How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 57


Just after the hour of Hai, Zhou Huairang walked out of the Prince's Fengzhai tiredly.

There was something a little strange about the Crown Prince today. After returning from Ji Jinzhi's class, the Crown Prince first went to the Imperial Library, but returned in less than half an hour with a frosty face. Then he ordered me to play chess, lance, and cover shooting with him... They played for the whole afternoon.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince prefers to be alone, and he has never needed him to kill time as much as he does today. He would be happy to do it even if he died of exhaustion.

At this time, His Highness was bathing and did not need anyone to accompany him. He came out to guard His Highness at the door, and when he saw Shen Buci coming back from outside, he pulled him aside and told him about his bizarre experience in the afternoon.

"I don't know what's wrong with your highness today." Zhou Huairang was happy and puzzled, "You don't seem to be concentrating on anything you play. You lost to me three times in chess!"

Shen Buci pondered for a moment and said, "King Beiheng is also a little strange today."

Zhou Huairang's eyes widened: "What's so weird about the young prince?"

"He wants me to duel with him." Shen Buci paused, "Then let me knock him out with a sword, so that he can wake up directly until night."

Zhou Huairang: “…”

Shen Buci looked up at the full moon hanging high in the sky: "The two of them are like this, probably because it's almost the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

"Yes, this is the last time." Zhou Huairang looked at the moon and sighed, "After tonight, our prince will finally be free, and we don't have to be bound to Beiyuan for everything."

Shen Buci had a feeling that things were not that simple, but he still followed Zhou Huairang's words and said "hmm".

At this time, a sneer came from behind the two of them: "You seem to be looking forward to the night ending early."

Zhou Huairang turned around and saw the young prince. He was a little surprised why he was still wearing the school uniform of Benquan Academy. It was quite nice looking.

"That's right, little prince. After tonight, Your Highness can finally go back to Nanjing. We have been away from home for nearly a year. The swallows under the eaves of the East Palace must have laid two nests of eggs." Zhou Huairang was homesick. "My great Nanjing is a peaceful country with a clean government and no corruption. It will never have as many troubles as Beiyuan Dongling. Life there can be as comfortable as it can be."

Wei Zhenfeng smiled and said, "That sounds really nice. I want to follow you back to Nanjing and live there permanently." Wei Zhenfeng thought of something and smiled slightly, "It's a pity..."

A creaking sound interrupted the conversation of the three people, and the door of Fengzhai opened. Zhao Mian walked out and saw the three people standing in a row at the door. He asked, "What are you all doing here?"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who had just come out of the bath, was wearing the same white school uniform as the young prince. His body was as white as snow, but it could not hide the beauty of his face. He looked at everyone with an arrogant expression, and the corners of his eyes were stained with an indelible light and beauty, like a beautiful flower blooming in the snow.

There are thousands of beauties in the world, some are cool, some are gorgeous, and some are gentle, but few are as luxurious and noble as His Royal Highness. Because this requires not only impeccable appearance and bones, but also the most powerful power and background as support, so that beauties can be unscrupulously arrogant and confident.

There is only one Crown Prince in the world, and only one Zhao Mian. When Wei Zhenfeng thought about doing the most intimate thing with him, his heart was already burning with passion even before he even touched his lips to the wine.

Zhao Mian felt Wei Zhenfeng's burning gaze and didn't dare to look him in the eye. He glanced at Wei Zhenfeng hastily, only seeing the boy's rolling Adam's apple, and immediately looked away, lowered his head to tidy up his clothes that he had tidied countless times in the room, and said nonchalantly: "It's almost time, do you want to leave?"

Wei Zhenfeng recovered from the shocking beauty of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and said in a hoarse voice: "Okay."

The two turned around at the same time, their movements were a little stiff. Zhou Huairang and Shen Buci bowed behind them and said, "Farewell, Your Highness."

There was still some distance from Fengzhai where they usually lived to the place chosen by Zhao Mian for detoxification. It would take at least an incense stick of time to walk there. Zhao Mian looked straight ahead. The academy was particularly quiet at night. He could hear his own footsteps and breathing, but he could not hear Wei Zhenfeng's voice.

Why doesn't Wei Zhenfeng speak

They had a small quarrel in the afternoon. Wei Zhenfeng had argued back then, but now he was like a mute, unable to utter a word for a long time.

If it stayed this quiet all the time, he would become more and more stiff and nervous.

Damn it, such a trivial matter as going to bed had destroyed so completely the dignity of the prince that he was so proud of.

Shameful and disgraceful.

Zhao Mian couldn't understand why this happened. He was obviously not like this the first three times. He was already an expert who was fully in control of the situation, so why was he so flustered that he didn't know where to put his hands

He didn't know what kind of mood Wei Zhenfeng was in. If Wei Zhenfeng was still as relaxed and at ease as he was in the previous times, he would really be angry to death.

In order to prove that he was not the one who fell deeper, Zhao Mian planned to quietly glance at Wei Zhenfeng's expression, but he heard Wei Zhenfeng say: "The road is dark and difficult to walk on, do you want to hold hands?"

Wei Zhenfeng spoke very quickly, as if he had been thinking for a long time before he spoke, and even put a rhyme in. Zhao Mian whispered the word "want", and the boy's hand immediately wrapped around him, as if he was afraid that he would regret it.

Zhao Mian felt the warmth and moisture in his palms and said without hesitation: "Your palms are sweating."

Wei Zhenfeng lowered his eyelashes and smiled softly: "Because you made me nervous."

Knowing that he was not the only one who was nervous, Zhao Mian felt more at ease: "Don't be nervous, we are all experienced, practice makes perfect, we can do it well."

Wei Zhenfeng was silent for a moment, wondering if the meaning of the word "experienced" in Nanjing was different from that in Beiyuan.

Wei Zhenfeng held a lantern in one hand and held the hand of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the other, and walked across half of the academy and came to a remote Fengzhai.

"Is it here?" Wei Zhenfeng said.

"Yes." Zhao Mian let go of the hand that had been holding all the way and pushed open the door, "Come in."

The house was clean and warm, the sheets and quilts were all brand new, and the spotless table was filled with hot tea and pastries, enough for them to replenish their energy.

Of course, the most indispensable thing in Fengzhai is books. Zhou Huairang seemed to be worried that they would be too bored while removing the poison, so he filled the bookshelf with books, and they were all the books of sages that Zhao Mian read more often.

After washing their hands, they stood face to face in front of the bed, and another period of stalemate began.

An arrogant prince and a young and frivolous prince, at this moment, their arrogance and arrogance are gone, and both of them don't look very smart.

The room was getting warmer and warmer, to the point of being hot, and the boys' cheeks were gradually turning red.

The first one who couldn't hold back was Wei Zhenfeng. He asked tentatively, "Shall we start?"

Zhao Mian's cheeks were burning, and he said as proudly as possible: "Okay."

After counting on his fingers, the time of one month is finally coming, but Wei Zhenfeng dare not be anxious. It seems that if he gets anxious, everything will end quickly, just like a dream, and he will wake up accidentally.

Wei Zhenfeng took two steps forward and looked at Zhao Mian's jade-like face. He wanted Zhao Mian to relax, and even more so, he wanted himself to relax: "Then give me a kiss first?"

Now not only his cheeks, Zhao Mian's lips were also burning: "Hurry up, I don't want to wait until midnight and suffer from the poison again."

Wei Zhenfeng couldn't help but smile: "Yes, Your Highness."

Zhao Mian saw Wei Zhenfeng lowering his head towards him, but he did not rush to kiss his lips. Instead, he held his hand first.

In a state of panic, Wei Zhenfeng's face was very close to him. The pair of breathtaking teardrop moles enlarged in front of his eyes again, and the heat of his palms and lips increased. While intertwining their fingers, Wei Zhenfeng kissed his lips.

It was far from being a passionate kiss, and was completely different from their previous kisses that were born out of passion. It was gentle with a hint of immaturity, but it moved Zhao Mian more than any other time.

Zhao Mian closed his eyes, feeling the clean and refreshing breath from Wei Zhenfeng's body. His body softened uncontrollably. The hands held by Wei Zhenfeng, supporting his legs, and even his waist lost strength.

Wei Zhenfeng seemed to notice his change and promptly put his other hand around his waist.

The kiss lasted for a long time, so long that Zhao Mian almost couldn't breathe, and Wei Zhenfeng let him go.

Zhao Mian slowly opened his eyes and faced a deep dark pool. His shadow was reflected in the water - it was Wei Zhenfeng looking at him.

Their eyes met, and the hand around his waist suddenly tightened. When he was about to do something else, there was a hurried knock on the door.

"Sir? Sir, are you in there?"

Zhao Mian woke up as if from a dream, and opened his eyes wide in shock. Wei Zhenfeng was also startled, with extreme displeasure in his eyes.

Is this... Bai Yu's voice

He did not bring Bai Yu with him on this trip to Benquan Academy. Without his order, Bai Yu would never act on his own, unless...

Zhao Mian's heart suddenly sank, and Wei Zhenfeng's face looked equally ugly. He should have also thought of the reason why Bai Yu rushed here in such a hurry.

Why now? Why not later

He didn't want to pay attention to Bai Yu. He wanted to pretend that he didn't hear it. He didn't want to get rid of the poison.

When this crazy idea came up, Zhao Mian couldn't believe what he was thinking.

How could he think like that? Just because of the Gu in his body, he and Wei Zhenfeng had caused so many troubles, and he hadn't been home for so long. It was so hard to get rid of it, so why was he not ecstatic, but anxious and angry, and even wanted to lose his temper

He couldn't be so irrational.

Before impulse overcame reason, Zhao Mian forced himself to pull himself away from his desire and asked, "What's the matter?" After asking, he was still expecting Bai Yu to look for him for something else.

Bai Yu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard his response: "Your Highness, I have finally found the antidote after much haste! Are you surprised? Are you surprised? If you and the young prince take the antidote, the poison in your body will be completely cured!"

The last glimmer of hope was gone. Zhao Mian closed his eyes and said to Wei Zhenfeng, "Let go. I'll go open the door."

Wei Zhenfeng looked at him for a while with an unclear expression, and whispered, "I'll go."

Zhao Mian felt the hand on his waist and the hand holding him leave him at the same time, Wei Zhenfeng left him and walked towards the door. He heard the sound of the door opening, followed by the conversation between Wei Zhenfeng and Bai Yu.

"How do I take the antidote?"

"Just take it directly. Little Prince, is our Highness okay?"

"you can go now."

"Eh? Wait—"

The door slammed shut, and Wei Zhenfeng returned to him with a porcelain bottle. Without saying a word, he quickly poured out two antidotes from the bottle and swallowed one without hesitation. Then, he handed the other one to Zhao Mian.

Zhao Mian stared at the antidote lying quietly in the boy's palm and suddenly became furious.

Wei Zhenfeng used the antidote so quickly, was he impatient to end it

He is really cool and carefree. He can take it or leave it. He is worthy of being Wei Zhenfeng.

Zhao Mian took a deep breath, picked up the antidote and put it in his mouth.

The moment he swallowed the antidote, Zhao Mian asked himself: Is it over

Is it destined that he can only sleep with Wei Zhenfeng four times in his life

He doesn't want it.

There is no reason why Prince Nanjing cannot get what he wants.

Zhao Mian's eyes darkened, and he was about to order Wei Zhenfeng to take off his clothes, when suddenly his feet felt light, and he was picked up by Wei Zhenfeng.

The Crown Prince, who lost his balance, instinctively wrapped his legs around the boy's waist and his lips were blocked again.

Wei Zhenfeng was like a dying hungry wolf, kissing Zhao Mian domineeringly and forcefully. Zhao Mian trembled all over, but he still clung to the boy's shoulders tightly and kissed him back eagerly.

It turned out that Wei Zhenfeng was not unhurried, but was more anxious than him.

The innocence and youthfulness of not long ago were gone. Zhao Mian's back hit the bookshelf filled with sage books, and several books fell to the ground with a dull sound, but he didn't feel any pain at all - Wei Zhenfeng's hand on his back helped him block all the pain.

The emotions that had been suppressed for so long and then forced to be interrupted burst out at this moment, hundreds and thousands of times more intense than the tenderness just now.

It’s so comfortable, it’s so comfortable to be hugged by Wei Zhenfeng, it’s so comfortable to kiss Wei Zhenfeng.

They should have pushed Wei Zhenfeng away. The poison had been resolved, so there was no reason for them to continue.

However, he had waited for so long, endured so much, and thought about it all day. He had to admit that he wanted Wei Zhenfeng, whether he was poisoned or not.

There were layers of pure white school uniforms between the two of them. Zhao Mian reached out and tried to unbutton Wei Zhenfeng's collar. He had never been so anxious as he was now, so anxious that his fingertips were trembling: "I can't unbutton it, Wei Zhenfeng, I can't unbutton it..."

"No need to take it off." Wei Zhenfeng didn't want to waste time taking off his clothes, or even going to bed, "Kiss me again."

Being held like this by Wei Zhenfeng, Zhao Mian became the taller one. He lowered his head and kissed the boy's teardrops twice, then offered his lips and took in his favorite scent from Wei Zhenfeng.

Zhao Mian's whole body was hot. He was immersed in it and left all the tedious preparations to Wei Zhenfeng. When he came to his senses, he found himself kneeling in front of the bookshelf, with his long white clothes piled up at his waist and books scattered around him.

A copy of the Book of Rites suddenly came into view. The Crown Prince suddenly remembered his identity. His expression suddenly changed. He turned back and glared at Wei Zhenfeng, accusing him, "No, I don't want to kneel."

Wei Zhenfeng lifted up his skirt, came over from behind him, held the back of his hand and coaxed him: "Don't be angry, I'll kneel with you."

At some point, the red lines on their wrists disappeared, but their fingers were still intertwined, as if they were tightly wrapped together by an invisible red rope.

(End of this chapter)