How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 87: The big boss behind the scenes


At first, no one paid any attention to the disaster, it was nothing more than a few dog soldiers running away, the loss of the sheepdog caused confusion among the sheep, a slave colluded with the rebels, an inner city man was lured... until the disaster became peaceful Everyone in the city is connected. (adapted from the beginning of "The Wandering Earth")

The army in the outer city was dealing with dog soldiers, and the deceitful inner city man personally sent the slaves to the cemetery. The saboteurs basically arrested them, and the rest were small fish and shrimps. The hearts of the inner city people settled down , although they were still sticking to the meeting room and waiting for the riot to subside, the atmosphere was already quite relaxed. They discussed with each other how to relax after this matter was over, and which program had a new trick.

They didn't notice at all that the whole city was going through a drastic change, which would overturn all their past cognition, and everything they were used to would no longer exist.

And the person who caused this upheaval is currently in the aircraft, discussing a major event with his lover with reason and emotion.

"No, now is really not the time, we will be arriving at Wangcheng soon, do you think we can finish in a few minutes?"

"But this might be our last chance before we die." Hodge looked at him with red eyes.

Bright sticks to the bottom line: "Do it when you're out of the city, bear with it, huh?"

He gave Hodge a deep kiss. He wanted to meow like a cat in a happy mood, but he was afraid that his character would collapse. He told Hodge patiently, and he was also convincing himself: "I have made arrangements, and we will be safe and sound. To be together happily for half a lifetime, it doesn't matter how long you want to be together."

Huo Qi was actually only worried that the two of them were not the opponents of Wangcheng. As a person from the inner city, he knew the Wangcheng best. Just one point can explain the horror of Wangcheng: the inner city has existed until now, and all the technologies that rule the outer city are Provided by Wangcheng. This point is just the tip of the iceberg in Wangcheng, and its strength is unfathomable.

"I want to visit Wangcheng."

Brett was really curious about the secrets of the royal city, why the city looked like this, and how the people in the city turned into such inhuman appearances.

He was also curious at first, but he didn't have a great will to explore. He just thought that exploring the secrets was not as important as escaping.

Strength gave Brett confidence and confidence. He also had strength before, but he was psychologically afraid of that big cup of fate, and he couldn't let go. Get over the haze and stop worrying.

From Hodge's eyes, he could see the nobleman's undisguised emotions and his special cherishment of his own heart. He walked down from the top of the food chain that eats people but is willing to put himself in a low place and walk with him. unknowable future.

All fates and tragedies disappeared, and Brett only saw the words "happy ending".

With a relaxed mood, reaping love, and no pressure, he has the spare energy to explore the secrets of this city.

Before leaving, leave a gift for this city of sin.

The Royal City is not a city, but a complex of buildings in the center of the inner city. It is located in the very center of the city, and it can be reached soon from the inner city. It's just that its security system is the highest level, anyone who wants to enter has to go through layers of intelligent inspection, and if there is any problem, there will be a laser net to serve it, which is enough to cut a person into a thousand pieces, which is more terrifying than Ling Chi.

Wangcheng had very little contact with the outside world. For hundreds of years, no news from Wangcheng had come out, and communication was almost cut off. Regardless of the people from the inner city or the outer city, no one has ever entered or left the royal city alive. Ever since records were recorded, they have never returned. Therefore, even people from the inner city know very little about the royal city.

Brett led Hodge along the passage, which was a 20-meter-long corridor made of white bricks. It was white and a little scary, a bit like fighting a big boss in a game or movie.

The corridor is not straight to the end, and there are many forks along the side. Brett discovered that the bricks would emit green light. When encountering an intersection, an arrow made of glowing bricks would appear on the ground to guide the two of them.

"We are in a maze." Hodge judged.

"Can you smash these walls?" Brett asked.

Countless "NO"s suddenly appeared on the wall.

Brett suppressed the creepy feeling: "Just kidding."

The graphics on the wall suddenly turned into smiling faces.

Brett felt mocked.

After walking through the maze for a while, at last they came to an empty hall, and the moment they entered, the passage was closed. Brett and Hodge looked at each other, showing vigilance. They looked at the surrounding environment together. There were no furniture and seats, but there were a few technologically-sounding instruments and equipment.

"Hello, Hodge, Brett, welcome to Wangcheng. I am a supercomputer. You can call me Zhinao, numbered Happy 233." The little girl suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall and greeted them both. "This is my human mimicry projection, I hope it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable."

Brett asked bluntly, "Are you the only one here? Where is the person who called me?"

"There is no living body here other than you. It is indeed I who issued the order to send you to the king's city."

Huo Qi was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that the detective's previous suspicions had come true. All the people in the royal city had died. Now it was the brain that gave orders. The brain had probably been set so that it would not interfere too much with human affairs. This explained The reason why Wangcheng has not communicated with the outside world for a long time.

Brett asked, "What's your purpose?"

"You threaten the safety of human beings, I must get rid of you." Brain is also very straightforward, it directly described Bright's threat to the city: "All the networks in the city are under my surveillance, you I have a backup of the information exchange with other contestants in the program group. After analysis, I will list you as a potential threat with the highest level. When you have not taken any actual action for the time being, I just strengthened the monitoring. Until I observed the werewolf attack City, I judged that you will harm the entire human race, so I immediately issued an order to the data engineer, ordering him to arrest you."

Zhinao is not in a hurry to eliminate Bright, it is like a wisdom pearl in its grasp, and it is very patient, explaining his crimes to the prisoner who sentenced him to death and why he was killed.

Bright, who was sentenced to death, asked curiously: "On what basis do you judge that I'm a 'threat to human security'? Why do inner city people want to kill me but it doesn't count?" No one here loves human beings, humanitarianism and human beings more than me Are you civilized

The little girl nodded her head, showing the appearance of a little adult, but what she said was earth-shattering: "Although I can't know your origin, but after genetic analysis, you are indeed human, but saving you or condoning your behavior will cause harm to you." It violates the zeroth law."

Bright was puzzled, and Hodge explained: "It's Asimov's four laws of robotics." (The following is a quote)

The Zeroth Law: Robots cannot harm the overall interests of human beings, nor can they stand idly by when the overall interests of human beings are in danger.

First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, nor stand by while that human being is in danger, unless this conflicts with the Zeroth Law of Robotics.

This explains something, but not quite. Bright is still confused: "So it's not because I'm threatening an individual human being, but the whole human being? How is this possible? I'm just hostile to the inner city people, and I won't destroy the entire city."

Hodge's eyes flashed, as if he had figured out something, his face gradually became serious.

Zhinao noticed Hodge's expression and smiled: "It seems that Hodge has already guessed, the truth is indeed as you think."

"What?" Brett faintly reacted, but he didn't want to believe it.

"In the entire city, only the people in the inner city are human beings. The people in the outer city and the people outside the city are all humanoid bodies whose genes have been contaminated by viruses. It is to help human society function.”

Facing this absurd truth, Brett felt unreal.

At the same time, there was a sense of enlightenment.

No wonder the people in the inner city are always very strange and coordinated to the outside world. They don't look like hunters, but rather like facing the prey of the predators. They have to hold together tightly and coordinate to deal with external dangers. They subtly showed extreme cruelty and indifference, and practiced high-handed rule. In fact, they concealed their inner weakness by emphasizing their status at the top of the food chain.

With Zhinao's explanation, many of Brett's doubts were solved.

Looking back at the history of the inner city, at the beginning of the city's establishment, because the inspection was not strict enough, a small number of "unclean" people mixed in. As the population multiplied through the generations, the genes of non-pure human beings were widely spread. It was too late when the high-level human beings realized it. For the stability of the entire human society, try to protect as many human beings as possible. Unclean" were driven out of the top floors. Although non-pure human beings don't know the truth, they won't let it go and resist secretly. Therefore, this process was slow, tortuous, and full of blood. With the help of the brain, human beings finally won, and established the king city and the inner city to provide protection for the inner city people.

Because the genes contaminated by the zombie virus are unstable and easy to mutate, the offspring of the humanoid body appear to be polarized, the good ones are better, and the bad ones are even worse. Some are as outstanding in appearance as beauties, some are as intelligent as Ronald, and some are born with defects, lack of intelligence or disabilities. The obvious example is Harry's own brother who is stupid and has only human intelligence. larval level.

Probably with a cruel nature, humanoid bodies are more indifferent, more bloodthirsty, and more warlike than humans. They are naturally fond of meat, especially human and similar meat, so there is a product called "Star White Meat". Once it was launched, it became very popular, and the daily consumption in the city was as high as 500,000 catties. In addition to the celebrity effect, it was actually more caused by their cannibalistic nature.

Brett had a sense of inversion of right and wrong.

He has always condemned and hated the beastliness of the inner city people, who do not possess the virtues and qualities that humans should have. He did not expect that they are the purest human beings, the only remaining human beings after the virus-ravaged doomsday and various disasters.

his kind.

The author has something to say: My brain is blocked haha~


Here I have to thank all the great works that inspired me. I didn’t say it for fear of spoilers before, but now I express my confession uniformly:

1. Dog Soldiers: A tribute to Netflix's dad's short animation series Love Crash;

2. The chip of soldiers outside the city: the fifth episode of the third season of Black Mirror;

3. Celebrity White Meat: A very old, very old sci-fi horror movie that I only saw the preview, the company will sell the virus, blood and flesh of the stars when they get sick

4. Curly-haired detective: My favorite Sherlock, bar none!

5. Chimps: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

6. Mind Brain: Resident Evil White Queen