How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 8: Betray the little thing


Although George, who was always black in Brett's life, has a weird personality, bad temper, and vicious words, but in terms of professionalism, he is first-rate.

He used the materials captured by the cameras of the other two people present to make a five-minute short video, put it in his private collection, and took it out to taste from time to time. He fantasized that he was the crocodile, chasing him on the shore in the water, pounced on him, crushed him, felt his blood flow into his throat, and ate it bit by bit while the nasty man howled and begged for mercy. other side.

Satisfaction gushes out of the body, spurts out of the mere fantasy.

He trembled and sighed.

The team leader drove him to the bathroom and reprimanded him dissatisfiedly: "At least do it during the rest time."

When George came back after cleaning up, the team leader said, "Send me what you have finished. Don't lie to me. I saw your download record."

George reluctantly sent it to him. Although it is a private collection, all the material is the property of the program team after all, and he will be sad if the team leader really pursues it.

The video is in the form of a flashback, starting with Brett enjoying the food, and the fresh bloody crocodile meat slowly glowing, making the mouth watery and thirsty. After all, appetite and sex/desire are closely linked and have something in common. A desire to fill the void within.

The meat-eating scene is the man taking off his clothes. The scene is slow, and the camera pays close attention to his body. It captures the far and near scenes from all angles. The picture shows a handsome man with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. His skin under the sun is smooth and delicate, without any blemishes. Even pores cannot be seen. His muscles are strong and his lines are graceful. Masculine beauty.

He walked quickly to the edge of the water, jumped into the water, and the white water splashed around his vigorous body, reluctantly disappearing. Immediately afterwards, the tune changed and became tense and dangerous. A crocodile suddenly appeared and swam towards the man quickly. The man rushed out of the water in time, and the camera seemed to deliberately trick the audience, showing only a wet and blurred back.

With the climax of the background music, the crocodile was blown out by fists, the editing technique was superb, the crocodile seemed to be killed by him, and the little giant group was completely cut off. At the end, in the midst of stirring music, he slashed open the crocodile's belly, and the scarlet blood spattered, some of it on his face.

The final picture was fixed on the man's eyes, the brown eyes were cold and indifferent, and there was a trace of blood spatter between his eyebrows.

Cut open the hero's skin, men are ruthless predators.

This fully proves that the person who knows you best is your black fan—no.

The team leader watched and saved it, and sent the video to the management group.

Immediately someone commented: "A post-editing stage, actor's acting skills are D, Made didn't even show a bit, wasting my precious five minutes!"

"C, for the sake of his strong capital."

The director who has been diving in the group all the year round suddenly said: "What is his number?"

The team leader quickly replied: "No. 199, this video was made by my subordinates for fun."

The assistant director also took the lead: "He is the target of the No. 56 seed player. The team that No. 56 belongs to is also by the lake. We are going to wait for the 40th team to finish the raft."

No. 56 has a special background and has high commercial value. No. 199 is completely incomparable. When the two conflict, the latter will naturally be cannon fodder.

The director didn't speak anymore, and the group talked about other topics.

The team leader felt that it was a pity, but he acted honestly, and contacted the team leader in charge of No. 56 with great interest to discuss the next shooting. The first male is No. 56, and the second male is No. 199. The plot is to kill and be killed.

Although they are only responsible for the shooting of the male second, the task is also very heavy, to show the audience the process of destroying No. 199 beautifully and artistically, and No. 199 has not shown the ability to fight so far, I don’t know if it will What kind of sparks will come out of the collision with No. 56.

Squad 40 has finished building the raft, and veterans are giving it a final check just to be pushed into the water.

The warehouse keeper who was looking for food came back, holding a few unknown fruits in his hand.

"What about the thin bamboo poles?"

The veteran replied: "The big guy is hungry, and he said he would go to the shore to try his luck and find a few more eggs. When they come back, we will set off."

Hearing this, the warehouse manager let out an ooh, his eyes flickered, and he walked towards Brett, who was standing on the bank and looking into the distance.

"I found some fruit, which quenched my thirst."

The man's brown eyes looked at him, very calm, with a clear insight into the world, as if he had seen his deepest secret.

The warehouse manager's body stiffened. Could it be that the other party already knew that he had betrayed him

George, who was paying close attention to No. 199, yelled: "Team leader, the situation is wrong! It's a trap!"

The team leader was stunned: "What?"

"Number 199 instigated that traitor. Fuck! How did he do it?!"

"Quickly contact the group next door and remind them to be vigilant against changes. It's best to persuade No. 56."

Unfortunately, it was too late, and No. 56 led the team to launch an attack.

The team leader spoke into the microphone: "The current situation is... ok... I understand." He regained his composure and ordered the team members: "Pay close attention and drive the crocodiles away from attacking everyone except No. 56 if necessary."

The whole team stared at the screen tightly.

No. 199 has always shown a lack of aggression. From the beginning of the game to now, he has never actively provoked or attacked others. This gives people the illusion that he has a good temper and is easy to bully, causing others to regard him as kind.

The yellow-brown hair triumphantly came over to take the prisoners. There were only two people in the 40th team at this time, but there were six people on their side. It was a sure win.

At the celebration banquet after the first issue, he had arrogantly said that he wanted to have Bright, and now, he was about to fulfill his promise.

However, that extremely ordinary warehouse clerk whom he had been ignoring all this time, actually chopped him down with an axe!

"Scum! How dare you betray me?!"

Facing the furious former master, the warehouse manager trembled all over, both because of fear and excitement.

Look at me! look at me! Look at how I played with this powerful and terrifying man in front of me!

The treachery of the warehouse keeper is evident.

First of all, he does not reject betrayal. He originally planned to betray Bright, and he has no loyalty to anyone. If he can betray once, of course he can betray him a second time.

Secondly, Brett found that he would pay special attention to his appearance, even though his appearance was not outstanding, he could not be found in the crowd, he had no characteristics, and he could not even get nicknames like old man and thin bamboo pole. But he will take care of his hair and clothes, trying to make himself look clean and tidy in front of the camera.

So Brett asked him, "Do you want to be the protagonist?"

The warehouse clerk's eyes widened suddenly, and his pupils dilated accordingly.

Oh protagonist!

Attract everyone's attention, let everyone only listen to his voice, roar for him, and go crazy for him!

he thinks! Of course I want to!

In that dusty and rusty warehouse, doing tedious work every day, his soul is dead, he longs to be looked at, even if it is a disgusted and hateful look, it is better than a lifetime of obscurity. Ignore, completely forget.

"How?" He looked at the man pleadingly, and the man spat out devilish words.

Hum ha ha ha! good idea! This is the best idea he's ever heard in his life!

What is it to sell number 199? He wants to betray the man who everyone fears!

The author has something to say: Everyone wants different things. Brett wants to survive, and the warehouse manager wants to be famous, so everyone is satisfied.