How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 70


That night, they both let their emotions overcome their reason.

Knowing that one more night would not change anything, knowing that they would still have to face the same farewell when they woke up tomorrow morning, Wei Zhenfeng still stayed.

He carried Zhao Mian to take a bath, helped him put on his clothes, dried his hair, put him in the quilt, and then got in himself.

The two of them lay side by side, facing each other, looking at each other's faces, breathing intertwined, and talking intermittently, until their eyelids grew heavy and sleepiness took over.

Zhao Mian didn't know when Wei Zhenfeng left. When he opened his eyes again, there was no trace of Wei Zhenfeng beside his pillow. He was stunned for a long time, slowly stretched out his hand, and touched the soft pillow where Wei Zhenfeng had slept, but he could only feel a coldness.

This time, Wei Zhenfeng really left. He probably left after he fell asleep.

The pens, ink, papers and inkstones that he had thrown all over the floor when he lost his temper last night were all cleaned up, leaving no traces on the floor.

The East Palace seemed to be much emptier and deserted than usual, and his heart seemed to feel empty as well.

Fortunately, this gap did not affect his normal life. He clearly remembered his schedule for the day. He had to... go and pay his respects to his father first.

Zhao Mian came to his father's bedroom, Yonghua Palace, and had breakfast with his two fathers.

The sleeping palace of the emperors of Nanjing in all dynasties was Yonghua Palace, and Zhao Qi was no exception. After Zhao Mian ascended the throne, Yonghua Palace should have become his sleeping palace.

During the meal, Zhao Qi mentioned the matter of moving the palace: "I have made up my mind, Mianmian. After you ascend the throne, I will accompany your grandmother to Yanhe Garden to live for a while. Your grandmother always wanted to take the little princess to her place to raise her, saying that we men can't raise a girl. I am convinced."

Yanhe Garden is the royal garden of Nanjing, with pleasant scenery and beautiful views, which is most suitable for retirement or recuperation. The garden is next to the imperial palace, and moving there will not delay Xiao Shiqing's going to and from court. If Zhao Mian misses his father and sister, it is also convenient for the family to have a small gathering from time to time.

Zhao Qi looked at the palace where he had lived for twenty years, and he sighed: "After I move out, Yonghua Palace will be yours."

Zhao Mian said: "Father, I don't want to move to Yonghua Palace."

From childhood to adulthood, Yonghua Palace has always been the residence of his fathers in his heart. When the word "Yonghua" is mentioned, he will think of his father and father. This place carries too many memories of family affection from his childhood and youth, and he does not want to destroy these memories.

Zhao Qi was surprised and asked, "Why? Is it because my taste is too bad and you don't like it? That's easy. You can renovate Yonghua Palace."

The emperor's taste is indeed extraordinary. There are many strange and bizarre things in Yonghua Palace that ordinary people cannot understand. Zhao Mian said, "I have my eyes on other palaces. Yonghua Palace can be left empty. When the emperor returns to the palace, he can continue to live there. If the emperor wants to stay overnight in the palace when state affairs are busy, he does not need to find another place."

"Okay." Zhao Qi said with a smile, "You are the most powerful in the palace, you have the final say."

After breakfast, Zhao Qi took the little princess for a walk, while Zhao Mian and Xiao Shiqing walked towards the Qinzheng Palace.

On the way, the father and son roughly drew up a list of people who would accompany Zhao Lin to leave Beijing to destroy the Tianque Sect. In addition to Marquis Anyuan, there were several brave, resourceful and experienced veterans from the Qianji Academy. As long as Zhao Lin was not stupid enough to give himself up, he should not be in danger.

Zhao Mian asked: "When does father want A Lin to leave?"

"The sooner the better." Xiao Shiqing said, "According to Ji Jinzhi, the power of the Tianque Sect is likely beyond our imagination. If we delay for one more day, there may be hundreds or even thousands of people bewitched by the Tianque Sect."

Zhao Mian said softly: "My brother is leaving too."

First it was Wei Zhenfeng, then his father and grandmother who were about to move to Yanhe Garden, and now it’s his younger brother who has just returned to Beijing not long ago.

It seemed like he suddenly grew up overnight.

His father stopped and looked at him sharply: "Are you worried about something?"

Zhao Mian remained silent. He knew that his father could see what was on his mind, but how could he tell his father what was on his mind

His father was always strong and calm, and his irrational feelings of separation were not pleasing to his father.

"Is it because of Wei Zhenfeng?" Xiao Shiqing said, "He left Beijing last night."

Zhao Mian was stunned. He didn't expect his father to bring up this matter on his own initiative.

He didn't say yes, nor did he say no. He looked up at the plaque on the Qinzheng Hall not far away and asked, "Father, can I... can I be a good emperor?"

Xiao Shiqing frowned and said, "You have always been so confident, why do you suddenly ask this?"

Zhao Mian was speechless: "Maybe it's because I'm about to ascend the throne, I feel a little uneasy."

Xiao Shiqing looked at him: "You can."

His father's words were always the most powerful. Zhao Mian smiled with relief, but when he thought about how he lost control last night, his smile faded: "But I can't seem to be able to stay awake and restrained all the time. What if I do something that damages the emperor's dignity in the future..."

Xiao Shiqing said: "Since you are already the emperor, who dares to blame you?"

Zhao Mian pursed his lips: "I will blame myself."

I blame myself for being trapped in love, blame myself for falling deeper and deeper, blame myself for not being able to devote 100% of my energy to Nan Jing.

Xiao Shiqing was silent for a moment, and said: "You have to know that love is never something that can be treated rationally."

Zhao Mian was surprised: "...Father?"

"When you like someone, you will have many irrational emotions. You will have wild thoughts, you will be lost, you will be suspicious, you will want to stay with him forever, you will have a strong desire to monopolize him, and you will feel distressed because of his grievances." Xiao Shiqing paused, "These are all normal. No one can love another person completely soberly."

Zhao Mian would never have thought that one day he would be at the gate of Qinzheng Hall, talking with his most rational father about the loss of control of liking someone.

He knew that his father and the emperor had a good relationship, but even so, his father was still absolutely sober and rational in his heart. He always believed that his father was more suitable for the position of a king than his father.

However, his father told him that he understood his loss of control and there was nothing to blame himself for, as everyone was the same.

Is it really everyone

Zhao Mian couldn't help but ask: "Including you, father?"

Xiao Shiqing smiled and told him: "Including me."

If he wanted to be heartbroken over Wei Zhenfeng, he could be so openly heartbroken. It was not shameful at all to let his imagination run wild or to be suspicious.

Although he was sensitive, he was never suspicious, because he knew that Wei Zhenfeng would never look down on others. He didn't know what his father had gone through that had caused him to have such a suspicious and insecure feeling.

Zhao Mian curled his lips and smiled: "I understand, father."

"I made you independent since you were young so that you could be strong and self-reliant, and you have already done it. As for love, it has always been beyond our control. You and I are both mortals, so how can we be an exception?" Xiao Shiqing raised his hand and placed it on his son's shoulder. "You will be a good emperor, Mianmian."

At the beginning of July, early autumn had arrived, but the remaining heat had not yet dissipated, and the scorching sun was even hotter than in midsummer. There had been no rain in the suburbs of Beijing for a month, and the drought had begun to show. The court allocated silver for disaster relief, and the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace also cut the expenses for the coronation ceremony. Fortunately, the drought-affected land was not large, and the court was in a state of full treasury. Compared with the increasingly serious Tianque Sect incident, the drought in the suburbs of Beijing could only be regarded as a minor matter.

As the day of Zhao Mian's enthronement drew closer, he became busier and busier, so busy that he had no time to argue with Wei Zhenfeng about why he hadn't written to him for so long.

There has been no news from Qianjiyuan that the legitimate son of King Beiyuan Ying has been found. Wei Zhenfeng should still be busy with this matter, and he may not be able to get away to attend his coronation ceremony for the time being.

On this day, the Fashion Bureau delivered the dragon robe and tiara that the new emperor would wear at the coronation ceremony, and asked His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to try them on in advance. If there were any places that did not fit, the Fashion Bureau would have a few days left to make modifications.

For the first time in his life, Zhao Mian put on the dragon robe and suddenly felt a sense of reality - he was going to ascend the throne, and from now on he would no longer be the Prince of Nanjing, but the Emperor of Nanjing; when he arrogantly called himself, he would no longer be "I", but "I".

The crown was embroidered with nine lifelike golden dragons, which looked down at the world with bared fangs and claws, looking majestic and powerful; the pearl tassels on the crown hung down on the front and back, and although the tassels blocked the eyes, the dragon's shape could not be seen.

The dragon robe was indeed his dream robe, it made him look so majestic. Everything was perfect, except...

Zhao Mian looked down at his belly and hesitated: "Zhou Huairang, have I gained some weight?"

"No way?" Zhou Huairang stared at the Crown Prince's belly, "No, Your Highness, this dragon robe looks very suitable for him."

Zhao Mian carefully felt the tightness of his abdomen: "It might be my illusion."

He had a slight bloating feeling in his lower abdomen in recent days, as if he had slept with Wei Zhenfeng five times and didn't clean up every time, so it felt like everything was piled up in his stomach.

The eunuch from the clothing bureau asked, "If your highness feels it's tight, can you ask the clothing bureau to loosen your waist a little?"

Zhao Mian's expression changed slightly: "You mean, my waist has also become thicker?"

The eunuch knelt down hurriedly: "I dare not."

Bai Yu was thinking. The weather has been too hot recently, and everyone has a poor appetite, including His Highness. He drank half a bowl of cold porridge for lunch and put down his chopsticks. If this person can get fat, how can there be thin people in the world

"Your Highness, may I take your pulse?" Bai Yu said with a smile, "You have been busy preparing for your ascension to the throne, and your pulse has slipped away several times."

Zhao Mian was a little unhappy: "As soon as I put on the dragon robe, the imperial physician will check my pulse." This is not a good sign.

Bai Yu asked, "Then Your Highness, please take off your dragon robe and examine me again?"

Zhao Mian was reluctant to take it off, and said calmly: "No need." He sat down at the table and stretched out his hand to Bai Yu: "Come on."

Zhao Mian recently felt that he had a loss of appetite, fatigue and lethargy, but he would have these symptoms every summer. Zhao Lin was afraid of heat and his symptoms were more serious than his. He often hugged ice cubes to survive in the summer, so he didn't take his slight discomfort too seriously.

Zhao Mian waited for a while and asked, "How is it?"

Judging from Bai Yu's calm expression, there shouldn't be any big problem.

Bai Yu was indeed very calm. She calmly took her hand away, calmly straightened the sleeves of the dragon robe for His Highness, and then smiled calmly: "Your Highness, I am in good health, there is nothing wrong."

Zhao Mian nodded: "Very good."

Bai Yu calmly turned around and said to the palace servants in the room, "You guys leave first."

Zhao Mian frowned slightly but did not stop Bai Yu from giving orders. He knew that Bai Yu must have her reasons for doing so.

Zhou Huairang asked stupidly, "What is Doctor Bai going to do?"

Bai Yu said, "You go out too."

Zhou Huairang looked at Zhao Mian in confusion: "Me? I want to go out too???"

Is this something that even Zhou Huairang can’t listen to

Zhao Mian realized the seriousness of the problem and said, "Everyone get out first."

Zhou Huairang left feeling quite hurt.

After everyone left, the eldest sister of the East Palace could no longer remain calm. Her feet went weak and she fell into a chair, muttering, "Your Highness, you love him so much..."

Zhao Mian's heart skipped a beat. How could the doctor have been so frightened that his legs went weak after taking his pulse

Is he beyond help

Zhao Mian was a little flustered by Bai Yu: "What's the matter? Just tell me what you want to say."

Bai Yu suddenly grabbed Zhao Mian's wrist, his voice trembling: "Your Highness, tell me, have you taken the secret medicine of Dongling - the secret medicine for having a child?"

"What?" Zhao Mian said coldly, "Why would I use that kind of thing?"

Bai Yu's face turned pale: "If not, why are you pregnant?"

(End of this chapter)