How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 74


When Wei Zhenfeng arrived, everyone present had different reactions.

The envoys from Dongling and the small countries in Nanyang all showed fear. It was only three years since the fall of the Western Xia, and they had not forgotten how cruelly this young prince had dealt the Western Xia the final blow. Beiyuan's wolfish ambitions were known to everyone, and they might become the next Western Xia.

Some envoys from Shengjing in Beiyuan were surprised to see the prince. The prince had disappeared for three months, and no one knew where he had gone. He suddenly appeared in Nanjing Shangjing. Could he be carrying out some secret mission again

As for the civil and military officials in Nanjing, most of them were curious about and admired Wei Zhenfeng. Many of them were old officials who had seen the young Wei Zhenfeng. Seven years later, the former young prince had become a handsome young man, and His Majesty, who was the same age as him, had gradually shed his youthfulness and become a truly independent king.

But whether out of fear, surprise, curiosity or admiration, no one dared to talk or discuss privately in front of the new Emperor Nanjing, except Zhao Lin, who had just become King Jing.

His Royal Highness Prince Jing muttered "Why is it here again?", but was glanced at by Prime Minister Xiao and immediately shut up.

Throughout the whole day of the coronation ceremony, Zhao Mian had a blank expression on his face. However, when he saw Wei Zhenfeng, his expression froze for a short time, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he soon returned to normal.

Wei Zhenfeng is here... and he knows how to come.

When did Wei Zhenfeng come? How long had he been here? If he had arrived early in the morning, he didn't believe that Wei Zhenfeng would have waited until now to see him. So Wei Zhenfeng must have arrived today.

It would have been better if Wei Zhenfeng had arrived in the morning. At that time, he would be in the best condition and have the most momentum. He would have looked very good in the dragon robe. Now, he was tired and hungry, and his complexion was probably not much better. The majesty of the emperor was greatly reduced.

The reason why he was so hungry was because he was pregnant with the child of the person in front of him.

In the final analysis, it was still Wei Zhenfeng's fault. If he had come a day earlier, he wouldn't have to stay awake alone last night.

Zhao Mian stared at Wei Zhenfeng intently.

Wei Zhenfeng...really came.

Very good.

"I was wondering who it was. It turned out to be the King of Beiheng." Zhao Mian believed that the way he looked at Wei Zhenfeng was no different from the way he looked at other people. "Indeed, I hope you are well."

The young man's eyes sparkled, but his gaze towards Emperor Nanjing was not at all humble: "Your Majesty is a man of great talent and strategy, and you have conquered the world. Now that you have ascended to the throne, I, a foreign minister, have come to pay my respects to your Majesty."

Never mind what Wei Zhenfeng was thinking of doing to the king sitting on the dragon throne at this moment. Just judging from his wording, even the most ceremonial old censors in Nanjing could not find fault with it.

Zhao Mian was used to the willful and capricious Wei Zhenfeng, and he felt like laughing at Wei Zhenfeng who spoke so elegantly.

It's not easy for him to pretend to be so good in public, even though he can say anything rude in bed.

It's not just Wei Zhenfeng who needs to pretend, but also Emperor Nanjing himself.

"I see what the prince is thinking." Zhao Mian said calmly, "What is Beiyuan's intention?"

Wei Zhenfeng knew that the Jinghong Sword had been delivered to Zhao Mian. He presented the gift list to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, please take a look."

Among the gifts that Beiyuan presented to Emperor Nanjing, the most precious were the six carefully selected Ferghana horses. The reason why Beiyuan's cavalry was unrivaled in the world was closely related to their war horses that could travel a thousand miles a day. Ferghana horses were unique to Beiyuan, and Nanjing had been coveting them for a long time. A few years ago, Qianjiyuan even planned to secretly steal a batch of stallions from Beiyuan, but when they were about to succeed, they were accidentally discovered and had to give up reluctantly.

Now that Nanjing has obtained these six horses, they can mate with local war horses to produce improved war horses in the future. The improvement of Nanjing cavalry is just around the corner.

Dongling sent medicine and horses, showing their sincerity. For these two countries, Nanjing will not be a challenge for the next few decades or even a hundred years.

Zhao Mian was quite satisfied with the gift: "Beiyuan is thoughtful."

Wei Zhenfeng smiled and said, "As long as your majesty likes it."

After the ceremony, Emperor Nanjing held a banquet in Haiyan Palace.

The emperor, who had been hungry for a day, could finally start eating. No matter how hungry he was, his eating movements were still elegant. Coupled with the exquisite state banquet of Nanjing and his own national beauty, it was like a pleasing painting, which stunned someone sitting at the table.

Zhao Lin almost broke his hands by waving them in front of Wei Zhenfeng, but Wei Zhenfeng remained motionless, without moving his eyes at all.

Zhao Lin couldn't help but ask: "Are you blind?"

"I'm not blind." Wei Zhenfeng said lazily, "I just don't want to bother with you. You delayed me from seeing your newly enthroned emperor. He's really beautiful, isn't he?"

"It's not for you to see even if it looks good." Zhao Lin couldn't stand seeing the people of Beiyuan coveting his brother, so he said unhappily, "How long will you stay in Shangjing this time?"

Wei Zhenfeng answered casually: "I don't know yet."

"You will die of heat if you stay here for too long." Zhao Lin gloated, "Now is the hottest season in Shangjing. I am waiting for you to return to Beiyuan in the heat."

Wei Zhenfeng caught a glimpse of Xiao Xiang walking towards them and quickly stood up: "Xiao Xiang."

He stood up too quickly and his body swayed slightly.

Xiao Shiqing noticed his abnormality: "What's wrong with you?"

Wei Zhenfeng laughed and said, "Maybe I didn't sleep well after traveling for several days. I'm sorry to make the Prime Minister laugh at me."

Xiao Shiqing asked: "Is the matter done?"

"Okay." Wei Zhenfeng said, "A-Si should have returned to my sixth uncle safely now."

The Tianque Sect would certainly have people keep a close eye on Wei Chengsi. If there was any unusual movement, Wei Chengsi would be their best hostage. The worst outcome would be that they would all perish together.

It is not difficult to encircle and suppress the Tianque Sect. Anyone can do it as long as they have enough military power. The difficult part is to rescue an ignorant child from the Tianque Sect and ensure his safety.

For the first time, Xiao Shiqing expressed his approval of Wei Zhenfeng: "Not bad."

Zhao Lin protested anxiously, "Dad!"

What's going on? Is he the only one in the family who objects to this marriage? !

Zhao Lin's voice was too loud. Zhao Mian heard his voice and looked at Wei Zhenfeng and others. Coincidentally, An Yuanhou found Wei Zhenfeng with a wine glass and said cheerfully: "My young prince, it's been a long time since we parted in the desert!"

Wei Zhenfeng raised his eyebrows: "I am almost twenty years old now, can I forget about the word 'little' Marquis? The Second Prince is the real 'little' prince."

"Let's talk about sparring, but forget about drinking." Wei Zhenfeng said politely, "I don't drink now."

Zhao Mian silently withdrew his gaze.

It's strange, he doesn't drink because of the children, and what is Wei Zhenfeng's reason for it

It was almost time to leave the banquet, and no one dared to move until the emperor did not move. Zhao Mian left the table first: "I have some memorials to read, so I will return to Yongning Palace first. My dear ministers, continue." After saying this, he glanced at Wei Zhenfeng vaguely. Wei Zhenfeng also looked at him, raised the corner of his mouth, and bowed his head with the others: "Farewell, Your Majesty."

On the way back to Yongning Palace, Zhao Mian deliberately slowed down his pace and leisurely fed the koi in the lotus pond. When he returned to Yongning Palace, Bai Yu was eagerly looking at the palace gate. Seeing him coming back, he quickly stepped forward and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, the prince is here."

"He's quite quick." Zhao Mian said calmly, "Where is he now?"

"I asked the prince to wait in the inner hall." Bai Yu said, "The prince seemed to be very sleepy and lay down on the dragon couch as soon as he arrived."

The emperor's bedroom was just renovated yesterday, but Wei Zhenfeng got to enjoy it before the emperor had time to enjoy it.

"Have the palace maids and eunuchs wait in the outer hall." Zhao Mian said, "No one is allowed to enter unless summoned."

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhao Mian paused and asked, "How do I look? Is the dragon robe wrinkled?"

Bai Yu praised sincerely: "Your Majesty is extraordinary and majestic, and your dragon robe is not wrinkled at all."

Having said that, Zhao Mian still carefully straightened his clothes before entering the inner hall.

The bedroom was luxurious and noble. Zhao Mian gathered his concentration and raised his hand to open the bright yellow gauze curtain.

But Wei Zhenfeng was sitting on the dragon couch in a relaxed posture. When his eyes met his, he smiled lazily: "Your Majesty is here. Your Majesty, rest assured. I missed you so much."

His Majesty was not happy with this attitude. "I haven't seen you for three months, Your Majesty has become bolder," Zhao Mian said coldly, "You didn't even show respect to me when you saw me."

Wei Zhenfeng propped up his chin and looked at him with a smile: "Didn't we do this in Taichen Palace?"

"Not enough." Zhao Mian ordered, "Come here."

Wei Zhenfeng walked towards him and pretended to complain: "It's different now that you're on the throne, Zhao Mian. Tell me, what kind of ceremony do you want me to perform - kneeling ceremony?"

"It's not these gifts." Zhao Mian was arrogant and proud, "Your gift is to carry me to bed."

Wei Zhenfeng's heart was beating wildly, but he said, "I don't really want to be hugged, can I carry you on my back instead?"

Zhao Mian refused without a second thought: "No, I want you to hug me."

Wei Zhenfeng laughed: "Okay, okay, I'll try."

Zhao Mian opened his arms, waiting for Wei Zhenfeng to pick him up. Unexpectedly, Wei Zhenfeng walked up to him, looked him up and down for a while, and hesitated: "Do you really have to hold me?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Mian's face darkened and he looked at Wei Zhenfeng with frosty eyes, his eyes full of warnings, "How dare you not hug me? Wei Zhenfeng, am I giving you too much face?"

Wei Zhenfeng's eyes were filled with a fiery light. He looked at him for a long time before sighing, "Sorry, Mianmian, I really can't hold you tonight. I... am a little tired."

Zhao Mian suddenly realized something was wrong: "What?"

Wei Zhenfeng smiled apologetically: "Don't think I'm useless. I was just careless for a moment and got slightly injured. I won't do it again next time."

Zhao Mian suddenly opened his eyes wide. His sense of smell, which became more sensitive after his pregnancy, made him smell a rusty smell on Wei Zhenfeng.

At the same time, Wei Zhenfeng seemed to be unable to hold on any longer and slowly closed his eyes.

He just watched Wei Zhenfeng fall down in front of him. Zhao Mian instinctively reached out and caught Wei Zhenfeng. His body could not support the weight of two people, so he had to kneel on the ground holding Wei Zhenfeng.

The two people were facing each other in an embrace-like posture, but one of them had fallen asleep.

Wei Zhenfeng fell into Zhao Mian's arms, his unconscious head resting on his shoulder. Zhao Mian felt something warm touching his chest, and he touched Wei Zhenfeng's chest with his hand.

Hands covered in blood.

Zhao Mian's heart suddenly sank: "Wei Zhenfeng?"

The only response he got was the young man's weak breathing.

Zhao Mian had never been so panicked as he was now, but something engraved in his bones made him calm down quickly.

The fact that Wei Zhenfeng was able to come to Shangjing and attend his coronation ceremony proves that this was not a fatal injury.

Wei Zhenfeng has always been sensible and would never joke about his own life.

Don't panic.

"Someone come hereā€”Bai Yu!"

Bai Yu hurried into the inner hall and saw His Majesty kneeling on the ground holding the prince, his hands stained with blood. He was horrified: "Your Majesty? Your Majesty, are you okay?! Is it the baby..."

"It's Wei Zhenfeng." Zhao Mian looked surprisingly calm, but his voice was trembling slightly, "He seems to be injured."

Bai Yu quickly checked Wei Zhenfeng's injuries. It was not the "minor injury" that Wei Zhenfeng said, nor was it particularly serious. She was confident that she could cure it.

"It's fine as long as it can be cured." Zhao Mian murmured in a low voice, "I don't want to raise a child alone."

(End of this chapter)