How Much for a Pound of Cuteness

Chapter 46: Forty-six dollars


The night before the last subject of the final exam, Chuzhi and the others held a long-lost emotional talk after the lights were turned off in order to celebrate the end of the half semester and the half-year anniversary of their acquaintance.

Gu Han fell in love in high school. After college, the boy went to a university in the south, and the two broke up peacefully. Lin Tong didn't talk about it, but she claimed that she was a master of emotions, an expert on emotions, and she was thorough in analyzing this topic.

Chu Zhi originally wanted to take this opportunity to talk about her falling in love, but before she could think of how to speak, Gu Han and the others had already talked about the address between boyfriends and girlfriends.

Gu Han first said: "I really can't stand the kind of boy who calls his girlfriend baby, you know, every time I hear it, I want to roll my eyes and kill him."

Chu Zhi paused and asked softly, "Why, because you're embarrassed?"

"No, it's convenient for their men to call the baby. Think about it, every girlfriend has a unified name, so there will be no such thing as calling the wrong person. It's a lot easier."

Lin Tong concluded: "All scumbags are like this."

Chu Zhi was silent.

"You can't kill a bunch of people with one shot." Xue Niannan expressed a different opinion.

Chu Zhi's eyes lit up, and she said carefully, "I think so too."

Xue Niannan: "If the family is just for the convenience of riding several boats at the same time, there will be no such thing as Xiaohong's name as Xiaoli for all babies."

Chuzhi: "..."

As soon as the last exam was over, Chu Zhi's body, which had been hollowed out for two weeks, was finally refilled.

The drama club had no activities as early as a month ago. After the last subject exam, Octopus in the drama club's WeChat group created a @All members, and before the holiday, everyone had a dinner together to celebrate another semester. Finish.

Chuzhi packed her things and came out of the exam room with a bag of yogurt in her mouth, watching them in the group discussing where to eat and what to eat.

Yuan Ci didn't speak for a while. When Octopus finally proposed to eat hot pot, he suddenly appeared, and the small window poked Chuzhi alone.

Senior Yuan Ci: Can you eat spicy food

Chuzhi bit the yogurt, shook his head, and replied: Yes, I like spicy food!

Yuanci sent a surprised emoji, you look like a soup pot, or a tomato pot lover.

Chuzhi lowered her head and walked forward while leaning on the third eye on her forehead, biting the yogurt skin and smiling: I'll keep it hidden!

She shook her head and replied to the message without looking at the way. She walked along the tree-lined road to the bedroom. When she was walking and playing with her mobile phone, she could actually catch a glimpse of whether there was anyone in front of her. Usually, when a shadow came over, she would turn to the side. , like a long-established conditioned reflex.

In winter, when the trees were bare and covered with snow, Chuzhi was walking and playing with her mobile phone. Someone in front of her walked in the same line as her. Chuzhi ducked to the right, but that person also turned to the right.

She didn't care, she turned to the left again, and the person in front of her also turned to the left.

Chu Zhi typed half of the characters and looked up.

Lu Jiaheng lowered his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Walking and playing with your phone?"

Chu Zhi let out a "Yeah" and ignored the last message, blinked and said seriously, "When I walk and play with my phone, my third eye will automatically open, have you finished the exam?"

"Well," Lu Jiaheng's long eyelashes were lowered and his eyes fell on the WeChat interface of her mobile phone screen, "who are you chatting with, so happy?"

Chu Zhi said unpreparedly, "Senior of the drama club."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Jiaheng's smile disappeared.

She hadn't noticed yet, and while returning the news of the original remarks, she introduced him with great interest: "He was the one who took me to the drama club. He's a very good person!"

Lu Jiaheng didn't speak, and walked straight forward.

His legs are long, and even if he has slowed down, one step is still two steps as big as hers. Chu Zhi took big steps and walked beside him.

She had just finished the exam, and she was very happy and talked more, and she was a little excited to tell him about her drama club senior: "He is younger than me, it seems that he went to university at the age of fourteen or fifteen. Now, he's a genius, he's already a junior this year, he's amazing."

"… "

"Speaking of you, you are also a junior, he is the same level as you."

"… "

"I took the introduction to advertising today, and the questions are a bit difficult," Chu Zhi wrinkled her nose unhappily, but soon became happy again, "but I just reviewed the knowledge points in the last big question yesterday. You should get full marks!"

"Why did you finish the exam so quickly? Did you not answer the question well? Don't fail the exam. You will have to make up the exam next year."

"Lu Jiaheng! Lu Jiaheng! Lu Jiaheng!"

Lu Jiaheng drooped the corners of his lips, and glanced at her lightly. His tone was not very gentle, and his unpleasantness was a little obvious: "Are you a parrot?"

Chu Zhi's eyes widened a little: "Do you like parrots?"

"… "

Lu Jiaheng felt that his heart was hit hard by a hammer, and a muffled sound reverberated in his body.

Chuzhi frowned and said seriously, "What should I do? My family has you guessed. If you want to raise a parrot in the future, do you think you will eat it?"

Her words were natural, and her expression looked distressed, as if she was thinking about their "future" for granted.

Lu Jiaheng's heart was smashed to pieces by the hammer and softened into a puddle.

In her two words, he didn't have any anger, anger, or murderous thoughts.

The bad-tempered Young Master Lu let out a long sigh and pulled her into his arms. His voice was a little dull, and he was a little dejected: "Where did you send the goblin to mess with me?"

He leaned over slightly, his arms wrapped around her from behind, Chu Zhi let him hold it, grabbed the arm he was wrapping with one hand, and walked slowly forward step by step with his hands and feet, as if carrying him on his back .

She also corrected him seriously: "I'm not messing with you."

He pressed his chin on top of her head, and followed her rhythm with small steps. The two of them walked forward together like this: "Okay, if you don't do it, then I will do it."

Chu Zhi turned her head and glared at him: "Lu Jiaheng, can you talk well in the future?"

He pressed her down with a low laugh, his Adam's apple trembling in his chest: "You are getting fatter and fatter now. You used to be a senior, and now you just call Lu Jiaheng Lu Jiaheng."

Chu Zhi was stunned: "Because you are my boyfriend now."

Lu Jiaheng listened to those three words, and the curvature of his lips deepened: "Whoever told you his boyfriend can call him by his first name?"

Chu Zhi was taken aback by him: "Then what do I call you?"

Lu Jiaheng had countless titles whizzing past in his heart.

After thinking about it, still afraid of scaring her away, he said calmly, "What is the note on the mobile number you gave me now?"

"… "

Chu Zhi stopped talking.


Lu Jiaheng turned his head slightly, watching her white ears slowly turn red.

"... You're so annoying." Chu Zhi whispered.

Lu Jiaheng rubbed her chin against the top of her head, rubbing her hair with a soft rustling sound, her voice pressed softly, half coaxing and half deceiving: "Come baby, just call Brother Lu, just say it."

Chu Zhi bent down and got out from under his arms, jumped out two steps and turned around, her face flushed red and staring at him.

The night had passed, and the night chat about "salutation" last night that she had forgotten about the exam in the morning was naturally brought back to her mind.

Chu Zhi pursed her lips and frowned tightly together: "Don't call me that."

People sitting on the pot at home came from the sky and didn't even know that he had been detained for two dung pots, and he was embarrassed to be just a little girl in his family.

The bulging mouth like a little pufferfish is so damn cute no matter what it looks like, it makes people want to pull it over and hold it in his arms and never let go.

Chu Zhi imagined to herself that Lu Jiaheng had three or five mobile phones arranged in a row on the coffee table, and each chat window was a different little girl, and the name of the baby was the same. "Lu Jiaheng, if you dare to talk to Xiaohong Xiaoli behind my back, I'll—"

She paused, unable to think of a threat that sounded powerful and ferocious.

Lu Jiaheng frowned slightly and lowered his eyes: "Who?"

Chuzhi simply broke the jar and threw it: "Why do you call me baby."

He hasn't spoken yet.

"Are you afraid of confusing me with the other little girls on your WeChat?"

She asked a little cautiously, a little expectantly, and a little uneasy.

Lu Jiaheng: "..."

Lu Jiaheng realized, the folds between his brows loosened, and he let out a soft "ah".

However, in Chu Zhi's eyes at this time, his "ah" sounded like he had admitted it.

Chu Zhi's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't expect him to be so calm and generous, and he simply and neatly admitted it.

Chuzhi's first relationship lasted for a week, with two or three dates, and finally ended with seeing her boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend hug and nibble.

The second relationship lasted for two weeks, and Chu Zhi felt that it was on the brink of a precarious cliff.

Her eyes were red, but her eyes were dry. For some reason, there were no tears at all.

Chu Zhi raised her hand, rubbed her eyes hard with the back of her hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Lu Jiaheng, you are so annoying, why are you still so annoying."

In fact, this seems to be a very inexplicable thing, just because of a question of title, how naive, how unreasonable, and hypocritical.

But only Chuzhi himself knew that this was not a question of this title at all.

Like a small fuse, all of a sudden, all the deep insecurities in her heart were ignited.

Chu Zhi mustered up her courage to fall in love with Lu Jiaheng, and it was probably the bravest thing she had ever done in her life.

He is too unfit to be a boyfriend.

Whether it was the first time I saw him, or the subsequent encounters and getting along again and again, I was telling her that this person was not good.

But he was so kind to her later, sincere and patient. Without that girl, he would not be tempted, would not have expectations, and would also feel that he might become the special one.

She didn't know how long his liking for her could last, and she didn't know how much of the love he was showing was real, and how much was just his habit.

Too uneasy, too anxious, too insecure.

The big bad wolf claimed that he was a vegetarian, and came to the door of the little rabbit and said, little white rabbit, I like you, can you come with me

The little rabbit didn't believe him at first, she locked the door tightly and wouldn't open it for him.

The big bad wolf is very patient and gentle. He brings her blooming flowers every day, he fills the morning dew with lotus leaves, and he picks the largest and brightest carrots for her.

The little rabbit guarded him for a day, two days and three days, but in the end, she couldn't help it. She accidentally fell in love with the big bad wolf.

Although he has a bad temper, he still likes to bully her.

The little rabbit thought, how could a wolf as bad as the big bad wolf suddenly become better? He must be trying to trick me out and eat me.

Then I'll open the door for now and go with him.

who made me love you so much.

I'll cut my heart open for you.

The author has something to say:

A bloody case caused by a baby (not

At the beginning of the year, I really had no sense of security, who made His Highness go wrong in the past (eat melons)