How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 47: Detective Brain Tiger


Brett allowed the white snake to climb up and down his body. Although he was about a head taller than the other party, and the other party was also an adult man, there was not much room for climbing, but the white snake crawled slowly, very dedicated and determined, willing to spend I spend a lot of time to overcome difficulties, but I am also addicted to it and enjoy myself.

At first, the white snake started from the side, with its arms clung to Brett's waist, dragging its body upwards, as if its legs were crippled and unable to stand. Then he went around Brett's back, sticking to the man's back, and kept going upwards, spitting snake letters as he moved, leaving a trail of saliva mixed with white mucus from friction and extreme excitement, until he strangled his hands Clinging to the man's neck, he was finally about the same height as the man.

But at this time, he seemed to have encountered difficulties. The liquid he left before made the surface of the snake climbing frame slippery, reducing the coefficient of friction. There was no suitable point of force on his feet, so he couldn’t continue to go up no matter what. He held back With a breath, even the hiss became short and impatient.

As time passed, the man's face slowly turned red, because in this posture, the white snake pinched Brett's trachea, leaving him without oxygen for several minutes. Finally, the White Snake had an idea and found another way, clamping Brett's torso with his legs, wriggling like a bug, until he reached the top and sat on Brett's shoulders.

Brett thought several times that he would be entangled to death—in a literal sense—the White Snake’s own muscles might not be strong, but he put most of the weight on himself, especially when his feet/crossed/crossed/clamped Hold your own neck, face close to your body, when crawling head down.

Both of them have no clothes, showing a standing 69 style, skin-to-skin in a strange way. Say it's sex/intercourse, it's not because no one enters anyone, it's just a snake crawling up a tree; say it's not, it's not true, no one can deny that they haven't been intimate, have seen each other from a different angle, are private to each other Organs touched places they wouldn't normally touch, and at least one partner had an extreme orgasm during the activity.

The snake's letter, skin and scales passed over little Brett, making him energetic, which made Brett tremble with fear, for fear that the white snake would hate the sudden extra "branch" and break it off. Smile hard.

Fortunately, the white snake did not do this, but scraped it with its own scales intentionally or unintentionally. What was even more fortunate was that the white snake had poor physical strength. , he was exhausted. When resting, he sat facing Brett, squeezed his left hand and left leg between Brett's standing legs and wrapped it around him, hugging his thigh to sleep, little Brett and his balls They are within reach of his tongue, and the posture is so wonderful that anyone who uses it will know.

After the white snake fell asleep, Brett continued to stand. After playing with the cold-blooded animal this time, he experienced the horror of the python and mastered the technique of falling asleep standing up.

In the doomsday zombie game, Brett wakes up from an abandoned camp barracks, with his head resting on his arm, a backpack in one hand, and a dagger in the other. reaction.

He called Latiao out to hunt: "Today we will eat grilled snake meat."

After a quick fight, Bright had hunted enough food that it wasn't even a warm-up for him. He was lucky enough to find a nest of snake eggs.

He used a few pieces of iron ore to repair the grill in the barracks, cooked food, and one person and one dog sat on the ground to eat.

The spicy striped eagle barked, indicating that he was full.

"Is it true that snake gallbladder no longer comes?"

"Woof!" No.

There was oil and meat moss around Latiao's mouth, Brett felt amused and took it to the stream to wash it.

Brett looked at the pet's stats, the loyalty was full, and the growth rate was full. He was very relieved and showed an old father's smile.

On this day, Brett continued to travel north at a speed comparable to a sports car. It is estimated that he will reach his destination in two days.

that city.

To be precise, it is the geographical location of the city.

Before he found that the landforms of the real world are very similar to those in the game, he guessed that the world where the game is located is what the real world used to be, which is also in line with the background set by the game. Humans broke out with zombie viruses, cities were destroyed, and the world was devastated. Under the grim situation, some brave and outstanding people stood up, set up camps, and blazed a trail. For the survival of mankind, they decided to return to the city and rebuild civilization.

Brett has found the similarities between the two worlds, and he plans to use this to do something. Even if the landforms are changing now, the city should have undergone a lot of transformation. Maybe it doesn't make much sense, but he doesn't want to give up easily, at least he must first Will try it later. After the sixth period ended, he gained some freedom, so he found and recorded the specific coordinates of the city on the Internet, and began to put the plan into practice.

In this warm giant sauna room, the metabolism is significantly accelerated, the blood vessels under the human body expand rapidly, the blood flow of the skin increases by nearly five times than usual, and the blood flow back to the heart also increases significantly. It is bound to increase the burden on the heart.

When White Snake woke up, he didn't feel very well, his body was numb, his muscles were sore, and his head was groggy, showing signs of a hangover. In the next second, he thought back to the pleasant exchange with the snake climbing frame yesterday, and he immediately became happy. He didn't let go of Brett immediately, but stared at the vibrant twenty centimeters, and vomited eagerly. The snake letter seems to want to roll the swollen ball into the tongue.

"Wake up." The man's hoarse voice sounded from the top of his head. The white snake raised his head and saw the man's firm chin, dry and chapped lips and a pair of nostrils. His focus fell on the lips for a long time before moving to there. Brown eyes with red circles and blood streaks in the whites. The high temperature environment has lost moisture, and the man has been standing all night, so he should be very tired.

From a certain place in the White Snake's heart, black mud bubbled out: It's a pity not to make such a healthy body and such a hard bone into an ornament.

Let his arms spread out, lay flat, showing strong arms, better for climbing, plant seeds under his skin, grow branches, change his blood to green, cut off his tongue, refit His throat makes the trunk grow inside the body, making him more like a tree, and then engraves patterns on his skin and writes his name.

Finally, put him in the reception hall, and let all the guests admire his exquisiteness.

Just wait until the gentleman loses interest in him.

It's really annoying, I don't want to wait.

The white snake snapped its fingers, and immediately a robot appeared and brought two tubes of reagents. Black saw that the white snake drank it before he drank it. The refreshing medicine tasted like mint. Those fatigues and negativity are gone.

"What a pleasant morning." The white snake sighed.

Brett replied in silence, his attention on the robot.

He had seen similar styles before.

After being named by the slag for the first time in the hotel and performing by the canine teenagers, Bright was taken to a place similar to a torture chamber, where there was such a robot.

Brett inquired calmly: "It's pretty good, where can I buy it?"

"You can't buy this," White Snake said proudly, "I designed it myself, and I only made a few for friends. This is the latest generation, very smart, similar to a portable housekeeper, and can be personalized according to the user's preferences. , set the program, and execute the task. Just like now, it detects my physical characteristics, and prepares the right medicine, and he can even analyze my kindness to you, and prepare one for you."

So, this machine is someone's exclusive and not the property of that hotel

Brett's heart was beating wildly. After such a long time, he finally found the clue of that scumbag!

The other party is very cunning, usually like turning into water vapor and blending into the mist, and I don't know when it will turn into an ice arrow, piercing his heart.

Brett decided to seize this opportunity, otherwise he wonders if he will find the truth in his lifetime.

"It's inner city stuff, you're inner city."

White Snake is not only the leader of the animal organization, but also its informant among the inner city people. He was surprised by Brett's sharpness, curled up his lips playfully, and stared at Brett with straight eyes, as if saying: so what

Brett was a little hesitant, but he didn't turn his head back. His tone was aggressive: "You are from the inner city, but you are against the program group. Will the nobles let you go?"

"Is this threatening me?" White Snake, or the scientist, showed a mocking expression. He didn't wait for Brett to answer, and then said: "You are too naive. We started planning long before the recording of the show, In order to brew the theme of this season, we started from leading the trend, designing step by step, and controlling at a macro level. Otherwise, how do you think the trend of being close to nature in the city became popular? As for the animal organization, this is just my little hobby. The beauty of modernization, plus access to free lab materials.”

He hissed happily: "They were dying on the test bench, and they were still grateful before they died, and they were constantly grateful for my help, giving them the opportunity to get rid of their human bodies... It's so interesting! This time the animal organization attacked the program group, the program The group counterattacked, you come and go, the topic became more and more heated, and the ratings made a breakthrough."

"Everything is planning," he concluded.

People from outside the city thought they liked nature, so the program group set the theme, but in fact it was the other way around. The inner city people played with them in the palm of their hands. This is the absolute confidence of the existence at the top of the food chain in the face of inferior creatures.

Bright realized that he had made a mistake. He had underestimated how united the inner city people were, and he should have treated them as another species, different from the outer city people. Status, technology, or something else has already divided the inner city people, the outer city people, and the outsiders into a strict and clear hierarchy. He shouldn't confuse them.

For example, the people in the inner city are lions, and the people in the outer city are antelopes. There may be frictions and fights between the lions for territory, but they will not stand with the antelopes. No matter which lion wins, the antelopes are food.

In their eyes, I am also an antelope, maybe stronger and with a different color of hair, but it is still food.

After tearing off the camouflage, the scientist looked at the man's almost naked/naked eyes without any concealment. He wanted to cut open his skin and taste his internal organs, but Brett met his gaze without flinching.

"If you're so open, why did you bring me here instead of the inner city?"

This torture that directly hit the soul made the scientist dumbfounded for a while.

He was indeed thinking about the gentleman's attitude, the other party is not generous, how can he tolerate others stealing his snacks? He had heard that the detective was being beaten by the gentleman, but he didn't know what kind of black hand was behind the scenes. Although it wasn't fatal, it was troublesome enough.

"I'm also thinking about you." That time your mind was all burnt out.

Brett: Fuck you!

The scientist probably also realized that no one would believe that lie, so he took a step back: "For last night's sake, I think I should be more tolerant." His tone was loose, but Shutong issued a warning not to open the mouth of the lion .

Brett pondered for a while. According to the solidarity and xenophobia of the inner city people, he could not make such a similar request for information on all the inner city people. When he confirmed Curly's identity with Hodge before, Hodge was only based on his guess. Giving a yes or no answer, nothing more, Brett took this as some kind of tacit understanding in the inner city to protect his own kind.

So, he cautiously proposed to White Snake: "You designed those robots, can you get their records? Don't deny that smart people always have Plan B." Programmers like to open the back door for the things they make.

Because of nervousness, Brett's throat was a little dry and tight: "I want to find out who has been to the hotel outside the city."

The scientist tilted his head, and the swing of his head was larger than normal, which looked a little strange. Although he doubted Brett's motives, he still felt that it was harmless. After all, what can an antelope know the whereabouts of a lion

Of course, the most important thing is that scientists don't know that Hodge hides his identity and plays with Bright. He typed instructions into the machine, and within two minutes, Brett had what he wanted.

The equation "Slag=Gentleman=Hodge" was spinning rapidly in front of Brett's eyes, making him dizzy and nauseous.

Grass (an herbaceous plant).

The author has something to say: Finally the truth!