How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 117


Also because of this rumor, some girls in the college have been in a tense and vigilant atmosphere recently. On the one hand, they are eager to try Lu Chi, and on the other hand, they are guarding against someone who will seize the opportunity first.

But these people certainly did not include Yan Shiying. Compared with these, she wanted to know whether Lu Chi had discovered her... or TA

At noon, Ning Hong and the others quietly went out with Zhai Zhizheng, while Yan Shiying went to the cafeteria alone, and then went to the canteen to buy ice water for herself to cool off.

Not long after walking, she heard waves of high-pitched voices entering her eardrums one after another. Yan Shiying looked around, only to find that the source of the screams came from the basketball court.

Looking from a distance, several energetic figures are sweating on the basketball court.

Yan Shiying took a few glances casually before realizing that Lu Chi was inside, and Yan Shiying's chest tightened subconsciously.

After a little thought, Yan Shiying took the ice water and pretended to be passively attracted, and walked to the basketball court.

As soon as he approached, the shouts and cheers of several girls became more enthusiastic. Yan Shiying glanced around unobtrusively, found a position facing Lu Chi, walked over calmly and stood still.

Lu Chi was talking to his teammate while walking, and found that his gaze was sweeping in her direction, and Yan Shiying shook the water bottle.

The icy water condensed on the bottle and steamed out, soaking her palms in no time.

Yan Shiying quietly observed Lu Chi's expression when he saw her. In just a few seconds, Yan Shiying looked away and sighed slightly in his heart.

He didn't recognize her as the person who bumped into his secret desire that day, which was good news. The bad news is that she must have revealed something she didn't know about when she was hiding that day, and Lu Chi confirmed that someone must have bumped into that scene, which is why she took so much trouble to find her.

Although it was a little troublesome, Yan Shiying was not flustered. She had already confirmed that there was no camera in the place where she was staying that day. Even if there was a camera nearby, it happened to be noon that day, and there was a huge flow of people. Even if Lu Chi wanted to check everyone who appeared nearby, he couldn't do it.

It's just that he didn't know what kind of trick Lu Chi had caught, so he confirmed that someone had broken through his secret that he tried so hard to hide.

Just as he was thinking, another familiar figure suddenly appeared in Yan Shiying's sight.

That slender body is doing warm-up moves on the court, and the well-defined muscles under the thin shirt are almost ready to emerge.

Qi Haoran

Looking at Qi Haoran's explosive muscular lines under his gaze, Yan Shiying raised her glasses and turned her eyes around Lu Chi.

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

The look Zong Weihuai gave her when she was in the library last time still impresses her deeply. This man not only possesses extremely high self-discipline and outstanding ability, but is also very sober.

It’s hard for ordinary people not to harbor grievances after being drugged and honest with each other in bed, but Zong Weihuai soon realized that their origins and ordinary people like her would not have social relations. But he quickly pulled his energy away from her and focused on what he should focus on.

Even a person like Lu Li can't help but distract her because of that incident, but Zong Weihuai quickly treats her as a stranger, and even spares her any extra energy. This kind of self-control Extremely rare.

Before, she had been thinking about how to get close to him, but now it seems that Qi Haoran is the opportunity that is close at hand

In this way, the news released by Lu Chi can be said to help her create opportunities.

Girls' jealousy is sometimes a good tool to use.

Looking around, most of the entire basketball court is occupied by a few girls, many of whom have obviously dressed up carefully, but it seems that her black frame and bangs are a bit out of place.

Most of the girls' eyes were glued to Lu Chi and Qi Haoran, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they are the focus of the court. In this case, what they do is particularly eye-catching.

Yan Shiying was about to leave with a water bottle when she noticed that Qi Haoran had suddenly left the stage.

Many girls immediately flocked to him with towels and water bottles and handed them to him courteously, but he shook their heads and refused.

"I already have it."

In the next second, Yan Shiying found that he turned his gaze to her direction.

Qi Haoran walked closer and closer to her without looking sideways, and the girls around immediately became agitated, and a few people who followed forcefully pushed her to the back, watching Qi Haoran excitedly whispering.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Haoran walked up to her like Dharma dividing the sea. He pointed to the water bottle in her hand and smiled slightly, "Can I drink it?"

When he doesn't smile, he is just a little delicate, but when he smiles, he is as gorgeous as returning to the wind and snow.

Such favor under the eyes of everyone, if it were anyone around, I'm afraid they would be so excited that they would dance wildly with joy.

Yan Shiying looked at the perfect smile on Qi Haoran's face that couldn't be faulted in the slightest, but only felt the cold air from the palm of his hand penetrate all the way to the bottom of his heart.

She suddenly understood the various intentions he had made since he approached her, as well as the consequences of his blatant preference.

Even if she doesn't look around, Yan Shiying knows that some people's eyes on her want to burn her to ashes.

What a coincidence, if that's what he wanted... then she was what he wanted.