How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 58: Brain tiger layout


Pierce knew that his biological father had many titles, such as "the lord of the outer city", "the prime minister", "the first person in the outer city", etc., which showed his power and status in the outer city that no one could shake.

However, the title Pierce is more familiar with is "Steward". The inner city people specially rewarded his father, who is an outer city man, and his father is proud of it, because this code name has always been the privilege of powerful inner city people. So he often talked about "housekeeper" and chanted codes of conduct such as "loyalty", "respect", and "gratitude".

"As a steward, the most important thing is to obey!"

"Son, you have to work hard to let the nobles see your obedience and sacrifice, and become a qualified steward heir."

"The inner city has entrusted me with so many affairs because it trusts and values me."

"You let me down so much! How can you be so ungrateful? We are humble, born like this, and will always be like this in the future, so we must be grateful..."

Who would have thought that the dignitary who controls almost half of the power in the outer city and manages more than 90% of the population is as humble as a dog in front of the inner city people.

Unlike the "steward" in charge of government affairs, the army code-named "Watchdog" showed stronger ambitions, probably because the armed forces gave them the confidence to challenge the inner city people, and his biological father was always very kind to them. Dissatisfied, he often used it as a counterexample to teach Pierce, and he was ridiculed by the military in many public places.

If Pierce had listened to his father, he wouldn't have signed up for a reality TV show.

Because he is closer to inner city people than any outsider, Pierce understands what kind of creatures those people are, cold-blooded, cruel, and greedy. They use etiquette to cover up their cruel nature. , is a man-eating beast. People from the outer city also eat people, but they are more direct and straightforward, sometimes for survival, while people in the inner city cannibalize more for entertainment, to find joy in a boring life. , a pastime, racking one's brains to incorporate ideas into it to the point of subversion.

Ever since he was a child, people from the inner city were like a mountain on top of his head, making him unable to lift his head. This oppressive feeling was particularly prominent when he faced the pursuit and compliments of other people from the outer city. He dared not forget it all the time. , His identity and status are similar to those of lackeys.

He is very lucky to be protected by his father, he was born to enjoy a noble status second only to or even equal to those in the inner city, and it is always his father who grovels outside, and there is no need for him to do anything; but he is also unfortunate , in a very contradictory and embarrassing position, he will never be from the inner city, the mountain weighs him down, he can't work like his father and serve others all his life, what will be waiting for him? Inner city people come up with endless methods, or is it a one-off transformation

Just like the Brett he saw in the seventh episode, that powerful man is the king of gorillas, but in the real world, he is just a slave played by inner city people.

In that moment, as he projects himself onto Brett, he realizes that no one knows him better than that man.

As it turns out, he was right.

The phrase "Let's launch a rebellion together" directly hit his heart, expressing his true desire that he had never dared to say or think.

He wants to overthrow that mountain.

Then it becomes the tallest one.

His wishes are vulgar and practical, fame and power, riches and beauties, he wants the best.

He kissed Brett passionately, his tongue eagerly poking in, expressing his uncontrollable excitement. There are too many things in it, including the touch of being finally understood, the ecstasy of finding a bosom friend, the natural ambition for power, and the desire for men. At the same time, for him choosing to save himself, to pull himself back from the brink of death, he felt agitated. At that moment, he was grateful, but this kind of gratitude existed for too short a time, and was quickly swallowed up by other emotions.

He wants to possess Brett, to become one with him, and he's always wanted to do it, and he's wanted to, since the first issue. It's a pity that an inner city man took the lead, occupying this piece of fat and refused to let go, even other inner city people would not touch it.

Pierce is essentially no different from the inner city people, and it is difficult for Bright to maintain his attitude towards his peers, let alone other thoughts. If it weren't for the fact that he could be used in future plans, Brett would never have revealed his intentions.

Brett has a "please leave me alone" mentality to everyone in this world and keeps his distance. Perhaps except for the youngest two, they haven't been completely blackened by the world, and Brett can still feel tenderness, but for the others, he really worked very hard not to slap them directly.

Especially Pierce's "use" of Ronald, which doesn't stem from any sympathy for redheads, which Bright just doesn't like.

Objectify a person, oppress the other person with power, and ignore their wishes.

Pierce’s behavior reveals many things. In Bright’s eyes, he is half an inner city person, a little different from other outer city people. He is faintly evolving towards the inner city people.

For him, you can use yourself, but you can't trust him.

Sensing the other party's unruly tongue, Brett bit it hard, and gave a warning, meaning that reaching an agreement is enough, and immediately restrain labor and management! But this gesture was intentionally or unintentionally taken as a signal of some kind of flirting, and Pierce actually became more enthusiastic, so Brett had no choice but to push him away speechlessly.

"I have a headache." The man's voice became slightly turbulent.

"This is really disappointing," Pierce grumbled with a smile, "Didn't you say you wanted mine?" He smiled mischievously, his lips curled up in a naughty way, and he had the taste of a romantic young master. His usual yellow-brown hair is trimmed very carefully, and his whole body has been taken care of. If he hadn't just been repaired by force by Brett at this time, he would also be a very handsome and handsome guy.

Brett's eyes were dead, he knew that Pierce was covering up what he said in his ear just now, to deceive other people watching the show, but he also knew that the other party was taking advantage of him, and he was agitated because of extreme physical discomfort, The idea of killing and sadism was about to move, he held down the demon that was getting violent in the dark.

This is the default in the eyes of others.

Ahhh—the man didn't refute! His true love is number 56? Simply destroy the three views! I actually lost the bet? !

Harry stared blankly, feeling like he was a big bright light bulb.

"Don't let people disturb me." Brett confessed to the other two, and slowly closed his eyes.

He gave the only potion he had to others, and he could only rely on his body to bear it.

It's not just pain, just endure it and pass it.

Can it still hurt the brain more than electric roasting

Zhazha gave him a lot of training, which blunted his perception of pain, but Brett would not be grateful to Zhazha for this, he would only be grateful to himself who survived the torment of Zhazha.

The self that didn't go mad under the torture, trying to put the broken pieces back together.

Thanks for suffering? Thanks pervert

Go to him!

As the level in the game world gradually increased, Brett didn't know what his highest speed and strength were, because when he let go of his momentum, within a hundred miles of where he was, there was no one The strange willingness appeared.

He has developed a new function. Compared with the improvement of pure physique and control of the body before, his strength has become more precise, just like exquisite and superb surgery. Now he can find the nerves in the brain that control pain, and then turn off it. He could even use a mirror and a screwdriver, peel the skin, open the skull, and perform an operation on himself to dig out the lump that was pressing on the nerve. But in order to hide his strength, he had no choice but to give up such an idea.

At night, Brett, who was apparently in a coma, entered the game world silently.

He quickly shuttled across a plain. Up to now, he has traveled to every place where the city is located, familiarized with its topography, especially the location of the program group and the inner city, and planned a specific escape plan .

From dealing with werewolves to obtain the method of destroying the bracelet, to attacking east and west, uniting allies to move through the city wall, and finally escaping from the pursuit of the city people, all of them are intertwined and closely connected.

At present, there is still one link missing, and it is also the most critical link, which is to steal the materials for making werewolves, which happens to be useful for Pierce.

The so-called "rebellion" was just an excuse, and he didn't have the heart to pull up any army, carry such a banner, and become such a hero! He just wanted to run. It's just that he didn't trust Pierce, and he only stated that in order to arouse the interest of the other party. Of course, it would be a pleasant surprise if a few inner city people could be eliminated in the process.

Many people have forgotten or ignored that the pack of wolves wanted to kill Brett, but failed for various reasons. When the little wolf held him back, what did the werewolves do to get rid of the surveillance of the program group

Because they discovered the dark river under this land!

Brett didn't know how the werewolves found out. At that time, he was just guessing without any evidence, because even the program crew and inner city people didn't find anything according to their travel route. He had a hunch that since it wasn't on the ground , then it may be underground.

After personal verification, Bright is already sure.

Under his feet is a huge and complex underground water system, one of which leads directly to a surface lake outside the city.

Even the narrowest point is enough for an adult to pass through.

Brett speculates that he was injured this time "sacrificing himself to save others", which will definitely attract the attention of Zha Zha, and he can use this opportunity to sneak into the inner city.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Zha Zha doing anything during this period of time, which is quite strange."

While taking off his wet clothes and wringing them out to dry on the branches, Brett chatted with Spicy Tiao: "Does he think that a child with my genes can completely tie me down?"



Brett thought about it a few times, and suddenly realized that this was not quite right.

"Sounds like a scumbag to me..."


Hearing Latiao's approval, Brett snorted displeasedly: "There's a reason for him being sacked."

The author has something to say: Bright: Eat Hodge before you go!