How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 77: Sweet and sweet slag


While washing, looking at himself in the mirror, Brett felt strange.

He was willing to love Hodge with his life, but he still did all kinds of things to deceive him.

Do you not cherish it after you get it

How will you bear the consequences of being discovered by Hodge

You are such a selfish, hypocritical and greedy guy...

He questioned the man in the mirror, and the man in the mirror looked back calmly, as if he didn't feel ashamed at all, and his will was as firm as a rock, more stubborn than a donkey.

I love him more than life and I cannot live without him.

I will take him away with me, no matter who is in the way, including him.

Yes, I'm a scumbag, and I'll do anything to get him.

After getting Hodge, he wanted to have him forever, until death separated them.

Brett regards the people and the environment in the city as obstacles, and they will threaten his relationship with Hodge, so he is determined to leave here. He hides his guilt for Hodge, while acting, While playing the role of a good lover.

At this time, Hodge's thoughts were not calm, and the main reason was not the bad influence of the werewolf's escape.

Although this incident is definitely a disgrace to the city.

They knew in advance that the werewolves were going to act and set up traps. However, the werewolves seemed to have received the wind in advance or noticed the surveillance of human beings, so they used their tricks, pretended to be ignorant, and confused human beings. When the armed forces of the inner city and the outer city were concentrated at the gate of the outer city, they slipped away without a sound. If the camera hadn't captured some traces, they would not have thought that there was a dry underground area connecting the outside of the city. Underground river channel. After instrumental detection and human inspection, it was determined that the werewolf had successfully escaped through the river. The main hub and key point has now been blocked to ensure that no one can use it to escape.

Last night, the army rounded up, and there was a lot of commotion. After one night, the incident has been fermented on the Internet. They can say anything, scold the army for incompetence, blame the program group for chaotic management, werewolf fans cry into balls, and even criticize real people. Show's future expressed concern.

Hodge is not calm because of Brett.

The collusion between Brett and the werewolf is a certainty, and the suspicion of arson by his program group has not been cleared. Hodge concealed this from the inner city people, and deliberately released the video of the two of them to deepen the impression that Brett was completely controlled in everyone's minds, and put a stop to the past, so that's it.

He was restless and always felt that he had overlooked something.

Under the instruction of the people in the inner city, the outer city officially broadcast this social news. Bright read some popular comments and frowned: "They are only worried that the last two episodes will not be exciting enough without the werewolf."

The heart of this city is cold.

Huo Qi adjusted his clothes in front of the mirror. He needed to go out to deal with affairs, and his eyes showed a habitual indifference: "It is enough for the sheep to know how to eat grass. Neither the eater nor the shepherd needs the sheep to be smart."

Brett looked at the straight nobleman with admiration, put down his mind, and went to tie him a tie, but he couldn't tie it for a long time. He was dissatisfied with it once and removed, and he was still not satisfied with the tie again.

"..." Hodge raised his eyes to look at him, "It seems that you don't intend to let me go."

They were face to face, as if they were about to kiss, and Brett stayed still, pretending to be fighting with the tie.

Seen from a close distance, those brown eyes are bright and clear, the brown can be deep or light, and there are light and dark changes in the light, it is easy for people to look at it for a long time without realizing it.

Hodge complained softly: "It's really clumsy." He raised his chin slightly as he spoke, so arrogant that he wanted to be fucked hard.

Brett breathed heavily, and his eyes that were originally fixed on the tie moved up, and found a new target, those soft pink lips.

"Don't mess around!" Hodge's tone became stronger before he got dressed and had business to do. If Brett succeeds, he doesn't know how long it will take.

"Then you should come back early." Brett said regretfully, and tied the Windsor knot for him in two or three strokes, neatly and neatly.


Hodge left, Brett stayed at home, not idle, he had to do no less than Hodge.

He received a lot of information on his intellectual brain, and he ignored it just now when Hodge was there. He took a quick glance, nothing urgent and important.

"Boss, have you read the news? Damn! The werewolf actually ran away!" Harry's message revealed that he was very excited. What surprised him was not that some runners could run, but that they could run successfully.

"Where did you get my communication number?" Brett asked.

"Redhead, he gave us all," Harry replied in seconds, "Boss, that news..."

"I see."

"Why are you so calm?"

"Then how should I react?"

"..." Harry held his chest and took a deep breath, "But they all think it has something to do with you!" You lived with the little wolf, and you used a free card against the wolf leader, and let me buy weapons to stockpile. No matter how you look at it, you are a super villain. Cross it out, rebel leader.

"..." Brett wondered if the word "rebel" was pasted on his forehead, "Mind your own business and don't make fooling around."

Harry felt desolate in his heart, thinking that he was not trusted by the boss, so he replied with an indifferent "Oh".

After dismissing Ma Zi, Brett replied to O Keke's message of concern, saying that everything on his side was normal, and that the sponsor was also very satisfied with him, which reassured the manager, and then replied to Redhead and the others with similar content.

The players are undercurrents. The champion of this season is basically reserved by Bright. He is superior in strength and has a backer. Even No. 56 is willing to bow down. However, suddenly a player ran away! There is a way out in a desperate situation, how can they calm down? So they frantically connected in private, trying to get on line with Bright's small group.

After a while, Brett received an invitation from Harry to join the group, and he accepted it.

"Bright has joined the group chat."

When he came in, all the players from this season were in the group.

Pierce: "I've set it to burn after reading, and the chat content will be cleaned up in time, and no one outside can track it."

As soon as Bright came in, many people immediately circled him and asked about the werewolf. He didn't let his guard down. He also thought about whether he was too high-profile, and why everyone thought he knew the inside story. In fact, another reason is that the pack of wolves is very xenophobic and does not accept any outsiders. After calculation, among the players, only Bright has the most contact with them.

Bright: "Unified reply, I don't know."

After finishing speaking, he got off and missed Pierce's private message bombardment.

"Don't fool me. The things you stole from the inner city are related to them, right? You must know how they destroyed the bracelet! Tell me, you can do whatever you want."

"When are you going to do it? You won't be immersed in the gentle village and won't be able to get out?" What about the rebellion that was agreed? !

"Don't pretend to be dead! Come back to me! Otherwise, I'll tell you to look good!"

After waiting for a long time (a few minutes) without replying, Pierce gritted his teeth with hatred.

A message suddenly popped up on the smart brain to remind that the game character played by Little Wolf is online. Pierce's eyes widened a little, and a flash of understanding flashed across his face. The young master sneered: "You asked for it, Brett..."

During the meeting, Hodge had a cold and serious face, and occasionally glanced at Zhinao, and when he saw new news, he couldn't help but feel a little sweetness in his heart.

Brett: "It's almost time for lunch, are you coming back?"

Hodge: "I told you when I went out that I won't go back for lunch."

Bright: "You said 'could'."

Hodge: "... am I wrong?"

Brett had a strong desire to survive: "No, of course not. I just want to have dinner with you, how long will you have?"

Hodge looked at the arguing between the inner city and the army, and pursed his lips impatiently: "It will take at least two hours, eat first if you are hungry."

Brett: "I'm not hungry, I just want to eat you."

Hodge read that line several times, feeling a little drunk, his body remembered the feeling of being hugged by a man before his brain, soft and hot.

At the meeting, you sang and I came on stage, the program team cried that they had lost the most, and the outer city called that they had suffered the most. Both sides blamed each other, why didn't you shut down your own players/dog soldiers

The people in the inner city were impatient, pointing out that the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to pursue responsibility. The most important thing is how to recover the loss and bring this farce to an end.

"Gentleman, what do you think?"

Huo Qi immediately came back to his senses, his thoughts were clear, and no one could see that he was chatting with his boyfriend the whole time.

"About this incident, there are several doubts: First, why the information we got was inaccurate? The original plan was very complete. Whether the werewolf had other sources of information must be checked and the loopholes should be filled. Second, how did they get it? Do you know that there is an underground underground river leading directly outside the city? Even we don’t know about this, is there any passage like this?”

"As for the follow-up of this incident, I propose to let the program team and the army negotiate. After all, they are the biggest victims. The housekeeper will be the middleman to mediate and the inner city will assist."

This remark attracted a lot of support. The butler was most familiar with the situation in the outer city, and since he was trusted by the inner city people, he was also an outer city resident, so his identity was not so sensitive, so he was suitable for mediation. He got up and thanked the aristocrats in the inner city for their trust, and then listed the things that need to be resolved: "Some thugs took advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, there were many robberies, and some happened in mid-to-high-end communities... "

Hodge listened patiently to the speeches of the participants, looked down and found a new message.

Brett: "I'll pick you up, your bodyguard promised to take me there."

Hodge had never felt that time was passing so slowly. As soon as the meeting was over, he got up immediately, walked outside quickly, and saw that outstanding man at a glance.

Hodge joked: "I never thought I would have a clingy boyfriend."

"What boyfriend? It's Lao Gong." Bright didn't deny that he was clingy, he grabbed Hodge's hand, and kissed his jade-like fingertips.

Hodge felt the heat spread from his fingers to his whole body, his cheeks were burning, whether it was because of the kiss or the title of "Old Gong". But outside, he was still relatively reserved, maintaining his majesty, struggling twice without breaking away, and only reluctantly agreed to hold hands with the other party.

Brett glanced at the group of people who came out one after another, feeling that he was about to lose control of his unicorn arm.

If we do it now, can we wipe out the upper class and the ruling class in the city

Suddenly, Brett felt a killing intent just now, and when he turned his head, he saw an old man on crutches, who was staring at him with unexplained eyes, but immediately restrained himself when he looked over, Brett secretly frown.

"Who's that?" he asked Hodge.

"Butler, he is the father of No. 56."

Brett was a little surprised. His temples were stained with frost, and his figure was a bit stooped. He looked more like Pierce's grandfather. Because Hodge said he was leaving, Brett stopped paying attention to that person and went home holding his lover's hand tightly.

On the aircraft they roll together.

"It's called Lao Gong."

"Well..." Biting his lip stubbornly.

"If you call, you will be liberated."

"Ah!" The voice was low and inaudible, "Old... Gong..."

The author has something to say: Sweet or not!

I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival! The second drop at 4:00 p.m.~