How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 43: Seventh Day Cafe


While recovering from his injuries, Brett was immersed in the game world. He wiped out all the monsters around the stronghold, but still felt that it was not enough.

The hatred, anger, and tyranny in his body still tormented him, and he even secretly vowed that the next time he saw that scumbag, he would break free from the chains desperately, knock down anyone who stood in his way, and use what he knew The terrible punishment, try it all on that scumbag! It doesn't matter even if his actual strength is exposed, even if his hope of escape is ruined, even if he is finally caught and turned into a meat weapon, he doesn't care anymore! Have fun before you die! Let that scumbag go to hell first!

But he also knows that such thinking is irrational, immoral, not calm enough, and not long-term enough.

He is being possessed by a vengeful devil, and the hatred interferes with his thinking, making him impulsive, irritable, restless, and losing the ability to think calmly.

He told himself over and over again that he had to be firm, he had to be patient, he had to be calm, and he had to... temporarily let that scumbag go.

As tempting as the wine of vengeance may be to drive madness, the fountain of freedom is sweeter, watering his soul, soothing his emotions, healing his wounds, enabling him to sleep at night and look at himself in his mirror by day. The face does not feel strange.

So Brett left the simple wooden house that gave him a sense of security.

The stimulation of Zha Zha made him step out of his comfort zone. He decided to leave the stronghold and go to the world to communicate with high-level zombies.

There was no farewell ceremony, nor did he pick any auspicious dates, but as soon as he thought of leaving, he started to act. Pack up the necessities, step on the backpack, and explore farther places with his loyal partner Latiao who has been with him all the time.

He didn't plan to come back in a short time, so he brought tools with him as much as possible to collect materials locally. The biggest problem was finding a safe place to rest and get off the assembly line. Fortunately, camping in the wild is no longer a problem for him.

Brett let go of his speed, like a vigorous cheetah, shuttled freely in the forest, galloping like lightning, he occasionally ran past rabbits and wild deer, the herbivores froze for a moment because of the sound, but thought it was just a gust of wind, and did not see the need The vigilant creature then continued to graze with its head down.

He encountered more powerful zombies, some of them were as tall as a two-story building, some of them were grotesque as if they had merged with other creatures, and some of them were inconspicuous but deadly. Brett rushed over to fight them desperately. He was injured and had to flee because of defeat, but he won most of the battles, and his experience and level gradually increased without knowing it.

At this time, even against the pack of wolves who have transformed into werewolves, he still has a chance of winning.

The aura on Brett's body implied a dangerous and murderous aura, and he could hardly contain it, which made the little wolf's hairs stand on end when he approached him, and he complained several times.

"What did your benefactor do to you? Have you been reformed?"

For this, Brett expressed his apology, and after someone introduced him to learn yoga from the beauty, he got better.

At first the beauty thought it was a man's euphemistic expression of love, and she was already singing "Sen Lei dripping hair, Ou Sang oil belt inner circle" in her heart, but when she realized that this was Brett's real intention, she was speechless for a while.

It’s true that he has learned yoga, but his main focus is on body postures—you know, exercise flexibility, unlock difficult postures, develop special skills such as biting himself with his mouth (read separately), and finally found it after searching through his memory The breathing method and meditation method of cultivating the body and mind are barely supported.

"Brahman and I are the same, adjust the body, breath, and mind, meditate and hold your breath, until the spiritual altar is clear, and the body and mind are one..."

The teaching process was simply torture for him, admiring and touching the wonderful flesh/body of a man, not only could he not taste it, but he had to stay awake and breathe calmly.

He asked himself countless times: What is my fate

Hearing the beauty's private complaints, Brett's ex-roommate rolled his eyes: "Then shall I introduce him to someone else?"

"No, I can, I can, I will continue to teach!" the beauty gritted her teeth and persisted.

Brett didn't know that he had caused so much trouble to others. He saw Okeke again. At this time, her condition was much better than before. Although her makeup was still very heavy, her nails were no longer pitted. The edges are rounded and healthy.

Ou Keke brought him two good news this time.

First, as the winner of the points competition, he won the reward of the program group - a three-bedroom apartment with three bedrooms and one living room, complete furniture, free rent, water and electricity, high-speed Internet, close to public transportation, and can move in with a bag.

"Can I live with other players?" Brett asked. He had promised the wolf to take care of the little wolf, so he naturally hoped that the little wolf could live with him, and that they could take care of each other in their actions in the future.

"Yes, as long as the other party agrees," Ou Keke replied, "The contestants who have passed the first six rounds can find a house to live in, or they can live in the dormitory arranged by the program group, but everyone is finally free, and they are basically willing to spend a little money to live. Outside, life is more convenient." This also shows the strong self-confidence of the program group, and they are not worried that the contestants will run away at all.

"If there is no problem, I will take you there at noon today."

Brett nodded to show that there was no problem. The dark clouds that had shrouded his heart for a long time finally dissipated, and he finally gained a certain degree of freedom.

The second news is that Ou Keke secretly contacted the animal protection organization, and they have agreed to contact Brett, and they talked about a very short time, and proposed to face Ji.

The agent's voice was full of worry: "Although the sixth episode of the program has not been broadcast yet, they have always been well informed. I am worried that someone in the program group has leaked the content, and they are so eager to meet. I always feel uneasy. In case - They pretended to be friendly and tricked you into attending the meeting, but what kind of trick is there... Shouldn't you take it easy? At least wait until the episode of you and the shark airs to see their reaction."

Brett was also somewhat hesitant, but unlike Okeke's thoughts, he mainly wanted to avoid and be radical for the time being because his mentality had collapsed recently and his emotions were not stable enough. He was afraid that he would do or agree to something irrational on impulse. contact with terrorist organizations.

Even though animal protection organizations claim to be for "protection", the violence in their actions, their disregard for human life, and the extreme measures they adopt all show their terrifying and evil nature, which makes him stay away and be vigilant.

Bright finally decided to suspend the plan, and Ou Keke was obviously relieved.

This was undoubtedly a wise decision. It was later that Brett realized that he was under strict surveillance at that time, and even the house was given by the detective. Because of this, after he discovered Zha Zha's true identity, in addition to hatred, he also developed somewhat complicated emotions about it.

Ou Keke has already reported to the program group that she took Brett and Xiaolang away from the heavily guarded program group and headed for their new residence.

This was the first time that the little wolf entered the city, his excitement was beyond words, his face was almost pressed against the window, he was amazed at the steel jungle and the strange aircraft that shuttled through it.

The residence arranged for them by the program group is located in a mid-to-high-end community with tight security, with convenient transportation, quiet environment, and good greenery.

After entering the community, Brett's good mood was discounted. Not only the exterior of the building, but also the interior halls, elevators, corridors, and almost every room had cameras, making him think he had entered the world of Truman. It is also one of the important means for the program group to control the players besides the bracelet.

While showing them around, Ou Keke explained: "The security here is relatively strict. If you bring strangers in, you need to go to the exit to pick them up and register. The number of people cannot exceed the limit. The program team transferred money to your account , for daily life, just scan it with the wristband when using it, it’s better to buy some educational injections, training courses and resources, I sent the list to this smart brain in the house, you can take a look at it later.”

"I won't bother you to enjoy the fruits of victory, you deserve it," before she left, she warned a few more words, "Ah, I almost forgot, if you go out, you must put on a good disguise! It’s mentioned in the precautions, but I think it’s a bit long-winded to remind you again, you are no longer unknown players, you are very well-known, and the community is okay, but if you are recognized by fans when you go out, you may directly besiege you, causing unnecessary trouble trouble."

Brett and Little Wolf obediently agreed.

Little wolf is like all young people. After using the brain, his eyes are glued to the screen and he does not want to stop. He is playing an immersive online game set in the Middle Ages and revolving around characters such as vampires, witches, werewolves, knights, and priests.

Brett glanced casually, and found that when he squeezed the face of his own werewolf, he came completely in the shape of a wolf, but after entering, he found that five of the ten werewolves looked like this, and smashed it in angrily. The money is used to sell props, so it needs to be pinched again.

Sure enough, krypton gold has something in common everywhere, Brett thought it was funny, said hello to little wolf and went out. He decided to poke around and explore potential escape routes.

When I first came in, I just realized that there were a lot of cameras. After walking around, Bright had to admit that not only were there a large number of them, but they were also arranged scientifically and reasonably, with no dead spots at all. Even in the air and underground, he found cameras on roofs and sewer entrances.

Walking through a certain public garden, Brett found that there was actually a cafe in the community with the words "Seventh Day" written on it.

What a weird name.

With a trace of curiosity, Brett pushed the door and walked in.


Sensing that the door was opened, a young man with dark curly hair and black eyes looked up and smiled at Brett. He was originally sitting behind the counter with a book on the counter, which showed that he was reading just now. guests. He put his fingers together, palms slightly upward, and asked Brett to look at the drink list with standard etiquette.

Brett was just passing by, seeing the warm hospitality and the coffee and snacks in the picture looked good, so he ordered a cup and found a seat near the door to sit down.

While preparing coffee, the curly-haired young man quickly added his own analysis to the man's file.

When you arrive in a new environment, conduct inspections and analysis immediately. You are extremely vigilant, full of control and territorial awareness.

He didn't want to stay for a long time, and he would respond positively to the kindness of his kind who was not a threat, and there was an element of pleasing in his character.

I chose espresso, basic style, strong taste, pursuing a stable and simple life, not luxury and enjoyment.

These are not the personalities that a spy should have, plus the distinctive characteristics shown by No. 199 in the program group...

Detectives basically ruled out the possibility that the man was sent on purpose.

The curly-haired youth brought the prepared coffee to No. 199, and suddenly heard the other party say: "Can I ask, why is this shop called 'Seventh Day'?"

Detective: Because the gentleman only gave me seven days, and today is the last day, I have the shop decorated.

"According to the legend, God created the world in five days, and created man in his own image on the sixth day. God saw that everything in the world was in order and life was endless, and the man he created was handsome and strong. I was happy, so I decided to take the seventh day as a day of rest."

Brett used the gesture of drinking coffee to hide his surprise. In this world of black technology, there are still people who can quote the Bible

The detective looked at No. 199 and took a sip from the cup, and then said: "I hope that every guest who comes here can get a proper rest, relax, and enjoy a moment of peace." He deliberately created a friendly and warm atmosphere, using The words "rest" and "tranquility" all carry some kind of suggestion.

In fact, from the moment the man saw the signboard of the coffee shop, he stepped into the web of spider hunting. Everything here was arranged by the detective himself. Every detail, including the layout, decorations, the smell of the air, and the light The light and shade have been carefully calculated and specially designed for him.

In the past few days, Hodge has been paying close attention to the detective's actions. Through the cameras in the community, he silently watched the man step into the opponent's trap unconsciously.

With a cold snort, he seemed to be talking to himself: "This is not a cafe, but Pansi Cave."

The author has something to say: Your Tang Seng Rou Bright is already online