How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 7: Middle-aged and elderly tourist groups


The theme of the second program is to travel through the jungle. Two hundred people are divided into 40 groups, 5 groups, and the first 20 groups to reach the finish line will advance.

The 40th team was the last group to enter the field, because most of the team was old, weak, sick and disabled, and the speed of progress was slow, falling behind, and the tail of the crane was stable.

They came to a huge lake, the lake was very wide, very calm, surrounded by sandy land, across the lake you could see the sign of the finish line, and on both sides of the lake were dense jungles.

The thin bamboo pole was the first to break the heavy silence in the team: "Shall we go by land or by water?"

The oldest team member analyzed: "Although the end point is on the opposite side of the lake, and the straight line between the two points is the shortest, the program team will definitely not let us pass the level so easily. The water is very dangerous." Compared with aquatic beasts, human beings in the water There is no advantage, and survival is more difficult.

This is why most teams choose the land route, thinking that the water route is an obvious trap.

"Then let's go quickly, or it will be too late," the warehouse manager urged, and he pointed aside: "To this direction."

Brett glanced at him, but didn't move.

"Take the waterway."

The storekeeper said anxiously: "Are you kidding? The old man said there is something under the water, and we don't have a boat!"

Brett looked around, indicating with his eyes that trees could be cut down for a raft.

The warehouse manager objected loudly: "Cut down trees? Make rafts? Do you think it's camping? We don't have so much time for you to waste!"

Brett was getting impatient, and it would be a waste of time to argue with him.

"Players can be substituted."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of all the players.

The program group only distributed the number plates representing the team to each contestant, and there was no express prohibition on snatching other people's number plates. Theoretically, even if one's individual actions reached the finish line and then snatched other people's number plates, one could pass the level. After all, there are many crises in the arena, which can easily cause personnel losses, so what about incomplete teams? Just get five people together before the finish line.

This is what the so-called free team formation means.

On the surface it is teamwork, but in reality it cannot conceal the selfish nature of the jungle.

There are many smart people among the contestants. They must have realized the sinister intentions of the program group, but they did not say it out. Bright decided to make it clear. Anyway, he didn't want to form a team in the first place.

Treat everyone as an opponent, and it will be less burdensome to kill.

This is his protection for himself.

The meaning of what Brett said: If you disagree, you can find a way to go to other groups, and you can stay at will.

The understanding of others is: if you don't obey, you will be killed, and you are all burdens anyway. .

The veteran was the first to compromise and said, "I'll go and see if there are any suitable tree-cutting tools."

The thin bamboo pole said: "I'll go check out the situation in the lake." He took the big fool to the lake.

"Hey! You..." The warehouse manager turned green and pale, gave Brett a hard look, and ran to find the veteran.

Brett didn't miss the sternness in his eyes, and secretly raised his vigilance.

It is much more difficult than the first period. In addition to the program group and the beast, he also needs to guard against the team members.

No one left the team, he was actually quite sorry.

In the two-hundred-to-one-hundred competition, the elimination rate is 50%. The program team has to remove a lot of cannon fodder. Before the official start, when they formed a free team, they were already eliminating people. Don't dislike anyone.

Shouzhugan smiled and said, "We found something good by the lake!" He carried three huge eggs over and said, "It was buried in the sand by the lake, and this was also found around."

It was a hard black scale.

Bright's guess was confirmed, it was a crocodile.

One of the most ferocious beasts in the lake, its whole body is covered with hard armor, its bite force is fifty times that of humans, and it is the reptile with the hardest bones.

The old soldier also came back, and he made two axes out of materials, one for himself and one for Brett. The thin bamboo pole cracked open the egg with his hand, handed it to Brett, and shared the remaining two with the big stupid one.

These actions of theirs represent the recognition of Bright's leadership.

Brett had no choice but to tell his plan.

"The crocodile is nocturnal, rests underwater during the day, and comes out to look for food at night. It is safer to move during the day. It takes about one and a half to two hours to walk on the water to the end point. We need to prepare the raft before evening and arrive at the end point before dark. "

In order to confirm that the creature in the lake is a crocodile, the program crew did not make any strange modifications, so Brett took the thin bamboo pole and the stupid big one to the lake for further investigation.

"I'll go underwater to have a look, and you guys will respond."

Brett took off all his clothes, trousers and shoes, his attention was all on the camera that was frantically filming around his body up and down, left and right, struggling to keep his underwear - if he unfortunately died here, he wanted to preserve the last bit of dignity, so he didn't pay attention See the strange look of the thin bamboo pole.

Shouzhugan later said in an interview: "Oh, he called me (and the big fool) to the lake alone, and then started to undress. I thought he wanted to have a fight with me, but I didn't expect his target to be a crocodile."

Brett: "…"

The water is very turbid and the visibility is relatively low, which is in line with the living habits of crocodiles. They cannot adapt to the water that is too clear and clean.

The Doomsday Zombie game system gave him good physical fitness, and he could hold his breath for up to five minutes. Brett was wary of others, and floated up to take a breath every two or three minutes.

Brett didn't swim very far. When he saw an object approaching rapidly in the distance, he retreated decisively.

An adult crocodile five or six meters long chased Brett ashore and smashed his head to pieces with his bare hands.

Brett: It's brutal.

He quickly put on his clothes, turned the crocodile over, and breathed a sigh of relief after examining the abdomen.

The crocodile's head, back and tail are almost protected by a thick layer of hard skin. Ordinary knives and guns have no effect on it. Except for its abdomen, there is only a thin layer of skin. Ordinary weapons and even sharp branches and stones pierced it. The belly of this crocodile is very soft, and the program crew left them a way out, probably for the pursuit of reality, or the cost of genetic modification is too high.

Brett started with the belly of the crocodile and dismembered it with a simple axe.

Thin bamboo pole: It's really cruel.

While eating the grilled crocodile meat, he complained.

"What are they doing? Are they having a picnic?!" George, the staff member, has already regarded complaining about No. 199 as something that must be done every day.

The team leader also observed the 40th team’s behavior of engaging in barbecues at noon. He was silent for a few seconds, and commented: “There is a kind of funny sense of contrast, which can be used as a gimmick. It is called a middle-aged and elderly sightseeing group.” The premise is They can advance, otherwise they are clowns.

"Eat, eat, I'll kill you!" George cursed No. 199, and asked again, "Why hasn't our work meal arrived yet? All the contestants have eaten crocodile meat!"

Team leader: "What's delicious about crocodile meat? It's fishy and hard, and there's no salt."

"It looks great, grilled on skewers, with natural crocodile fat." Another joins the conversation, the camera panning to Brett and the roast in his hand.

The man glanced at the camera as if provocative, and then ate them all one by one with a blank expression on his face.

"Ah! He did it on purpose! He definitely did it on purpose!" George was furious, "I'm going to put his naked/photo on the Internet, damn it, why didn't he take off his shorts too!"

Team leader: "Call out the picture of him just coming out of the water."

George looked unwilling: "I tried it a long time ago. He moved too fast, only a few seconds, and the camera mainly took pictures of crocodiles."

In the picture, the man's body is avoiding the crocodile nimbly, the wet cloth is tightly attached to the key parts, and only a silhouette can be seen faintly. Fortunately, the camera captured a profile, and it is obvious that he is very talented and has a dragon in his body. .

"Give me a copy."

"I also want."

The author has something to say: Bright is a fan of strength, although he does not want this kind of fan