How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 85: A gentleman discovers the truth


If you want to say who lived the most nourishing life during this time, it must be Little Wolf.

Werewolves are naturally wild and hate restraint and restriction. They pursue freedom, get close to nature, and like to run unrestrained in fields and mountains. Those harsh and dangerous environments for humans are not a problem for werewolves. On the contrary, they are still very adaptable to the law of the jungle of survival of the fittest and live freely and freely.

The people outside the city also have a lot of influence, but no one dares to provoke the werewolves. First, they served as dog soldiers and served the army, and they cleaned up many people and beasts outside the city. The second is that they haven't run out of the city for a long time, and people outside the city still can't figure out their roots, so they lie dormant in the dark, waiting for the opportunity.

But these are all headaches for the wolf, and have nothing to do with him. The little wolf thought happily, he defined himself as a follower, and he was the youngest in the tribe, so naturally he was the most painful. Since he escaped from the city, he gradually let himself go.

He likes to run, and he especially likes to change from a human form to a wolf while running. First, he runs quickly with both feet, and then jumps. When he lands, he lands on his forelegs. With one claw on the ground, it pulled out countless dust, and then exerted force on the hind limbs, and it was several feet in an instant. This habit directly led to a sharp increase in the scrapping rate of his clothes. After two or three visits, the first wolf would not give him a full set of clothes.

Little wolf didn't care, so he didn't wear it if he didn't wear it. So he wore a fur skirt like a savage all day long, and continued to run, free as the wind. Whether it is predation, pathfinding, or chasing and driving away wild animals, he likes to be on the front line and find fun in pure battles.

"Boss, look, this is the big tiger I hunted!" The little wolf regained his human form, ran back barefoot, with only a piece of fur around his waist, and dragged a tiger bigger than himself with one hand. The tiger dragged it to the cave where the wolf was, as if offering a treasure.

"I saw you were so keen on fighting before." The wolf laughed.

"That's different. It's for what I want to hunt, not for those scum." The little wolf looked flattering: "Is the vanguard set for this battle?"

The first wolf raised his eyebrows, they are only a few wolves, and they are still pioneers? Besides, even if there was, he would not be chosen.

"You lack the experience of fighting against the tyrant." The wolf declined politely.

"But I am the youngest, the most agile, and the most flexible!"

The first wolf looked at him speechlessly: "Take back your bribe." Tiger meat is so hard, it will get angry if you eat too much.

The little wolf was a little bit shocked, and asked, "Then when shall we set off?"

"Tomorrow night, if you don't leave the big cats around here, you will be hustling."

"Hey… "

At night, the alpha wolf sneaked back to the outskirts of the city with the group, and waited for the signal according to the news Brett sent him.

He also didn't expect that the way Brett contacted him was actually the oldest carrier pigeon in the history of human communication.

There is no way, there is no Internet in the wild, and I am afraid that people in the city will check if there is one.

Wolves are very patient hunters. They lie dormant in the grass and remain motionless. Even the most erratic and lively little wolf does not dare to neglect at this time, lest something bad happen.

The surrounding area was very quiet, and the high and thick city walls prevented the hustle and bustle of the city from spreading outside the city. The wolf was still keenly aware of the abnormality. There was a smell of blood in the air. He speculated that this was probably Brett's means of making a fuss. . He still didn't move until there was a thunderous explosion.

The city wall collapsed, like a giant fell, and the earth trembled.

As if echoing the sound of a series of explosions and collapses, the wolves in the wild uttered a wild call.


This is the howl of a wolf calling for companions, and it is also the signal to start the battle!

"Dogs, dog soldiers! It's dog soldiers—they're back!"

The army had originally assembled a team, ready to act immediately when the inner city people compromised, but they did not expect to be attacked suddenly.

"What?" An officer made an unbelievable voice, "They dare to come back?! Court death!!"

That dog soldier who was originally wearing a dog tag and looked up to others dared to come back after he betrayed the army and made the army lose face in front of the inner and outer city people.

"Dog soldiers, you..." The officer had just said a few words before he was slapped flying with a claw. There were several scars on his face and chest with deep visible bones. One of the steel claws scratched his artery and trachea. The domineering officer swallowed his breath.

A werewolf attacked another enemy without hesitation, muttering while fighting: "Who are the dog soldiers? We are werewolves." I won't fight/illegal workers for you.

"Wangcheng specifies number 199."

This was the first time in hundreds of years that Wang Cheng took the initiative to issue an order. The content requirements are still so clear and definite that one almost doubts the authenticity of the data engineer's words.

But everyone in the inner city knew that a data engineer couldn't lie.

Impossible does not mean possibility, whether or not this thing will happen, but it refers to ability. Data scientists do not have the ability to lie, to be more precise, it is the ability to lie to inner city people.

Because the data scientist is a composite of half-human and half-artificial intelligence, it is said that his father has a crazy fascination and love for AI and data, so he cultivated such a child, whose brain is connected to the intelligent brain, and can perform superhuman data calculation and analysis.

Probably because of the semi-AI, the personality of the data engineer is affected by the setting of the brain, and he cannot deceive or lie to the inner city people. One is one, the other is two, and the data can be given to five decimal places It will definitely not be given to only four people.

Therefore, all the inner city people trust him very much, even more than they trust themselves. They may make mistakes, but the brain will not. Just like before the dog soldier escaped, they only suspected that the dog soldier had other sources of information, the program crew, the contestants, and never questioned him.

At this time, although they were very shocked, they didn't say anything, they just looked at each other, and finally all their eyes fell on the extremely silent gentleman.

Hodge's first reaction was anger. From the moment Brett encountered the explosion, he began to hate the place where he grew up and the people he lived with. They hurt his Brett, didn't care, and wanted to get away with it. . And Wang Cheng's justifiable begging made the flames of anger rise even more. Then, he immediately ran his brain at high speed, looking for a countermeasure.

Stabilize them first, then forge a test product and send it to Wang Cheng...

Hodge was thinking about it when the detective interrupted him.

"Ten seconds ago, dog soldiers broke through the gate of the outer city."


"The city was breached from the inside. There were dog soldiers inside the city. They used explosives/explosions/things first, and then the dog soldiers attacked the troops outside the city."

"What purpose do they have?"

The detective seemed to have been prepared for a long time: "It's not clear yet, further observation is needed." He changed his tone: "But I guess, it must have something to do with Brett."

When he said this, he stared straight at Hodge, not letting go of the slightest change in the expression of the handsome nobleman. He found the same shock on his face as the others, and the detective relaxed a little: It seems that the gentleman didn't know .

"My suspicion of Bright started from the fact that there were no bodies of hostages in the ruins of the explosion."

After the gentleman, the detective also began to call Brett by his first name, which was a kind of recognition of his strength.

"There are a lot of doubts about him. The biggest and most important thing is his origin. We spent a lot of time and energy to investigate all the people who have the ability to do this kind of thing, but found nothing. I gradually realized that, Made a mistake myself."

The scientist couldn't help but let out a hiss, expressing his amazement that the detective also fell on No. 199, but in a different way from the gentleman.

"Where Brett came from is not the key point, what really matters is," the detective said loudly, "what does he come here for. A slave who only has the memory of early human civilization and is very powerful in force, what exactly does he want?" need."

"Ego, resistance, morality. These three words are the key words I have summarized from Brett. Following this line of thought, I connected all kinds of unusual and seemingly unreasonable events together, and completed the The whole puzzle."

"Bright colluded with the contestants of the program group, currently known to include Dog Soldier, No. 56, Red Hair, etc., and launched a rebellion against the city people..."

The detective narrates his reasoning, partly substantiated—he captures Pierce and Redhead and their confessions; partly inferred because of the lack of key witnesses and evidence. Had Brett been there, there would have been genuine admiration. Most of what the detective said was true.

The people in the inner city were stunned, as far as a mere slave could do it.

No wonder, no wonder, even the unborn Wang Cheng was alarmed.

"Currently, what is certain is: first, Brett learned from the werewolf how to destroy the bracelet, he has freedom of movement, and the data tracked by the program team after the dog soldiers escaped is not reliable; secondly, Brett hid The hiding place of his important people and things is unknown. Due to the rush of time, I only interrogated No. 56. This point has yet to be investigated, and he will act in the near future. From this, it can be seen that today's attack by the dog soldiers is in his plan within… "

In the end, the detective concluded: "All in all, Bright is not under the control of the inner city."

He spoke in a more tactful manner, saving the gentleman's face, and did not directly say that Brett had long since escaped from the control of the gentleman's master. He doesn't need to say more, everyone knows that No. 199 must have deceived and used the gentleman many times.

"I suggest, follow Wang Cheng's order and deal with the threat as soon as possible."




During the whole voting process, the gentleman's face was pale, as if he hadn't reacted from the cruel truth.

Every word the detective said was like a knife cutting back and forth in his internal organs. His soul was crying in agony, but his body couldn't make a sound.

He thought he had Bright and found love, but in reality it was just an illusion, a dream as gorgeous and beautiful as fireworks.

It begins with deception and ends with deception.

The seed that Brett had planted in his heart had already grown into the deepest part. He was blinded by love and allowed the sweet lies to water that seed, allowing it to spread its roots and branches freely, occupying his entire heart, the entire atrium, The whole body.

Now he wants to pull it out, but he can't do it, unless his whole heart is cut out, his whole head is washed, forgetting those whispered confessions, forgetting those loving hugs, forgetting those passionate kisses The feeling of falling on yourself.

However, he was reluctant.

"I love you, Hodge."

"With you, I have a home in this world."

"Sorry, we don't use electricity anymore, okay?"

Since when did you wake up

When you kiss me and hug me, do you really hate me

Do you have any affection for me

He wanted Brett to say the answers himself, but he knew that he would never ask these questions.

Ah, it turned out to be just a dream.

I just said, how can I be happy...

The author has something to say: This is the end of deception and the beginning of HE~