Third, it's about the male and female Gu. Did Dong Ling tell Bei Yuan the formula for the antidote for the double Gu?"

Jia Huai said cautiously: "As far as I know, it has not been told yet."

"That's right." Zhao Mian nodded with satisfaction. "Then you don't have to tell me anymore. Just tell me, Nan Jing."

Jia Huai was stunned for a moment, then quickly understood what was going on - what a great strategy that killed two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, it can further provoke disputes between Dongling and Beiyuan, and on the other hand, it can grasp Beiyuan's soft spot, causing Beiyuan to be constrained by Nanjing and forced to be involved in the disputes between the two southeastern countries, making it impossible for it to stay out of the matter and reap the benefits.

It was so cold that Jia Huai was so frightened that he broke out in a sweat. "But Lord Xiao, it was the young prince of Beiyuan who was poisoned. If Dongling is unwilling to hand over the antidote formula, how can Beiyuan let us go?"

Zhao Mian smiled slightly: "This is a matter between your country and Beiyuan. It has nothing to do with Nanjing."

Jia Huai was speechless.

Marquis Anyuan, who had been listening in the side hall, couldn't help but sigh: "Our Crown Prince is really becoming more and more like Prime Minister Xiao."

Rong Tang disagreed: "But deep down, he is still the most like the emperor." He thought for a moment and said, "After Beiyuan learns of this, given the little prince's temper, he might come directly to the door to question the culprit. I would like to trouble the old marquis to be more careful and not let him disturb His Highness."

Marquis Anyuan stroked his beard and smiled, "Don't worry, Master Rong. With me and the kid from the Shen family here, not even a fly from Beiyuan can fly in."

The day before the winter solstice, it snowed heavily in Kyoto.

After a night, the snow stopped and the sky cleared up. The courtyard was covered with snow, which looked like plum blossoms and like snow. Zhou Huairang put the chessboard in the yard and played chess with His Highness in the snow.

Zhou Huairang noticed that His Highness was a little absent-minded, so he asked, "'Every festive occasion makes one miss his family even more', Your Highness, are you homesick?"

Zhao Mian said "hmm". After the winter solstice, it was New Year's Eve. He didn't go home during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he didn't know if he could spend this New Year's Eve with his family.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at his wrist. At least, he didn't want to return to Nanjing with Dong Ling's poison.

Marquis Anyuan, wearing armor and carrying a sword, was drinking wine to warm himself up. Shen Buci walked in and said, "Your Highness, old Marquis, Prince Beiheng and Lord Yi are here."

An Yuan Hou immediately drew his sword and shouted, "Where is the little king of the neighboring country?!"

Shen Buci said: "He said he wanted to see you."

This was something An Yuanhou had not expected. He could ask for an audience even after "raising an army to question the culprit". He asked Zhao Mian, "Your Highness, do you want to see me?"

Zhao Mian did not hesitate: "Tell Wei Zhenfeng that Lord Yi should stay in the front hall to drink tea."

Even if he didn't see Wei Zhenfeng now, Wei Zhenfeng would have plenty of ways to find him. It wasn't that he didn't trust An Yuanhou and Shen Buci, he just knew Wei Zhenfeng too well.

So, Wei Zhenfeng was "transferred" to the yard.

In his own territory, Zhao Mian did not change his appearance. He wore a red persimmon-colored costume with a snow-white fox fur on his face, holding a heater in one hand and a black piece in the other, looking extremely elegant and graceful. Shen Buci and An Yuanhou stood on his left and right, casting a vigilant look at Wei Zhenfeng.

Wei Zhenfeng came here in a bad mood to begin with, and after smelling the scent of the medicinal herbs, his eyes dimmed and his face was full of displeasure.

Zhou Huairang spoke for His Highness and asked, "Young Prince Xueri wants to see you, but what's the important matter?"

Wei Zhenfeng didn't waste any words and got straight to the point: "Zhao Mian, you really have a good plan."

Zhou Huairang said angrily, "How dare you address the prince by his name!"

Wei Zhenfeng sneered: "Your prince has often addressed me by my name."

Zhou Huairang asked: "How can you be compared with His Highness?"

"I really can't." Wei Zhenfeng's voice was slightly cold, "I'm not as cruel as him."

Facing Wei Zhenfeng's ridicule, Zhao Mian was quite calm. He had seen Wei Zhenfeng when he was really angry, but the current Wei Zhenfeng was far from that state. He did not have that kind of suffocating feeling of oppression, at most he was just a little unhappy about being suppressed.

Such a Wei Zhenfeng is not scary.

Zhao Mian said to Zhou Huairang and others, "You guys should leave first."

"But… "

"Don't worry," Zhao Mian looked at Wei Zhenfeng, "He doesn't dare to do anything to me."

After everyone left, Wei Zhenfeng had no more scruples. He sat down opposite Zhao Mian and spoke frankly, "Zhao Mian, do you want me to beg you to give me an antidote?"

Zhao Mian asked back: "What do you think?"

Wei Zhenfeng laughed: "If you want me to beg you, just tell me directly, Your Highness. I have kneeled to you more than once or twice, so what's the harm in kneeling one more time?"

Zhao Mian pretended to be confused even though he knew the truth: "If you want the antidote, you can put pressure on Dong Ling and see if they will give it to you."

"Oh, don't give me that." Wei Zhenfeng picked up a white piece and thought for a moment before continuing Zhou Huairang's move. "Nanjing's 100,000 elite troops are still blocking the southeastern border. If you don't let go, they won't dare to make a single move."

Zhao Mian looked at the chessboard and was surprised to find that Wei Zhenfeng made a good move and saw through the trap he had set long ago at a glance.

I didn't expect that the young prince, who has been hanging out with military officers for many years, would actually be good at chess...

"What are your conditions? Just tell me directly." Wei Zhenfeng said bluntly, "What do you want me to do? Kneel down before you, acknowledge you as my elder brother, or show you how to kill a fish?"

Zhao Mian frowned: "Who wants to watch you kill fish?"

Only then did he feel that Wei Zhenfeng was good at elegant things, and he was back to his original nature by calling him "big brother" and killing fish all the time.

Wei Zhenfeng smiled and said, "Don't you like eating fish very much?"

Zhao Mian said calmly: "Can't you see that you are reaping what you sow?"

Wei Zhenfeng raised his eyebrows: "I would like to hear the details."

Zhao Mian unhurriedly threw the chess pieces into the chess box, then slowly opened his mouth and talked about another matter: "On the fifteenth day, we did it twice."

Wei Zhenfeng was startled, not understanding why Zhao Mian suddenly brought this up: "So what."

"One time is enough to remove the poison." Zhao Mian suddenly raised his eyes and asked aggressively, "What's the matter with you sleeping with me for the second time?"

Wei Zhenfeng: “.”

Zhao Mian sneered, "Your Highness slept with me once more, and it hurt me so much. I even had a fever for two days afterwards. Do you think I won't hold it against Your Highness?"

Wei Zhenfeng was so guilty that he couldn't speak coherently: "You... I... you didn't seem to push me away at that time?"

Zhao Mian had a blank expression on his face: "I didn't push because I didn't have the strength to do so, but when you came in, I said 'no' and you ignored me."

Wei Zhenfeng apologized sincerely: "Sorry, I didn't hear it."

Zhao Mian said, "If you heard it, would you stop?"

Wei Zhenfeng was speechless, and after a while he said, "I am a man too."

Even if he could remain calm regardless of the situation, the person in his arms at that time... was Zhao Mian after all.

Please, he's already gone in, it's a little late to say no.

"I don't care who you are. After all, it only takes three months to prepare the antidote, and you just need to sleep with me three more times. After three months, whether the prince lives or dies, you have to figure it out yourself."

Zhao Mian thought he had let it go. Sleeping once is sleeping, sleeping twice is sleeping, sleeping five times is still sleeping. Instead of continuing to dwell on this, it is better to accept it generously. It was so cold, as long as Wei Zhenfeng was not as dark-skinned as Li Er, he would just treat it as finding a temporary bed warmer.

He admired Wei Zhenfeng's indescribable expression and was in a good mood: "Having said this, Your Majesty, please take care of yourself - goodbye."

Wei Zhenfeng: “.”

In the front hall, Yi Qian was pacing back and forth anxiously. He finally waited for the young prince to come out and hurriedly greeted him: "Young prince, what's the situation?"

Wei Zhenfeng shook his head, looked up at the sky and sighed: "The word lust is like a knife hanging over your head. The ancients were right."

Yi Qian was almost dying of anxiety: "Oh, please stop keeping us in suspense. What did Nan Jing say?"

Yi Qian was an old minister who had watched Wei Zhenfeng grow up, and Wei Zhenfeng was a casual person, so the two of them always spoke casually in private.

Wei Zhenfeng then told Yi Qian about Zhao Mian's use of the antidote for the male and female poison to contain him and even Bei Yuan. Of course, he concealed the details of the two times, only saying that he lost control and did some disrespectful actions towards the Nanjing East Palace, which led to the sober and rational revenge of others.

After listening to this, Yi Qian sighed, sighed, sighed, sighed again, and finally couldn't help but said: "Little Prince, tell me... tell me why you provoked him."

Wei Zhenfeng had a sad face, thinking hard: "In short, I will be pure-hearted and stay away from beauty in the future, and put state affairs first. If you look at him for one more time, I will lose. Please supervise me more, Master Yi."

(End of this chapter)