How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 67: Attack and receive combined into one


Brett was taken to the inner city, Hodge's home, and went to the old place to treat his injuries first. He took the opportunity to connect the flash drive to the public intelligence brain in the medical room, and successfully got what he wanted.

Although he is about to sacrifice his first time, the joy of a major breakthrough in the escape plan has diluted the sense of humiliation. He can use this to make a deal with the werewolf, remove the damn bracelet, and gain freedom. He hardly needs helpers, as long as he relies on his physical fitness, he can break out of the siege and get rid of the pursuit of the city people.

But in order to ensure the success of the escape plan, he created a lot of smoke/mist/bombs and used various protective colors to cover up his real purpose. He cooperates with werewolves, making them think that they need their strength to escape, making them underestimate their own strength, thinking that they can suppress the wolf at most; Don't care about the social class of the people in the city, whoever bites you! He also overtly or covertly recruited various players and creatures to create the illusion of forming a gang, and he endured his temper and inner city people's hypocrisy and obedience, forbearance.

If Brett really cared about anyone, it might be the canine boy and Hope. One of them was a pet and the other was a product of experimentation. They were the closest, most loyal, and least threatening to him.

Everyone thought he was a hero, outspoken, philanthropic, light personified, and a moral icon—of course, with irony—in reality, he was just a terrified mortal, a man trying to break free. Restrains ordinary people who flee to safety.

Brett bit his tongue, reminding himself with pain, to avoid revealing something by appearing too excited.

He knew his excitement wasn't just the breakthrough of his escape plan, but a secret anticipation of what was to come.

According to the instructions, Brett entered Hodge's room, which was clean and tidy, very comfortable, with cool colors, simple but not simple decoration, and a sense of design in the furnishings and furniture. Traces of people's lives can be seen everywhere in the room, half-used tissue boxes, eight/nine/ten percent new clothes... This is the private domain of nobles, Brett came to such a judgment.

Hodge came out of the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe and slippers, his hair was not dry and still dripping water. He saw the man coming in and asked, "Do you want to wash it again?"

Brett shook his head, indicating that he rushed over during the treatment just now.

The nobleman hooked his lips and looked at him with dark eyes, as if asking him what he was waiting for.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Brett still couldn't hold back and asked. He was a little concerned, Hodge's change of attitude gave him an ominous premonition, and he hoped it wouldn't cause trouble for his escape plan.

"I never promised you anything." Hodge said lightly.

When Brett thought about it, he seemed to be right. Before that, he only temporarily stabilized Hodge with information about his life experience, and escaped. The situation at that time was more complicated. He thought that the other party hated him and wanted to take revenge on him, but the other party said he liked it. No matter how distorted and sick this liking was, it subverted Brett's cognition and caused his attitude towards nobles to change. become subtle.

Brett didn't understand where the pain in the nobleman's pleasure came from at that time, and why it seemed to disappear now. He could feel that the nobleman's will was very firm this time, and he had to do it. the meaning of.

what to do? So tight and dirty.

Hodge sat on the sofa, and Brett sat next to him, keeping a safe distance of a fist between them. The nobleman threw a light gray dry towel to the slave, pointed to his hair, and asked him to wipe it for himself.

After drying his hair, the noble raised his feet again and placed them on Brett's lap. There were still drops of water on his calves and feet, and Brett helped him dry them. He saw the nobleman's toes move slightly, as if trying to separate them as far as possible, so that he could also absorb the moisture between the toes, the movements were very skillful and natural, as if he had done it many times.

A bit of eccentricity emerged in Brett's heart, and he kept his doubts in his heart and worked silently.

The slippers were wet and it was difficult to wear them again. The nobleman wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders, and he carried himself to the master bedroom in the posture of a princess. Lay gently on the bed.

Brett stood beside the bed, his whole body was stiff, he felt a bit of embarrassment under the gaze of the nobleman, his fists clenched and tightened, and finally he let go.

His swarthy eyes stared at him, as if asking: Do I need to repeat what I threatened you before

No need.

Brett thought to himself: I am not at a disadvantage, I am very happy.

You hear the devil singing, softly and hard.

The singing was so cruel that people couldn't help but burst into rivers of tears.

You hear demons singing, soft and mad.

Sadness is getting deeper and deeper, how can it stop

They did.

The man was very gentle throughout the whole process, or rather, slowly. If he hadn't been able to accurately find the sensitive point of the nobleman and stimulate it again and again, the nobleman would definitely think that he was passively sabotaging his work.

He first kissed the nobleman from head to toe, as if carefully exploring an undeveloped virgin forest, a jungle that humans have never set foot in. He is looking for where there are pink fruits, where springs flow, and where Where the fur is the most, the beasts are the most dangerous and cannot withstand teasing.

The man's breathing is very hot, the palm temperature is higher than that of the nobleman, and it is also charged. Just kissing, hugging and stroking brought a strong sense of pleasure to the nobleman. He trembled under the man's palm, and between his lips and tongue addicted.

At the back, the nobleman panted and urged: "How long are you going to dawdle?"

Brett felt that he missed that nobleman who was struggling between pain and happiness, which made him more like a human being, and the one in front of him who was obsessed with desire, how should I put it, gave Brett a strange feeling that he didn't know Hodge , it feels very dangerous, it seems that the other party is holding back his big move while reading the article.

Brett opened Hodge's body, and the big dragon was at the entrance of the cave, unable to enter. While giving pleasure, he asked, "What made you change your mind?" Just now the nobleman avoided his question, so he had to ask it a second time.

The nobleman probably wanted to show a majestic and vicious expression, but he failed, because he had just vented once, his eyes were blurred, his body was sore and limp, that expression aroused pity, and could arouse sadistic desires, Brett bit himself again Take a moment, so as not to do inhumane things to the nobles, the poor tongue has already broken the skin, and it is probably about to get sores.

"Did you know something?"

The nobleman bit his lip and refused to speak. There was a trace of pain in his eyes, in order to endure this physical torture, and also because he thought of the fact that the man was plotting to leave him.

Thinking of his chest was like being stabbed and cut back and forth with a knife, it was clear that he could infer Brett's motives rationally, knowing that this was completely in line with the slave's thoughts and will, but emotionally he couldn't accept it.

—Of course he will run away from you, he doesn't trust you.

— No, don't let him think so!

- what can you do? Can you change his mind

—Of course I can.

Gentleman flashed a maniacal grin in the dark.

I'm going to do it.

I'm doing.

I'm done.

These three sentences are easy to say, but of course it is not that simple in reality, and the time is relatively long, there may be one or two mornings and evenings, and there is no need to care about the specific hours, after all, it is too lost.

Brett's interrogation didn't work. The noble took the initiative to straighten his body, swallowed the dragon, and then strangled him to death. This was almost torture. It was the first time for both of them. One was too tight, the other was too big, and the other was too urgent , a distracted. So it wasn't great at first.

"You... loosen up..." Brett tensed his muscles.

I do not! The nobleman had tears in his eyes, red circles around his eyes, and was as stubborn as a rebellious child. He didn't feel pain, but he didn't want to let go, as if he was worried that the other party would slip away.

"I won't ask, let's not think about anything, huh?" Brett guided Hodge to take a deep breath and relax, kissed him carefully, comforted him, and let him relax a bit.

After putting aside distracting thoughts, the two gradually became better, immersed in this long and wonderful exercise.

The filled emptiness eased the panic of losing a man, and the nobleman insisted on not letting him back out. The two of them were like Siamese twins, sleeping and waking up, always connected, and spent most of the time in bed, Of course, there are other places where only nutritional supplements are used to supplement physical strength, until Hodge's intellectual brain sends out a warning reminder of physical health.

"The last time..." the nobleman turned off the alarm. His legs were no longer able to exert strength, they were sore and weak, and they were strained from excessive exercise. One was resting on the man's shoulders, and the other was lying on the bed. It's not so tiring with a pillow.

The two finally separated. Brett helped Hodge clean up, and then he went in to wash himself. He had an illusion that the little Brett had lost a lot of weight, and the iron pestle was ground into needles. It was really possible. When he came out after taking care of himself, Hodge was able to stand up and walk normally. After some treatment, his body had fully recovered.

Brett thought to himself, I don’t know if there is a kidney treasure, so I can get a ton for myself.

"Eat something." Hodge walked to the other side of the table and said.

It is now close to noon, with porridge and side dishes on the table, Brett sits down, the high-intensity exercise has also made him mentally exhausted, and he hopes to manage it for a year at a time, and he is allergic to piston movement in a short period of time.

Unknowingly drank a bowl of porridge, Brett planned to act as soon as he returned, make a deal with the werewolf, and then leave before the tenth issue.

There are twelve episodes in the program plan, and it is now the end. The more you go to the end, the more cruel duels will be faced until the last person is left. His departure can be regarded as his last gift to his former teammates and other players.

Farewell, Sin City.

Farewell, scumbag.

"Then, I'll go first..." Brett stood up, suddenly feeling dizzy, "So..." He widened his eyes, looking at the black-haired and black-eyed nobleman in disbelief, and a double image appeared in front of him: "You...why... "His body shook violently twice, then fell to the ground and fell under the table. He struggled hard, knocked over the chair, and finally lay powerlessly on the carpet with blood at the corner of his mouth.

Hodge put the drug in Bright's food when he was most defenseless.

The man did not expect that Hodge would make a sudden move. He thought that his compromise in desire would confuse the nobleman and buy him time to act. The nobleman just took advantage of this, which in turn interfered with Bright's judgment. When his vigilance was at its lowest, he did it!

Before losing consciousness, Brett heard the nobleman's cold voice without warmth.

"You are not allowed to go anywhere."

The author has something to say: I want to spoil the scum