How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 25: Fourth round of scoring


Hodge's photo of Bright caused a huge response.

First, Brett’s conditions are good, and his military uniform is very eye-catching; second, he is in a hot topic, and he is an enemy of the veteran, but he wears the same military uniform as the veteran. This kind of contradiction makes the already very hot topic Even pushed it up.

The program trailer showed that he had a feud with the veteran. What is the relationship between him and the veteran

Some people even imagined that he was adopted by veterans, and later found out the truth, so the foster son killed his foster father for revenge.

Just when everyone was guessing and curious, the third episode was broadcast.

Overnight, the number of his fans and black fans increased sharply at the same time. Some people praised him, fell in love with his face, fell in love with his story, and some people slandered him, saying that he was both popular and established, and deliberately tied up the army to hype.

Ou Keke didn't expect that Bright would suddenly become popular, so she was caught off guard, and immediately came to discuss with Bright as soon as she received the news.

"Is this a bad thing?" Bright asked cautiously.

Ou Keke's expression was serious: "This is too dangerous, if you let the situation develop, you will be confused in no time."

"What did the show crew say?" Brett asked again.

"What can I do? They only want you to be popular, regardless of whether it is red or black." Ou Keke was annoyed when she mentioned it. She had already gone to the director, but the other party didn't care at all. Bright and Veteran Neil prepare to appear on a mediation talk show popular with housewives and warn her to leave it alone.

Ou Keke was worried, and while biting his nails, he said: "It's one thing to rub the heat of the chip, but it's another thing to discredit the military and damage the image. We can't really offend the military. Don't we think it's not fast enough? We must grasp this My initial plan was to guide public opinion and divert people’s attention to the welfare and life of retired soldiers. After all, the discussion on chips has been around since they first appeared, and they have been used for so many years. Is it because Are you really banned?"

Brett's heart moved, if it could really make some changes...

Ou Keke seemed to hear his voice, and said sarcastically: "Let's not talk about the chips and industrial chains that are being produced now, but just talk about recycling, retraining of soldiers, losses caused by inability to perform tasks, PTSD treatment costs, insurance money, etc. , is a huge expense, how much loss will this cause?"

Brett knew she was right, so he put away his unrealistic thoughts and quietly listened to the manager's analysis.

"We can't leave the impression that you are thorny and troublesome to those big shots and the public, otherwise we won't consider you when we have good opportunities in the future." O Keke's nails were bleeding from biting, but she didn't notice it at all, her lips were bright red, showing A strange state, like a vampire who only lives in an old castle without seeing the sun all year round. She lowered her voice and said to Brett: "The best way is to end this topic as soon as possible, and find an opportunity to kill the veteran in the next issue. The longer you delay, the worse it will be for you."

Brett knew that Okeke was risking offending the program crew, but at this moment he remembered Hodge's words: "I'll give you a suggestion, try to save the veteran's life."

Bright had two options before him.

One told him to kill, and the other told him to protect someone.

Subconsciously, he believed in Okeke more. Her nervousness and anxiety did not seem to be fake. This young woman would show emotions other than numbness when she was not taking drugs. This made Brett feel a little comforted, knowing that he was cared about with.

But Hodge's suggestion was more in line with his wishes. He didn't want to kill people. Except for that scumbag he hated so much, he hadn't tried to kill anyone so far, even though he knew his hands would be stained with blood sooner or later.

"Coco, please, I need time to think about it."

Brett thanked Ou Keke solemnly, and the latter pursed his lips, showing a pretended indifference expression: "That's all for now, it's up to you whether you want to listen or not."

Popularity has a great impact, and it is the same among the players. In the early stage of the fourth period, Bright was targeted maliciously again. No one wants to talk to him, and no one gets close to him, using it from a distance or bluntly Or look at him with dark and malicious eyes, even his roommate was pressured to move to other dormitories.

The veteran's situation was completely opposite to Bright's. Everyone's attitude towards him was the same as usual, with contempt and contempt, and a little bit more emotion that he was out of luck.

"Find out who's your boss, Redhead."

Ronald took a peek at Bright, and was immediately warned by No. 56 Pierce. The redhead quickly defended himself: "I'm just surprised that the veteran is also angry, but nothing happened."

No. 56 snorted: "Because no one believes that a dead old man can live a long time, but No. 199 is a strong opponent, and there is only one champion."

"Ah, I hadn't thought of that at all."

"Idiot, you only have some value in your ass/eye."

The buttocks were twisted hard for a while, the force was so great that the skin probably turned blue. Ronald endured the pain and showed a flattering smile: "I will be obedient and learn by heart."

"It's good to know, stay away from No. 199, someone is going to attack him."

Ronald's face changed slightly, and he guessed cautiously: "Is it Beauty and the Beast? They have always hated him since that performance."

Pierce poked the red hair with his fingers through the fabric, making his face paler, and said disdainfully: "They're just clowns, really scary, huh..." He stuck out his tongue and licked it slowly from bottom to top Ronald's face, satisfied with his trembling and obedience, then slowly spit out two words: "Wolves."

Brett popped the little note into his mouth and swallowed it.

When the program team was distributing materials, someone bumped into him and secretly stuffed him with this information.

There is a saying that "tigers are afraid of wolves". The bloodthirsty and united wolves make all the giants in the natural world shudder. Under their highly organized siege, even the king of beasts has to retreat.

Among the contestants, there are also such people who form an indestructible group, code-named "Wolf Pack", led by "Head Wolf", and each member has a wolf code name.

They are one of the most difficult existences among these players, not only because they are all strong and young, they are also very united, well-trained, and cooperate with each other tacitly. People, everyone for me", some people speculated that they might have known each other before joining the program group.

Brett offended them because of the promotion of veterans. One hundred into fifty, there is a limited number of fifty places, and if one of the veterans occupies one, it means that someone has to go down, and the one who goes down happens to be the "pack of wolves" Among the existing wolves, one had a deep relationship with the sacrificed companion, so it regarded Brett as an enemy and sent out a word to kill him for revenge.

"The fourth period, the first round of the points competition, start!"

Brett changed his usual style of walking like a retired old man, and when he heard the news of the start, he rushed out like a sharp arrow, and was the first to rush into the dense forest.

Immediately afterwards, several figures quickly caught up and disappeared into the green ocean.

No. 56 Pierce squinted his eyes and thought, "Hurry up, Brett, I hope to see you tomorrow."