How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 54: God's vengeance


Brett, who was concentrating on feeding the pets, didn't know that the camera aimed at them started to run wildly.

The program assembled the camera, of course, not only to ensure the safety of property, but also to collect the daily material of the star. After learning that Bright had bought a pet, the team watching him cheered up and got ready, but they waited all day , Brett didn't come back, and heard from the group next door that he went to find the redhead for dinner.

I have a sentence MMP must say.JPG

They had no choice but to work overtime at night and continue to squat, and the hard work paid off, and they finally got the meat scene! Without even thinking about it, I put it directly on the homepage of the show, and broadcast the daily routine of feeding pets on No. 199.

As soon as the live broadcast started, many spectators flooded in immediately, and there were various comments below.

"Why is it only one minute? No. 199 is actually a second S man?! Ah, my dream of a male god is shattered!!!"

"Wait upstairs, keep reading, you will subvert the three views."



"A bunch of NC fans!" Heizi scolded.

The man just now: "Huh? He's hard again? So fast? I came late, so I asked weakly, how many times is this?"

A senior member named Analyst left a message in bold red font: "The ninth time in fifteen minutes."

The man was silent for a while, then swiped again: "Carefully piece together my dream of a male god. From today onwards, I declare that I love him, don't worry about it."

"I really feed you."

"Will feeding so much at one time hurt the pet's stomach? It was hungry for too long at the beginning, and the businessman is really unscrupulous, but it can't be supplemented so much at once."

"The upstairs is right. No. 199 is too inexperienced. You can't pamper your pets. Otherwise, the owner will lose his majesty in front of it, and it will become disobedient. Those who tear down houses are so used to it."

"Hello, rich daddy upstairs, are you short of leg pendants?"

"To be honest, I only hope to replace that dog, hehehe."

The audience is always insatiable, and after recovering from the shock, they start clamoring for more, building towers below.

"Why are there only subtitles but no sound? I want to hear the sound! Go up and let the program crew see it!!"

"Why is there only one angle? I want to watch 360 degrees with no dead ends! Go up and let the program crew see it!!"

If Brett sees it, he will definitely sneer. I bought a watch last year. Does labor and management still have privacy

The program team didn't expect the effect to be so good. Seeing Biaohong's data, how could they let go of such a hot topic, and immediately launched a wave of sales promotion, annual membership, customized videos, game peripherals... Ou~buy~karma, buy it! buy it! !

Moreover, the more times Bright feeds, the greater the discount will be, making the live broadcast even more popular.

The gentle expression of the man appeared on the screen, which was a little different from usual. His brows were slightly furrowed, showing a forbearance. In the next second, his eyebrows stretched, and his muscles relaxed. He looked down at the dog lying on his body. The boy opened and closed his lips, and the subtitles typed a few words accordingly: "Are you full?"

He picked up the dog, wiped his mouth clean, the dog made a comfortable sound of purring, and covered his slightly swollen stomach with his hands. It was the first time he ate so easily, because the new owner was very gentle and couldn’t help it He stuck out his tongue and licked the palm of the owner's palm, causing the comments below to frantically read "I also want to raise a QAQ", "I am willing to be his spare food" and so on.

Penniless, Brett really didn't have the money to buy him a kennel or bedding, and he couldn't just treat him as a pet and let him sleep on the floor, so he had to pat his own bed and let him climb up, according to his own wishes. Lie down, close your eyes and go to sleep.

He thought he would not get used to it, but he fell asleep very quickly. When he was in a calm mood, he could enter a state of rest at any time by virtue of his super high control over his body.

The live broadcast was still going on, most people left after watching the fun, and some stayed here, staring at the person and dog on the bed, as if they were right beside them.

"The big-brained tiger sleeps really well, and fell asleep as soon as it touched the pillow, motionless."

"What time do you go to bed now? Veteran cadres work and rest, let alone surf the Internet, he doesn't even have a brain."

"He seems to be unable to sleep as a pet, and he doesn't dare to move for fear of waking up the owner. He keeps looking at the owner, so good~"

"I decided to stand on Tiger Dog CP."

"What kind of cult is that? 69CP, reversible and irreversible." This is obviously the 56th and 199th Xipi Party.

Pierce was indignant, boarded his trumpet, and said angrily: "It can be dismantled and irreversible." How could he be below

He suddenly found that the little wolf was watching the screen, and the other party's expression was a bit disapproving, and the little wolf asserted: "You can't beat him."

Pierce immediately became angry when he heard the words, sneered, and the red hair shuddered. At this time, he would always be blamed for innocent people and become a punching bag.

Sure enough, this night he was almost ruined by Pierce and the little wolf. Pierce was so excited that he didn't even play games with the little wolf, and forced him to play together all night.

Brett was surprised to find that the little wolf who came back at noon had an overly indulgent face, and he suspected that his judgment was wrong, and he shouldn't be frivolous when playing games.

"What kind of eyes do you have? I'm not useless!" The little werewolf gritted his teeth, "Do you want to try it yourself?" The little wolf said that he can be hard, even if he can't produce fluid, his nerves can still produce and transmit pleasure.

Brett lowered his head, concentrated on cooking, and said, "If you haven't eaten, let's go together."

"Of course not, I bought these," Little Wolf bared his teeth, retaliated against Brett's attitude just now, "You're eating me now."

The dog squatted beside him, noticing that the owner who was looking at him was in a bad mood, he tilted his head and smiled. Brett couldn't blame him, so he had to say to the little werewolf, "Deduct your rent."

"Okay," Little Wolf slumped on the sofa and closed his eyes, "Call me."

Brett wanted to try other foods instead of dog food. He happened to be making meatballs today. He chopped some minced meat and asked the dog boy, "Can you eat this?"

The dog came over obediently, sniffed with his nose, and opened his mouth when he sensed the master's expectation.

"Don't feed him," cried the little wolf, "you'll kill him."

Brett immediately retracted his hand, causing the dog to bite empty space, and the man showed a puzzled look.

"There is only one kind of food for him, which is irreplaceable. If he eats other food by mistake, he will get sick or even die."

Hodge had disposed of the whole life tank, presumably along with the pet care instructions - or perhaps on purpose - and anyway, Brett had very limited knowledge. Brett thanked him, secretly glad that he didn't kill his pet in disguise, and he didn't have the money to go to the pet hospital now.

Xiaolang waved his hand and said it was nothing: "Last night when I was watching your live broadcast, I saw it in the comments."

"Live broadcast?" Brett had a bad feeling.

"Ha, you don't know?" Little Wolf showed a playful expression, and described it to him in detail.

Brett had no expression on his face, he beat the meat paste repeatedly to make it very sticky, and they had very springy meatballs for lunch today.

Okeke arrived in the afternoon, and Brett guessed it was for the live broadcast.

After Ou Keke arrived, he drank a glass of water first: "I've been busy since last night. I was in a meeting early in the morning. I rushed over without lunch."

Brett walked to the kitchen: "I'll serve you a bowl of noodles."

"Okay!" Ou Keke said happily.

While waiting, she told Brett about the latest arrangement of the program: "The program group requires you to open V-Log, a form of recording life with video, which will be broadcast for one hour every day, and I will get you to choose the theme. "Praise me quickly!

The instant noodles were ready in less than ten minutes. Brett felt sorry for the overtime dog, so he added two poached eggs and a tomato, and cooked it with meatball soup.

Ou Keke was so moved that he drank the soup with the last mouthful, and praised: "Those fans will love you to death."

"Is it okay to teach cooking?" Brett asked.

"It can enrich your character design. It's a good idea, but there are already many similar anchors."

"What if I cook and invite other contestants to eat?"

Ou Keke's eyes lit up, and he was inspired: "You can make things difficult for each other, the guest will come up with a dish you want, and after he finishes eating, you can make things difficult for him and make him do something he hates."

The two discussed it all afternoon, and the little wolf came out to look for food after catching up on sleep. At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly, and he took the initiative to open the door.

Outside was a black-haired boy about five or six years old, with exquisite facial features, clean and tidy clothes, very cute, the kind of cute who would be abducted while walking. He blinked his big caramel eyes and smiled sweetly at the pup, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

"Hi, I'm here to find Dad."

"Child, you went to the wrong door." The little wolf said and closed the door.

The boy frowned. He didn't get the address wrong. Adults always don't take him seriously. Alas, being young doesn't mean IQ is low.

He cheered himself up and rang the doorbell again.

"I said you made a mistake!" The little wolf said viciously, threatening, "If you don't leave, I will eat you!"

The boy said stubbornly, "I'm not mistaken, my father lives here."

The little wolf suffocated, there were only two people living here, he didn't have that function, and the kid's eyes were close to brown, so he must be Brett's breed! He screamed in his head for several seconds, then tried his best to keep calm, turned his head and shouted inside: "Number 199, your son is here to find you!"

Brett had to stop the conversation with his manager, and walked to the door. The moment he saw the child, he froze, and there was a vague shadow of scum in his appearance. Except for the wrong color of his eyes, he was completely the childish version of scum!

I was too naive to think that the live broadcast was revenge...

Brett kept worrying, waiting for Zha Zha to make a move, let his imagination fly, and guessed the other party's thinking about the question. He never expected that it would be such an exam scope—the parenting challenge of a single father.

Brett actually didn't doubt the identity of this child, because using the genes of the two of them to synthesize a child, to torture and threaten him, is completely like something that scum can do!

The quasi-father and son had the following conversation.

"Are you Brett?"


"That's right, you are the person I'm looking for," the child looked up at the tall man with a crisp voice, "Dad!"

Brett's three views are broken.

But I'm still a virgin!

The author has something to say: Give you a god to unfold hahaha