How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 28: No one does not love light


[Story on Christmas Day]

Bright is drugged and everyone wants to help him.

It was his roommate who first discovered his symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine.

The roommate locked the door and recited the famous line from Dante's "Divine Comedy" to Brett: "Alas, city of slaves, hotbed of pain, you are a boat without a helmsman in a storm, you are no longer the mistress of the provinces, but Sink into whores!"

The program group strictly forbids private fighting. Brett said to himself several times silently, ignoring his passionate roommate who had turned into a poet and fell into the fantasy of hell.

Just keep getting used to it ╮(╯▽╰)╭

My roommate disagrees with this very much. According to common sense, if you don’t take this kind of medicine, you will die. The person who takes it must be a man, and you must pass out, because the antidote is the essence of life, and how much antidote is needed? But there is no standard, ten milliliters or one hundred milliliters? Regardless, the more the better.

He thought for a while and concluded: "Dante has the ancient Roman poet Virgil to take him through hell and purgatory, and his unrequited and secret lover Beatrice to take him through heaven. Virgil must be my , who is Beatrice? Just wait, I'll help you find it."

His voice was covered by the sound of water, and Brett didn't hear it at all. If he heard it, he would definitely drown his roommate in the bathtub, so as not to cause a series of troubles later.

The first thing the roommate looked for was the blonde beauty. He always thought that the beauty and Brett were a good match, mainly because she had been in love for a long time and had rich experience. She was the most suitable for a young boy like Brett. He would definitely be able to get him started and help him quickly upgrade from a rookie For skilled hands.

"The person Brett has a crush on?" The beauty smiled. He tilted his head, hooked his curly blond hair with his slender fingers, and said mockingly, "I'm afraid you found the wrong person. He doesn't like me, remember? He's seen my body and heard me moan in the first episode, but he didn't show the slightest interest."

"When you were with the Beast, maybe he just didn't want to take love away."

The big SD doll-like eyes blinked, with a bit of hope in them: "You really think so?"

"That man, how old-fashioned, it's not surprising to have such an idea, you can't seduce a married man or something. And he saved you, everyone saw it on the stage," the roommate tried hard to persuade the other party, "Try it Well, you're not at a disadvantage."

The beauty bit her lip and let him go.

On their way back to the dorm they came across Pierce #56, who was playing with Redhead in the field to pass the time.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Pierce asked.

Pierce was very powerful among the players, and they didn't dare to offend them, so the roommate had to hesitate and answer.

"Crush? Just him?" Pierce patted the redhead who was kneeling on all fours, and sneered, "Brett's affection for beauties is not as good as this thing." Ronald's face suddenly became the same as his hair same red.

Pierce withdrew from the red-haired body and pulled up his pants: "You guys wait here, I'll go and see what's going on. Chinese medicine? Hahaha!"

Ronald looked at the direction he was leaving and frowned worriedly. He and the other two walked behind.

Although the roommate hated red hair, but thinking of Brett's secret care for him, maybe there was something really wrong between the two of them, so he endured it.

Brett's condition was very bad at this time, the cold water could not cool down his body temperature at all, the little brother raised his middle finger at him in dissatisfaction.

Just as he was angrily scolding his little brother for being impure, he heard Pierce's voice.

"Are you locked up by yourself, do you want to masturbate to solve the problem? I advise you not to do this. It may be relieved for a while, but it will relapse immediately, and it will get worse."

"Do you have experience?" Brett's voice was hoarse, and Pierce felt itchy, like a kitten scratching his chest.

"Oh, sort of," said Pierce lazily, "open the door and I'll tell you."

It's a great opportunity and he always gets what he wants.

There was a sound of the lock turning on the door, and the man came out from inside with only a bath towel around his body, and a large bulging piece could be seen underneath.

"Say." Brett was a little irritable, and no one could be calm if his mouth was dry and his body was hot and close to an explosion.

"Seeing that your consciousness is clear, it means that this is a high-end product, because there are a lot of types of medicine, I need further diagnosis, give me your dick." Pierce said cunningly.

"Does phlegm count?"

Are you doing something on purpose, Pierce asked displeasedly: "Do you want my help?"

Brett bit off his index finger and handed it to him.

Pierce quickly opened his mouth and sucked it, as if he was afraid he would regret it, Brett felt a licking force, and frowned and pulled back. Pierce licked his lips in reminiscence. He had wanted to do this since the first time he saw a man at the celebration party in the first issue.

"This smell... Well, I've used it before, the best one, and I'm usually reluctant to buy it for myself! You have to fall in love with the person you want the most, otherwise there will be some side effects, that is, it will be hard for a month, or even longer. "

"What's the principle? Psychological satisfaction, or the liquid from that person's body?"

This was not the expected answer, Pierce rolled his eyes: "Who knows."

Then he was kicked out by Brett, who angrily yelled at the closed door: "Who else would you want to sleep if it's not me!"

Bright: Robert Downey Jr., Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston...not you anyway, huh!

The program group is the place where there is no shortage of gossip. Who is Bright's most sleepy person? Everyone is talking about this topic.

Brett hid in his room and didn't even go to the training room. When Hodge arrived, he was doing push-ups.

"You're here too." Is the nobleman in the inner city so idle

"You saved me, and I'll help you this time, to make it even. To prevent you from making more excessive demands in the future, this deal is worthwhile."

Brett stood up, wiped his sweat with a towel, and looked suspiciously at the handsome and proud upper class figure: "As far as I know, you hate human touch."

"Inaccurate, not just humans, but also animals, insects, reptiles and other creatures."

"... What are you going to do?"

Hodge gave him a cold look, and told him about his condition and treatment after analysis: "Synthetic liquid, medicated bath."

Miqing liquid is composed of sperm and seminal plasma, the latter accounting for more than 90%, which is mainly a mixed liquid secreted by glands, and its ingredients include a lot of water, fructose, glucose, protein, inorganic salts, polypeptides, enzymes and so on. It is not difficult to synthesize.

Brett thought it was reasonable and went with him.

But such treatments have had little effect.

There will be an important game a week later, and the effect of the drug will affect Bright's performance.

The doctor proposed a new treatment plan: "His body has some kind of resistance, and it seems that he needs to start from the psychological level."

Hodge frowned his delicate and slender eyebrows, feeling vigilant, and tested Brett: "What can satisfy you?"

"Freedom," Brett blurted out.

It is absolutely impossible, Hodge repeated the question coldly, his eyes were dark: "I will give you a chance to answer again."

"That black and gold whip is nice."

Brett knew that Hodge had promised to treat him, and he had just rejected him once, and the other party would definitely satisfy his second request.

The keen noble narrowed his eyes: "Speaking of which, you never asked or tracked down the black hands who drugged you."

The slave smiled, looked into those eyes as deep as black holes, and insisted silently.

The nobleman realized that he had lost this game, and from the moment he got the news and appeared in front of the slave, he stepped into the trap of the man.

"You have to bite it down so you don't hurt the mucous membranes of your mouth and your tongue."

"Please relax, so that the rope can be tied more tightly to avoid accidents caused by slipping halfway."

"Stand up straight? No, that's right."

"You seem to be suffering. This is the first time I have used this weapon. Please be considerate."

"Is this current strength comfortable? Shaking your head means it's not enough? I understand..."

People who think that men are taciturn must not imagine that when a man holds a whip, he is so good at using language to stimulate his nerves and arouse his desires, making him feel shame and embarrassment that he has not seen for a long time.

Is this the real you? Hodge was shaking with excitement.

After tearing off the skin of forbearance and silence, he saw treasures, treasures of pain, hatred, anger, resentment, and grief, so rich, so delicious, so thrilling, and shaking the soul.

Brown eyes like a tiger, restrained and calm inside, the man seems to be performing a precise experiment, step by step, methodical, trying various methods and angles to make the liquid in front of him boil and sublimate.

The body succumbs to the physical response, and Hodge happily thinks how much alike their essence is, and that's wonderful! He expected Brett to be controlled by hatred and turn into a paranoid and calm lunatic.

Come to me, little tiger, we are the same.

He whispers in the cold and lonely darkness, luring felines basking in the sun.

Come stay with me, in hell.

Hodge felt himself being let down, his consciousness blurred.

"An angry man can never be redeemed, they can only curse, shout, growl, growl in the endless abyss..." Brett chanted Dante's verses while pushing Hodge's wet congealed strands Hair, revealing misty eyes, his movements are very gentle, as if they are a real couple.

"This matter, we're even." The man returned to his usual state, silent and calm, Hodge felt that he was far away from him, and an inexplicable fear seized his heart.

He forced his eyes to open, but he only saw double images and light spots in his eyes. If his arms were not paralyzed, he would definitely grab the man's arm.

The tongue is not flexible, and his voice is very vague: "Continue to hate me, no..." Don't forget me, don't leave me.

But the man understood, as if sighing: "You still owe me a lot."

The noble seemed to have heard some sweet words and vowed to eachother, and fell asleep peacefully.