How Do Two Emperors Royally Smitten?

Chapter 95


After that night, Wei Zhenfeng moved from the side hall of Chengming Palace to the main hall.

During their time in the Beiyuan Palace, Zhao Mian and Wei Zhenfeng led a life that was completely opposite to what they had lived in Nanjing.

Wei Zhenfeng was busy with all kinds of affairs, and was entangled in various national affairs. On the other hand, when Wei Zhenfeng was busy in Xuande Hall, Zhao Mian didn't even have to hold his son. He lit a lamp, sipped a cup of tea, and read a book, leisurely and contented. Occasionally, he would leave the palace, or be in the market, feel the hustle and bustle of the world; or let his horse roam freely, playing for half a day without any restrictions.

The only person Wei Zhenfeng could play with was his proud but beautiful and clingy princess. Sometimes, just by looking at the princess sitting quietly beside him, he couldn't help but do something.

Bai Yu had to remind them that the amount of contraceptive soup was limited and the medicinal materials were hard to find in Beiyuan, so Your Majesty and the Prince should use it sparingly. If Your Majesty's belly got big again when he returned to Shangjing next time, the Emperor and Prime Minister Xiao would be really pissed off. This was no joke.

The two men kept Bai Yu's advice in mind. So, one afternoon, the dragon table in Xuande Hall was in a mess, with memorials scattered all over the table and on the floor.

Zhao Mian's face was still flushed when he started talking to Wei Zhenfeng about serious matters: "I just saw a memorial about the Tianque Sect's uprising in Dongling."

Wei Zhenfeng paused and asked, "When was it just now?"

Zhao Mian said: "What do you think?"

Wei Zhenfeng pretended to be angry: "While we were doing it, you actually had the mind to peek at Bei Yuan's memorial?"

"I wasn't peeking. It fell to the ground and spread out by itself, and I just saw it accidentally. Who told you to push me down on the table from behind?" Zhao Mian explained, "Besides, even if I didn't see it from your place, I would get the news sooner or later."

"You missed the point." Wei Zhenfeng laughed, "I was asking why you were distracted when you were doing it."

Zhao Mian ignored him and asked, "What do you want to do about the Tianque Sect?"

Although the Tianque Sect's power in Nanjing has been uprooted, Dongling is still their happy home. The Tianque Sect is growing stronger in Dongling, and more than half of Dongling's territory has fallen under their overwhelming offensive. The powerful Queen Mother Lu has to seek help from the other two countries.

Wei Zhenfeng said nonchalantly: "Beiyuan will not interfere in Dongling's internal affairs."

Zhao Mian bluntly exposed: "You want to intervene, but unfortunately Beiyuan has just experienced a civil strife. Even if you want to go to Dongling for fun, you are powerless."

Wei Zhenfeng said with a smile: "Beiyuan is not possible, but Nanjing is." Wei Zhenfeng didn't know whether he was serious or joking, "Assuming Fanfan can unify the world in the future, I have already taken down Xixia for him in advance, you can also take down Dongling for him in advance, right?"

Zhao Mian said slowly: "You are instigating a war between the two countries."

"Unfair." Wei Zhenfeng put on a serious expression, "If the Tianque Sect's uprising succeeds, overthrows the Xie family, proclaims itself emperor, and establishes a new country, can you tolerate this? Don't forget what the Tianque Sect did to your little sister."

What Wei Zhenfeng said was true. Two years ago, Wan Huameng had cast a spell on the two men, and the Nanjing army had pressed into Dongling, but they only threatened Lu Wang to surrender, and did not cross the border between the two countries.

Zhao Mian never really took action against Dongling, because he thought it unnecessary to launch a war of annihilation that would cost the people money and manpower, causing rivers of blood to flow in Dongling and the people to suffer.

But if the Tianque Sect succeeded in its uprising in Dongling and replaced the royal family, the situation would be very different.

The Tianque Sect once wanted to attack the little Princess Nanjing. If Fanfan had been born at that time, the Tianque Sect's target might have been Fanfan.

Thinking of this, Zhao Mian's face turned terribly cold: "I will consider this matter."

"If Nanjing wants to send troops, can you leave a general position for me?" Wei Zhenfeng said excitedly, "It's been a long time since I went to play on the battlefield of another country."

Zhao Mian looked dignified and said, "Take care of your own affairs first."

"You reminded me that there is something that needs to be settled." Wei Zhenfeng stood up, "Come on, I'll take you to visit Beiyuan's harem."

"Change your clothes before you leave." Zhao Mian looked under Wei Zhenfeng's body. "It's all wet."

While Wei Zhenfeng was changing his clothes, Bai Yu served Zhao Mian some contraceptive soup. After watching him drink it, he asked, "Your Majesty, how long do you plan to stay in Beiyuan?"

Zhao Mian roughly estimated: "About a month."

Bai Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Then I have to remind you that there is only one dose of the contraceptive soup left."

Zhao Mian: “…”

Bai Yu added: "Although I can also find medicinal herbs for you in Beiyuan, it will probably take a lot of effort."

It's not like he and Wei Zhenfeng haven't done something like this once a month before.

After the incident on the ninth day of the first lunar month, Wei Zhenfeng did not embarrass the other concubines in the harem except the queen. Most of the concubines behaved themselves in the harem and avoided Wei Zhenfeng, fearing him. Only Concubine De had to please Wei Zhenfeng for the sake of her son's succession to the throne.

Wei Zhenfeng took Zhao Mian to visit the palace of Concubine De, Linhua Palace. Concubine De was flattered and immediately called her son back from the horse riding and archery class.

Wei Zhenfeng seemed to be in a good mood and asked Wei Congchen a lot of questions about martial arts. When he learned that Wei Congchen also liked to use guns like him, he said that he would imitate the Youlong Gun and make a small Youlong Gun to give to his brother.

Concubine De was delighted to see this from the side. She thought she was one step closer to becoming the Queen Mother. She said with a smile, "Cong Chen likes to use guns because the prince likes to use guns. He likes to learn everything from the prince."

Wei Zhenfeng said calmly: "In fact, my favorite is the short blade."

Defei's smile froze.

Wei Zhenfeng asked Wei Congchen to leave first, and dismissed the other palace servants, leaving only the three of them in the palace. Wei Zhenfeng briefly explained his purpose: "This time, I came here for my father."

Concubine De opened her eyes wide: "... Your Majesty?"

Wei Zhenfeng nodded: "That's right."

Defei didn't know why Wei Zhenfeng suddenly mentioned the emperor. Anyone with a bit of brains in the palace knew that Prince Heng asked His Majesty to move to Changxia Palace, ostensibly to recuperate, but in reality to put him under house arrest. Whether His Majesty was good or bad, dead or alive, was up to the prince's words.

Concubine De didn't dare to speak carelessly, and could only say what a concubine should say: "Is your majesty's illness better?"

"Better now." Wei Zhenfeng smiled, "Father told me yesterday that he missed the jade belt soup you used to make for him."

Wei Zhenfeng's words were so clear that Concubine De naturally understood his intention: "Then I will prepare it immediately and send it to Your Majesty."

"Thank you. I hope that after drinking your soup, my father will be able to recover as soon as possible." Wei Zhenfeng said slowly, "When he gets better, I can be relieved of the burden of being the regent and no longer have to worry about whether to establish the eldest son or the youngest son as the heir."

Defei's expression suddenly turned from sunny to gloomy, and the smile on her face disappeared completely.

After confirming that Wei Zhenfeng did not want him to take that position, the mother and son had completely joined Wei Zhenfeng's camp. If His Majesty really makes a comeback, the first to be liquidated will definitely be Prince Heng's party.

But how could Prince Heng allow His Majesty a chance to make a comeback? With Prince Heng's style of killing everyone without mercy, he has kept His Majesty alive until now just to avoid being charged with regicide and patricide. He will never let His Majesty "get better".

Prince Heng... is he hinting at something to her

Wei Zhenfeng smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I think you will also hope that your father will recover soon."

The young man in front of her had a handsome face and smiling eyes, but Concubine De felt a chill all over her body, as if a cold and vicious air was pressing on her chest, making it almost hard to breathe.

After a long while, she spoke cautiously: "I understand."

Zhao Mian and Wei Zhenfeng walked out of the Linhua Palace. It was almost dusk and the setting sun was burning in the sky like fire, dyeing the solemn palaces with golden glow.

Zhao Mian asked: "Will she take action?"

"I don't know." Wei Zhenfeng looked in the direction of Changxia Palace, "It doesn't matter if I don't know."

Back then, Wei Zhaoxiu used the Queen to poison Wei Zhenfeng's mother. Today, Wei Zhenfeng wanted to use Concubine De to put an end to Wei Zhaoxiu. This father and son finally have a similarity.

Zhao Mian took the initiative to step forward and took Wei Zhenfeng's hand.

Wei Zhenfeng looked down at their interlocked hands, shook them playfully, and said with a smile, "We've had our son, and we've slept together more than 40 times, but we've only held hands a few times."

"That's forty-five times." Zhao Mian said, "Wei Zhenfeng, I will accompany you to kill your father."

(End of this chapter)