How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 33: Interrogation in the infirmary


"You have to kill him."

Hodge heard the director talking to himself through the hidden communicator.

He came to inspect the scene this time, accompanied by the director all the way, and he is now watching his interrogation of Brett outside.

Is even the director afraid of this guy

As if seeing what Hodge was thinking, the director continued: "I'm just worried about his influence on you." There was a hint of concern in his voice, like a loving elder treating a younger generation. "You're captivated by him, I know you, don't deny it."

Huo Qi felt a sense of displeasure in his heart. No one could understand him, not the slaves in front of him, nor the people in the city. Only he could understand himself. Compared with sarcasm and provocation, he hates the director's self-righteous and cynical tone.

Will he be charmed? After the age of six, he looked at the world with an incomparably clear vision, and understood that everything can be discarded, so how could he develop an indelible love for anyone and anything

However, after being interrupted by the director, he temporarily regained consciousness from those charming brown eyes, and disguised his strangeness just now as doubt.

"I haven't heard of the Three Character Classic," he replied to Brett. "It seems that you are really stubborn and refuse knowledge."

The director warned again: "Pay attention."

What an annoyance, Hodge thought, of course he remembered his purpose, but doing business didn't prevent him from playing for a while.

Facing Hodge's sarcasm, Bright explained: "I accepted the information, and I did have a lot of practical knowledge, which helped me dispel the fog and understand this place better." It is said that it was a blessing in disguise, and there was an unexpected harvest.

Seeing that Hodge seemed puzzled, Bright continued: "Knowledge itself is the sum of the results of human exploration of the material world. This kind of reflection on the objective world is ultimately one-sided. There is no harm in looking at the world from another angle."

The information is very likely to be true, and he has no way to refute it, but he has long been accustomed to an environment where a hundred schools of thought contend, and he is used to thinking from multiple angles, so that he has an objective and clear understanding of this world that only respects science.

This is not to say that his intelligence is superior to others, but that he is outside the situation, sees the whole from the perspective of an independent third party, and has no feelings for this place, is out of place, and will not be confused or seduced, so he can be so objective. When it comes to the details and depth of knowledge, as well as the level of technology in this world, the place where he came from must be far inferior. There are thousands of spaceships in between. After all, even werewolves were created in this world.

Bright speculates that perhaps it is precisely because technology has developed to the extreme that it has compressed the living space of culture, law, morals and other aspects, leading to such a deformed development.

It is like a locomotive with a super powerful motor. It has no power and speed. The steering wheel, cooling system, and braking system are all broken. I watched the car speeding away from the right track, but there was nothing I could do.

After a preliminary understanding of the education of the city people, Brett looked at Hodge with a hint of understanding.

At the same time, he deeply realized that only by understanding can he fight.

"Thank you." Bright, who had figured it out, said to Hodge kindly. He was originally resentful, and even suspected that the other party had colluded with the program group. After all, how could a trainer have the right to appear in the infirmary at will? Injections are not his area of responsibility.

"What?" Hodge showed pure astonishment, his appearance was a bit childish, and it was only then that Brett noticed Hodge's youth. He was born handsome, so that he blurred the boundaries between men and women, transcended gender, and made people fascinated by him. longing. In terms of age, he should have just emerged from youth and became a man not long ago. The fruit is between sweet and sour, but his temperament is like a flower of a high mountain, which makes people not close to him, so he does not appear young.

As if treating a brother who was two years younger, Brett continued to say with a slightly older exemplary attitude among his peers: "My previous views were biased and self-righteous. It is wrong to reject knowledge, no matter what the reason is. I have to say just now I was a little scared, worried that I would not be able to control the information, but would be manipulated by the information and lose myself.”

In the future, I will become more determined, use everything available, and learn everything that should be learned.

He no longer blindly resists the world, whether it is people or things, and because of this, his mind becomes stronger.

Brett's tone was calm and sincere, he admitted his mistakes and fears frankly, and begged for the other party's understanding, even if his heart made of iron and stone trembled.

Hodge reacted from the astonishment, full of anger.


That's ridiculous!

How could this person do this!

A kind of wonderful thing hit Hodge's heart, which was indescribable, and he fell into confusion for a short time. He subconsciously wanted to mock Brett, who was blind, gullible, and stupid... But his reason gave a warning, and he resisted it. No, isn't this right in his arms? He wants to weave bigger lies, lead Brett deeper, betray him at the most critical moment, and appreciate the appearance of his broken soul and despair.

Look, I have deceived you severely, and played you so easily in the palm of my hand!

So, keep pretending to be friendly and make him a little more miserable.

Hodge convinced himself and suppressed other thoughts.

"I came here mainly to tell you that the results of the physical examination are all normal." Hodge recovered his voice, cold and calm, without revealing any real emotions.

Brett straightened his expression and finally got down to business. He was wondering what role Hodge would play in it, the program crew, the army, himself, or other forces

"Isn't it normal?"

"It's too normal to appear abnormal." Hodge deliberately said this to test Brett.

"I know what the show crew is suspicious of," Bright said, "I did hide my strength, but I just want to win." Not only to win this killing game, but also to win the struggle with the city people. "I have been fighting alone, and I don't know how many enemies will appear in the next second, staring at me and tearing me to pieces. I must always be vigilant, and remind myself to keep one eye open when I sleep." Time to sleep soundly. "Just like this, I have become a target of public criticism. If I exposed my full strength, I'm afraid I would have died long ago."

Brett adopted the strategy of mourning soldiers, looking into those black eyes, he didn't see synesthesia and sympathy in them, regretted in his heart, he had to put away this method, and changed to other methods: "Instead of paying attention to me, it's better to pay more attention to me." Pay attention to those dangerous and united teams, I am one person no matter what, it is easy to deal with, and like a pack of wolves, once united, it is definitely not the effect of one plus one equals two, it is possible to turn the sky upside down."

"What do you want to say?" Hodge seemed casual, but his attention had been fully mobilized, and even the director who was watching outside had his eyes fixed on Brett.

Next, Brett's answer is very likely to determine his future fate - if he shields the werewolf, it means that they are likely to form an alliance, and the program team will inevitably be vigilant, teach him a lesson, and even eliminate hidden dangers directly. There is an army behind the werewolf Support, Brett does not have, as he said, he is always alone; if he betrays the werewolf, he will be safe, but he will also deeply offend the werewolf and the army, and life on the show will not be easy.

Brett made the right choice. He stood on the opposite side of the werewolves: "Wolves are dangerous. If you accidentally encounter them in the future, you must avoid them."

He also tested Hodge in turn, deliberately being vague, intending to obtain information from Hodge.

If Hodge already knew the true identity of the pack of wolves, it is very likely that the program group sent him to interrogate him. Otherwise, he was probably just used by the program group.

Hodge saw through Brett's tricks, and he was silent, feeling deeply that this guy is slippery and has no gaps.

Without words, Brett also understood his acquiescence, and sighed inwardly.

However, for Brett, the show crew didn't try to make a fool of themselves, but tenderly asked people who seemed to be friendly with him to come over to test it out, which shows that the crisis is not serious and the situation is still controllable—his expectations for the show crew It's really low, as long as it doesn't cruelly abuse or kill people, it's fine.

Time slipped by in the silence between the two, and the atmosphere became awkward. Hodge felt bored and planned to leave, but Brett stopped him.

"Will I still see you in the future? I think..." He hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Deepen our relationship with you."

Deepen contacts? Hodge frowned, is that what he thought

"You want to distance yourself from me, which makes me a little sad, and maybe I am also responsible for it. Hodge, I cherish our relationship. Although there are no suitable words to describe it, I think it should be better than stranger. There are a little more people, and they are not considered friends, but I really value and cherish it, and there is no one else except you."

Hodge had mixed emotions, intertwined with joy and disgust. He was happy that the prey stepped into the trap on its own initiative. This was faster than expected, but it was different from what he imagined and beyond his control. I haven't done anything yet, and all tricks are useless, but the other party has already surrendered voluntarily.

For the man in front of him, his attitude must not be just described by whether he is interested or not. Men can arouse his emotions, and it becomes easier and easier to do so. This made him a little uneasy, but it was undeniable that he was very excited at the same time, and his mood was agitated, as if a window was suddenly opened in a lifeless room, and the sun came in, followed by the breeze, bringing fresh and fresh air. The air is no longer just dull and dead.

Hodge emptied his head, not noticing that Brett had already taken the initiative.

The man got up from the medical bed and walked up to Hodge, showing his perfect figure and muscles. He lowered his head slightly and looked at Hodge with those transparent and gentle brown eyes.

"I hope to see you again in the future. If there is anything I can do, please let me know."

So, Hodge understood that it was not surrender, it was anti-trapping, and the cunning prey wanted to deceive the hunter.

Oh, how interesting!

The author has something to say: Bright: Getting Darker.JPG


Double update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow~

Another: I suddenly found that the last article has a lot of favorites. I am very surprised? I am also a little confused. Does any little angel know the reason