How Much for a Pound of Cuteness

Chapter 62: Sixty-two dollars


When Cheng Yiren arrived, Chu Zhi was still squatting on the street and crying.

Her mobile phone was even thrown on the ground so carelessly, squatting next to the street tree on the corner of the street, with a scarf covering her head, hanging low, unable to see her expression.

Cheng Yi got out of the car quickly, walked over at a slow pace, hesitated for a moment, squatted in front of Chu Zhi, and called her carefully, "Sister Gardenia?"

Chu Zhi raised her head.

Her eyes were a little swollen, red, and wet from crying, and there was still a little bit of unwiped tears on her face.

Cheng Yi was stunned.

He was still playing outside, but when he arrived at the bar, he received a call from Lu Jiaheng.

His tone and voice at the time made Cheng Yi feel that if he didn't go immediately, Lu Jiaheng would fall directly from the sky and kill him in the next second.

The wine glass that Cheng Yi had just picked up was pushed, and the man stood up and walked out, listening to the radio at the airport over there.

Cheng Yi was stunned: "Where the fuck are you?"


"Are you coming back now?"

"I'm already back, and I'll be in the city in about an hour," Lu Jiaheng said concisely. "If you ask Lin Tong for the address, it should be near her internship company. I don't know where she is interning."

Cheng Yi was stunned: "Don't you want to memorize her ID number, why don't you know where she is an intern?"

Lu Jiaheng was silent for a while, with a rare impatience in his tone: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, hurry up, find a place to sit, wait for me to pass, don't leave her alone."

Master Cheng accepted his fate, and felt that he had known such a young man for eight lifetimes. He would take the blame for him when he was young, and when he grew up, his mother would be responsible for picking up his sister.

Since they have already come back, can't their own sister come and pick them up!

Cheng Yi felt that he was the most loyal servant and the most competent driver of the Lu family.

As soon as he saw Chu Zhi, he was also a little confused.

It's not that I've never seen a woman cry, but I've never seen a brother's sister cry, still holding it in the palm of your hand.

Cheng Yi was like an underage teenager who had never been in contact with the little girl, at a loss and at a loss, not knowing what to do at all.

Is this coaxing

How do you get along with the soft girl

Just let her cry for a while, Lu Jiaheng will beat him to death when he comes

But how the fuck does the soft girl coax her

Cheng Yi felt that Lu Jiaheng was really awesome. This love can be talked about for so long, knowing that they were all players who bought a package to solve the problem before, so it was impossible to add another one.

Cheng Yi struggled for a while, looked at the little girl whose eyes were as red as a bunny, and said cautiously, "It's cold outside, get in the car first?"

Chu Zhi cried so hard that she hiccups, and stammered and called him Senior Cheng.

Cheng Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Get in the car first."

Chuzhi wiped her face, but she didn't move.

Cheng Yi was helpless: "If you don't want to go up, you can."

Chu Zhi shook his head and looked at him bitterly: "Senior Cheng, my legs are numb."

Cheng Yi: "..."

Chu Zhi slowed down for a while, then slowly got up and got into the car.

Cheng Yi didn't know where the car was going, so he got out of the car at a random cafe on the side of the road, and sent Lu Jiaheng a location.

The cafe is warm and decorated with petty bourgeoisie and retro decoration. In the evening, it is just after get off work time, there are many people, and the classical music is melodious.

Chuzhi was so hungry that she didn't even eat her lunch. She ordered a chocolate muffin, a piece of red velvet cake, and started gobbling it down.

At this point, she had recovered, but her eyes were still red.

Cheng Yi sat opposite her, holding a cup of coffee in his hand: "Eat slowly, A-Heng will be here in a while, and then let him take you to eat something delicious."

Chu Zhi was stunned, holding a fork and cutting the cake, raised his head and looked at him blankly: "What?"

Cheng Yi was also stunned: "Didn't he tell you?"

Chu Zhi shook his head blankly: "When did he come back?"

"Yesterday's plane. When I called me just now, it said it was at the airport."

Chu Zhi felt a "squeak" in her heart.

She hung up on him yesterday.

He is back today.

After calculating the time, as soon as her phone was turned off, he booked the flight.

Chu Zhi began to panic.

She swallowed her saliva, slowly put down the fork in her hand, and began to glance at the door: "When is he coming?"

Cheng Yi didn't pay attention to her little movements, took two sips of coffee, and looked at his watch: "I don't know, it should be almost there, come over from the airport in an hour."

Chuzhi nodded, wiped his mouth with a tissue next to him, and pushed the chocolate muffin plate forward in front of him: "Senior Cheng, thank you today, I'll go first, and treat you to a delicious return gift another day."

As Chu Zhi said, the man stood up and wanted to turn around to get his coat.

Cheng Yi didn't speak, his eyes drifted straight behind Chuzhi.

Shadows shrouded, and a familiar smell sounded from behind her with a deep voice: "Where to go."

Chuzhi: "..."

Chu Zhi lowered her head and turned away reluctantly.

They haven't seen each other for too long.

After a long time, Chu Zhi felt that the two had been separated for many and a half years.

She looked up at him.

He was a little thinner, with a pointy chin and a little bit of stubble that he didn't have time to shave.

His hair was a little messy, and he felt a little tired after a long night.

But still handsome.

When she didn't see him, Chu Zhi felt that she missed him too much. She had fantasized about running to the United States in secret countless times, and he looked at her in astonishment.

But when I saw it now, Chu Zhi was dazed for a moment.

The first thought was that she must be ugly now, her eyes were red like a rabbit, and her face was crying.

The cold wind that had been squatting outside with tears all over his face for so long made his skin must be rough to the touch.

Chuzhi wanted to see him beautifully, and it was best to make him feel amazing.

But now not only is she not amazing, she just encountered this kind of thing, so embarrassed and ugly.

She hurriedly lowered her head, her voice hoarse and hoarse after crying: "How do you—"

Before she finished speaking, she was pulled into her arms very lightly.

The tip of her nose lingered with her familiar breath, which was clear and pleasant, with a little dusty smell.

Chu Zhi was very hopeless and wanted to cry again.

She rubbed her head and took a light breath: "Why are you back?"

Lu Jiaheng wrapped her arms around her, as if she wanted to rub her into her body, or strangle her to death.

He hunched over, raised his hand and rubbed her hair: "I came back to fight with you, but as soon as I saw you, I found that I couldn't send out any fire, I just wanted to hug you."

"… "

Cheng Yi coughed lightly, moved the back of his chair and leaned back, looking like he really wanted to blend into the wall of the cafe and become part of the background.

Cheng Yi finally realized that Lu Jiaheng is no longer a fool who only pays and buys bags.

Although there was a partition in the corner, Lu Jiaheng stood tall, with half of his body exposed, and it was still very conspicuous. Chuzhi let him hold him, no one moved, and said sullenly: "Then now Hug, are you going to fight with me?"

"You're crying. Why am I arguing with you? Did you do it on purpose? It's just that I can't bear to hold you, eh?"

Chu Zhi quietly raised his hand and squeezed his abdominal muscles through his clothes.

The abdominal muscles couldn't be pinched, so Chu Zhi changed places and pinched his waist.

Lu Jiaheng let out a "hiss" before letting go of his arms and lowered his eyes: "What are you doing, it's domestic violence as soon as you come up."

It could be seen that she was crying fiercely, her eyes were still swollen, the tip of her nose was red, and her hair was a little messy, like a little cat.

Lu Jiaheng remembered the cry of the girl on the verge of collapse on the phone just now.

Desperate and aggrieved, it made people's hearts twist together.

He lowered his eyes, and rubbed the tip of his thumb against the corner of her red eyes: "Who was bullied by our baby?"

He didn't mention it, but when he mentioned it, Chuzhi wanted to cry again.

All day today, including recently, she was so mourned, Chu Zhi couldn't think of anything that could be worse than now.

She turned nineteen, and today was the worst day of her life.

If it really gets worse, it doesn't seem to matter.

Chu Zhi pursed her mouth, broke the jar, and raised her head: "Lu Jiaheng."


"Do you have a dog outside?"

"… "

Lu Jiaheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly: "No, I'm allergic to dog hair."

Chuzhi looked up and looked at him with wet eyes aggrieved: "You lied, you are not allergic to cat hair, and you even hugged you guessed that you have another woman."

Lu Jiaheng hadn't had time to speak yet.

Cheng Yi coughed again and cleared his throat.

The two of them glanced over together.

Cheng Yi leaned back in his chair as if watching a play: "Although I'm still curious about the development of the follow-up plot, can you two stop sticking around here forever?"

Lu Jiaheng didn't drive when he left, but took a taxi from the airport.

When they went home, Cheng Yi naturally sent them back. The two got out of the car, and Chu Zhi thanked Cheng Yi again and went upstairs.

The elevator slowly ascended, and there were only the two of them in it. Chuzhi had lost the courage to ask questions before, and when he reached the fourteenth floor, he wanted to run home.

Chu Zhi calculated the possibility that he quickly pressed his own floor and ran out of the elevator and successfully opened the door and entered the house without being caught.

Lu Jiaheng suddenly stopped her shoulders, held her whole in his arms, and bowed his head: "Where do you want to run?"

Chuzhi: "..."

She murmured softly, "Did you put roundworms in my stomach?"

Lu Jiaheng raised his lips: "No, but I can put tadpoles in the future."

Chu Zhi lowered her head and did not respond.

Lu Jiaheng raised his brows and observed her little white ears that were exposed outside.

The elevator went up layer by layer, and with a ding dong, the elevator doors opened.

Chu Zhi's ears slowly turned red.

how cute.

She heard him laugh.

Chu Zhi turned around and stared at him angrily.

Her eyes are still a little swollen, and her mouth is bulging, like a little goldfish with swollen eyes.

Or a little pufferfish or something, as soon as it blows, it puffs up.

Lu Jiaheng licked her lips and pursed her smile, lowered her head, and kissed her eyes gently.

Still hot.

How long has it been crying.

His cold and soft lips pressed against her eyes, and his tone softened: "My first day was so wronged today."

Chu Zhi turned her head sideways and hid back.

She lowered her head and stood quietly at the elevator door, pitiful, and a little bit like she was angry.

Lu Jiaheng sighed softly: "Don't be angry, it's my fault."

Chuzhi still didn't look up: "You haven't taken the initiative to look for me for a long time. You don't have the patience to listen to me when I talk to you. You think I'm bored."

Lu Jiaheng went to hug her, circled around her, and walked slowly to the door step by step: "I don't think you are boring, my little gardenia is the cutest."

Walking to the door, she watched him open the door, "You also have other little gardenias," she remembered the sexy-looking pajamas, bit her lip, and corrected, "You have little roses."

With a click, the door was unlocked.

Lu Jiaheng turned his head and let her in: "I'm allergic to roses too."

Chuzhi stood at the entrance of the porch, watching the man leaning over and bending over, pulling out the slippers from the shoe cabinet and placing them at her feet, holding her mouth shut: "You are allergic to everything, and you are not allergic when you do bad things."

"Only Gardenia is not allergic," Lu Jiaheng stood up straight, his expression looked helpless and funny: "In the beginning, why are you so sure that I did something bad?"

Chu Zhi did not speak again.

She stood beside her with slippers on, one foot hadn't been put in yet, she was clutching the edge of the scarf with one hand, her knuckles were white, and she looked very hard.

After a few seconds, she seemed to be mentally prepared: "I saw it all."

Lu Jiaheng frowned in confusion: "What?"

"I've seen it all, there are women's pajamas hanging in your house," Chu Zhi paused, took a deep breath, and continued, "I know, there must be many beautiful girls in the United States, who are taller than me and prettier than me. better than me."

She spoke quickly, and seemed to have a bit of momentum that she didn't want to give him a chance to speak, or to hear his answer at all.

Chu Zhi didn't look at him, didn't know what his expression was, and didn't dare to look, for fear of seeing his guilty or acquiescent appearance.

She lowered her eyelashes and said in a soft voice, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you really do. It would be nice if you really told me. I won't pester you. This kind of thing is hard to come by."

"Lu Jiaheng, if you don't like me anymore, tell me, I don't want you anymore."

By the end, she was almost on the verge of crying.

She stared hard at the ground and widened her eyes, but her vision was still a little blurry.

It is often played in movies. The day when the heroine loses her job, she happens to see her boyfriend cheating on her. Both her career and love are frustrated, and the heroine is in pain.

Chu Zhi has almost brought the heroine into herself, and by the way imagined the next plot, for example, she went to a bar to get drunk, and then met the hero.

But this is generally just the plot in the TV series. In reality, a girl alone is more likely to encounter a bad guy than the real one.

The small theater in Chuzhi's mind was active, and she vaguely heard Lu Jiaheng laugh.

She came back to her senses in a trance and raised her head.

Lu Jiaheng leaned on the shoe cabinet, leaning over and smiling.

There were still tears in Chu Zhi's eyes, and her expression looked sad, puzzled and dazed.

He laughed very happily, there were tiny bits of light in his clear black peach blossom eyes, and he raised his lips and looked down at her: "Women's clothes? Have you seen this?"

Chu Zhi was stunned.

She actually imagined his many expressions and reactions, but she never thought that he would admit it so lightly.

She reacted and looked at him with wide eyes: "how do you..."

Lu Jiaheng smiled and leaned closer, clasped her waist, picked her up, put her on the shoe cabinet, and slowly helped her take off her scarf in circles: "chuchu, I have a roommate, I told you before."

Chu Zhi sat on the shoe cabinet and shook her legs.

Lu Jiaheng hung the scarf beside her, pinched the horn buttons of her coat, and untied them one by one: "His hobby is a bit special, and his sexual orientation is the same as yours." She pinched the ends of her coat and pressed her head down. , the fingertips gently scratched her eyelashes, which were still dripping with tears, "I said so, do you understand?"

Chu Zhi was stunned, looking at him with a cracked expression.

A big guy in women's clothing, a cute girl with a big dick.

a bolt from the blue.

The memory from a long time ago was once again turned out, and the sense of existence was very vividly brushed.

In the train station, next to the high-speed rail, the man said leisurely, "I like big guys in women's clothes, cute girls with big cocks."

Chuzhi: "..."

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