How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 89: Can't lie to people


After Bright reached an agreement with Brain, the data engineer personally picked up Bright and Hodge with the aircraft, sent them to the outer city, and had a round with werewolves and chimpanzees.

Brett used his brain to log on to his own webpage and posted a message.

"The reason why inner city people are inner city people is because they are purebred human beings." After posting, he put away his brain, and raised his head to meet the extremely disapproving gaze of the data engineer.

Bright said confidently: "I didn't say to keep it a secret."

Data engineer: "... the brain deleted it immediately."

"You forgot the hand speed of netizens taking screenshots."

Brett: I'm human, so I can be ashamed.

The data scientist frowned and spoke after a while: "Real-time statistics, although this news has been widely disseminated, less than one in ten thousand people believe it."


Not only did they not believe it on the Internet, but a large number of black people appeared on the Internet, constantly mocking and attacking Bright.

"Behind the glamorous star is actually the PY transaction!" It means that Bright coaxed the money owner to help him engage in unfair competition. In fact, his strength is not good, and he is also hypocritical and cunning. The glorious image in the show is all done in the later stage.

"According to people familiar with the matter, it is revealed that a contestant whose number ends with 9 is unmarried and has a child, shamelessly cheating." Attached are some screenshots of the chat history.

"Real hammer! The program team announced that No. 199 was disqualified!"

The people in the inner city had already received Wangcheng's order to drive No. 199 out of the city. Naturally, Bright was excluded from the game, but it is easy for people to understand the two unrelated events that happened one after the other as a causal relationship. Taking the first two articles as the "cause", and the subsequent disqualification as the "effect", the logic is perfect.

Black Bright's post instantly blossomed across the Internet.

"The influence of No. 199 is bad! Killing game or will it be cut?" Attached is a group P video whose face cannot be seen clearly. The hairstyle and figure are similar to Brett.

Four steps for online black people: sensational headlines → labeling them politically incorrect → statements that distort facts → arouse panic among the masses (thanks to unknown netizens for summarizing). very professional.

Zhinao: I am Zhinao, and I have no face.

The truth is hidden in the vast amount of information.

In the past, the ruling class monopolized knowledge, and ordinary people had no choice but to be fools; now, we are surrounded by information, but have we become wiser

Save the poor average IQ! One small step for you, one giant leap for civilization!

Bright didn't count on a piece of news from himself. One rebellion could change the world. On the one hand, it was because he couldn't wake up those who were pretending to be asleep. On the other hand, society had its own laws of development. To develop into what it is today, the reconstruction of order and the rebirth of consciousness will take a long time, and it will not be accomplished overnight.

He just gave everyone a choice, a reason to believe, and a chance to "ah, it can still be like this".

Faced with it, some people are silent, some are meditating, and some are suddenly enlightened.

This is a starting point, an insignificant beginning, so inconspicuous, but it will be like a single spark, producing a prairie fire.

Brett brought two people from the inner city to the most intense battlefield in the outer city. One of them had betrayed him ruthlessly. There was no expression on the wolf's furry face. He was still a wolf and had just experienced a fierce battle. , with scorched wounds all over his body, showing his murderous aura, looking extremely sturdy.

The data engineer only glanced at him, then lowered his head and stood silently beside the gentleman.

Compared with their reunion, Brett's side is much more enthusiastic. Besides the werewolves and chimpanzees, there are also several show contestants, Harry, Dasha and the old soldier. Officially the Rebels again.

"Dad!" Hope threw himself into Brett's arms happily. For this moment of reunion, he hadn't seen his father since the kidnapping. Although he was not alone with his dog and new friends, he I still miss my dad.

"This is your other father." Brett hugged him, put his hands around his neck, and introduced Hodge to him.

The little guy looked at Hodge carefully, and found that the other person looked at him not very well, not to mention gentle and close, not even kind to ordinary people, he felt wronged, he has always been well-behaved, but this time he has not listened to Brett's words: " I only have one dad." He wanted to say a lot to his dad, but Hodge ruthlessly stopped him.

At this time, they were still confronting the armed forces in the inner and outer cities. It was not time to deal with housework, so Brett had to temporarily put aside the conflict between father and son and arrange to evacuate.

"Let's build our own homeland." He said to all the creatures present.

"Of order, Wang." The chimpanzees have already learned human language, their voices are as deep as thunder, with some strange accents, and they move quickly without hesitation.

The wounded and physically weak in the team all took the aircraft, and Brett led the other rebels to march on the ground. Werewolves and chimpanzees are born masters of survival in the wild, closely following the tall and vigorous figure, the team moves in an orderly manner, and no one is left behind.

None of the forces, herds of beasts and monsters outside the city dared to compete with them, and retreated one after another. There are many powerful and numerous forces among them, but the leader's aura is too terrifying, so strong that he is not human at all. Although he is worried that he will rob them of territory and resources in the future, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to wait and see what happens.

"Boss is so scary." Harry looked down from a high altitude, and could clearly see where Brett went, the creatures were startled and fled, and couldn't help talking to the veteran in a low voice.

The veteran nodded secretly. If it wasn't terrible, how could it be possible to lead the werewolves and chimpanzees to attack the city, and even took two nobles from the inner city as hostages? He is an old Jianghu, silently keeping an eye on those two people to prevent them from doing anything wrong.

Hostage No. 1 asked Hostage No. 2: "What are your future plans?"

"Execute the mission and monitor Bright." The data engineer looked at the screen and focused on operating the aircraft.

After he finished speaking, he heard someone snort, full of disdain.

It turned out to be a wolf. Because of his serious injuries and too much physical exertion, he had to choose to take the flying machine. As soon as he got up, he began to rest and close his eyes to rest his mind. He looked calm, but actually his heart was overwhelmed, for a certain human being. Hearing the data engineer's words at this time, he finally couldn't control his reaction.

The data engineer pursed his lips, but still didn't speak, but the hand holding the joystick trembled slightly.

Hodge silently saw everything in his eyes.

The troops joined Xiaolang and others who had evacuated with the equipment before. They marched all the way, and after walking for more than half a month, they finally arrived at a hidden valley under the leadership of Bright.

This is the novice village in the doomsday game world, where Brett once built a wooden house with his own hands.

The landforms of the real world are not very different from those in the game, the environment is more remote and deep, and the shadow of sika deer running can be seen in the forest.

"Wow, it's awesome here! How did you know that?" The little wolf howled excitedly, sending a "wolf is coming" signal to all creatures here: This place belongs to me!

The chief wolf tolerated his presumptuous behavior. He is the most optimistic about the little wolf. The equipment was handed over to him before, which also means that he will be the next leader of the wolf pack. In fact, the leader of the werewolves who shouldered the heavy burden and dared not relax for a moment was also very excited at this time. They finally wanted a home, breathed free air, and walked towards a bright future.

After the little wolf, he led the pack of wolves to howl together, and the chimpanzees also patted their chests and howled in response. For a while, the birds in the valley scattered, and the hairs of the small mammals all stood on end, rushing back into the cave.

"He looks happy," the data scientist told Hodge, the two of them being the least excited people here.

"Every creature here is." Although the curvature of the corner of Hodge's mouth is small, his expression is very gentle. As long as Brett is in his field of vision, he can feel happy. Of course, it is better if there are no other people in the way. up.

They settled down in the valley, logging and digging mines, building houses, and quickly formed a village with a peaceful and beautiful life. When they went out of the city, they installed a lot of equipment. The village also has wind power and solar power generation, so they are not far behind. The division of labor in the village is becoming more and more detailed and clear. In addition to daily management and professional soldiers, there are also grocery stores, taverns, health stations, schools and other institutions.

As leader, Brett handed over the specific management work to the chimpanzees, and he now mainly runs a barbecue restaurant. This is the most popular restaurant in the village, and it is crowded with all kinds of creatures when it's time for dinner. In addition to the residents in the village, there are also people from outside the city who come to trade. Because chimpanzees have unique advantages, they can obtain food, precious medicinal materials and plants in the mountains and forests, capture prey, and explore mineral veins. These are fatal to people outside the city, and they venture to contact them after initial observation. Once there is a second time, and once there is a second time.

There was also some disharmony during the transaction. A "profiteer" appeared in the chimpanzee group. He bought goods from his companions at a low price and sold them to people outside the city at a high price, earning the difference. After being exposed by his companions, he was accused by most of the chimpanzees. He covered his eyes to express his shame, and felt that he had not violated any laws and rules.

On the one hand, it is the laws of the free market economy, and on the other hand, it is the simple folk customs. It is really a dilemma.

Brett asked Hodge for advice, and asked for advice, and finally asked for advice on the bed... The problem was not discussed, but he agreed to spend more time with his lover regardless of other matters.

Unable to do so, Bright finally had to go to the data engineer.

The data engineer thought that life would be difficult for him to go deep into the enemy camp, but contrary to his expectations, Brett treated him no differently and allowed him to participate in the construction and development of the village.

"It's a sign of progress in civilization, and it's a good thing."

The data scientist also heard about this incident and gave a very positive evaluation: "The value of the sold goods is higher than the original price, which leads to the occurrence of this 'reselling' behavior. It is not the cunning of this chimpanzee, but other chimpanzees. They underestimated buyers' demand for goods, and the correct approach was to raise prices, between 50% and 70%, until the 'scalping' disappeared."

"I see." Bright first punished the chimpanzee because he lied when his companions asked him what he was doing to buy these commodities. At the same time, he promoted the establishment of an unofficial chamber of commerce and let him serve as the president. Commercial activities give advice and guidance, and charge a certain commission on a voluntary basis.

Data Engineer: "..."

From the perspective of pure economics, the data scientist is very correct, but the society is not only the economy, there are other aspects to consider. The direct benefit of price increase is objective, but it is not suitable for long-term development, and foreign enemies are around, so the priority should be to unite internally.

This is a decision Brett made based on the current situation. There are good sides and bad sides. As for the future, he has no way of judging, at least everyone is happy and harmonious at the moment.

Because Bright is also a human being, the data scientist couldn't help asking his own question.

"You didn't follow my advice because you didn't trust me?"

"Of course not. Your data is very valuable for reference, but it is only for reference. I will make my own judgment and decision. This is probably the difference between us and the city."

"Real commodity prices are still up."

"It's not the same. Each seller's price increase is different at the beginning. Some have increased, some have not, some have increased more, and some have increased less. Buyers will understand that this is not a signal from our village to raise prices, but individual Moreover, with the buffer of the Chamber of Commerce, even if they are dissatisfied with the price increase, they will go to the Chamber of Commerce instead of the village."

The data engineer was silent for a while when he thought of the president of the chamber of commerce who was grateful to Bright and regarded him as Bole.

"Are you not afraid that I will spread this out?"

Brett smiled and replied: "I am not a threat to humans now. On the contrary, I am the key point to maintain the balance between purebred humans and two advanced intelligent species. The brain did not kill me in the royal city, and did not kill me in the outer city." If you kill me, you can't now."

Naturally, the intelligent brain can directly lock their positions, throw a bomb, and wipe them all out, so that there will be no future troubles. But after Brett smashed through the trap room with just his fist in front of it, the intellectual brain had a further understanding of his ability: first, in the royal city, Brett has the ability to destroy it; second Two, under the premise of protecting human beings, it has no effective way to eliminate Bright, just like holding a basket of precious eggs, and it can't be used no matter what. Its operating rules make it have to put the task first; in addition, it Afraid of Bright's strength, and even more afraid of the mysterious power that created Bright, Zhinao chose a conservative strategy when dealing with unknown influences and observed carefully.

The energy of the intelligent brain is enough for it to run for 100,000 years, and no matter how powerful a human being is, it can only last a mere hundred years, just like a bigger ant, which will eventually die and will not have a huge impact on the overall destiny of human beings.

Probably after talking about it, the attitude of the data engineer became more positive, and he could be seen in every aspect of the village.

The alpha wolf had been watching him closely and couldn't help reminding Brett.

Brett smiled with a half-smile: "It's not resolved between you...?"

The first wolf gave him an annoyed look, complaining about which pot he didn't open and which pot to lift. He and Brett often acted together, and gradually learned about him and the gentleman from the inner city. He was very puzzled, and couldn't help asking Brett how he could let go of his hatred.

"Life is short for dozens of years. Instead of wasting time on hatred, it is better to enjoy yourself in time and cherish the present."

"You cursed me to be short-lived?"

"How long can a werewolf live?"

At this moment, the data engineer came to look for Bright, and the three of them bumped into each other. The data engineer heard Bright's question and answered subconsciously: "The average life expectancy of a werewolf is 120 years, and the maximum can reach 150 years."

Brett's indifferent face: Long life is amazing!

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Brett turned to the data engineer, as if inadvertently asked: "What is your relationship with the wolf?"

The data engineer looked blankly, and went through one tera (trillion) units of calculations in one second, and finally he said three words: "I love him."

The alpha wolf immediately jumped up from his seat: "What did you say?!"

"I can't lie to humans." The data engineer's voice was very flat, but only he knew how many entangled emotions were in it.

"He can't lie to humans." Brett explained almost at the same time, the whole wolf was stunned, he realized that he just knew what he had always wanted to know so casually, and he had been longing for it but couldn't believe it. The truth, without a little defense.

Margot and Brett are poisonous!

It's terrible not to communicate, Bright thought, and he asked the data engineer again: "Do you have the intention to hurt him?"

"No, it was just a task to monitor him before."

The alpha wolf hugged his chest and sneered, making his last struggle: "But you still leaked our secret, almost making all our efforts go to waste."

"Yes." The data engineer did not deny it.

The conversation couldn't go on, Brett felt that the first wolf seemed to understand the first wolf, why didn't he understand at the critical moment? That's not the way the question should be asked.

"What actions did you take out of your desire not to hurt him?"

"I tried to delete the data many times, but the brain could find and stop me every time. The information about the werewolf was obtained by directly reading my memory."

The wolf's body froze, and under Brett's strange gaze, he grabbed the data engineer's wrist and pulled him outside, so he didn't want that man to see a joke. His heart was beating wildly, and it made his blood boil even more than seeing the full moon when he turned into a wolf.

"What are you going to do?" The data engineer was still a little confused.

"Carpe Diem!"

The author has something to say: Bright God assists title get