How Many Tomorrows There Are

Chapter 90: Chronicle of married life


The great leader Brett not only cares about the development of the whole village, but also pays attention to the personal problems of the elderly single men. After God assisted the wolf and the data engineer, he walked home happily.

Before entering the house, I saw a few flowers blooming well, exquisite and cute, so I dug up the roots, packed them in small clay pots, and gave them to Hodge. The handsome young man took it, placed it on the window sill where it could be exposed to sunlight, and adjusted the angle to make it look better.

In terms of quality of life and aesthetic taste, Brett is far behind Hodge. Hodge can always find the exquisite side in ordinary life, such as finding crystal dewdrops among the grass. The tea sets and decorations in their house are all From his hands, the home has multi-directional sensory comfort.

"I came back a little late, and I will apologize to you."

"I thought you promised to stay out of nosy." Sure enough, nothing the man said on the bed counted.

Hodge was dressed in home clothes. He didn't get up from bed until two o'clock in the afternoon. Because he usually slept late, he basically didn't get up until this time.

When he woke up, the man was not around, and he either went to the village committee or went to the store. In the kitchen, an earthen pot is burning, and the soup is simmering. On the side table are noodles, fungi and vegetables. The combination of meat and vegetables is nutritious and delicious. He put the processed ingredients into the jar, turned on the fire, and it will be ready to eat in a while. The noodles cooked in chicken soup were particularly fragrant. Because of the addition of seasonings, the soup was not oily and had a strange fragrance, which whetted his appetite and he ate two and a half bowls.

Because the last meal was late, Hodge is not hungry yet, so he will come back to cook after Brett is done.

"Wow!" Hearing the barking of the dog, Hodge knew that Brett had returned. I don't know where the man got a dog back. He named it Latiao. It looks like a kind of shepherd dog in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is very clever and can distinguish the man's footsteps from a distance.

The two talked while doing housework, one cooked and the other washed the dishes, one swept the floor and the other took out the trash.

Mainly, Brett said that after leaving the city, he became more proactive in communicating with people.

"The little wolf is even more outrageous than Hope now. He often leads the little werewolves and little chimpanzees to run wild, go to the houses to expose tiles, and mischievously make troubles. He is almost becoming the leader of the village." There is already a school in tomorrow's village, Brett I often receive complaints from teachers about the little wolf.

Hodge suggested: "Tell him to go back to school."

"I'm afraid he'll spoil the little ones. Last time, the newborn male werewolf wondered why his lower body was different from his elders. He had a ball, and the little wolf casually told him that it was a sarcoma. That The little werewolf almost cut himself off after returning home hahaha!"

Hodge also raised his lips. He thought of the miserable appearance of the little wolf after being repaired by the head wolf.

Because he came back late and had to coax his partner, Brett told some interesting stories, many of which were embarrassing things that people from outside the village made when they first entered the village.

They built "Tomorrow Village" together. The village is not closed. Bright firmly believes that closing the country and building cars behind closed doors will not lead to good results. On the premise of being able to protect himself, he supports and encourages the villagers to go out and communicate, and welcomes businessmen and friends to come in.

However, for safety reasons, the village does not currently allow outsiders to stay overnight. The management is very strict, and they will be asked to leave the valley as soon as the time comes. And because their village is powerful, the area is very safe, there are no beasts or criminals, many people from outside the city began to gather here. The hygienic habits are not good, spitting, throwing rubbish and defecating everywhere, which aroused many opinions and complaints in the village. It wasn't until Hodge proposed to establish the Tomorrow Alliance, integrate surrounding forces, and manage health and security outside the village that the situation improved.

An alliance that has lasted for hundreds of years and changed the world pattern, its original function was sanitation and urban management.

After Hodge was obviously in a relaxed and happy state, Brett talked about his nosy business today, and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that werewolves live so long."

Hodge told him that the data master's human body will age, and if he continues to replace the failing organs with new ones, he can theoretically obtain eternal life.

One has only a hundred years, and the other has an eternal life. I don't know if it is a comedy, tragedy, or tragicomedy.

"That's something they'll have to face in the future." What's the matter with me, Brett thought with the mentality of an old father whose children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

Hodge didn't care even more, he wished that Brett only cared and cared about himself. Although Brett has distributed most of the rights, as one of the main founders and managers of Tomorrow Village, his affairs are cumbersome and messy. get better.

Regarding the fact that the data scientist and the wolf are together, Hodge is more concerned about the future position of the data scientist, and may be able to use this to benefit the development of the village.

This village was built by Brett and Hodge, as well as all the rebels, and Hodge contributed in every way. With his advice and suggestions, Brett would not be in a hurry and lose his way in the early stage. Hodge's outstanding achievements and outstanding contributions are seen by all creatures, which is one of the main reasons why they ignore his identity and accept a man from another city as king.

Comparing the life spans of werewolves and data scientists, Hodge seemed to have a feeling: "I hope we can leave this world together."

"Oh?" Brett raised an eyebrow.

The nobleman said very truthfully: "I don't worry about leaving you here alone. There must be many people who want to get you, and I can't tolerate a world without you, so let's die together. not allowed."

This was the first time they talked about death. Seeing Hodge's serious expression, Brett's expression also became more correct.

"That's it."

After eating, Brett touched Hodge's belly.

"What I feed you is enough to make you pregnant seven or eight times."

"You still have the face to say..." Hodge's voice was weak. He wanted to sound more powerful, but he was exhausted and couldn't hold it together. It sounded like coquetry and complaining.

Not every time you do it, you have to make one party faint and become disabled, which is the proof of a good relationship. He once had to rely on the kidney treasure to continue his life, secretly bought medicinal materials, and traded with outsiders in the village, causing Bright to die around him. rumors. After Brett heard about it, he didn't know what kind of conjecture he had made, and he acted even harder, which forced Hodge to take more medicine... a vicious circle was formed. It wasn't until he couldn't hold back and broke the matter that the man realized that after being banned for seven days and raised for him, there will be a lot of restraint in the future.

Brett felt that there was nothing wrong with him. According to common sense, as the relationship between the two grows stronger and they love each other more and more, the time to do it will naturally take longer, and the battle will naturally become more intense. Passionate love is better than when we first met, cohabitation is better than when we were passionately in love, and after marriage is better than when we lived together, year after year, day by day, feelings are accumulating and deepening. If he is more relaxed and perfunctory, it will easily create the illusion that his relationship is going downhill, and he has to work harder than before to cultivate the land.

However, Brett's starting point was set too high at the beginning, which was enough for Hodge, not to mention the enhanced version, the enhanced version, the enhanced version... beyond the reach of human beings.

"Come on, let's clean up." Brett coaxed in a low voice, picked up Hodge, and walked into the bathroom. Water, ventilation and electricity have been provided here, as well as solar water heaters, but the conditions are not as good as those in the inner city. There is a bathtub in the bathroom, but there is no automatic jacuzzi.

Brett had to use artificial massage, and Hodge always felt that he was suffering a new round of torture in disguise.

"Don't press it..."

"If you don't, you will be sore tomorrow, and you won't even be able to get out of bed. Forgot the lesson from last time?"

"If you don't go down, you don't go down." Hodge was a little annoyed. What lesson, what face does the culprit have to teach him a lesson? !

Brett pretended not to hear, continued with his hands, and helped him do a few leg crosses to relieve the soreness from being separated for too long.

Hodge wailed a few times, and splashed water on Brett's face angrily: "You don't listen to me more and more."

"It's not what you're used to."


Hodge was up late again, and instead of feeling ashamed, he thought it would be great to be up.

Unexpectedly today, Brett did not go out, but was reading documents on the table.

Those are course documents that Bright conceived and Hodge edited. A school has been set up in the village, and the newborn chimpanzee cubs are about to enter the upper grades after being literacy-literate in the lower grades, and the curriculum goals, lesson plans and textbook compilation are on the agenda.

The chimpanzees are full of trust in Mrs. Bright, and they are unwilling to live up to the expectations of the chimpanzees. They put a lot of energy and thought into this matter, often discussing the content, and occasionally there are fierce collisions—thoughts Aspects.

Seeing Huo Qi woke up, Brett still felt guilty after watching him leaning against the wall. He waited attentively for the wash, served tea and water, cooked and washed the dishes, and was busy all the time.

Probably twenty-four filial piety old Gong.

After Hodge was full and refreshed, they started to get down to business. Hodge was well-informed and read a lot, with sharp viewpoints and full of insights. Although Brett was not as knowledgeable as he was, he was good at grasping the direction and sometimes had a spotlight. Pen. When the two are paired together, one plus one is definitely greater than two. It can be described as a match made in heaven, a marriage made perfect in heaven.

Oh, I forgot to mention that they got married on the day that Tomorrow Village was built.

The wedding ceremony was very simple, it was just officially announced to the public, exchanged rings, and had a feast without wine with everyone. But they received many, many sincere blessings, which more than made up for this deficiency.

The moment the houses in the village were powered on and lit up, they held each other's hands tightly and kissed together. The memory of that moment is deeply engraved in Hodge's mind, from darkness to light, like his life. His body and mind are immersed in great happiness, no one in this world is happier than him.

He had walked alone in hell for a long time, so long that he thought he had become a demon, living in darkness forever. Until Brett showed up. A man is like light, shining into his life. Hodge looked at Brett occasionally, as if looking at the whole world.

When Brett first heard his thoughts, his heart felt numb, and he said softly: "If you don't open the window, the light won't come in. It's because you stretched out your hand to me that I can hold it tightly. You helped yourself , and changed me."

Bright never regarded himself as light, he is not the sun, he can thermonuclear reaction, releasing energy continuously. He is a human being, who has to eat, rest, and work to relax, has shortcomings, and makes mistakes. When the village was first built, he also got into trouble and encountered unsolvable problems, and there were also conflicts between werewolves and chimpanzees. It is this kind of clear self-knowledge and the decisions he made time and time again that brought him to the present. Even with great success, he did not embark on the road of tyrant/dictatorship.

He regards Hodge as his lover, the only companion in his life. They love each other, are equal, complete each other, and depend on each other. Just like gobies and gun prawns, the prawns are almost completely blind, relying on the alert fish to use their tails to remind them to avoid danger. The prawns dig holes in the sand and clean them frequently to provide shelter for the fish and themselves.

Separate each lack, together to be complete.


When the star-chaser young George was depressed because of the disappearance of his idol, he received even more depressing news.

"Come to work overtime, the eighth season of Killing Game is under preparation."

"And the eighth season?" George jumped up from the bed, kicked over a bag of potato chips, and the smell of tomato barbecue filled the small room instantly. "SHIT!" he cursed, flustered.

Worried that the team leader would be dissatisfied, George quickly explained: "I'm not talking about you, team leader, the seventh season was anticlimactic and has the worst reputation in history. I thought the show was going to be canceled."

Indeed, as George said, after experiencing various climaxes in the seventh season, the seed players either escaped or were caught, and finally won the championship by the beauties who were generally not optimistic in the early stage.

This is the champion with the most appearances, the most frequent appearances, and the most lovers since the show started. It is comparable to a porn star. Now many people in the inner and outer cities can confidently say: "Ha, I have slept with the champion of the seventh season!" The beauty said to this Adapted well, doubled his net worth, very happy, returned to the club, the fire was a mess. The program group also made it into a meme for self-deprecating, which attracted a wave of viewers back.

"Who said it wasn't," the team leader said in a low voice, "The dog soldier No. 199 defected and took away the chimpanzee, the asset of the program group. No. 56 and the redhead were arrested for rebellion. Sentenced to life imprisonment, this time they will participate in the eighth season of the show."

"Oh," George still didn't quite understand, "what do you want me to do?" According to common sense, there is nothing to do in the post-editing stage.

The group leader asked without answering, "Are you familiar with Ou Keke?"


"The eighth season program is a bit special. It is hosted by the program group and has the participation of forces outside the city, including outsiders, werewolves, and chimpanzees. Bright chose Ou Keke as his agent to communicate with the contestants on behalf of his players. That's right, it was that Bu Wright."

"Oh oh oh—" Does that mean he can see Brett? ! He's alive again hahaha! !

"I knew you would react like this." The team leader complained a few times.

After being extremely excited, George digested this huge amount of information.

The program design of the eighth season is obviously the result of the collusion and struggle of various forces.

After the werewolves counterattacked Bright and fled with the crowd, the cracks between the inner city and the outer city became wider, but the people from the outer city were divided into two factions, the stewards were close to the inner city, and the army from the outer city was the main battle. Although the latter lost a lot of strength in the battle, they actually contacted people outside the city, formed alliances with individual forces, and faintly fought against the housekeeper. On the other hand, after Brett defected, he established Tomorrow Village and formed an alliance with some humans and creatures outside the city. Although it is a new force, its strength should not be underestimated.

As a result, the three kingdoms are facing each other: the inner city and the housekeeper, the outer city army and some forces outside the city, and tomorrow's alliance. The three form a solid triangle, establishing a delicate balance.

The program is the epitome of their competition for survival and power struggle.

"How to change the competition system?" George asked.

"It's still under discussion. There are endless meetings. The main reason is that the Tomorrow Alliance has a lot of opinions, accusing the program group of discriminating against non-human beings, asking inner city people to also participate in the competition, and the army is fanning the flames."

"It's no wonder they would agree!"

The two fell silent. They both agreed not to talk about the last news posted by Bright on the Internet. Those who didn't believe it didn't bother to talk about it, and those who believed it knew it well.

"Don't dawdle, come quickly." The team leader finally said.

George put on his clothes, wiped his face, and went out at once.

Life goes on, it seems that nothing has changed, but it seems that everything has changed.

The author has something to say: Every day is the finale of Valentine's Day~


The hole is filled! Spin to celebrate~

To make a summary:

1. This article satisfies many of my ideas about scientific and technological articles, and once again confesses the excellent works that inspired me, I am very satisfied o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

2. In terms of character creation, I am much more confident than the previous article, with a stable style, sweet and scumbag, at least it didn’t make everyone think that the author is a big pig hoof hhh

3. There are also shortcomings, weak attack in the early stage, more abuse attack, hugging Bright, and not enough heart to kill supporting characters

4. Finally, thank you for your support, especially the little angels who have been following the article, your brains and comments helped me complete this work, refill~

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