How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 64: Noble tigers masturbate each other


Brett's judgment of Hodge's emotions was not wrong, but the analysis of the reasons was outrageously wrong, and it was far from the truth.

He tried to find reasonable motives and reasons for the nobleman's actions, and revenge was very logical. The more Brett thought about it, the more he felt that the logic of his thinking was autonomous and impeccable!

Most likely it was to torture himself and have a good time, but Hodge himself is a clean freak and a control freak. In fact, he is not very satisfied with this way of revenge, so he has the kind of joyful and painful feelings.

With the style of the inner city people, it is completely possible!

This reminded Brett of Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio that he had read in the past. You might not believe it, but the original book was much more unscrupulous than the TV adaptation. For example, in order to avenge a human scholar for his companion, a certain male goblin saw that he was handsome, so he took a nap by the way, and then took revenge... That's right, Zao has such a personality.

Besides, in the West, the famous Don Juan, as a character in western knight novels in the 17th century, he is suave and merciful. He is the character who has slept with the most women in literary works. The number is not large, um, just a little over two thousand, Regarded by many men as "excellent seducers and sexually motivated athletes", in psychiatry, there is even a disease called "Don Juan Syndrome" named after it, and its official name is "male /Fornication/disorder" (satyriasis).

Bright offered his knees for them.

His thoughts were mixed, and he diverted his attention to resist the instigation of the devil and the temptation of the nobles.

"No one in this world will hate you more than me, and I won't hate other people like I hate you."

Hodge was exposed to Brett's gaze, and because of this sentence, desire has a tendency to rise again.

He really hated this man to death, he could always inadvertently use a word, a look, or a movement to impress him, make him sway, change his decision, he couldn't help but be fascinated by this man.

This can move Huo Qi more than any declaration or love words. His mind cannot be inferred by ordinary people. As long as the man is completely his own, he can have any feelings. Whether it is love, hate, or hatred, as long as the big tiger belongs to him.

Hodge wants to possess body and mind, whether it is body or mind, a man's hatred for himself will make him look directly at him all the time, he will only think about himself day and night, and think about himself when making decisions Response, it was wonderful to live in his shadow all my life.

Brett's temporary submission satisfied Hodge a bit. The nobleman felt his mouth dry, licked his lips, and said, "It's not enough." Wanting more, he looked down, indicating that he was interested again.

"..." Brett blessed him with wither for life, weighed it for a second, and held the delicate organ with his hands.

There is a look of dissatisfaction in the black eyes. Nothing is more boring than this.

The man hugged the nobleman with one hand, let him lean on him, and held the key with the other hand.

He narrated what he could do to nobles, his voice was low, with a touch of tenderness that men might not realize.

Hodge couldn't help trembling, he closed his eyes, and put most of his weight on Brett, he couldn't help following the hoarse voice, imagining the picture he drew with words.

"I can get on my knees, you like me on my knees, don't you? You can sit up with your back to me, it's a bit hard, but you don't have to worry about it at all, just clamp and I'll take care of the rest .I can make you bleed, cry, sweat, piss and you order me to stop, of course I don't listen, I've always been so disobedient, actually this time you like that. You say 'no no no no ', thinking 'yes, that's it, break me up'. You turn your head to look at me, happy to kiss me, and I turn you around and fuck you to death at the same time, you shout 'I'm going to die', I set it up in your body, because I just want you to die... "

If it was just to help complete the task at the beginning, then later, Brett found that he had been controlled by the inner demons, and he painted scenes from the bliss to the evil, just like the oil paintings of Satan tempting human beings to fall.

The white sand is in nirvana, and it is black with it.

The impact of the bad environment on people is indeed terrible.

Hodge put on his clothes under the service of Brett. Most of them were neat. He was well-groomed and sat in a comfortable booth, taking a sip of tea with satisfaction. Next to him was a kneeling Brett. Affected areas are visible at a glance.

Brett noticed the other party's sizing up, and felt that his self-control had reached its limit, and the devil in his body seemed to break out of his body in the next second, to realize what he had just described himself.

"Let me tell you about my past." Brett whispered.

This is his bait, his price tag, the price he has to pay, and it is also to effectively resist the temptation of desire. He has to remind himself in this way that you are a young man with four talents, and you cannot drag down the ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality of the entire nation. Quality hind legs.

"Haven't you always been curious about my origin?"

Hodge's eyes moved from the bottom to the top, seeming to be interested.

"I'm not from outside the city."

Hodge didn't look surprised. Brett didn't look like an outsider at all. Survival outside the city was another form of cruelty, and he couldn't raise such a soft-hearted guy.

Bright went on to say: "I don't know why I exist. I came here as soon as I opened my eyes. There are all kinds of memories in my head, which are incompatible with this world."

Hodge asked, "You don't know your origin?"

Brett shook his head: "When I first arrived, I was on the verge of collapse every day. You can't imagine how much the things you take for granted have had an impact on me. I even suspected that this was a terrible nightmare. I want to escaped by suicide.” This is a lie, but it is also the truth.

"Perhaps you were really created by someone." This thought made Hodge very angry. He speculated on the purpose of that person or force, maybe secretly observing Brett and everything around him. Is it for power or for fun

This is actually the guess of most people in the inner city. They have already checked Bright. He seems to have suddenly appeared in the city out of thin air. He has no bracelet on his body. Cannon fodder, unexpectedly, by accident, he became the strongest seed player.

Those who can do this and hide it from everyone are very limited, except for the people in the inner city who are the top forces in the outer city.

Who exactly

Brett observed Hodge's expression. The nobleman was thoughtful, and seemed to believe his statement. Noticing his gaze, Hodge raised his chin slightly, showing an arrogant expression.

"Tell me about the world in your memory."

Brett described where he came from, a peaceful world. Before all the drastic changes happened, Hodge understood: "It was the world before the zombies appeared. Everyone wore false masks and spent themselves in a mediocre life."

Brett didn't answer.

Perhaps it is the zombie apocalypse that extremes human nature, the good is better, the evil is more evil, and the latter accounts for the majority. Under extreme terror, society loses order, human beings expose the ugly face of human nature, and morality, trust, and love disappear. , the crowd degenerated into a herd, and civilization was hit hard. When rebuilding the city, I don't know which link went wrong. Maybe because of advanced technology, maybe because of the needs of the rulers, the city was shaped into what it is now, and pleasure and indulgence became the mainstream, and human beings entertained to death.

"What I don't understand is why you were created."

Brett smiled wryly: "I don't understand why I appeared in this world." He said that his appearance was time travel, and he hadn't expressed this to anyone. He can only accompany him silently, and he has been unable to figure out the meaning of his existence.

Facing Hodge at this time, he actually said it naturally. After sighing, he thought, why not borrow Hodge's wisdom to help himself as a reference.

Hodge stroked the top of the big tiger's head, like stroking a cat, from the bridge of his nose all the way up, across his forehead, through his hair, the man stiffened for a moment, and then slowly relaxed, allowing the nobleman to stroke himself like this.

"I was on the show and it slowly changed. The beast was the first person I killed. I didn't have a big reaction. Strong animals, scary beasts, none of that moved me, but those chimpanzees... He closed his eyes to hide the emotion, but Hodge could still read the pain in his expression and body language.

"They already have wisdom, similar to primitive humans. I invaded their tribe for my own desire and killed their fellow tribe."

Hodge lightly stroked Brett's cheek, thinking how charming he was, and the scene where the chimpanzees surrendered at his feet was very classic, making the man the target that countless people wanted to conquer.

Hodge enjoyed this moment very much. He was tasting Brett's emotions, his struggles, and his guilt, which made the man look more delicious. If he put it in his mouth, it would burst out with a wonderful and rich taste on the tip of his tongue. The nobleman couldn't bear it. She leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth.

Brett opened his eyes suddenly: "You..."

More like comfort than desire.

Hodge's voice was cold, but it contained fiery emotions. He said, "You are a surprise to the world." A gift that only belongs to me.

This was completely beyond Brett's expectations. He thought he would get a bunch of cynicism and calm analysis, but he didn't expect it to be such an evaluation.

Three words blurted out: "Why?"

There are many questions in it, why did you treat me so cruelly, why did you deceive me, why did you help me hide my body from the inner city people, why did you come to comfort me now.

When Brett asked this sentence, it meant that he was shaken. In the past, men have always believed that nobles are just for fun, so simple, easy for him to understand, easy for him to hate.

Because Hodge was so happy, he gave Bright a straightforward answer.

"Because I like you very much."

The author has something to say: Nobles flirt with big cats, big cats flirt with nobles

I hope the review goes smoothly, cross it out, and fix it once after locking


Catching bugs~Thank you Danzhu for not being a horse (づ ̄3 ̄)づ


Catch bugs and get locked up, I'm too south