How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 6: Elderly, Weak, and Disabled Members


The time for zombies to refresh is slower than resources, about half an hour. He must eliminate eight ordinary zombies and one advanced zombie within this time. The attack power, defense power and reaction speed of advanced zombies are all higher than ordinary zombies. The experience points given will be much more.

Brett understands that he has to kill monsters and upgrade to get more resources, manufacture equipment, and upgrade the base. Otherwise, if one day zombies attack his home, will he rely on a layer of broken wood for defense

Therefore, he is definitely not just for food.

He swallowed, walked around behind an ordinary zombie, and slashed towards the neck,

Mortally wounded, the zombie fell to the ground.

Hack Hack Hack Hack Hack!

Go to Nima's program group! Labor and management have not come out of the closet and you have given me 80 bans before I sent my first kiss!

Hack Hack Hack Hack Hack!

Go to Nima's yellow hair! I like your head, take it off and kick it for me! !

Brett completely gave up expression management, the hero's face was distorted by anger, and in the attacks and slashes again and again, he vented his suppressed emotions, disgust, fear, rage, those nutrients that can breed the flowers of evil The fertilizer was sprinkled on the zombie by him.

With the loss of energy and strength, the soul slowly calmed down and regained peace.

Here besides mushrooms, there are berries.

He picked and picked and picked and picked until it was getting dark.

Carrying his machete on his way back, he passed by the zombie gathering place again. This time, he was unlucky. Two zombies spotted him and rushed towards him at the same time.

He went up to the one closest to him, saw two lines that made him fall into a low blood state, and the zombie on the right had already arrived, so he could only lift his foot to kick the first one away, and then quickly backed away to deal with the second one. two. After cutting it, I found out that the first one never got up after being kicked away, and he got a new way of venting, crossing out, and attacking.

Kick kick kick kick kick!

Kick kick kick kick kick kick!

Step on, step on, step on!

The zombies were dealt with faster than when he came, and Brett was in a good mood, guessing that it should be because of the upgradeā€”it wasn't.

Before it was completely dark, Brett managed to get home.

Without lights, he uses the grill in the dark.

Toss in the mushrooms and wait 10 seconds for three skewers of grilled mushrooms to come out.

There is no oil or any seasoning, the mushrooms are steaming hot, the oil on the top is sizzling, and there are garlic and green onion, which are fragrant.

Brett had learned to ignore little things like this, and there was still a bamboo skewer out of the grill!

He never thought mushrooms could be so delicious.

Heibei sat aside, obediently.

"Do you want to eat spicy strips? You have worked hard to guard me today!"

He remembered that Heibei didn't need to be fed dog food, and he didn't know if he could eat.

Latiao sniffed it, swallowed it in one gulp, and tilted his head to wait for the feeding.

"From now on, we will be brothers!"


"No. 199, you have something wrong!"

Brett's roommate once again invited him to the cafeteria for dinner, and said angrily.

In their dormitory, only Bright and one other person advanced, and it was he who had previously asserted that Bright would not survive the first period.

"Forget it, he only drinks nutritional supplements." His companion pulled him away.

His roommate was very disgusting to him, and always had a bad voice when talking to him. Brett suspected that the other party would have strangled him to death in his sleep if the program team hadn't strictly prohibited private fighting.

However, the shadow area caused by celebrity white meat is too large, if it is other activities, he might agree.

He doesn't take the initiative to provoke people, and he doesn't care about other people's sarcastic remarks without substantial harm. Therefore, he and his roommate are in a state of ignoring each other most of the time, but they are at ease.

Brett received the nutrient solution from the automatic supply cabinet, drank it in two gulps, and walked towards the public training room.

This is where he comes most often.

Unknowingly, a week has passed, and the two-hundred to one-hundred competition is about to start. The atmosphere among the players has become a little tense, and there are more people in the training room than usual.

Brett, who was running, heard someone lobbying a strong man from the right rear: "You cover me, and I'll give you hehehe."

Almost missed it.

A few words faintly fell into his ears: "inside information", "team formation".

After finishing the training, he returned to the dormitory. His roommate saw that he hesitated to speak, and Brett was still worrying about forming a team, so he ignored him.

He didn't like the people here very much. He heard that some players gave up helping their teammates in the last match and let the other party bleed to death. Even if it was a temporary alliance, and everyone was essentially a competitive relationship, Bright still felt annoyed. Thank you, teammates.

But he was doomed to be disappointed. The program team asked everyone to form teams freely, in groups of five, to go through obstacles, and the first 20 groups to reach the finish line advanced.

As soon as the program team announced the rules, the contestants spontaneously gathered together in twos and threes, as if they had discussed it in advance. Bright realized that the so-called inside information was most likely released on purpose by the program group.

The yellow-brown hair who had provoked him at the celebration banquet was smiling smugly, and his roommate avoided his gaze.

Brett: It turned out that I was isolated.

There are quite a few people who have had the same experience as him, and they are basically old, weak, sick and disabled who have been rejected by the team.

Everyone knew that No. 199 would be a target, and even though he was young and strong, they didn't want to form a team with him.

Brett stood there, waiting silently. He didn't take the initiative to talk to anyone, and he looked very cold and unhurried, but he didn't refuse anyone who came to him either.

The first to arrive was a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Then there was a thin bamboo pole with a huge fool with a snot nose.

Another person came from behind, barely making up a group.

While the other teams were discussing their strategy fiercely, the 40th team looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Hahaha! No. 199 is finished!" The staff assigned to monitor this group happened to be the one who monitored Bright before.

The team leader was distracted from his busy schedule, and after looking at this set of data, he felt really bad: "Retired gambling veterans, although experienced, are old when they are old; warehouse managers, rape/rape/crime, all values are very high. Average, useless; it's a pity for the little giant."

The little giant refers to the combination of the thin bamboo pole and the big fool. The thin bamboo pole is responsible for the small, and the big fool is responsible for the giant. The combination of IQ and physical fitness was originally a pair that the program group was optimistic about. Yes, and was put into the pending seat by the program group.

The team leader sighed: "The giant's right leg was broken in the last game, and it couldn't be repaired."

"I see how he can laugh this time!" The staff fixed a monitor as shot 199.

"George, there is a limit to your pursuit of stars."

"Chasing stars? Just him! That impotent!" Team leader, are you kidding me

"Black powder is also powder."


The author has something to say: Program group: It is not advisable to fight alone, only teamwork can win.