How Much for a Pound of Cuteness

Chapter 60: Sixty dollars


Chu Zhi's brain was empty, and she stared at him blankly, her mouth slightly open, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Lu Jiaheng picked up the cup next to him and drank water to rinse his mouth, spit out the toothpaste, and turned on the tap.

Violet nightgown in silk with good drape, three-quarter sleeves, deep V-neck and beaded neckline.

He raised his head and looked at the screen of the mobile phone again, with drops of water hanging on his chin, dripping dripping: "What's the matter?"

What Chuzhi wanted to say just now, including all the excitement, anticipation, apprehension and impatient wait, disappeared.

She was silent for a while, and she was in a hurry. Just as she was about to ask, there was a knock on the bathroom door on his side, and someone urged him to call him.

Lu Jiaheng turned his head sideways and responded twice through the door.

Chuzhi swallowed the words that came to his mouth for the second time, listened to him talking to his roommate, and bit his lip: "Go first, is there someone urging you?"

Lu Jiaheng grabbed the towel and wiped his face: "It's okay, you talk first."

Chu Zhi did not speak.

I was interrupted just now that I didn't ask a word, and now I want to ask again, I don't know why I suddenly feel a little difficult.

Anxiety is mixed with other things, which makes people want to get to the bottom of the question and get an accurate answer, and they are very resistant and try to avoid something.

Chu Zhi took a deep breath, tilted her head slightly, and looked at him curiously: "Lu Jiaheng, does your roommate have a girlfriend?"

Lu Jiaheng had mentioned his roommate to Chu Zhi twice before, but it was only a few words. He was also an international student, and his family conditions were good. It seemed that the two of them had a good relationship.

Lu Jiaheng was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows: "No, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Hatsuji's expression seemed to be out of some kind of situation.

As if encountering something beyond her comprehension, she was stunned, at a loss and at a loss.

Lu Jiaheng noticed and felt that her expression didn't look right. She frowned and walked out: "What's the matter with you?"

Chu Zhi quickly lowered his eyes: "No."

"what happened?"

"Nothing..." she whispered, "I found an internship during the winter vacation."

Lu Jiaheng was taken aback: "Internship?"

Chu Zhi nodded.

Before he knew it, his little girl had grown up.

He was a little emotional, but he didn't want her to go out for an internship by herself. After thinking about it, he said, "Actually, you are still young now, don't worry, you can also consider the internship in your senior year."

Chu Zhi frowned and pursed her lips: "You also went to practice when you were a junior."

Lu Jiaheng smiled: "I am me, you are different from me."

When he said this, his thoughts were very simple. His family was complicated, and many things had to be done. She was different. She had such a beautiful family and could live as she wanted. Enjoy your student time and grow up carefree.

However, she didn't know anything about him at all. At first glance, it seemed like a question to her.

It seems that what he can do, she can't.

Suddenly a little nameless anger came up little by little, and even with a certain emotion just now, Chu Zhi's tone was a little hard: "I will be twenty years old soon."

Lu Jiaheng had already left. He turned into the bedroom and left his phone on the bed.

There was a white ceiling on the screen, and there was a sound of fabric rubbing next to him. He should be changing clothes and chuckled: "Well, I remember, my baby has grown up."

Chuzhi thought, maybe that nightdress was her birthday present.

Although it doesn't quite fit her style.

Although it was washed.

She buried the lower half of her face in the pillow again, her voice sounding like she was holding her breath: "Lu Jiaheng, did you prepare a birthday present for me?"

"Well, ready."

Chuzhi tentatively asked, "What is it?"

There was a slight sound of the metal buckle of the belt.

After a while, the phone was picked up again.

He was already dressed, his sweater was soft, his peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, and he looked at her with a smile: "You want a gift so much this year?"

Chuzhi looked a little absent-minded: "Well, I want to."

She was lying on the big soft bed in the boudoir, just after taking a bath, the watery and tender one, holding a pillow in her arms, her neck was white and slender, and the edge of the lotus leaf in her pajamas revealed a delicate and slender collarbone.

The girl's voice was soft and soft, like glutinous rice balls filled with white sugar.

Lu Jiaheng listened to the action.

After a few seconds, he pursed his lips and lowered his head and cursed in a low voice.

At this time, it was after nine o'clock in the morning in the United States, and someone knocked on the door outside Lu Jiaheng's bedroom. Chu Zhi hung up the video, threw the phone aside, and people turned around.

She lay flat on the bed, her eyes widened, she raised her hand and slapped her cheek twice, and said to herself, "Chuzhi, do you think you are making a movie..."

On the first day of the internship, Chu Zhi woke up early.

The closest time Chu Zhi was to this steel building office building was during that time when she came to Lu Jiaheng every day. At this time, she was going to work by herself, so she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

For the internship, Ms. Deng specially took her to buy a few sets of clothes. Chu Zhi usually dresses like a student, and when she wears a light and familiar little shirt, Xiao Yi almost didn't recognize her.

Squad Leader Xiao stared straight at her for a while, then suddenly smiled.

Perhaps because of the environment, the two had a conversation outside the school for the first time. Chu Zhi claimed an empty tofu block, installed a computer, and received a work mailbox.

The supervisor gave her a lot of manuals related to various products in the company, including departments, etc. Chu Zhi read it all morning, and in the afternoon, she was finally called by the supervisor.

With Xiao Yi, the three of them had a two-hour meeting in the small conference room. When they came out, Chu Zhi's small notebook was full of contents.

She interned in a well-known advertising company in the industry. Although she also had a lot of practical learning and practice in school, it was the first time she had come to a company of this size.

Xiao Yi has been involved in internships since the beginning of his high school, and he has more experience in this area than Chu Zhi. This time, the advertising planning of a client was handed over to two people to do it separately, and choose the better one.

The three of them came out of the conference room. Chuzhi was still a little cloudy. Xiao Yi looked at her half-understood, a little distressed and eager to try.

Chu Zhi was still holding the notes, and nodded, "A little bit," she paused, then shook her head, "I actually did a similar subject in school."

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded: "If you are unsure, you can ask me."

Chu Zhi blinked and looked at him with big eyes, clear and calm: "We are competitors now."

Chu Zhi knew that this company was one of the few in the industry.

And just now, the supervisor has also hinted euphemistically that although the two are now juniors, companies with outstanding performance will also consider long-term internships, or even retain them directly after graduation.

The things they knew each other well were revealed so frankly as if she didn't care, Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed, smiled and touched his nose: "Anyway, the most important thing during the internship is learning and experience, and the result is not good. So important."

Chu Zhi let out a "wow", feeling that compared to Squad Leader Xiao, she was really superficial.

Advertising has always been a difficult thing to say. People who study advertising shout about the sunset in the advertising industry every day. This is like saying that they can't find a job in the law school. Those who study accounting say that they can only make money after graduation, and those who study language become a clerk. In the same way, every industry feels that its future is bleak.

Chu Zhi received the first advertising plan in her life. The whole person was like a chicken blood. From the product to the market channel media, she made sufficient preparations and homework in all aspects.

There are a lot of things that I don't understand. Chu Zhi only knows Xiao Yi in the whole company, and the two often eat together at noon.

He almost unreservedly told Chu Zhi a little of his experience, and Chu Zhi would also tell him what she thought. She always had a lot of weird ideas and questions, which often made Xiao Yi speechless.

Later, Xiao Yi would take the initiative to take her to discuss.

The two often left very late at night. Chu Zhi felt that the squad leader Xiao was really nice. Not only did he not mind her problems, but he also discussed with her very patiently.

She did it meticulously and felt rushed in time. She struggled to write and revise it again and again, and handed in the planning plan while pressing the final deadline.

As soon as he left the office, he met Xiao Yi, and Chu Zhi was in a good mood after handing in his homework. As soon as he saw him, he hurriedly called him, "Squad Leader Xiao!"

However, Xiao Yi was uncharacteristically, as if he didn't see her, he walked around from the other end.

Chu Zhi blinked, a little strange.

That night, when Lu Jiaheng sent the video, Chu Zhi was making a mask.

She was stunned and didn't answer for a long time.

Chu Zhi's energy was distracted by most, realizing that she hadn't made a video with Lu Jiaheng for a long time.

In the past, she had more free time than him, so she would take the initiative to look for him, and then both of them were busy. In addition to the jet lag, the time rarely matched.

The lack of time is part of the reason, and the bigger part seems to be because of something else. Chu Zhi couldn't explain it clearly. She felt a little bit of irritability in the bottom of her heart.

He had been waiting for him, not knowing what he was waiting for, she only knew that she had not waited.

Chu Zhi held the phone in her hand and sat on the bed in a daze. After a while, the video was hung up.

She looked down at the screen and typed slowly: [You were just taking a shower, you got up.]

Lu Jiaheng replied quickly: [Are you really busy recently?]

Chu Zhi was stunned.

She bit her lip, not knowing how to reply to him, pinched her phone and rubbed her nose, when Lu Jiaheng called again.

Chu Zhi picked it up and let out a soft snort.

Lu Jiaheng didn't speak, and the two were silent for a while.

After a few seconds of silence, he was the first to speak, his voice was low and soft, and the familiar made the tip of the nose sour: "Is the internship very busy?"

Chu Zhian gave a quiet "um".

"Are you tired?"


"Is the leader scarier than the teacher?" he said with a smile.

Chu Zhi paused, "It's okay."

Lu Jiaheng shut up, and no one spoke again.

After a while, he said, "Don't you want to ignore me?"

Chu Zhi didn't speak, was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "No, because I'm doing an internship recently and I'm a little busy."

Lu Jiaheng sighed, his voice sounded a little helpless: "At the beginning of the year, we couldn't meet each other. If you have anything to do with me—"

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Zhi interrupted him gently: "Isn't it good too."

Lu Jiaheng was stunned and did not respond: "What?"

Chuzhi sat on the bed, her eyes widened a little, and she raised her head slightly to look at the ceiling: "You were busy when I was looking for you before, only I was free, and I kept talking to you every time, now Everyone is busy, and you don’t need to be tired all day to listen to me babbling about boring things and fall asleep,” she bit her lip, venting her emotions that she had been holding back for many days, but her voice didn’t Still softly, "In this way, we are each busy, isn't it good?"