How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 127


When Yan Shiying was walking on the road, she was still thinking about the reason for Zhai Zhizheng's strange behavior today.

Now she has nothing but the only advantage of knowing the original plot. She is almost at every step. If she makes a wrong step, she may lose the whole game, so she can only be cautious.

If the situation really reached a situation where she couldn't recover, she could only use the worst strategy to force every male lead.

But that's a method only as a last resort... What Yan Shiying really wants to do is to disrupt the original relationship between the characters, and destroying the main plot of this world is her fundamental goal.

Yan Shiying, who pulled out her thoughts, found that there seemed to be a figure behind her who had been following her for a while.

That figure was like a shadow, closely following her steps. If she didn't forget to focus on her surroundings when she was thinking, she might not have been able to find him so quickly.

Who is following her

Because of the two burly men guarding near the school gate last time, not only did there are more surveillance cameras nearby, but also the number of guards doubled. At least the man behind him within a hundred meters would not do anything to her. .

But once this distance is exceeded, it is not known what will happen...

Yan Shiying's eyes flickered, and her pace kept the same frequency as before.

Passing by several buildings with glass windows, Yan Shiying glanced behind him from the corner of the eye... Seeing who was behind him, Yan Shiying's heart trembled slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

How could it be him? Why is he here

Yan Shiying was a little stunned, and after hesitating for a moment, she walked towards the group of men and women who were walking towards her.

These few people were talking excitedly on the street, and some people danced without any scruples, completely ignoring Yan Shiying who was walking across the street with her head bowed.

When passing by the boy on the farthest side, Yan Shiying fell to the ground as if she was accidentally carried by his arm. Before the other party came back to his senses, a figure was the first to support Yan Shiying from behind.

"Thank you..." Yan Shiying stood up with some difficulty, and when she saw the other person's face, her face suddenly turned into surprise, "Okay, what a coincidence... Are you going back this way too?"

The person next to him has already apologized and left. Tang Bingchuan pursed his lips, avoided Yan Shiying's gaze and did not speak.

When Yan Shiying asked again, Tang Bingchuan said in a low voice: "... I happened to see you when I was leaving school."

Tang Bingchuan gave her a deep look with his dark eyes, as if confirming something on her face, and then continued, "Cheng won't let you go so easily about the daytime affairs, so I..."

"I want to take you back... is that okay?"

He said the last few words very low, as if to hide his unease. Yan Shiying suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was for this reason that she followed her carefully to protect her. If she didn't let him show up on purpose, maybe he wouldn't show up from the beginning to the end, right

And according to her understanding, Tang Bingchuan's spare time is filled with various part-time jobs almost every second, and money is very important to him. The time wasted sending her back now, I'm afraid I can't keep up with today's part-time job, right

Yan Shiying was thinking, but when she walked to a crowded place, she gently hooked the corner of his clothes.

Tang Bingchuan was slightly taken aback after noticing her actions, but he didn't say anything, he just stood in front of her in the crowd.

The two of them seldom talked along the way. After leaving the academy, Tang Bingchuan seemed to put away the thorns in his body, appearing extraordinarily restrained and quiet. He seldom speaks on his own initiative, most of the time he just listens to Yan Shiying's voice in silence, and occasionally he speaks only a few words, as if he seldom talks like this with others.

Before leaving, Tang Bingchuan suddenly said: "...Be careful."

He stood in front of Yan Shiying, his dark eyes staring at her quietly and deeply.

Yan Shiying timidly raised her head and smiled at him, "You too."

After finishing speaking, neither of them spoke again, they just looked at each other silently, and neither of them moved.

After a while, Yan Shiying spoke first: "Then... I'm leaving."


"En." Tang Bingchuan responded in a low voice, but did not leave. It wasn't until he saw Yan Shiying's figure disappearing from his sight that he lowered his head, calmly grabbed the corner of his clothes, covered the yellowed inner lining of his coat, and then turned and left.


In a bar with an elegant and simple environment, several people are adjusting musical instruments on stage.

"Nianzhi, why do you always come to this resident show recently? Is it because of that person?" The girl with a round face next to her asked, with a gossip expression on her face.

Qin Nianzhi immediately heard her implication, her heart skipped a beat, but she denied it flatly on her face, "It's just that it's more convenient to be away from school..."

"That's a pity... I think you're not the only one waiting here." The round-faced girl moved closer to Qin Nianzhi, and quickly pointed her in several directions with her eyes.

Following her gaze, Qin Nianzhi immediately saw a few girls leaning on the booth, chatting with each other, and occasionally glanced towards the door, all of them were dressed in logos and outstanding makeup.

The last time the mysterious man in the black shirt made a stunning appearance, it immediately aroused the interest of many people present, but Qin Nianzhi only had him in his eyes at that time, and didn't notice this situation at all.

It turned out that besides her, there were many other people secretly coveting him.

For some reason, this cognition made Qin Nianzhi's hands and feet feel cold, and an indescribable strange feeling quickly spread from his chest, filling his heart with swelling.

"Jealous?" The round-faced girl looked at her with a smile.

"How could it be?" Qin Nianzhi smiled, his expression was still as clear as ever, as if it was the same as before.

"I'm going to test the bomb first."

After finding an excuse to leave, Qin Nianzhi sat in front of the piano and played the keys a few times absent-mindedly. I don't know why, but I always play back the eyes of a few beautiful girls just now.

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became, and she didn't even notice that someone came to her.

A series of notes suddenly came from the keys, and the smooth and melodious sound of the piano catered to the syllables she played casually. Qin Nianzhi came back to her senses, and only then did she realize who the person sitting beside her was. It seemed that her long-awaited expectation had finally come true, and she couldn't help blurting out, "It's you!"

The man was still wearing a black mask. Hearing this, he glanced sideways at her, the rosy lips under the mask were slightly curled up, but his fingers played faster.

The sound of the piano, which is bright on one side and soft on the other hand, was a little jerky, and then slowly intertwined and chased. The sound of the piano is like two lightly dancing butterflies, sometimes passing across the quiet and wide lake, sometimes chasing and playing briskly in the sun, the combination makes people have incredible beauty and irresistible charm...

The man looked at her with a smile, the sound of the piano flowing like water flowed from under his fingers, and the brilliance from the corners of his eyes swayed in front of her like a galaxy, enveloping her quietly like an invisible giant net.

Qin Nianzhi couldn't help being fascinated by it. It was the first time that he felt that the piece was so short, and he reluctantly played down the syllables under his five fingers.

She didn't seem to be able to feel the jealous eyes of the people below. Qin Nianzhi was already thinking quickly in her heart, how to keep him for a while, and what to say to him...

Soon the song will end. The man nodded gracefully at her, then got up and was about to leave.

In desperation, Qin Nianzhi tugged on his cuff out of composure. With one hand propped on the piano chair, she raised her head in embarrassment, "Wait a minute!"

The man froze for a moment, then bent down playfully, lifted her chin, and rubbed the corners of her lips with his cold fingertips.

Qin Nianzhi felt an inexplicable shudder, and seemed to have stopped thinking under those black eyes that seemed to have magical powers. He could only watch blankly as the other party pushed the hair off her face and smiled faintly at her.

I don't know when the man left, but when Qin Nianzhi came back to his senses, the round-faced girl's excited chatter filled his ears.

"That person really came! He is really mysterious. I asked the boss, but he didn't even know that person..."

Ignoring the nagging in his ear, Qin Nianzhi picked up the extra card on the ground that he didn't know when.

Could it be him who dropped it

"Thursday... club invitation, time... address..."

Qin Nianzhi's heart skipped a beat.

The address written at the end was clearly the address of her college.