How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 72: Inhuman combat


The barriers between the contestants and the zombies were slowly removed, revealing a straight passage leading to the hell world. The low-level zombies seemed to have not smelled human beings yet, and they were staggering around the streets. Everyone knew about it. , every step in it is a face-to-face dance with the god of death, and there are advanced ones lurking in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move.

The unarmed contestants looked at me and I looked at you. No one moved, including the biggest and strongest team pack of wolves. They finally all set their sights on that man.

Brett walked to the front, the first to go in, he ignored the others, didn't give a look, and was regarded as the members of his team by default, No. 56, the little giant, the veteran, etc., followed one after another Behind him, there is no need to say hello, and it seems that a tacit understanding has been formed. Some of the contestants who were opportunistic also walked with them, because they were not driven away, and more contestants joined them.

Infighting and competition also depends on the occasion, right? Those who have no eyesight, who don't know how to bend and stretch, are already dead. I don't know why, maybe there is a veteran as a role model. Everyone thinks that No. 199 is merciful and will not kill the players at will - the Beast who is looking for death with the pole is not counted.

So, under the camera, the players who usually fight to the death put aside their grievances for the time being, followed the man tacitly, and condensed into a group.

People in the inner city have already attracted the attention of that man. Someone said: "It's too dangerous for one player to affect the whole."

The director is full of confidence: "Even if the contestants unite together, the monsters in Zombie Paradise can clean up ten times as many people as them. All middle and high-level zombies are equipped with controllers, and their actions have intelligent brains and artificial dual controls. Equipped with remote control bombs, multiple guarantees, there will be no mistakes.”

The gentleman's voice was cold, and he rarely echoed the director: "The contestants have no loyalty, they treat everyone the same. If Bright is injured or loses, they will immediately rush to tear him to pieces."

"You don't look worried at all, it's really heartless."

Hodge felt agitated. When I cared, you said I cared too much about that slave, and when I didn’t care, you would point and point. He is not a good-tempered person. I ignored that man and continued to watch the game. My thoughts drifted to distance.

Brett, did you do the fire

What exactly are you trying to do

Suddenly someone exclaimed, and Hodge came back to his senses. It turned out that the contestants had encountered a high-level zombie, a hell three-headed dog.

Brett led a group of people across the street and went straight to the target abandoned police station, intending to obtain weapons and equipment from it. However, as soon as they arrived at the arsenal, they encountered advanced zombies.

The three-headed dog was almost as tall as a story. It was hairless and dark red. You could see the tangled muscles, as if it had been skinned. Its heads were extremely ferocious, and it was drooling at the players.

Many people looked at the team's temporary leader. To their disappointment, Bright still didn't make a move. The low-level zombies didn't need him to make a move before, and the players around him helped him solve it. But now he still shows no sign of making a move. Expressionless, he and the wolf looked at each other, and then the pack of wolves tore off their shirts in unison.

"They're going to turn into wolves!" The scientist exclaimed, full of excitement, accidentally biting his tongue. He couldn't hide his love for werewolves. They are wonderful creations that perfectly blend humans and wolves. Compared with number 199, he is more interested in werewolves.

Different from his excitement, the director sneered: "The watchdog can't bear it anymore."

The military has been patient, the program has been recorded to the penultimate third episode, it is time to show their true strength, so they ordered the dog soldiers to display their true strength, they thought, with the strength of the werewolves, to suppress the number 199 to win the championship, definitely not here Next.

Accompanied by a howl that tore through the sky, the members of the wolf pack raised their bodies one by one, their muscles bulged, and they grew hair and sharp claws.

"Depend on!"

The contestants were dumbfounded except for those who knew about it. Apart from being amazed at the real species of the pack of wolves, they also had a higher respect for No. 199. Not only did the man survive their pursuit, but he also vaguely gained the approval of the wolf leader.

It's one thing to know, it's another to see it with your own eyes. Seeing the ferocious hungry wolves pounce on the Cerberus, tearing off the flesh and blood, even Pierce couldn't help but stand on end.

"Why are you in a daze? Grab your weapon and withdraw!" He scolded a few times, and took a bazooka on his back. He had seen the beauty use it on Brett before, so he remembered it and wanted to try it.

There were werewolves dragging down the Cerberus, and under the leadership of Bright, the players continued to go deeper in an orderly manner.

The big man screamed and smashed the lowly zombies into cakes one by one. Harry and the veteran fired a shot from time to time, chatting while beating. Harry said, "Old man, I feel like I'm fishing again." The old soldier chuckled.

Now that the game is here, the competition has entered a fierce stage. Fans of the favorites to win the championship are tearing up one after another. There are tough battles, tug-of-war, blitzkrieg and spy wars. The battle is fierce. Sometimes fans brush topics in order to collect data on a certain social platform You can risk your life. Moreover, fans of many celebrities are also torn apart internally. Only fans, poison, CP fans, business fans, data fans, are pinched into a ball, and the intensity is comparable to real battles.

Regardless of the high voice of 69CP fans, there is actually a lot of hostility between the fans of 56 and 199. After all, there is only one champion, and CP is destined to be BE. No. 56 Fanhei No. 199 sells butts, P video photos are still coded with Xiao Huangwen, saying that he is actually prematurely impotent and trying to hook up with his young master; It's not for nothing that the big tigers in the house don't like it. The two sides broke up when they disagreed. Not long ago, they tried to capture the other side's idol's webpage.

Unlike all the smoke on the contestants' page, the veteran's side presents a very different style of painting.

"Middle-aged and elderly people's health-preserving posts-these things kill sperm, absolutely not to eat!"

"Punch in daily, ask for transfer."

"Come to fulfill my wish, thank you for having you."

Black fan: "A group of people throwing coins, the old man can survive the tenth episode, I will live broadcast and eat the keyboard."

"Young people shouldn't be so angry, I recommend reducing the fire to dry soup, with a link."

"You don't understand this, sincerity leads to success."

An old fan said, "By the way, where did the last one who said he wouldn't survive the eighth episode go?"

"Do you want to be human?"

"No, no, I've already sent him a box of lotus leaf tea to moisten the bowels and prevent him from spraying feces all over his mouth."

Black powder: "..."

The veteran seemed relaxed, but actually concentrated on his surroundings. He didn't dare to be distracted and think too much about other things. Although he was weak in hand-to-hand combat and physical strength, he was familiar with firearms and had high accuracy, so he would not lag behind in the team.

Harry regarded himself as Brett's younger brother, but seemed relaxed, as if he was confident, he asked the veteran, "Old man, I heard you lost all your money?"

"Yeah, fans treat me like a koi carp for luck, but my own gambling luck has been bad."

The old soldier’s eyes flickered for a moment. In fact, he wasn’t telling the truth. Brett approached him a long time ago and asked him to secretly make a few bets on the veteran’s survival. The reason is to feed yourself enough props to save your life.

Because the whole network sang old soldiers, the odds of him surviving in each round were very high, so he helped Bright win a lot of money. The veteran and the people in the casino have been friends for more than ten years, and the casino has made a lot of money because of it, so they are happy to help him cover it up and deposit the money in an anonymous account.

As for what Bright would do with all that money...

Veterans don't know, and don't want to know.

Harry was too busy talking to the veteran, but didn't pay attention to his feet. A zombie mouse suddenly jumped out of the gutter. Its sharp teeth were about to bite Harry's body. on the ground.

Harry glanced at the pair of eyes that just happened to be shot through, swallowed, and said to the shooter, "Thanks." The beauty shook her hair and walked in another direction, followed by a few Flower protector.

"Spicy," Harry whispered.

"You take the snacks." The veteran reminded.

Harry scratched his head and sighed.

He was confused.

He just received a huge sum of money, a lot of zeros, turned into banknotes to build a grave for him, enough for him to squander ten lifetimes, so much that he wanted to take the risk of throwing his boss away and running away with a fool.

He's just a good-for-nothing and heartless bastard, it's hard not to be tempted by temptation!

It was also because of his underworld background that the boss asked him to contact the former bosses to buy some weapons and supplies and put them in the designated place. The weapons were fine. Anyone who wants to do anything must be inseparable from firearms, he understands.

But what the hell are tons of bananas? And intelligent learning machine

Harry was a little envious of the veterans, the poor don't understand the troubles of the rich.

A roar that seemed to emanate from the depths of the earth made everyone's scalps tingle, the ground made a rumbling sound, and a huge dirt bag appeared from the bottom up, like a pustule from the sinful land, and then the dirt bag cracked, The gap gradually became larger, and finally exploded, and a monster with the body of a minotaur jumped out. It was very tall, almost standing up like the three-headed hellhound just now, like the bull of Minos in mythology. It held a giant ax and smashed a wall with one blow.

Facing such a powerful animal, the man still didn't move. Some contestants showed dissatisfaction, thinking that he was deliberately wasting his vitality, while those who knew the man's expression became very dignified. Behind the scenes, there must be more terrifying monsters.

Someone escaped, but of course they had to run if they couldn't beat them. This was originally a temporary team, and they already had weapons. As long as they avoided the strongest monsters and let Shabi fight, they would be the winners. However, they were wrong, and the cost of making mistakes was their lives. They left Bright for a distance, and in a place where most of the players could not see, the crows hovering over the ruins rushed at them, because there were so many zombie crows, and the guns were basically useless. It didn't work, and it turned into a pile of bloody skeletons in a short while.

"The tyrant is afraid of No. 199," said the director, who knew his own work best and coordinated the overall situation, so he discovered this secret at the first time.

The detective's tone was as cheerful as New Year's Eve: "The evidence is clear that the tyrant is driving his subordinates to consume Bright's combat power, and only attack humans who leave his protection range."

"No way? That's a tyrant!" According to the poor body created by the Zombie King back then, it was equipped with several layers of protection on its body, which is a terrible monster that the program group dared to wake up!

"Where are the non-human beings..."

"I now believe that Gentleman has number 199 in his hands," the director said.

The author has something to say: Audience: The gentleman did not get killed for doing that, it is true love.