How Much for a Pound of Cuteness

Chapter 41: Forty one


Lu Jiaheng and Lin Yujing were particularly insensitive.

This misunderstanding has been going on for as long as I can remember.

The two of them are the same kind of people. Lu Jiaheng was also skinny when he was a child, but he was fair and delicate. When he was young, he was even more beautiful. He looked like a girl, and he was not naughty like a boy of his age, and he didn't talk much. .

In short, it also has a non-stick face.

Maybe it's because the attributes of people of the same kind are mutually exclusive. Lin Yujing and Lu Jiaheng often do bad things to each other.

Although in the end, Cheng Yi often took the blame for them.

At that time, everyone was a bear child. When they grow up, they will naturally not be so naive. However, the Liangzi formed when they were young will be the beams of a lifetime. Usually, there is no talk about the mutual confrontation in the various contact methods of Wechat and Weibo. Yujing left the imperial capital for six or seven years, and he didn't even feel too raw when we met again.

There were indeed a lot of people today, besides Lin Yujing, there were two or three girls, Chu Zhi sat next to Lu Jiaheng, listened to their fart talk and ate quietly with their heads down.

She is really hungry, and she has only eaten an apple since the afternoon.

She ordered a bowl of rice and ate it with concentration and dedication. She didn't notice the ups and downs at the dinner table at all, and was stuck in her rice.

There is also the squirrel mandarin fish sweet and sour pork ribs braised chestnut chicken.

The chef's craftsmanship at Cheng Yi's Hotel is excellent, especially this squirrel mandarin fish. The fried mandarin fish is poured with sauce, the sauce is crispy and sweet on the outside, and the mandarin fish is tender and fragrant.

Chu Zhi didn't know the people at the table, and she was embarrassed to take the initiative by herself. At first, she patiently waited for the dish to be slowly turned by others, and then she took advantage of it while it stayed in front of her. The time is a little bit tight, and then continue to wait.

Later, I don't know when it started, Chuzhi found that the plate of squirrel mandarin fish stopped in front of him.

The turning table stopped motionless, and the people at the entire table were eating the dishes that were parked in front of them, and no one turned the table.

Chuzhi happily ate the fish for a while, waiting for someone to turn the table so that she could grab a piece of fried rice cake with hairy crab on the opposite side.

She waited for a long time, but still no one moved, Chuzhi bit the tip of her chopsticks, and silently took two mouthfuls of rice.

Still no one moved.

Chu Zhi is so distressed.

Why does everyone only eat the dish in front of them? Each one

She put down her chopsticks, thought for a while, pulled her hand off the table, and quietly poked Lu Jiaheng's arm under the table.

Lu Jiaheng turned his head sideways and looked down at her: "What's wrong?"

Chu Zhi leaned closer to him and lowered her voice: "Why don't they turn tables."

Lu Jiaheng was stunned for a moment, and raised the corners of his lips: "I don't know, maybe they don't have anything they want to eat."

Cheng Yi sat next to Lu Jiaheng and heard a mean laugh: "Yes, I don't know why."

Lu Jiaheng ignored him, put down his chopsticks, stretched out his arm, pressed his fingertips on the glass turntable of the turntable, and tilted his head toward her: "Don't want to eat squirrel mandarin fish?"

"I want to eat that, hairy crab rice cake." Chu Zhi clasped his arm with one hand, leaned over in a low voice and bit his ear.

Lu Jiaheng paused, turned the glass turntable slowly, and turned the hairy crab fried rice cake in front of her.

She leaned slightly, put her hand on his arm gently, and moved her head to talk to him.

The people at the table were all staring this way, Chuzhi didn't pay attention to others, licked his lips, grabbed the chopsticks again, and put a piece of rice cake in the bowl.

Naturally curious.

Most of the people at the dinner table are usually relatively close to Lu Jiaheng. He has never seen him take the initiative to bring a girl over, and he can't wait to take care of it in his hand.

Seeing that the little girl liked to eat squirrel mandarin fish, who turned the table while she was holding the fish, her cold eyes glanced over in an instant, so that no one moved at all.

Where can there be such a person? King You of Zhou is reincarnated, is King Zhou of Shang possessed!

For a while, the dinner table was surging, and their eyes were running from all directions. Only three people were not affected at all—Lin Yu was shocked and drank juice and tea, Chu Zhi concentrated on eating and vegetables to fill her stomach, and Lu Jiaheng acted as her The table-turner, who asks her what to eat from time to time, turns the table for her unhurriedly.

So His Royal Highness, the WeChat group that met love and didn't understand love from the past to the present exploded again—

Holy crap, what's going on, His Highness has become the Queen's Desk Turner.

Changed the taste

Can this group name be changed

Don't, I'll bet for three days for this kind of clear soup with little water.

Third, your mother, third, have you seen him do this before

I was so frightened that I quickly sold my stock, feeling like it was going to go bankrupt tomorrow.

The old god Cheng Yi was laughing on the ground, with an expression that I knew everything but I didn't say anything.

There are not many people in this group, and many of them are not in the group at the dinner table. Among them, there is a woman who didn't know who brought it. She looked at Chuzhi with a smile: "Is this Lu Shaoxin's girlfriend?"

Her voice was not really loud, but for a moment, the box was quiet.

Lin Yujing rested his chin with one hand, and hooked the corners of his lips in an unintelligible way.

Lu Jiaheng raised her peach blossom eyes slightly and glanced at the past lightly.

Only the client, Chuzhi, didn't pay attention to what others were saying. In addition, the title Lu Shao was completely unfamiliar to her and was excluded from the sensitive words related to her.

She is like a hard-working little hamster, digging into the rice grains in the bowl, eating and eating, eating and eating.

The strange silence lasted for a while, Chuzhi finally realized that the scene was a little too quiet, and when she looked up, everyone on the table was looking at her.

As if waiting for her answer.

Chu Zhi looked blank: "Ah? It's delicious."

"… "

In the silence, Lin Yu broke the silence with a startled laugh. She bent her eyes and turned her head, giving Chuzhi a serious look for the first time.

Lu Jiaheng laughed softly.

He raised his hand to hold the glass of mango juice, poured another glass for her, and said in a low voice, "Eat more then."

So when His Royal Highness met love, I didn't understand love, and the WeChat group exploded again from before to now—

Holy crap, this is fucking fake.

How to change the name of WeChat group? I searched for a long time and couldn't find it.

I'm sorry, I was just being arbitrary, this time I'll bet for five days.

Five, your mother, five, I'm afraid your face will be swollen.

Seeing that the clear soup and lack of water also have the charm of clear soup and lack of water, what should I do, this little confused is a bit cute, heart-warming.

You are afraid that the dog's leg will be discounted by the prince into a three-section stick.

Chu Zhi slowly stuffed the fish into his mouth, looked around with big eyes, felt that the atmosphere was not right, put down his chopsticks again, poked Lu Jiaheng's arm quietly, and whispered, "What did they just say? ?"

Lu Jiaheng lowered his eyes and approached his head: "I'm saying that the squirrel mandarin fish at Cheng Yi's house is delicious."

Chu Zhi looked at him suspiciously.

There was a smile on his lips, nothing was wrong.

She nodded and said, "It's quite delicious."

Lu Jiaheng put one arm on the back of her chair lazily: "Then let them order another plate."

Chu Zhi picked up her chopsticks again, and poked at the half bowl of rice that was still left. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but say, "Why does the person sitting across from you always look at you."

Lu Jiaheng raised his eyebrows: "Which one?"

Chu Zhi lowered her head without raising her head, and whispered, "It's the one across from me, is she your ex-girlfriend?"

From the moment they came in, Chu Zhi looked up a few times and could see the woman's gaze, either looking at her or Lu Jiaheng next to her.

That look really made me feel uncomfortable.

Chuzhi has already made up more than 100 episodes of love dramas.

Lu Jiaheng didn't raise his eyes, looked at her sideways, a little helpless: "Where did I get so many ex-girlfriends."

"You just have it, and you like everyone." Chu Zhi said sullenly.

Lu Jiaheng was silent.

Chu Zhi didn't have the courage to look up at his expression.

His silence was a bit like acquiescence. A sudden fire rushed up inexplicably. Chuzhi rubbed his chair back, stood up, frowned, and said in a low voice, "I'll go to the bathroom."

The little girl rubbed her head out of the door with her head lowered, a little listless.

If there are embodied ears, her ears are already drooping down.

There are toilets in the private rooms, Chuzhi didn't notice it, and only saw the toilets after crossing the entire corridor.

She walked slowly into the bathroom and walked to the innermost sink to wash her hands.

The sink is an induction faucet. Chuzhi wet her hands, squeezed the hand sanitizer to make foam, and played for a while, until the foam on her hands was less, then she put her hands under the induction faucet again and waited for the water to come out.

After waiting for a while, the faucet did not respond.

Chu Zhi blinked, and her hands covered in foam swayed and swayed under it for a long time. She tried every angle and no water came out.

Chuzhi leaned over and turned his head to look at the infrared sensor.

She looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything, her hands were thumping vigorously below, and her hands that had always been white fluttered between her hands and the faucet.

The hand was white and thin, with slender fingers and a little bit of length on the nails, neatly trimmed and beautiful, with a thin layer of nail polish.

A cool stream of water poured out with her movements.

Chu Zhi was stunned for a moment and turned to look at her.

Lin Yujing held the sink with one hand, turned her head slightly, and looked at her calmly.

Chu Zhi thanked her, rinsed the foam off her hands, and took a hand-wiping paper from under the mirror.

Lin Yujing still stood there looking at her.

After Chu Zhi wiped her hands, she threw the tissue into the trash can.

Lin Yujing still leaned there and looked at her, motionless.

Chu Zhi cleared her throat and felt that her eyes were a little scary.

Like that kind of x-ray, there is a strange feeling of being penetrated at a glance.

She already knew that this person was Lu Jiaheng's young hair, and he seemed to have a good relationship. If the character in the novel was the kind of childhood sweetheart relationship.

The two just stared at each other in the women's toilet for a while. The scene was a bit weird. Just as Chu Zhi wanted to talk, another person came in.

He was the one who had always met Hatsuji before.

Chu Zhi felt that the women's toilet was really lively.

On such a cold day, the woman was still wearing socks that were so thin that they almost penetrated the flesh. The skirt was very short, with the fur of some animal hanging on it. The neckline of the black shirt was open, revealing her tender breasts and career lines.

Chu Zhi frowned at the soft animal fur around her skirt.

The woman walked in, stood at the pool next to Chuzhi, pulled out the lipstick from her small handbag, and painted it slowly.

Halfway through the painting, she only looked like she had just seen her, and her delicate eyebrows were raised in surprise: "Yeah, this is not Young Master Lu's new girlfriend."

Lin Yujing didn't know when she entered the inner compartment. At this time, there were only Chu Zhi and her. Her voice was a bit sharp, and her tone made people uncomfortable.

It sounds okay to say it, but it makes people feel more uncomfortable.

Chu Zhi looked away from her skirt: "I'm not his girlfriend."

The woman pursed her lips and smiled, meaningful and a little apologetic: "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was a new girlfriend, but I didn't expect it to be like that."

She put on lipstick and looked at her in the mirror: "How about Young Master Lu? He should be very good, right? And he seems to be very generous."

"What?" Chu Zhi was stunned for more than ten seconds, and slowly realized what she was talking about. She glared at her in disbelief: "No! We have nothing to do with us! It's not that kind, that kind of—"

The woman glanced at her lightly, and let out a short laugh: "Sister, why are you ashamed, this kind of thing is normal, you just get used to it."

Chu Zhi couldn't speak at all, her fair face flushed red, and she looked ashamed and angry: "We're not in that kind of relationship!"

Lu Jiaheng was a little absent-minded.

As soon as Chuzhi left, the people on the table were boiling, and everyone finally didn't have to hold on, and started gossiping about everything. He waited for a while, but Chuzhi hadn't come back.

Lu Jiaheng was about to go out to have a look when the WeChat alert on his mobile phone rang.

From Lin Yujing, it is a voice.

Lu Jiaheng didn't want to hear it very much, and felt that Lin Yujing would speak to him, which was simply a strange story in the world. After all, the last conversation between the two of them was "I hope you die".

Just as he was about to put his phone back, another message came.

Lin Yujing: At twelve o'clock, someone bullied your sister in the women's bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Lu Jiaheng's black eyes sank, and he clicked the small bubble and put it to his ear to listen.

It was the woman's sharp and somewhat mean contempt and teasing: "How about Young Master Lu? He should be very good, right? And he seems to be very generous."

"Why are you shy? This kind of thing is something that both parties enjoy, and they have money to take. I understand it, and I won't talk nonsense."

And the girl was so ashamed and angry that she was so overwhelmed that she almost cried: "I didn't! We're not like that! How are you! How can you—"

Lu Jiaheng stood up suddenly.

He couldn't listen any longer, and the knuckles of his fingers, which were tightly holding the phone, turned white, kicked the chair away, and turned to walk out.