How Much for a Pound of Cuteness

Chapter 32: Thirty-two dollars


Lu Jiaheng was stunned for three seconds.

His eyes widened little by little.

He looked at the bright red exclamation mark in front of the green bubbles in disbelief. In his more than 20 years of life, he felt blackmailed for the first time.

He was blocked.

Was it blocked? !

He racked his brains and thought about an apology for a long time, but he didn't even have a chance to be born, so he just died.

Without saying a word, Lu Jiaheng directly dialed Chuzhi's mobile number.

There is no soft and glutinous feeding on weekdays, or even the beeping beeps that I have been waiting for a few days ago.

The female voice of the tablet rang coldly: Hello, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later.

The mobile number was also blocked.

Lu Jiaheng exploded.

He suddenly stood up and walked straight towards the backstage without saying a word.

He had just been paralyzed in the chair for a while. At this time, the last chorus had started, and many people were sneaking away. Cheng Yi whispered to him from behind, "Ah-Heng, what are you doing!"

Lu Jiaheng ignored her and went around to the backstage. It was full of people. He looked around and found her.

Chuzhi's long hair, which was held high before, has now been removed, and it has been let loose softly. The thick stage makeup is wiped off with makeup remover wipes. The whole person looks clean and fresh, and the deer eyes are big and round. The lashes are curled, and when the eyes are drooping, they are covered low, creating a soft shadow.

As if feeling it, Chu Zhi raised her head and looked over.

Lu Jiaheng stood there and looked at her.

His eyes were facing each other, his dark eyes looked gloomy, his lips were pursed tightly, and his eyebrows were slightly locked.

For a moment, Chu Zhi fluttered and looked away without a trace.

Yuan Ci called her by the side, she turned her head and talked to the boy.

The eyes are calm and light, and the movements are very natural.

It was as if no one was standing where she just swept her gaze.

Lu Jiaheng froze in place, some did not respond.

In fact, just the moment he saw her, all the things in his heart that were taken for granted had all disappeared without a trace.

At this time, he suddenly reacted.

What is he here for

What has he been doing

Lu Jiaheng's thin lips pursed stiffly, and for the first time, he felt a panic-like emotion.

What the boy in front said, the girl listened quietly, curled her lips and smiled, there was a shallow pear vortex on her cheek, and her eyes also curved, like a crescent moon.

Chuzhi stood up and walked over with her knight as she spoke.

Step by step, the distance is slowly getting closer.

He seemed to want to call her, raised his fingers slightly, his Adam's apple moved, but no sound came out.

Chu Zhi and him rubbed shoulders over, never looking at him from beginning to end.

Beside her, Yuan Ci was talking about the interesting things that happened in the octopus professional class. Chu Zhi let out a light breath after going out the back door.

Yuan Ci turned his head sideways: "Sister, are you nervous?"

Chu Zhi looked up in a daze: "Huh?"

"You looked a little nervous just now," Yuan Ci grinned, "Who was that person just now? Do you know him."

Is a bastard.

She lowered her head again, hid half of her face in the warm scarf, and said sullenly, "I don't know."

The original speech made an "ah" sound and did not speak any more.

In winter, the days are very short, and the sky is dark after four o'clock in the afternoon.

The two walked out of the auditorium together, and the snow began to fall outside at an unknown time, and the white snowflakes fell continuously, covering the ground with a thin layer.

Chuzhi stopped at the back door of the auditorium, still bowing her head: "It's been hard work today."

Yuan Ci was stunned for a moment, then leaned down and looked at her with a smile: "Sister, if someone bullies you, tell me."

Chuzhi nodded, shook his head again, and said slowly, "No one bullied me."

"Okay, then I'm leaving."


The young man dexterously jumped down the steps, stood at the bottom of the third step and waved at her, walked a few steps, turned around and waved at her before leaving.

Chuzhi rubbed the tip of her nose against the edge of the scarf, then raised her hand and tugged it upwards.

Her mouth and nose were covered by the scarf, and the hot air rushed up the gap, and small drops of water hung on her eyelashes.

She stood there for a while waiting for her first father to pick her up. The weather outside was a little cold. Chu Zhi lowered her eyes and thought about it, and decided to go in and wait.

When she turned around, she saw Lu Jiaheng standing behind her, leaning against the back door of the auditorium and looking at her.

This person stood behind her several times today, without making a sound, and she didn't know how long she had been standing.

Like a ghost behind.

Chuzhi turned her head and turned around again, dispelling the thought of going in and waiting.

never mind.

Just be cold.

I like cold! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

She simply buried her head deeply, hid her eyes in the scarf to be invisible, and tried her best to keep the statue still, pretending that the people behind her didn't exist.

But it's one thing not to know, and it's another thing to know that someone standing behind her has been staring at her.

Chuzhi was so sick that she felt uncomfortable all over her body. She raised her head agitatedly, jumped down the steps, and walked around the auditorium to the front door.

As a result, when she moved, so did he.

There was a soft creaking sound when the shoes were stepped on behind her, and she followed her not far or near.

Chu Zhi took a deep breath and stopped, followed by the people behind her.

After a pause, she continued to walk, but before she could take two steps, she heard a low sigh behind her.

The next second, the person behind him quickened his pace, and Chu Zhi's wrist was caught.

Lu Jiaheng grabbed her, stretched out his long legs, and walked in front of her in two steps. He was too tall, and he had to bend down to grab her hand, so his line of sight was basically at the same height as hers.

Chu Zhi lowered her eyes, her eyelashes hung with water vapor, and the finely broken hair at the hairline was also soaked with water vapor, making it a little wet.

All below the eyes are hidden in the scarf, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

The long eyelashes were covered low, staring at the ground without blinking, just not looking at him.

It's angry.

Probably pissed off.

The two were deadlocked for a while, Chu Zhi couldn't help it at first, and said in a low voice, "Let go..."

He didn't respond.

She pulled her hand back forcefully: "You let go..."

He still held on tight, didn't speak, didn't let go, instead he took a half step forward and got a little closer.

As soon as she twitched, his fingers slid down from the fabric of her wrist, touching the back of her hand, a little ice, but it seemed to be hot.

Her hands were too cold, soft and icy, as if they were boneless, Lu Jiaheng's fingertips rubbed lightly on the back of her hand unconsciously.

Chu Zhi shuddered and pulled her hand back vigorously.

She had never seen such a rogue person since she was a child.

Willful, frivolous, bad-tempered, self-righteous, bastard who doesn't think about others at all.

Chu Zhi was so angry that something that had been suppressed by her time in a drama reappeared again. The lines quickly went through her mind, and she imagined how to scold him in this scene.

Just thinking about it, Lu Jiaheng let out a low sigh.

He took two steps forward and approached her, his eyes were dark, his voice was low, and his breath was slightly heavy: "I'm sorry."

He pursed his lips, bowed his head, looked at her without blinking, with a sullen expression and a cautious tone: "Chuchu, I was wrong."

Chuzhi didn't speak, and the hand that had been trying to withdraw was not moving.

No one spoke for a while, and she just stared at the ground with her eyes down, no response.

Suddenly, with a click, a drop of water fell on the snow between the two.

A fluttering drop fell silently, followed by another drop.

Chu Zhi blinked, tears falling down like strings of tears from under her thick eyelashes.

Lu Jiaheng froze in place.

She cried silently, shedding tears quietly, her voice was thin and inaudible, with a little vague stickiness: "You let go..."

Chu Zhi's head was lowered, her tears became more and more fierce, her small body trembled slightly and shrank back, aggrieved, weak and weak, with a whimper: "Don't touch me..."

Lu Jiaheng let go.

Chu Zhi hurriedly retracted, and the whole person quickly stepped back a little bit, from the silence at the beginning to the choking.

She cried more and more fiercely, the tears couldn't stop at all, and her shoulders were shaking.

Lu Jiaheng pursed her lips tightly, her thin lips pale in color: "I won't touch you."

He hung his hand in front of her, his voice was hoarse, his voice was very soft, and he said very softly, "I won't touch you anymore, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't cry."

He panicked and felt extremely distressed. He was a little overwhelmed and couldn't say anything, except to say sorry.

Chu Zhi didn't want to cry either.

She originally wanted to scold him handsomely, preferably kick him again, and then walk away, and never ignore him again.

But it is very aggrieved.

Just so sad.

The emotions that had been held back well, when I saw this person, it was as if the flood had burst the dyke.

The way she was crying was definitely not handsome or chic at all, and it was completely different from the scene she had just imagined and rehearsed.

But she couldn't control it.

As soon as she saw him, when she thought of what happened this afternoon, she was so aggrieved that she couldn't control it.

How could he be like that today.

How could he take her into the locker room without authorization after doing those things, and then leave her alone in the room when he knew someone was outside, and just left.

Really too much.

How helpless, how embarrassed, how embarrassed, how embarrassed she was.

How could he do this.

Chu Zhi finally raised her head and cried until her eyes were all red, like a stubborn little rabbit.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes hard with the back of her hand, but she couldn't help venting her grievances. After the tears were wiped away, new ones poured out continuously, smashing down and falling on the snow. on the ground.

"Lu Jiaheng, you are so annoying..."

Chu Zhi sniffed, her voice hoarse, with a strong cry, "I don't want to forgive you, I hate you the most."

The author has something to say:

The male protagonist was hated. After the whole text was finished, everyone stood up, applauded, and celebrated the third completion of this article, and all sat down.

The young master is a rubbish character. He was spoiled by girls in the past and felt that he was the center of the world. How could he suddenly be considerate, gentle and considerate, and he was meticulous. This drove him crazy.

This is the kind of person that Zuo Daoying said! ! !