How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 83: Internal and external contradictions intensified


After the compensatory (note the sentence break) behavior ended, Hodge hardly dared to look at Brett. He had never been so out of control before. The continuous intense stimulation made him lose control of his body and consciousness, and he did not know that he was In refusal or in craving for electric shock. He just instinctively followed Brett's instructions and said some thoughtless words, which may be very shameful, but he didn't notice it at the time, and maybe even if he did, he wouldn't care.

The biggest achievement this time is that he didn't pass out during the process, so that he was drained and fell into sleep as soon as it was over, ignorant of the outside world. Brett manipulated his brain a few times, and finally lay down beside the nobleman contentedly and fell asleep.

Back in the game world, Brett's state of mind is quite different from the past. When he was not strong enough, this was his safe haven, a small world independent of the wind and rain from the outside world, where he was attached to. Now that he has enough ability to deal with everything outside, although this place is friendly, it suddenly seems deserted.

Brett realizes that he has established a connection in that cruel and indifferent world, whether close or distant, friendly or hostile, no matter what, it is always a bond, especially Hodge.

Brett also knew clearly that it was meaningless for him to deny that he had no feelings for Hodge.

While conscious, when he could actually escape, he possessed Hodge, many times.

Attracted to him, captivated by him, and touched by his intense possessive feelings, Brett heaved a long sigh.

"Latiao, how about finding a new owner for you?"

Hei Bei glared at him with round eyes: "Woof!" No!

"Hey, I didn't make it clear. I didn't give you to someone else. It's your master. I found a companion, and he will also become your master."


"Okay, thank you for your understanding. I will try to find a partner for you another day. There is no second dog here, and there are quite a few wolves. How do you choose from the wolves? The white wolf brand that you met last time is bright striped. , the fur is smooth and smooth, it seems to be pretty good."

"Woof?" Isn't that food

"You'll be single forever."

The main event is about to begin. The storm that has been brewing for so long is finally coming, as if the sky has been covered by dark clouds for many days in summer, and finally there is thunder from top to bottom, but because the dark clouds are too dense to see to lightning.

Those with a keen sense of smell in the city realize that the storm is coming, the internal and external conflicts, and the competition for interests. The competition between the contestants in the program is just the epitome of all the contradictions. Now the competition has gone outside the program. As the competition heats up, everyone knows that the storm will be terrible, but it is impossible to appreciate how violent it is until the moment it breaks out. Just as everyone knows that the time is ticking, but no one can tell what time it is.

Bright, who is in the center of the eye of the storm, has a peaceful mind. After a long period of questioning, reflection and confirmation, he has strengthened his inner thoughts. He intends to confess to Hodge. If the other party expresses remorse, he vows not to make the same mistake again. If anyone is willing to go with him, he will take him away with him.

When he was conscious and had his own will, he paid his true feelings to Hodge. Frankly speaking, he feels that this kind of emotion is weaker and less intense than when he installed the chip. Hodge's love is not something that he must get if he is paranoid, but it also makes him feel that he wants to be close to Hodge. ardent desire.

He respects his own will and his personal choice, so if Hodge is stubborn and wants to put a chip on him for transformation, or is unwilling to give up life in the city and go back to the countryside with him, cross it out, go outside the city, Wright won't force it either. Although he speculates that this possibility is probably very small, he is not absolutely sure.

Fate, love, it's a matter for both parties. After fighting for it, I will be lucky if I win it, and my life will be lost if I lose it.

It's a pity that Bright didn't find a chance that day, because Hodge took the initiative to confess first.

"Aren't you curious about my biggest secret, I want to show you something."

Hodge opened an encrypted file, which was a video. When he clicked to play it, his expression was very flat, but Brett still felt his hidden negative emotions.

The protagonist in the video is a boy who is almost exactly the same as Hope, about six or seven years old, with black hair and black eyes, round cheeks, and an innocent expression. Brett immediately recognized him as Hodge when he was a child.

A hint of surprise emerged in Brett's heart. Apart from transforming him, Hodge actually had a bigger secret, which seemed to be related to his childhood. Brett read it with curiosity and doubt.

It was an empty room, and the boy was sitting on a chair with a strange shape, his eyes looking at the camera were full of anxiety. "This child is too weak and needs to sharpen his will." An adult male voice appeared in the video, without showing his face, and his voice was calm and objective. Such a situation, such a conversation, was full of weirdness, which made Brett feel shuddering.

Slowly, Brett's expression gradually turned into anger, and he turned his head to look at Hodge, with unbearable and regretful eyes.

Because the boy in the video was screaming, wailing, crying... probably sounded too painful, Hodge turned off the sound, and Brett could only tell who he was calling out to—Dad—by the boy’s mouth shape.

At that moment, Brett understood why Hodge was so obsessed with electricity, and the torment inflicted on him by his relatives trapped the child forever in a dark cage, unable to get out. Even though the boy has grown up now, he still can't get rid of that nightmare, can't relieve the pain in his memory, physical, emotional, and spiritual, so he can only vent and transfer the pain to others, trying to alleviate the pain. The pain of the little boy.

Man is a mirror, when others treat it cruelly, it returns cruelty.

Brett quickly turned off the video, hugged Hodge, suppressed the surging anger and sourness, and asked softly: "Why?" A father would do this to his son

"The growth rituals of the inner city people, like Haytenai (circumcision) in Islam, are passed down from generation to generation, which proves that I have discarded unnecessary emotions, thoughts and aspirations, and become a real inner city people."

As smart as Hodge, he is extremely clear about the cause of his psychological crux. Telling this secret to Brett means that he unreservedly shows the weakest, most helpless and most secret part of his heart to men, just hoping to get him Forgive me, and get closer to him.

Bright also realizes that his seemingly harmless revenge last night may have touched Hodge's scars from years ago and hurt him.

"I'm sorry," Brett kissed Hodge, feeling extremely remorseful, "We don't need electricity anymore, okay?"

"Hmm." Hodge pursed his lips. He didn't actually find it difficult when he was tortured, but the man's understanding and love always made him feel satisfied. He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the beautiful atmosphere.

With such a delay, the two almost missed the banquet they were supposed to attend, which was related to revenge.

Brett insists on reason in revenge, settles accounts, and does not implicate the innocent, while Hodge is completely different from Brett. He has less worries and is more decisive. He directly sent someone to install a bomb on No. 56's travel tool—it was originally To blow up his mansion, but there are many servants and guards living in it, Brett disagrees, Hodge can only compromise.

To reinforce the alibi, mostly for Bright's sake, Hodge took him to a private party. In fact, it's not necessary. People of Hodge's class can kill people and do things by themselves? Just to make a face project, not to appear so naked/naked/naked.

The banquet was full of feasting and feasting, and Brett imitated Hodge, holding a glass of champagne, and followed Hodge the whole time, never leaving. One of them is arrogant and cold, the other is handsome and upright, walking together is a beautiful scenery, attracting many eyes.

"Here he is again." Someone was talking about the gentleman in private.

"Whether you want to see or not to eat, do you work?"

"When do you think he will get tired of No. 199?"

"I'm afraid it will take a while. He is very concerned about that big cat now, and it is far from time."

Brett has long been immune to other people's scrutiny, whether it's a joke or a conversation, he ignores it, and only occasionally follows up when Hodge is talking.

Suddenly, someone's brain rang, and someone started whispering, and then the atmosphere of the banquet changed, and the gentleman who was friendly with the gentleman looked at him with complicated eyes, and hesitated to speak to him.

Hodge felt a little uneasy. At this time, there should have been an explosion, killing number 56, but the death of a player shouldn't make so many inner city people have complicated expressions.

He immediately read the latest news, and his heart skipped a beat. It turned out that it was not No. 56 who died, but his father—the first person in the outer city, the prime minister of the outer city, the lord of the outer city, and the most trusted housekeeper of the inner city.

"Oh my God! I don't believe it! How could this happen?!" Pierce was being interviewed by the media, his eyes were red, as if he had just cried, "It's all my fault! Today my father's aircraft suddenly malfunctioned, and I Just say I don't go out and let him use mine, and it turns out... oh my god... it's all my fault! I killed him! What should I do... "

"What's wrong?" Brett asked.

"The butler is dead." Hodge's heart sank. The reason why he chose No. 56 as the target of revenge was mainly because the butler's status was high and his identity was sensitive. He was weakening the power of the butler if he didn't prepare well. Before, he would not do it directly, because the timing was wrong. And killing No. 56 can directly counterattack the butler, and can help Bright gain an advantage in the next issue.

However, people are not as good as heaven, and the housekeeper actually died instead of his son.

Once the butler dies, the consequences will be very serious. First of all, it will directly lead to changes in the power structure in the city, causing social unrest, and the struggle for power and profit below will be light. The more serious problem is the intensification of the relationship between the inner city and the inner city. Not long after the dog soldiers defected, the butler died at this time, and he died at the hands of the inner city... Without the butler as a buffer, there may be a violent outbreak between the inner city and the outer city army contradiction.

This city is going to be in chaos.

The author has something to say: It is expected to be finished within 90 chapters (^v^)ノ~