How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 84: The dog soldiers are back


Everyone was in the mood to enjoy the banquet and bid farewell to each other, but the way everyone looked at Brett changed, it was the way they looked at Baosi Daji Yang Yuhuan Zhao Feiyan. Be vigilant about what he is more vigilant about, and want to get what he wants even more.

"It's not your fault." Brett comforted Hodge, his brain muted, and the screen flickered, constantly reminding him of new information.

"Others don't think so." Sure enough, Hodge received an urgent meeting notice, mainly discussing the next response. He sent Bright home and was about to leave, but was stopped by Bright.

"You can say I did it." Brett's expression was extremely serious.

Hodge was stunned for a moment, then smiled again: "It won't bother me, you should have a good rest and concentrate on preparing for the next game."

"Come back early, I have something to tell you." Brett kissed him goodbye. For some reason, seeing Hodge's leaving back, Brett felt lost.

Only when he was alone, Brett had the opportunity to watch Zhinao.

The sender of the message is anonymous.

"How was my performance in the news? Am I like a very filial and self-blaming son who makes anyone who sees it sad and whoever hears it cry?"

Brett ignored the other party's ridicule and typed: "How are the preparations at the city gate?"

"I'll take care of things, don't worry."

Brett wanted to say something went wrong before! But he didn't want to be poor with Pierce, just said: "According to the plan."

"Tsk, won't your conscience hurt if you plan on your benefactor like this?"

These words hit the lungs, a little depressed, and I couldn't breathe. Bright did take advantage of Hodge, a nobleman who was single-minded about his own plans and wanted to avenge himself. For his own purposes, he still disclosed the news to Pierce, because the purposes of the two of them fundamentally conflicted. Hodge's purpose is to carry out revenge actions while stabilizing the power in the city, while Bright's purpose is to disrupt the order in the city, and revenge is secondary.

Brett deleted the record as if he didn't see Pierce's sarcasm.

Before waiting for Brett's reply, Pierce put down his mind with sympathy: "This man has no heart."

The red-haired sneered: "It sounds like you have it."

His appearance has not changed, but it makes people feel that this usual red hair is another person, his temperament at this time looks very different from usual, his eyes are sharp, and there is a sharp and mocking cold light, and there is no such thing as wanting to understand at all. The big boy next door is going home.

If looking at him before, he would think of a clear spring, but now it is a bubbling poison cooked by a witch.

"What the hell?" Pierce just liked his real look, which was much more attractive than the fake one.

It turned out that the redhead had always belonged to Pierce, or it could be the other way around. In short, the two worked hand in hand and wove a huge lie, which successfully deceived most people, including Bright.

"Don't do it next time." The redhead sighed and warned Pierce. If Pierce hadn't missed his hand this time, they wouldn't have to face Brett. As his enemy, there was no need for him to expose himself so early. Originally, he was Prepare to save it until the last moment of the decisive battle.

The young master said with a sly expression: "People have made mistakes." He defended himself: "I want to use Brett's son to exchange for the werewolf to unlock the secret of the bracelet. This is also for us. Who would have thought that my father would interfere and directly Let's explode."

"Forget it, there's no need to mention the past," the red-haired sighed, "I really admire Brett, strength, will, city, and character, he has everything, and now he still has a heart, in order to achieve his goal, kill him All hatred can be let go."

"There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." Pierce retorted dissatisfiedly, where does Brett have such great charm? What a hypocrite!

He went on to say: "This time my father also made up for his mistakes, and agreed to feign death to cooperate with us, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and let us toss. Don't worry, I have helped Brett get the city gate and the equipment he wanted. , he agreed to untie the bracelets for us after the matter is completed."

For this transaction, the red hair is also extremely satisfied, after all, no one wants to be a sacrifice for the show.

He was thoughtful: "What do you think Brett is planning? He instructed me to guide you to kidnap his son. I guess it was to get his son out of the surveillance of the program crew and inner city people and move him to a safe place so that he would not Being constrained and coerced, and now you are planning to attack the city gate again, are you planning to escape?"

"Whatever it is, anyway, my goal has been achieved, to make those high-ranking inner city people look good!" Pierce was quite proud, as if he had overthrown the mountain that had been pressing on him.

"Haha! No one would have thought that he would join hands with me. My father 'dead' and provoked a battle between the inner city and the outer city. The prestige will be greatly reduced, and the strength of the army will be greatly reduced, and we will reap the benefits of the fisherman."

The redhead added: "Also, whether Bright wins or loses in the end, he won't be on the field." Success, his leaving the city, death, his capture or elimination, have nothing to do with the show.

"Not bad!" eliminated the biggest competitor.

Excited, Pierce hugged the red hair and kissed him hard: "The biggest winner is us!"

Faced with the assassination and death of the top manager of the outer city, some people are happy and some are worried, and people from all walks of life have different reactions. As Hodge expected, the outer city fell into chaos.

The first question is who will take over. According to the law, his deputy will immediately take over temporarily. This deputy is usually the person most trusted by the steward, and he will also have a better understanding of the actual situation in the outer city. In this way, the negative impact of power transfer can be minimized. At present, the people in the inner city are holding a meeting to discuss and select a new housekeeper. Before the result is reached, the deputy will temporarily manage the outer city.

In other words, it is the steward's deputy who is currently leading the outer city temporarily, and because of his lack of qualifications and abilities, the outer city army does not buy it. They don't even think highly of the steward, let alone his deputy

Therefore, the army did not immediately obey the order issued by the outer city to second the army to maintain order in the outer city. The reason is ready-made: we are only responsible for the defense of the city, that is, the external defense work. manage

In fact, the army is not unwilling, but is seeking power in a disguised form. They want to get involved in the management of the outer city in a legitimate way. Once they obtained the right to participate in the security management of the outer city, it would be difficult for them to give up. How could they spit out the fat they ate? And if they let go this time, their appetites will only get bigger and bigger in the future.

This is why the people in the inner city have been slow to agree, and the army is also very realistic. They want the cows to run away, and they want the cows not to eat grass. You want something beautiful!

So the two sides are so stalemate.

The city is in chaos.

In the beginning, people from the slums rushed to rob shops, and gangsters molested women from good families on the street. Because of the lack of manpower for security management, slowly, the robbery team turned into a carnival of collective violence, just like water droplets gathered into small Puddles form small streams, and small streams gradually become larger streams.

"Find out the truth, and give justice to the leader!" Someone played the banner of revenge for the butler, and attracted a large team. They rushed into a mansion, and regardless of whether it was related to the death of the butler, breaking in was an attack. Smash and grab.

When the motive was questioned, the thug rolled up his sleeves and replied in a low voice: "They are so rich, they must have been traded by PY!"

"That's right, look, they use the same type of aircraft that killed the leader. They are definitely not good people!"

Real life is very chaotic, and the Internet also presents a state of disorder.

Someone posted a post exposing the addresses of many celebrities, including Bright, and asked people to form a team to check, and there were countless responses.

"No. 199 definitely did this! No. 56 was suspected, and his father had an accident immediately. No one would believe it if he said it was okay!"

"I fell in love with him, oh no, I've seen him upset for a long time, I must give him a good lesson!"

"But aren't we going to avenge the leader?"

"Yes, revenge... First this and that, and then revenge."

"No cat disease!"

When a series of accidents happened, George was working overtime on the program team. When he saw the news on the Internet, he sneered: "Let them go! See the power of the brain tiger."

"No. 199 should be in the inner city now." The team leader spoke from the side.

George suddenly thought of the back that he saw that time. Although he didn't see the front, the two of them had their backs to him, holding hands, and looked quite harmonious. He silently prayed that Brett would seize the opportunity, get close to the benefactor, and be popular for a longer time.

The atmosphere in the program group became a little tense, but it was still orderly on the whole. The staff and friends contacted each other one after another, warned them not to go out, locked the doors and windows, and then continued to work. There were even dedicated and dedicated The spirit suggested sending out cameras to capture the chaos.

"The director agreed, and the filming can be used as a sideshow." The team leader said.

"Understood." George obeyed, and stared at the camera screen with his colleagues, thinking about how to edit and create.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that there are two completely different orders in the outer city: the chaotic place is very chaotic, shouting and killing, like a battlefield, like a chaotic world, like a devil running out of hell to revel in the world; the peaceful place is still peaceful , still the same as usual, eating, drinking and fighting as usual, work and life are orderly, such places often have strong security and armed forces, and mobs dare not approach.

In fact, this kind of small chaos can be suppressed very quickly, and the inner city people don't care about it. They decided the fate of the relevant people involved in it with two or three sentences at the meeting.

"The losses suffered by public and private property and public facilities in the outer city will be deducted from the tax revenue of the next year."

"This season of the show is coming to an end, and it's time for us to prepare for the next season. These criminals can be used as cannon fodder."

"The watchdog is disobedient and eats too much, kill it and get another one."

"Oh, it's a pity for the housekeeper... His son is not bad, but he will be killed by No. 199 soon, right?"

When the topic came to Bright, the data engineer who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Wangcheng specifies number 199."

The meeting room fell into a dead silence, everyone lost their voices and looked at each other, only the sound of suppressed and nervous breathing.

Almost at the same time as the data engineer said those words, drastic changes occurred in the outer city.

There were thirty-two gates in the outer city, one of which was attacked.

Amidst the sound of a huge explosion, the city wall of several feet collapsed.

Facing the upheaval, the officers and soldiers reacted a bit slower. This wall firmly protected them from wild beasts and enemy attacks. It stood for hundreds of years, but now it was suddenly breached. They couldn't believe it at all. , the action completely stopped, as if the pause button was pressed.

Until someone yelled pitifully: "Dogs, dog soldiers! It's dog soldiers—they're back!"

The author has something to say: Hodge is about to discover the truth