How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 51: Between crazy and not crazy


Hodge woke up in the darkness. He touched his brain at the first time, and it was confiscated. His heart tightened, and he groped around. The space was small, and he confirmed that he was in a sealed box. It must be the life box.

He felt no movement, heard no sound, just dead silence.

He calmed down, let himself calm down, and thought about the current situation.

He wouldn't be a gentleman if he didn't know that Brett already knew he was his tormentor.

This explains why Brett became like this after contacting the scientists. His hostility was almost uncontrollable, which made him no longer soft-hearted, embraced ridiculous justice, and created a wonderful killing scene in the show.

Hodge likes Bright's change very much, it is almost a qualitative change, it is the beginning of internal corruption, and it is a sign of people's degeneration step by step.

People always think that depravity can be accomplished overnight, that is because they have been corrupted without knowing it, and when they have degenerated completely, when they look back, they are surprised at how deep they have fallen, and they mistakenly think that they have taken a wrong step to fall. Just come down.

In fact, the depravity began before they realized it. Subtle, subtle, and imperceptible, it stained their souls a little bit. In addition, the speed of depravity is getting faster and faster, and the accumulation is the largest. Yes, often the last few steps.

He originally wanted to use the surrounding environment to accumulate quantitative changes to a certain level, and then produce qualitative changes, so that the man would become what he wanted under the influence of his ears and eyes. He was angry and annoyed before, only because the changes in the man were not brought about by himself.

But now, even though he is at the mercy of others, Hodge feels the joy flowing from the depths of his heart. He carefully planted the seeds, set up a grape trellis, and took care of them every day. The dark green vines produced a bunch of lovely flowers. The fruit, the color of the fruit is getting darker now, it is edible, sweet and sour, with endless sweetness in the end.

It turned out that it was none other than myself that caused such a huge change in a man!

This is wonderful!

Hodge felt the excitement in his body, his heartbeat quickened, and his breathing quickened. He was not afraid of what would happen to him next, but those thoughts—"It turns out that I was the one who influenced him", "It turns out that I am in his played such an important role in his life”, “It turned out that I made him suffer and let him fall”—the inner city man showed a happy smile, which was a joy from the heart.

This joy even overwhelmed the worry about the future, and the regret that this secret was not revealed under his control. He missed the expression and reaction of the man when he learned the truth. He must get the video record from the scientist and keep it well.

Compared with the established and unchangeable past, let's focus on more important things in front of us!

What would the slave do to him

Torture him, humiliate him, kill him.

Will use the cruelest way, after all he hates himself so much, hahaha, it's so good...

Or, does he prefer to use his own way to deal with his own body? This seems to be more in line with a man's behavior pattern, but it's too boring. It's just an electric shock. Although the process is indeed painful and cruel, those injuries can be cured. With the addition of reagents, they can be quickly forgotten without leaving a trace. More importantly, this shows that men can still control their anger and stick to the bottom line.

He bit his tongue lightly, calming down his trembling body from excitement. He couldn't reveal these true thoughts. A keen man would find out. After all, he is so smart, witty, creative and always gives people surprise.

Like the process of capturing him.

Many clues are connected together, and scenes of scenes emerge in Hodge's mind. When Brett used online shopping for the first time, he asked about drones. Maybe he thought of using the drone transportation system at that time. Maybe he wanted to use it to escape. It can perfectly escape the monitoring of the camera. , leaving in full view. Of course, there are also bracelets, which men cannot escape.

Speaking of it, it is indeed a good idea. He has to tell the inner city that this is a hidden danger. It is better to install a scanning system on the drone. It is forbidden to transport human bodies that have not been recorded. This may harm the interests of some human trafficking organizations, but Safety comes first, and it pays to strengthen supervision.

Hodge waited in the darkness with anticipation, like a giant beast chained in the abyss, dormant and patient, hoping that the person on the other side of the abyss would take a step forward and fall down.

Suddenly, the space trembled, and the shock was transmitted to Hodge. He was shocked. It couldn't be said that he was more excited than fear. He turned his head with difficulty and looked up slightly.

There was a gleam of light in the darkness, then it turned into a line, and finally a rectangular frame. He saw first a low, gray and mottled ceiling, and then the man. Hodge raised his head, enduring the stiffness of his neck, and looked into those brown eyes.

"You're impulsive," Hodge said lightly, as if he wasn't the one who was boxed and taken away. "As long as my life signs stop, the inner city will automatically receive a signal and send out an alarm, unless you plan to kill me." You ran away immediately after killing me, but your bracelet is still there, and you haven't thought of a solution to it, so you won't kill me."

Admit it, I cornered you.

Admit it, I made you lose your mind.

"So now, how are you going to end up?" As long as you don't kill me, I will always haunt you and become your nightmare for life. No matter what you plan to do to me, you will face hundreds of times and thousands of times of cruelty. brutal revenge.

Someone pressed against him to pant, someone grabbed his hair, deliberately turned his face out of the shadows, sighed, and someone stuffed something into his body, which made him feel a tearing convulsion. All perception seemed to be far away from him, but it was so close, because the stimulation and pain reminded him of the tragedies that were happening to him.

Dimly, he heard voices full of contempt and insult. He wanted to hide, but it was useless. They could always find him, catch him, and treat him cruelly. Once the game of cat and mouse became a nightmare in his life. Later they got bored and thought of a new way to play. They even gave him the right to escape and move. His body was fixed in a way that made him ashamed into the dust. posture, presented to the people.

"He looked very painful and desperate. He wanted to die but couldn't die. It's really hard to watch."

"Aren't you very capable? My brother was killed by you on the show. He was a jerk and treated me badly, but if he saw you like this, he would die laughing! Hahaha !"

"As expected of being the champion of the seventh season of "Killing Game", your body can suck..."

"I'm your senior fan, and I've fallen in love with you from the very beginning, especially those eyes. Thanks to the kindness of the old men in the inner city, and the benefits from the program group, we can also taste the best taste."

Bright wakes up from a nightmare and returns to the real world.

He hadn't had a nightmare for a long time, and it was still such a vivid dream, as if it had happened to him once.

He has grasped the entire grass in the game world.

He couldn't remember how he returned to his residence from the White Snake that day, and his mind was full of the horrible formula of "scum=gentleman=Hodge".

The pain of being betrayed, the anger of being fooled, the resentment of being calculated, twisted together, indistinguishable, surging in his blood, if Zha Zha appeared in front of him at that moment, he would definitely pounce on him without hesitation , Kill him alive!

But compared to those, what men feel the most is fear, the fear of fate.

He thought of the classic story about prophecy, King Oedipus killed his father and married his mother, because his father got the prophecy that he would "kill his father and marry his mother", and threw him as a baby into the barren hills , As a result, Oedipus did not die, but fulfilled the prophecy, causing a tragedy of fate.

Brett is also thinking, in order to escape his fate, he regarded the "gentleman" as an enemy, which attracted the attention of Zha Zha, which led to the final tragedy, or did his time travel have caused the direction of fate to deviate? Is what I am experiencing destined, or is it already different from the original book

Too bad he only read the first two pages...

Brett put aside his regrets, he couldn't let his negative interests spread, otherwise he would fall into an endless loop that he couldn't get out of, and he had so many things to regret!

He secretly made up his mind that he would rather die and blow up his body to slag, than leave the body to the inner city people, not even a single piece of flesh!

Because of this nightmare, even if he completed the two-day journey in one day in the game world, Latiao almost lost him and successfully arrived at the coordinates of the city, he was not happy, and with a gloomy mood covered by dark clouds, The recording of the seventh period has begun.

Fortunately, his vigilance about Hodge's inner city identity saved him, and he did not disclose any more critical information, causing irreparable consequences. This is probably the main reason why he can still maintain his sanity at this moment.

He is determined to win the "free battle card" because he has a target that must never be killed.

Not Redhead, not Coyote, not Beauty, not Pierce, not any of the squad.

But the alpha wolf, the leader of the pack.

The alpha wolf with whom he secretly formed an ally is the only hope for Brett to get rid of the bracelet. He cannot kill him, otherwise it will arouse the common hatred of all werewolves, and it is impossible for the next leader of the wolf pack to cooperate with him.

As for the reason for killing other chimpanzees, on the one hand, it was a necessary means to attract the leader, and on the other hand, it was to send love to his old, weak, sick and disabled teammates, so that they could survive as much as possible. Although they did not have any language communication, he believed that those who watched Guys who seem weak but are actually cunning will get involved.

He doesn't mean well, he just needs to use them.

Like now, he sent the slag to the redhead's home. Beauty can't do it, the club is full of people, it's too ostentatious, and other people are not suitable, only the place where the redhead lives has the least cameras, the most chaotic law and order, and the weakest control of the city.

The caught slag can still accurately step on Brett's sore feet. He was so composed, so calm, sure that Brett would not kill him, and he must be the one who had the last laugh.

He was right, Brett thought, he couldn't kill him now, he had to save it for later.

Brett knows what the highest goal is, and other revenge and dignity are incidental. At the same time, he also knows that if he doesn't take revenge, he will definitely go crazy if he keeps holding back.

He didn't yell at this scumbag, "Get out of my life!" because that would be futile. Brett is not sure about the direction of the future, not sure whether he will become a meat X, not sure about many things, but one thing is for sure, his fate is tied to the scum, and it is not clear when it will start Yes, in short, the fate of the two people has been entangled into a dead knot. The grievances between them cannot be explained clearly in two or three sentences. They hate each other until they die.

After unpacking the box, Brett kept silent. He carried Hodge out of the life support box, controlled him and injected him with an injection. This injection was a trial package that came with the purchase of the dog boy to relax the muscles. There is also an aphrodisiac effect. Then he began to take off Hodge's clothes, from top to bottom, leaving nothing behind, and wrapped his body in a large black robe, revealing only a pair of eyes. During the whole process, the beautiful nobleman's face was indifferent, and the black eyes were the same as he remembered, deep and deep, like black holes.

Was MMP himself blind before? Didn't find out...

He picked up the weak Hodge and walked outside.

The redhead guarding the door thoughtfully gave him space, didn't ask a word about his unusual behavior, and didn't even look at the person in Brett's arms, as if he thought it was just a canine boy, Brett did this Just having fun, asked when he would be back.

Brett was silent. He thought darkly, or else someone would play with the scum to death, and he would kill himself by forcefully dismantling his hands, completely clean.

"You... will you come back?" Seeing Brett's lifeless eyes, the redhead swallowed nervously, as if realizing that his question was a bit abrupt, and said as if to make amends, "I want to ask how this box is going to be. Deal with it, and, do you have time to have dinner together?"

Brett sighed in his heart, and at the same time was surprised by Ronald's sharpness, and said, "Come back in the evening."

"Ah, okay, then I'll go buy some ingredients, shall we cook together tonight? I heard from Xiaolang that your craftsmanship is very good."

Brett felt the person in his arms move. They didn’t move just now, as if they were urging to get rid of irrelevant people. Brett intentionally or unintentionally neglected to explore the reason, nodded to the redhead, and walked towards him with the nobleman in his arms. execution ground.

The author has something to say: Shou hopes that Gong will do cruel things to him, first of all because Gong will not kill him unless Gong is willing to perish with him, which is not bad; moreover, the more cruel Gong’s behavior, the more it shows that Gong has degenerated and become After becoming like him, he will become the creator of the blackened Gong, and Gong will never be able to escape from him.