How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 79


When Zhao Lin went to Yongning Palace to look for his brother, he saw Wei Zhenfeng with his brother again. Fortunately, the two of them didn't look too close. His brother sat behind the dragon case, while Wei Zhenfeng was holding a golden book and flipping through it. His expression was hard to describe. If I had to describe it, it would probably be "What should I do? I really feel a little disgusted, but after thinking about it carefully, it's already pretty good. I'd better not be picky and accept it first."

Zhao Mian asked Zhao Lin: "Are you ready?"

Zhao Lin said, "It's ready, brother. The emperor and father said they are ready to leave."

"Go ahead," Zhao Mian instructed, "be careful along the way."

Wei Zhenfeng watched Zhao Lin leave and asked, "Do you think they will come?"

"This is their last chance." Zhao Mian said, "Do you want to watch the fun?"

"Of course, wherever there's excitement, I'll be there." Wei Zhenfeng had a resigned look on his face, "But wait a moment, I need to pack my imperial concubine's seal into my luggage first."

Most of the Tianque Sect's forces in Shangjing seemed to have been eliminated, but no one could guarantee that there were no fish that slipped through the net. The emperor moved to Yanhe Garden with the empress dowager and the little princess. Although it was only two streets away, they could not be careless in protecting them.

A hundred guards led the way, and the people retreated. A thousand guards led by King Jing marched along the Shangjing Road, surrounding the imperial carriages of the former emperor and the Empress Dowager. Not even a fly could get in, let alone an assassin.

The emperor in disguise stood on the high platforms on both sides of the road with his newly-enthroned Concubine Wei, leaning on the railing and looking out.

The majestic and magnificent waves fully demonstrate the royal style.

"Can this attract an assassin?" Concubine Wei was a little puzzled. "If I were an assassin, I would definitely turn around and run away when I see this kind of situation. Saving my life is more important."

Zhao Mian looked contemptuous: "I didn't bring you here to let you see the assassin."

Wei Zhenfeng was puzzled: "What are you looking at?"

Zhao Mian said: "Look at the royal style of my Nanjing family, so that you can realize the gap between your family and mine." With Nanjing's example, Beiyuan's family business was not enough in the eyes of the kid.

As the carriages of the retired emperor and the empress dowager left the palace, three light carriages drove out from the west gate of the palace and headed towards Yanhe Garden. Those who could ride in the carriages out of the palace were not insignificant people, and it was unknown who was sitting inside. Although there were only ten guards responsible for protecting them, they were all good fighters in each camp, and the leader was Fu Zi, who had been with the retired emperor and Prime Minister Xiao for many years.

Xu Pai had been highly valued by the emperor for his meritorious service in protecting the emperor at the horse training farm not long ago, and was also on this trip. Like the other guards, he did not know the identity of the person they were protecting, but anyone with a little bit of brains could guess who was sitting in the carriage.

The fact that the Tianque Sect could run rampant in Dongling, run wild in Beiyuan, and even wreak havoc in Nanjing was enough to prove that the core members of the Tianque Sect were not a mob. With only half a month of clearing by Qianji Academy, most of the people that could be caught were insignificant. These people were nothing more than abandoned pawns that could be discarded at any time for the Tianque Sect. No matter how much Qianji Academy interrogated them, they could not get more information from them.

There must be some hidden superiors in the Tianque Sect who escaped the purge of the Qianji Academy. They are still lurking somewhere in Shangjing, eyeing the little princess in her cradle.

With your majesty's talent, it is impossible that he did not see this, and he must have had a plan to deal with it. The thousand-man team guarded by King Jing was just a trap set for the Tianque Sect. If he guessed correctly, the emperor, the empress dowager and the little princess were in these three carriages at the moment, arranged in order, and the little princess should be in the last carriage.

Xu Pai performed his duties conscientiously and did not dare to neglect them. When they were halfway through the journey, Fu Zi, who was walking in the front, suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "There is an assassin, protect the emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than 30 people in Taoist robes jumped out from both sides of the path. They were all holding sharp swords and were quite skilled. They showed no fear in the face of the powerful royal guards, and even used their bodies to block the swords so that their companions could step on their broken bodies and arms to approach the three carriages.

These people came one after another with a clear goal, but under the rock-hard defense of the Nanjing Imperial Guards, they still could not get close to the imperial carriage. Seeing that the loss was about to exceed half, the leading man suddenly shouted: "With the blood of the Three Kingdoms, we will build the foundation of our heavenly palace!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the others seemed to go crazy, shouting and rushing forward desperately.

While the two sides were fighting and had no time to pay attention to other things, Xu Pai quickly jumped onto the nearest carriage. As he expected, there was a woman holding a baby in the carriage. This woman was the little princess's wet nurse, and the baby in her arms was naturally Princess Nanjing, who caused a severe drought in the suburbs of Beijing as soon as she was born.

Only by sending the princess away will heaven send down its blessings, and the first problem Your Majesty will face after ascending the throne can be solved.

When His Majesty was still the crown prince, he watched His Majesty from afar in the East Palace and guarded His Majesty. He knew that His Majesty never took him seriously, or rather, His Majesty never took anyone seriously.

Your Majesty is born with glory, supreme and noble. No one in the world is more suitable to sit on the dragon throne than Your Majesty. He deserves to look down on all living beings from the clouds.

But only a month after His Majesty ascended the throne, the drought in the suburbs of Beijing became a hidden danger in His Majesty's mind. He once heard from the palace servants of Yongning Palace that His Majesty was in a bad mood because of the drought in the suburbs of Beijing, and even wanted to reduce his own food and clothing expenses to help the victims.

We cannot allow drought and rumors to threaten your majesty's kingdom, even if it is your own sister.

Even if he has to bear the crime of colluding with a cult, he will solve all the hidden dangers for His Majesty.

Xu Pai's mind was filled with only this one thought, so he didn't notice that the nurse's expression was not as calm as an ordinary person's. He snatched the baby from the woman's hands, and the next moment, a long sword was pressed against his throat.

Xu Pai was stunned. He looked down at the baby in his arms and saw only a pillow covered with clothes.

Standing on a high place, Emperor Jing and Concubine Wei drank tea and watched the excitement. Wei Zhenfeng asked curiously, "Where are your father and the others?"

"They are still in the palace." Zhao Mian said, "They will leave after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Wei Zhenfeng smiled: "I see."

The fight below was still going on. Wei Zhenfeng watched with great interest. His body, which had been lying in bed for more than half a month, was also restless.

"My hands are itching from all the healing," Wei Zhenfeng moved his shoulders, "I'm going to go stretch my muscles."

After saying that, without waiting for Zhao Mian's promise, he jumped down from the building.

Wei Zhenfeng happened to fall behind an assassin. He patted the assassin's shoulder as if greeting a good friend, and called him "brother". Just as the "brother" turned around, with a crisp snap, the assassin's neck was neatly twisted off, and he fell down before he could see who he was calling his brother.

Not only Wei Zhenfeng's hands were itching, but Zhao Mian's heart was also itching.

Since he found out he was pregnant, he hasn't even run, let alone ride a horse or shoot arrows.

Ji Jinzhi said from behind Zhao Mian: "Your Majesty, Xu Pai's case has been thoroughly investigated."

Zhao Mian was very unhappy that the guard who had followed him for many years was involved with the cult: "Speak."

"A month ago, Xu Pai was on leave from the palace. When he went to the outskirts of Beijing to pray for rain, he was spotted by the followers of the Tianque Sect. The Tianque Sect wanted to recruit him, but Xu Pai not only refused, but also wanted to capture him and hand him over to the government. However, the Tianque Sect showed him the ability to call the wind and rain in some unknown way, calling it a 'miracle'. Xu Pai was eager to pray for rain, and foolishly believed the absurd words that the princess' fate was contrary to the destiny of Nanjing." Ji Jinzhi's tone was lamentable and hateful. "He did not join the Tianque Sect, but he agreed to cooperate with the Tianque Sect and kidnap the little princess to offer sacrifice to the heaven in exchange for rain from heaven to relieve the drought."

Zhao Mian's brows were filled with cold anger: "There is no difference between a fool who holds back and a disloyal person."

As he was talking, Xu Pai had been taken out of the carriage by the secret guards disguised as wet nurses and was forced to kneel downstairs. Perhaps because he knew that his death was approaching, Xu Pai finally had the courage to look directly at the emperor. He looked up at the emperor with an almost devout enthusiasm in his eyes, like a believer looking up to a god, even though he knew that he was just an ant in the eyes of the god.

Ji Jinzhi asked: "Your Majesty, how do you want to deal with Xu Pai?"

Ji Jinzhi understood: "I understand."

The fight downstairs was drawing to a close. Thirty of the most powerful members of the Tianque Sect lurking in Shangjing City had fallen one after another, leaving only a few to fight back.

Wei Zhenfeng was having a great time, and the remaining assassins would soon become his playthings for amusement. If he didn't take action now, he would have no chance.

Zhao Mian stretched out his hand, and Shen Buci immediately presented a bow and arrow. When Zhao Mian drew the bowstring, he suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

It had been like this many times in the past, with Wei Zhenfeng holding a knife in front and him drawing a bow behind. Today, the old things happened again, as if he had returned to the time when he and Wei Zhenfeng traveled around the world side by side, roaming the rivers and lakes.

Zhao Mian raised the corner of his mouth and aimed at the assassin who was fighting with Wei Zhenfeng. When he was about to let go, his hand suddenly became unstable and the arrow whizzed out, slightly deviating from where he was aiming, and flew past Wei Zhenfeng's hair and finally hit the window of the carriage.

Wei Zhenfeng turned around and looked at Zhao Mian with an extremely shocked expression, as if to say: You?

The young emperor didn't know what he felt. He froze in place, his eyes wide open in shock, with a look of incredible bewilderment on his face.

Wei Zhenfeng no longer had the heart to play around. After dealing with the remaining people from the Tianque Sect, he returned to Zhao Mian and asked, "What happened just now? Are you going to sentence your newly appointed Consort Wei to death?"

At this moment, Zhao Mian has returned to normal: "I haven't used arrows for a long time, so I am a little rusty."

"You can't do this, Your Majesty," Wei Zhenfeng said earnestly, using the tone of an imperial censor, "You used to be able to hit the target every time."

“… shut your fucking mouth.”

Afterwards, Zhao Mian summoned Hang Xingchao and Ji Jinzhi, and the three of them discussed the Tianque Sect until late at night. When Zhao Mian returned to Yongning Palace, he was greeted not by the vigorous Concubine Wei, but by two drunkards who were chasing and fighting in his bedroom and indulging themselves in alcohol.

His silly brother was seen holding two swords in both hands, chasing after Wei Zhenfeng like a bear, howling. Wei Zhenfeng, on the other hand, held a wine pot in one hand and his Jinghong sword in the other, and he could easily deal with Zhao Lin's moves and even take a sip of water in between.

Zhao Mian stood at the door and said calmly: "Who can give me an explanation?"

Bai Yu suppressed his laughter and said, "Your Majesty, the Second Prince came to drink with the Prince tonight, saying that he wanted to practice for the Prince and celebrate their complete victory over the Tianque Sect. While drinking, the Prince showed off the imperial seal you gave him, and then the Second Prince suddenly collapsed for some reason, and the drinking became a competition."

Zhao Mian, who was used to big scenes, was indifferent to this: "Prepare two bowls of hangover soup for them. After they finish drinking, tell Shen Buci to throw Zhao Lin back to his own bedroom - remember to put some sleeping pills in Wei Zhenfeng's bowl."

Bai Yu thought he had heard it wrong: "What?"

"If Wei Zhenfeng is a little sober, he will definitely do something to me." Zhao Mian said calmly, "He will have to travel a long distance back to Beiyuan tomorrow, so let him sleep peacefully tonight."

Wei Zhenfeng and Zhao Lin would never think of setting up defenses against what Bai Yu asked them to drink. After a bowl of hangover soup, Zhao Lin was carried back to his own palace. Wei Zhenfeng smiled and sent him off, then lay on Zhao Mian's dragon bed.

His first night as a concubine was also his last night in Nanjing this year. He was determined to serve in this bedroom.

So, when Zhao Mian finished his bath and came to the bed, Concubine Wei was sleeping soundly with her pillow in her arms.

Wei Zhenfeng had already grown into an adult man, but his profile when he was asleep still had a hint of childishness. Looking at his drooping eyelashes and the two teardrop moles in the shadows, Zhao Mian couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to slap him.

Zhao Mian sat down beside the bed, stretched out his hand towards Wei Zhenfeng's face, and patted him lightly twice with his palm: "What kind of look did you give me at that time?"

If it were the usual Wei Zhenfeng, even if he was drunk, the slightest disturbance would wake him up, but with Bai Yu's sleeping pills, let alone just two light pats, even if he was slapped mercilessly, Wei Zhenfeng might not react.

The Prince of Beiyuan, who was invincible in the past, was now lying on his bed, at his mercy. He could do anything to this body.

But when Wei Zhenfeng was sober, he could do whatever he wanted to Wei Zhenfeng's body, which was nothing strange. Wei Zhenfeng was rarely drunk and unconscious, so he wanted to do something he would not normally do.

"Do you think my riding and archery skills have declined?" Zhao Mian was angry and aggrieved, pinching Wei Zhenfeng's face hard, "I failed because of your seed kicking me in the belly."

"It's only four months old and it's already kicking people."

"You asked me how I got pregnant, and I want to ask you something else." Zhao Mian burst out all the words he had been holding back. He didn't expect that he had so much to say to Wei Zhenfeng. "It's your fault that you always doubted whether I could give birth. Who would have thought that I could really give birth. Oh, don't be too happy too soon. I tell you, when this child is born, don't even think about ejaculating inside me again in your life."

Wei Zhenfeng's face turned red from being pinched, and Zhao Mian's anger subsided a little.

The young king knelt beside the bed, his long hair draped over his back. The fingertips holding the pen fiddled with Wei Zhenfeng's eyelashes and whispered, "I know you like children, and you like me too. If I tell you this now, will you stay in Shangjing to accompany me?"

"I know you will."

"I can't let you stay."

"When the incident happens, you are not allowed to think of me. At other times, you must think of me more, and then rush back to accompany me to give birth to the baby, understand? It's not that I'm squeamish, if it were you, you would definitely ask me to accompany you when you gave birth."

"By the way, do you want to see it? Oh, you can't see it." Zhao Mian stood up, "I'll touch it for you."

Zhao Mian untied her belt and exposed her belly in front of Wei Zhenfeng.

After four months of pregnancy, his pregnancy was already showing, but fortunately it was not visible when he put on the dragon robe. His waist was as slender as ever, and his abdomen was slightly bulging with a white arc. He would feel ashamed when he occasionally looked in the mirror and saw himself like this.

But if Wei Zhenfeng doesn't touch it now, he may never have the chance to touch it in the future.

Zhao Mian suppressed his shame, took one of Wei Zhenfeng's hands, and placed his palm facing inward on the arc.

The moment Wei Zhenfeng touched his stomach, Zhao Mian's waist softened and his body trembled.

I don’t know if it’s because of the drunkenness, but Wei Zhenfeng’s palms are hotter than usual, warm and a little comfortable, completely different from the feeling he had when he touched it himself.

Zhao Mian let Wei Zhenfeng's hand move up and down his belly. He hoped that the father and son or father and daughter could say hello to each other. However, after Wei Zhenfeng touched for a long time, the little thing in his belly did not react at all.

"Why aren't you moving?" Zhao Mian ordered, "Move quickly, this is your...father?"

(End of this chapter)