How Much for a Pound of Cuteness

Chapter 28: Twenty-eight dollars


Originally, he was going to pull Lu Jiaheng out to play, but when he said this, Cheng Yi immediately canceled the event, and all the people were blasted away, and finally chose his own seafood restaurant.

It is golden and splendid, the kind that is suitable for inviting the Austrian royal family.

When Lu Jiaheng and Chu Zhi arrived, the box door was still open, and walking down the corridor, they could hear ping-pong sounds inside, accompanied by roars one after another.

The two walked over, the waiter pushed open the hidden box door, and the moment Lu Jiaheng came in, the whole room was instantly quiet.

In a huge private room, Cheng Yi sat at one end and Lin Boyang sat at the other end. Apart from the two of them, there was no third person in the room.

At this time, these two people were holding a chopstick and glaring at each other across the large table, the aroma of the food was wafting, the atmosphere was tense, and the battle seemed to be about to break out.

Chuzhi didn't know why there were only two people, but this meal seemed to have made them feel a little bit of a mess.

She stood a little behind, showing her head: "Long time no see?"

Cheng Yi stood up in an instant, the grim expression on his face turned into brimming enthusiasm, and he seemed eager to rush up and hold Chuzhi for a waltz. He smiled and said, "Long time no see, long time no see, elementary school girl, I wish you an early birth. Your son has been in harmony for a hundred years."

Chuzhi: "..."

Lin Boyang sneered, put down his chopsticks, and squeezed a crab. With a "quack", he snapped off the crab claws neatly: "Stupid."

Cheng Yi didn't know why he was in a good mood all of a sudden. He looked at Chuzhi with a smile and looked at Chu Zhi with a look of generosity that he didn't want to know at all. "Do you like to eat seafood?"

Chuzhi is not very picky eaters, she basically eats everything except a few vegetables, and she grew up by the sea in the South when she was a child, so she still likes seafood.

Cheng Yi's family also happens to be a catering company, and the two of them chatted happily, mainly because Cheng Yi was talking about Chu Zhi, who was in charge of listening, eating, and cheering for him.

Cheng Yi got out of a bunker with Lu Jiaheng since he was a child. Of course, he felt that my wife he said before was bragging. Now that the reaction of the two of them is more certain, he didn't talk nonsense. Try hard to set up a grass character for Lu Jiaheng.

— "Our A-Heng also likes to eat seafood! When I was a child, I used to go to our hotel to eat and drink."

- "Lu Jiaheng is so damn good at eating crabs. He can peel those legs like a machine. He once ate a table of crabs by himself, and later he was hospitalized with stomach discomfort."

- "Don't look at what he looks like now. He was a lively and likable boy when he was young. From the lobby to the back kitchen, there is not one young lady who doesn't like him."

Chu Zhi listened with relish and agreed: "He doesn't have any young lady who doesn't like him now."

Cheng Yi said meaningfully: "Miss Sister is useless, he doesn't like Miss Sister."

Lu Jiaheng glanced at him coldly.

Chu Zhi's eyes widened.

Lu Jiaheng now has a little understanding of her brain circuit. He is very calm and very naturally put the half-peeled crab on her plate, and said casually: "I don't like little brother either."

Chu Zhi licked her lips, and her expression looked regretful: "Oh..."

The weather was getting colder, and the first snow of the winter fell on the first night of December.

It is said that southerners have basically never seen snow that does not melt, and they will scream with excitement when they see the snow. kind.

Lin Tong was no exception. When she woke up early in the morning, she rushed out of the dormitory excitedly, vowing to have a romantic encounter with her first spring in college in the snow, but within ten minutes of going out, the tip of her nose was red and the urine came back. .

Chuzhi sat cross-legged on the chair, holding the script in her hand. She was still immersed in the role-playing of her own boss, and said in an aria-like tone: "Oh, Hitomi! It's cold outside!"

Lin Tong rubbed her hands and leaned over to read her script. She just caught sight of two lines of words and widened her eyes: "What is this?"

"The drama club script." Chu Zhi said honestly.

"I know it's a script, but—" Lin Tong pointed to the words on it, "You still have to fall into his arms? What kind of thing is this? A knight?"

"No, I fell on the bed and he picked me up." Chu Zhi corrected her seriously.

Lin Tong was about to vomit blood: "You still have to fall into bed??"

Chu Zhi patiently told her: "Yes, because I want to seduce the knight, but it's not that kind of seduction, or a very pure and literary seduction."

Lin Tong was silent for a moment: "Who plays the knight?"

Chuzhi: "Huh?"

"Knight, who plays it?"

"A senior," Chu Zhi thought for a while, then said, "but he's younger than me, he went to university at the age of fifteen."

Gu Han, who had been applying nail polish over there, exclaimed excitedly, "Genius boy! I like this person."

Lin Tong slapped her abruptly, the bright red nail polish poked out of the nails along the way, Gu Han screamed, and quickly changed his words: "This character is too bad!"

Chuzhi: "..."

The school celebration was on Friday, and it was just after the end of the afternoon that it was a weekend holiday. Chuzhi seemed to be possessed by the proprietress for the whole week, and she spoke in arias.

Gu Han was also eager to paint her red nail polish, saying that it would make her look more like a lady boss.

A few people went to class, Gu Han came with nail polish, pulled Chu Zhi to sit in the corner of the last row of the classroom, and pulled out a bottle of red and a bottle of royal blue: "Which one do you like?"

Monitor Xue Niannan usually sits in the first row. At this time, there are only three of them behind. Lin Tong is sitting in the outermost position. She has been playing with her mobile phone since she was in the dormitory.

Chu Zhi thought for a while: "Does the red look more like the lady boss?"

"Mahjong parlor boss?" Gu Han said, pulling out the red bottle and twisting it open.

The smell of nail polish was a bit pungent, but fortunately they sat in the last row and could not reach the teacher in front. Chu Zhi turned out the script and continued to recite the lines, and Gu Han pulled her hand to him.

The nail polish was cool, and as soon as it touched the nails, Chu Zhi couldn't help shrinking her hands: "Oh, cool."

"Don't move, it won't look good if you paint it."

"It's so cold."

"How about I draw you a flower? I'm good at drawing."

The two of them buried their heads and studied there intently. After painting one hand, Chu Zhi carefully took it away, lowered his head and looked at Gu Han painting the other, and withdrew the painted hand. Fan ah fan on the side.

Without swiping twice, her wrist was suddenly clasped.

Chu Zhi was startled, her first reaction was that the teacher came, her conditioned reflex shrank, she raised her head and turned her head away.

Lu Jiaheng didn't know when he sat in the empty seat next to her, clasped her wrist with one hand, and turned his body on his side.

He didn't know when he slipped in. Chu Zhi and Gu Han were so engaged in playing that they didn't notice anyone sitting next to him. Chu Zhi looked surprised: "Senior?"

Lu Jiaheng raised his eyes.

Chu Zhi's wrist was grabbed by him, the red nail polish on her hand was still dry, and the bright red was shockingly white while the skin on her hand was astonishing, but she just raised it slightly, as if she was raising her hand in class.

Just as Chu Zhi was about to ask why you were here, the teacher of the elective class in front of her smiled and said, "That female classmate, just you."

For a time, all eyes in the entire classroom turned to Chuzhi and the others.

Lu Jiaheng let go of his hand like lightning, and the man retreated to the wall and sat against the wall, his head slammed on the table, and he hid behind the people in the front row, and began to pretend to be a transparent person.

Chu Zhi turned his head blankly, but didn't respond.

The professor of the elective course continued to smile: "Oh, it's been a long time since I saw a classmate who actively raised their hands to answer questions. I'm so happy."

Chu Zhi was still out of state, stood up blankly, and said tentatively: "Choose... choose?"

There was low laughter from the classroom.

Chu Zhi was at a loss.

The professor obviously didn't expect it, so he coughed lightly: "Classmate, this is a short answer question."

She made an "ah", blushed, lowered her head and apologized in a low voice.

"Sit down, sit in the last row and listen to the class."

Chu Zhi sat down with red face and red ears, bowed slightly, turned her head with a sigh, and looked at Lu Jiaheng angrily.

The man was still smiling.

The little girl is thin-skinned, and she has never had such a thing in class since she was a child. She suddenly felt that this was a great embarrassment. Depressed lowly: "What are you doing!"

Lu Jiaheng licked his lips and smiled, looking innocent, and lowered his voice: "Your nail polish almost touched my face just now."

Chu Zhi glanced at the nail polish on her hands that wasn't completely dry, and suddenly realized that the little temper that came out because she felt embarrassed came and went quickly, and soon disappeared.

Her face was still red, and her mouth was shriveled: "Then you don't have to hold my hand and raise it so high... It's shameful."

Lu Jiaheng laughed lightly, leaning lazily against the wall, resting his chin on his hands, and tilting his head slightly.

The thin lips were raised, and the dark eyes were focused and smiling, staring straight at her.

"Well, I was wrong, sorry." Lu Jiaheng apologized obediently.

When he pressed his voice, his voice had a rustling texture, low and magnetic, falling gently and shallowly, like a soft feather.

Scratching people a little itchy.

Chu Zhi shrank her neck, raised her hand and pinched her earlobe, and kept her eyes closed: "No need to apologize..."

Lu Jiaheng raised her eyebrows as she watched her small movements.

The little girl's eyes were dodging, her white and tender ears were also dyed crimson, and her long eyelashes were like two small brushes, brushing them a little uncomfortably.

He looked away, raised his hand and pointed at the script on her table: "Are you from the drama club?"

Chu Zhi still lowered her head, and said "um" absently.

"Are you playing the female shopkeeper?"

Chu Zhi raised her head and blinked: "Did you see?"

"Well, when you were just working on painting a flower on your nails."

His slender fingers tapped the script in black and white, slowly and rhythmically.

After waiting for a few seconds, he said casually, "You still want to seduce a knight?"

His tone was flat.

The heating in the classroom was quite enough, but for some unknown reason, Chu Zhi suddenly felt a little cold.

She shrank her neck and said weakly, "I don't know if it's a seduction, but I want him to like me."

Lu Jiaheng said lightly, "That's seduction."

"Ah, that's seduction, right?" Chu Zhi said obediently.

He didn't speak again.

After a long while, he snorted softly: "Can you do it?"

"Ah?" Chu Zhi blinked, "There are lines in the script..."

"A drama can't just rely on lines. Since it's a drama, expressions and actions are very important. Just relying on lines is definitely not enough."

Chu Zhi felt that what he said was reasonable, and was a little distressed: "Then I still have to go to the seniors earlier to play against each other."

Lu Jiaheng moved his hand for a while, and pointed his fingertips on the script: "I can teach you."

Chu Zhi looked up in a daze: "Huh?"

Lu Jiaheng narrowed his eyelashes and looked at her with dark eyes: "I can teach you how to seduce."
