How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 52: None of this is love


The redhead lives in the sewer. The sewer is not a ditch, but a slum area near the outskirts of the city. Because it is where all the sewer pipes in the city converge, the smell is touching, and gradually the whole area is called the sewer.

Here is a perfect interpretation of the phrase "the greatest evil in the world is poverty". Every few steps you walk, you will see crime scenes. Stealing and robbery are commonplace, and extortion is a daytime snack. The lingering place is the dumping place for city people, and there is a rotten smell in the air.

Pierce once complained that the redhead already had good financial strength, which was enough to improve his life, but he still chose to live in the place where he grew up. He was very puzzled and called the redhead a cheap bone. In fact, it’s not that difficult to understand. The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse. People are used to returning to familiar places, familiar smells, and familiar environments. Even if it is dirty, messy and dangerous, the feeling it brings is the same as in the past. Similarly, the brain releases chemicals that produce a feeling of reassurance.

At a certain intersection, a child with big eyes sat cross-legged on the ground, dressed in rags, with a broken bowl in front of him. He spat at a middle-aged woman who was not fully clothed, and mocked: "Broken shoes!" The latter cursed: "Gnome, if I see you pretending to be a child to steal my business again, I'll find someone to take your turn!"

"You have the ability to come here! Labor and capital can eat everything!" He still wanted to curse, and suddenly saw a strange outsider, holding a tightly wrapped black robe in his arms, walking along the street .

The dwarf curled his lips. Recently, this place has become a check-in place for urbanites, because they have red hair, and they are so popular on the Internet. With more tourists, he was lucky enough to make a few fortunes.

At this time, the person walking towards him was ordinary in appearance, but his figure was tall and straight, and his body was so muscular that his saliva was about to flow down.

The man gave him some money and said in a low voice, "Take me to the dirtiest place here."

"No problem, no one knows this area better than me." The dwarf happily took the money, not without regrets in his heart, complaining that the old shoe was talking nonsense, otherwise he could have pretended to be a child and made more money.

Brett runs into trouble with a random guide.

The black-hearted tour guide took him to the trap, and several men who didn't look like good people surrounded him and blocked him in a dark alley: "Boy, hand over all the valuable things on you." Wears a crowbar and has prominent tattoos.

It's like sending warmth from thousands of miles away.

To be honest, Brett has not yet figured out how to deal with the scum. He has fantasized about it countless times, using the cruelest and most terrifying punishment, the ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty, etc., but thinking and doing are completely different things, and it is very difficult to actually execute it. There are difficulties, both psychological and material conditions.

Walking through the black, oily and smelly ditch, he wanted to throw the cleanser into the ditch for a soak, and then find an electric shock baton to give him electrotherapy, but he would get dirty when he was taken back, so he gave up.

Unexpectedly, God sent him the opportunity, and he didn't have to dirty his hands.

Brett put the dregs on the ground, put his hands on his chest, opened his palms to show that he was harmless, and backed away slowly all the way.

"What is this?" The habitual robbers found it very strange. The man didn't show any fear, but surrendered easily. The moment they were distracted by checking the objects on the ground, Brett disappeared in an instant. In fact, he didn't leave, but hid in the high place of the house, taking in all the situation below.

"Damn! It's a stunner!" One of them lifted off the black cloak, his eyes widened, and the secretion of saliva immediately accelerated.

"Pie in the sky, nothing good will happen." One of his accomplices said.

"This looks, this figure... You see, he is already wet, Ma De, don't worry about it, let's talk about it when you feel better..." He said as he untied his belt.

"Haha, that's right, death is worth it! Press him—don't struggle, cutie, your skin is so smooth, like silk, it's still so white, and it will turn green when you pinch it." The stunner's arms were raised up to restrain him, and she pulled him into her arms.

"The one who escaped was your girlfriend? It's really a bad world. I left you and left. Come, let my brother love you well."

His dark eyes looked at the person opposite him, as if looking at a dead object.

A criminal who was slapping him was so stared at him that he slapped him unhappily. His fair face immediately swelled up, and a distinct slap print appeared on it.

A man was ordered to watch the wind, and he complained unhappily: "Don't kill me, I'm going to go."

"Just wait. We'll sell it after we've had enough fun. We'll definitely make a lot of money..."

Brett looked down at the unsightly scene below. It was a hell he had created by himself. Unfortunately, he didn't have any emotions of resentment or happiness. Confusion crawled into his eyes and built a nest inside, letting his eyes Covered with something like a diaphragm, I can't see the world clearly, and I can't see myself clearly.

Suddenly, he heard a burst of music, and it turned out that there was someone else on the roof besides him, and he was too distracted to notice.

It was a stooped, skinny, blind old man. His eyes were covered with ugly scars, as if he had been blinded with a branding iron or something, and he stood in the wind, holding a very old saxophone, playing like no one else was there. His face is yellow and thin, his clothes are full of knots, his white beard is sloppy, and he is covered with wind and frost, but his expression is so peaceful and peaceful, completely immersed in the world of music.

The saxophone is said to be the most romantic instrument, if not, remove the word "man". Its voice is delicate and euphemistic, fresh and melodious, the bass is deep and calm, and the treble is clear and transparent.

He thought of the title of the song just by listening to the prelude, not because of his deep research on music, but because the song is so famous, it is called "Going Home", and there is a warm and beautiful story about the yellow ribbon behind it. The husband who just came out of prison, the wife who forgave her husband and welcomed him home, and an old oak tree covered with yellow ribbons.

The romantic and gentle melody came with the wind, and the gentle feelings contained in it made Brett's eyes clearer.

Damn, what did he do!

He seemed to see his future self in Hodge's numb face, the poor and innocent victim.

Sinking into the sea of suffering, unable to struggle, no one to save, full of hatred for the world and deep despair.

Fighting evil with evil, he punishes the enemy and kills himself at the same time, changing from a victim to a perpetrator, and becoming the dirty thing he hated and hated so much in the past.

He should not be manipulated by emotions of fear and hatred to do despicable deeds that only urbanites would do.

If he treats others like this, does the freedom he pursues still make sense? Why did he escape from this city of sin? Don't you just want to stay away from these natural and immoral atrocities? If you give up your principles in the name of revenge, you might as well climb to the top, become an inner city resident, and enjoy the glory and wealth for the rest of your life!

His brown eyes were brighter than ever, and after breaking through the fog, he finally saw the way ahead.

Brett jumped down and kicked away the dregs that were about to enter after breaking the nobleman's legs.

"Kill them, and I won't attack the whole area." Hodge lay on the ground, his eyes lit up the moment he saw the man, he was very embarrassed at this moment, and there were already spots on his body, which were blue and purple. I learned a lesson during the struggle just now.

"What are you talking about?" The criminals were disturbed from doing things, and when they heard such arrogant words, they immediately became furious. However, they didn't know what kind of enemy they were facing, and they fell to the ground in just a few seconds. , never get up again.

"Why... came back..." Hodge turned pale, turned his head and retched a few times, spit out the liquid left in his mouth, and his body lay flat on the ground, like a delicate doll out of the control of its owner.

Those touches made him nauseous, and he was prepared for the worst, but the man changed his mind and came back, which shocked him so much that he couldn't believe it.

A strange seed fell to the bottom of the nobleman's heart, broke through the solid shell, and plunged the roots into the dry and barren soil, constantly exploring for the nutrition of survival, which made his heart ache so much that he was going crazy , wanted to scream, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't make a sound.

The appearance of the man disappointed him more than the cruelest treatment, because it told him clearly how different the two of them were, and that he would never have that man, could not catch the light.

Because of the effect of the drug and the physical stimulation, Hodge was not conscious at this time and could not think about anything more. He felt his body re-wrapped, hidden, and sunk into strong arms.

Just now he was rubbed and stroked by several people, his body went against his will, and he was already emotional. At this moment, when he touched the breath of a man, he became uncontrollably excited. He arched his body, curled his toes and grasped it tightly, as if it would erupt in the next second. .

He wants, he longs for this man.

Scenes flashed before his eyes, all about Brett, and his words lingered in his ears.

"I want to see you cum too..."

"Will I see you in the future? I want to deepen our relationship with you."

"Are you from the inner city?"

Sentence by sentence, every word struck his heart, arousing his desire and stirring his heartstrings.

Hodge felt like he was slowly losing his mind, especially after he heard a burst of musical instruments blowing, and in this hallucination, the man did nothing to him, just hugged him, sat silently on the roof, listening to the soothing music. It took him a while to realize that it was not an illusion, it was real.

He felt that the seed that had taken root in his heart had drilled down a little more, grabbing his flesh and blood like soil, making it very difficult for him to pull it out.

He didn't hear Brett's voice until the music had completely died away.

"You have to keep in mind that these things I can do to you," the man paused, and then said slowly, "I will never do it to you. I will definitely kill you in the future, this is my right You are also a promise to yourself."