How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 68


Wei Zhenfeng had put a lot of effort into this trip to the capital. He knew that he couldn't hide in the East Palace forever, and he would definitely be discovered by Xiao Xiang. To put it more exaggeratedly, Xiao Xiang might have already known his whereabouts since he entered Nanjing.

Therefore, he prepared a generous gift early in the morning and ordered people to bring it all the way from Shengjing to Shangjing, while he himself rode a fast horse ahead. He had been hanging out with Zhao Mian in the East Palace for five whole days before several carts of generous gifts were delivered.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was busy with government affairs, and Zhou Huairang followed the young prince out of the palace to bring the gifts in. Zhou Huairang looked at the carts of treasures, which looked like he was going to propose marriage, and jokingly asked, "Has the storehouse in the young prince's palace been emptied again?"

"Although you probably rarely hear such words, you are right." Wei Zhenfeng looked up at the magnificent palace complex in Nanjing and sighed faintly: "Unfortunately, even if I emptied the Beiyuan Palace, the things I took out might not be pleasing to Prime Minister Xiao and His Majesty."

Wei Zhenfeng and Zhou Huairang returned to the East Palace and keenly noticed that the atmosphere in the East Palace was not right. It seemed to be much more depressed than the previous few days. The atmosphere in the East Palace always depended on the mood of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. In other words, Zhao Mian was in a bad mood today.

Zhou Huairang pointed the finger at the target: "Little Prince, how did you provoke our Highness again?"

Wei Zhenfeng looked innocent: "I didn't do anything."

If I must say something, it is that he knew that Zhao Mian had to attend the morning court today, but he still pulled Zhao Mian to do something when he woke up in the morning, and then deliberately said that he would not clean up for him, and made the dignified Prince Regent go to the court with his thing in his mouth.

But this was really just another time when he was rude. Afterwards, not only did he clean up carefully for Zhao Mian, but he was also kicked off the bed by Zhao Mian. Zhao Mian should not be angry about such a small thing.

Wei Zhenfeng found Zhao Mian in the study.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had just returned from the morning court and was now sitting behind the desk, holding a pen in his hand but not writing a single word for a long time. I wonder what he was thinking about so intently.

"What's wrong, Zhao Mian?" Wei Zhenfeng hugged Zhao Mian from behind and touched his head. "Who made you unhappy?"

Zhao Mian was indeed not as energetic as he was a few days ago. His bad mood came from the fact that today was Wei Zhenfeng's fifth day in the East Palace - half of the time he and Wei Zhenfeng could spend together day and night had already passed.

These five days passed so fast that it frightened him. He originally thought that ten days was a long time, enough for him and Wei Zhenfeng to do many things, but he realized that Wei Zhenfeng had just arrived and he didn't have time to take Wei Zhenfeng for a good stroll in Shangjing City. Wei Zhenfeng had not experienced even one percent of the good things in Nanjing before he left.

This feeling is like when he was a child in school, there was a holiday he had been looking forward to for a long time. Finally, the holiday came, and it was better than he had imagined. He should have enjoyed it wholeheartedly, but in the second half of the holiday, he became anxious and nostalgic because the end of the holiday was getting closer and closer.

Fortunately, this little sadness is harmless and can be suppressed. It is not worth saying it out loud and making Wei Zhenfeng feel depressed with him.

So, when Wei Zhenfeng hugged him and asked him what happened today and what made him unhappy, he said: "... You are leaving soon."

He understood the truth, and if someone else asked him he might just say "I'm fine" lightly, but when Wei Zhenfeng asked him he couldn't help but tell the truth.

Wei Zhenfeng laughed and said, "How can it be 'immediately'? Isn't it still five days away?"

Zhao Mian said softly, "Five days passed quickly."

Wei Zhenfeng felt that the days with Zhao Mian passed by too fast, but for the sake of the overall situation, he had to leave. He didn't know how to comfort Zhao Mian, so he simply used sarcasm: "So, you can't bear to leave me?"

Zhao Mian nodded.

"Hey, I don't know who said the other day, 'I think it's still bearable,'" Wei Zhenfeng said sarcastically, "What about 'there are so many government affairs on weekdays, March has passed in a flash, and I have been quite calm.'"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's expression instantly dropped.

Wei Zhenfeng imitated Zhao Mian's strong tone perfectly: "That man seemed to have said that if I disregarded the overall situation for a 'little' love affair, I would not be worthy of his bed."

"Very good, Wei Zhenfeng." Zhao Mian felt that most of the sadness in his heart disappeared. "I don't think I'll be so reluctant to see you go when you say that."

This is true. Wei Zhenfeng is definitely not a perfect "Crown Princess". Putting aside his appearance, he is too casual and free-spirited. He seeks adventure and excitement in his behavior. He is always irritating. How can he be in charge of the palace? Even if we put aside his temperament, the fact that he is from the Beiyuan royal family means that being with him will definitely cause troubles and you will be apart more often than you are together.

But even though Wei Zhenfeng has so many shortcomings, I still like him.

Zhao Mian was silent for a moment, then said, "Wei Zhenfeng."

Wei Zhenfeng smiled and said, "Hmm?"

Zhao Mian said arrogantly, "Call me 'Mian Mian' and I will listen."

The Crown Prince's request was so sudden that Wei Zhenfeng was a little confused: "... What?"

"Given our current relationship, you can call me Xiaoming."

Wei Zhenfeng showed a hesitant look: "This is really embarrassing, I'm shy."

Zhao Mian was so angry that he laughed: "You feel shy at this time, why don't you feel shy in bed?"

"That's different." Wei Zhenfeng said carefully, "Wouldn't it be a bit corny for two men to call each other by nicknames?"

Zhao Mian felt that his tenderness was wasted: "Father wants to call me Gu Gu but I'm not happy about it. Wei Zhenfeng, you're so good. Will you call me that if I let you?"

"If you say that, I can't scream even more." Wei Zhenfeng said seriously, "Otherwise, if your father finds out, he won't tolerate me."

Zhao Mian said coldly: "Very good. Why don't you pack up your things and go back tomorrow..."


It was really hard to guard against Wei Zhenfeng's cry. He was so shy and reluctant to call out just a moment ago, but now he called out so naturally that even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was stunned.

Wei Zhenfeng's voice was pleasant to hear, with a clear and refreshing tone, but now it carried a hint of indulgence, and seemed to have matured a lot.

Zhao Mian's face was visibly flushed, but his tone remained calm and calm: "Yeah."

Wei Zhenfeng wanted to laugh at the fact that the Crown Prince seemed to be high and mighty, but in fact he liked to be hugged, kissed, and called by his nickname. However, when he saw that the other party was so happy because of his "Mianmian" but was trying to maintain his dignity, his heartbeat accelerated, his Adam's apple rolled, and he smiled, "Zhao Mian, have I told you that I like you very much?"

"Do you need to tell me this?" Zhao Mian said contemptuously, "Zhou Huairang and Zhao Lin can see it."

Zhao Mian met Wei Zhenfeng's eyes and had a feeling that he would add another entry to his notebook. In fact, except for the first night of their reunion, they were quite restrained. The fourth "positive" in the notebook was just written this morning. They just slept under the quilt last night. Zhao Mian himself would not believe it if he told others about it. Of course, he would not tell others.

"We have to have lunch with the fathers at noon." Zhao Mian reminded Wei Zhenfeng, and also reminded himself, "Don't be so annoying."

As soon as Zhao Mian mentioned his fathers, Wei Zhenfeng immediately became calm and indifferent. He leaned over and buried his aching head in Zhao Mian's shoulder: "It's too hard in Nanjing. Look, I'll go back to Beiyuan overnight."

Zhao Mian said coldly: "I won't watch it."

(End of this chapter)