How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 141


When Lu Li found Yan Shiying, she was talking to someone else.

"What time do you finish class today? Let's go have dinner together later..."

"...don't come here." Tang Bingchuan took a step back, keeping a distance from Yan Shiying.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still angry because of what happened at the banquet that day?"

Tang Bingchuan pursed his lips and turned his head in embarrassment.

"Recently, a lot of people have come to trouble me. You'd better not come to me during this time." Tang Bingchuan shrank back as he spoke, as if trying to wrap himself into a ball. It seems that Yan Shiying didn't need to speak, he already regarded himself as someone destined to be abandoned, looking humble and pitiful.

Yan Shiying looked a little amused, "What does it matter? I just want to have dinner with you..."

Listening to Yan Shiying's words, Tang Bingchuan's eyes gradually lit up. He opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something.

When Lu Li saw someone standing beside Yan Shiying, he hid subconsciously, but when he found out that it was the man named Tang Bingchuan, he walked over and took Yan Shiying away without saying a word.

"Come with me."

Lu Li completely ignored Tang Bingchuan's existence, ignored Yan Shiying's resistance and forcefully took her away, without even looking at Tang Bingchuan from the beginning to the end, leaving him alone.

After a long time, several people came out from behind Tang Bingchuan.

"I've already got what I promised you."

"If there is such a thing, remember to come to me next time."

"Thanks to your contribution, my dad has been happy these few days and rewarded me with a sports car!"

Tang Bingchuan turned his head and smiled faintly at those people.

That was completely different from the smile in front of Yan Shiying, but a mask that was almost armed. But he is good-looking, and when he smiles, he has a sense of intimacy that has just melted from ice and snow. 818 novels

If there were other people present, they would surely have discovered that the people who were talking to Tang Bingchuan were the young masters who had been making trouble for Tang Bingchuan crazily in the past few days.

Here, Yan Shiying was dragged to a secluded classroom by Lu Li, and before she could react, Lu Li asked, "Yan Shiying, tell me, have you been hiding something from me? "

Yan Shiying's eyes flickered, she turned her head, "What are you talking about..."

"Then what are these?"

Seeing Lu Li holding a few pieces of paper in his hand, the expression on Yan Shiying's face suddenly became stunned, with a bit of disbelief.

"You can see what these are." Lu Li raised his lips sarcastically, "Then you can explain to me, what is written on it, and the secret you have been hiding from me what exactly is it?"

"I, I don't know what you're talking about…"

Still pretending to be stupid

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Lu Li sneered, pinched her chin, and forced her to look at him.

Seeing Yan Shiying who was biting her lower lip and looking at her helplessly, it was Lu Li who was stunned.

What, doesn't she know what will happen when she looks at a man with such eyes...

Lu Li's thoughts were pulled away for a second, as if he realized how lethal Yan Shiying's changed appearance was.

He approached her, couldn't help pressing his thumb on the lower lip that was bitten by her, and said in a low voice, "Speak."

"Why did you know that Zhai Zhizhen wanted to drive you out of the academy? You already knew that you would be framed? Why did you know what Qin Nianzhi wanted to do first? What is your identity that you are afraid of being discovered?"

Every time Lu Li said a word, Yan Shiying's face turned pale. In the end, she was almost unable to stand, and looked at Lu Li precariously like a beautiful piece of porcelain that was about to break.

Seeing her appearance, Lu Li's heart sank a little.

"I've been staring at you for a long time. If you don't say anything, I will make this public today..."

"Stop talking!" Yan Shiying shouted tremblingly as if breaking down. She took a few deep breaths, as if trying to calm down, and then restrained herself and said in a low voice, "But you have to promise me first..."

Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up.

"These words can't be told to anyone but you..."

"I promise!"

After receiving Lu Li's impatient assurance, Yan Shiying gave him a strange look.

Lu Li suddenly had a bad feeling.

Then, amid Yan Shiying's exposition, his expression gradually changed from disbelief to astonishment, and then from astonishment to gloomy.

What is that she already knew that she and him are not the same way, what is it that he is Qin Nianzhi's man, why did he break her leg again, and find someone to rape her? !

Why is the him in her mouth so strange and real? Lu Li opened his mouth to refute, but found that his mind was blank.

Yes, he is such a person.

If he really believed in Zhai Zhiqi and treated her like a piece of trash that could be rubbed at will, he would indeed do that kind of thing.

That's why she kept avoiding him, and that's why she had only trembling and fear in front of him, and he did that kind of thing to her not long ago without knowing it.

On the contrary, Yan Shiying, who said everything, now looked relieved, "So please don't come to me again in the future, we have always been people from two worlds."

Then she sighed and put away the scraps of paper on the floor.

"Lu Li, goodbye."

The voice sounded like treasure, like saying goodbye, and also like drawing a clear line, making her unreachable and untouchable in an instant.

After she finished speaking, she stopped looking at Lu Li, turned around and walked out of the classroom.

Leaving Lu Li standing in the same position all the time, after a long time, he suddenly punched the wall hard, with a ferocious expression on his face like a ghost.

Yan Shiying walked out of the classroom with a calm face as if nothing had happened.

But in her heart, she couldn't believe that she had just told the story of the original book to people in this world so smoothly.

She couldn't help thinking that one of the reasons why the world didn't interfere with her speaking of the original book might be because they secretly acquiesced to a traveler like her, and in this way helped the world move towards the original plot track.

In other words, they know that the people in this world will know the truth of the original world, perhaps because they have already guessed that the people in this world will deviate from the original track, or they know that there is something wrong with the important characters in this world.

So when Yan Shiying told Lu Li, one of the male protagonists, about the original plot, she was not punished or disturbed.

In other words, letting the world go to the original plot is not their ultimate goal at all. Why did you choose her in the first place? Why she must obey the heroine is a mystery.

But this bureau was set up by her to test the world's intentions, and now it has been rewarded.

After that, Yan Shiying found Tang Bingchuan as usual and had dinner with him. On the way, she also met Qi Haoran, seeing her with Tang Bingchuan, he was still talking and laughing with her calmly, which made Yan Shiying start to wonder if the conversation he had with her at the banquet that day was a hallucination.

But Yan Shiying had already decided in her heart that she would not have too much involvement with Qi Haoran, so she had to find a way to cut off contact with him slowly.

When she was taken to the lounge like this, Yan Shiying ran into Zong Weihuai.

Zong Weihuai was obviously surprised when he saw her, then he nodded slightly towards her, lowered his head and quickly flipped through the pages of the book.

Yan Shiying noticed the bookmark that had been stuck in his book a long time ago, and she was probably about to take a break, and she quickly realized that she couldn't help laughing secretly in her heart. She pretended to be ignorant of what happened yesterday, and greeted him crisply.

"A rare visitor."

As soon as the voice came out, Yan Shiying realized that there was Qin Muxu in the lounge before, and Qi Haoran naturally explained to him that it was because he was not there some time ago.

Soon Yan Shiying sat down in the lounge as usual. Even with the addition of Qin Muxu, the pattern of the lounge has not changed much. The only surprise was that on the way, Qin Muxu suddenly called Zong Weihuai out for some reason, obviously wanting to talk to him about something that was inconvenient for them to listen to.

In fact, compared to Qi Haoran, Zong Weihuai is even worse at showing his emotions. But I don't know what they talked about outside. When Zong Weihuai walked in, his expression was so rare that he didn't look very good.

What exactly did Qin Muxu say that made Zong Weihuai's expression look like this? Yan Shiying was very curious, but she didn't dare to put this search on her face.

It's just that when she lowered her head, she faintly felt someone's eyes resting on her.

Yan Shiying originally wanted to find a chance to talk to Qin Mu, but after leaving the lounge, she was thinking about how to block him. But he didn't expect to run into Tang Bingchuan first, and it just so happened that Qi Haoran was still with her at this time.

But obviously, Qi Haoran's self-cultivation skills are very good. Seeing that Tang Bingchuan seemed to be looking for her urgently, he smiled at her and said "you have to talk first." Then he turned and walked away.

Even though Yan Shiying knew how Qi Haoran hated Tang Bingchuan, he would never embarrass her in front of others, which made Yan Shiying understand why he was so confident in women.

Tang Bingchuan ran all the way over, his face pale and covered in sweat. Yan Shiying found out that it was his grandmother who was suddenly sent to the hospital when he asked, and asked her to do a few small favors.

Yan Shiying was thinking in her heart while agreeing, did it start so soon

After seeing Tang Bingchuan off, Yan Shiying was surprised to find Qin Muxu on the side of the bush when she turned her head.

He was holding a collection of poems in his hand, half leaning on the tree trunk, and he didn't know how long he had been reading there.

Under the golden afterglow, his platinum-blonde hair shone dazzlingly like fine silk, and there was something in his eyes that she couldn't understand, which was ambiguous like a phantom in the backlight.

Yan Shiying intuitively felt that there was a secret she was eager to know hidden in him, but she found that she couldn't understand this man at all.

It was not the first time she had this feeling, Yan Shiying hid her thoughts and looked up at the man on the short tree.

In the distance, Qin Nianzhi and several classmates turned to say goodbye.

Qin Muxu looked away from Qin Nianzhi and the others in the distance, closed the book in his hand with drooping eyes and yawned.

He also only had a twinkle in his eyes when he saw her appear in the lounge, and at the moment he was completely bored and had no interest in anything.

But when he saw Yan Shiying, who seemed to be waiting for him, Qin Muxu's eyes suddenly flashed with interest.

"You have something to do with me?"

"Do you like sister Qin?"

Qin Muxu was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Yan Shiying for the first time, "You know?"

Noticing the change in Qin Muxu's eyes, Yan Shiying was secretly happy.

There is drama.

From the beginning to the end of the original novel, Qin Muxu was a poor bastard who couldn't ask for anything from Qin Nianzhi. She never even had a moment's favor from her. She knew at a glance that he and Qin Nianzhi had probably made no progress until now.

But she can give him the sweetness he wants. If she wants to make a move, there is no better time than now to get close to Qin Nianzhi.

"We can work together." She pushed her glasses, and added timidly, "In the past few days, I saw Senior Sister Qin hiding alone and crying..."

Qin Muxu looked at him, as if he had heard something interesting.

After listening to what Yan Shiying said next, Qin Muxu looked at her with a meaningful smile.

"I agree."

A few days later, Qin Nianzhi suddenly disappeared in the bar.

Not only did the people in the bar never see her again, even the few companions who played with her kept his name secret.

Yan Shiying had been wary of Luchi for a long time, and guessed that Luchi should have already started to act, and she never went to that bar since then.

And Qin Nianzhi is experiencing the most desperate moment in his life at this moment.

If she had known that Lu Chi would find out, she would not have said anything that day to see Mint.

Several domestic servants, gardeners, and some of her friends at the concert who had the same encounter before disappeared completely from her world the next day, and Lu Chi told her that he sent them to a better place After further study, she was only surprised by the energy of the Lu family at that time, and did not dare to resist at all.

But only... Mint is different!

Just imagine what would happen after Lu Chi found Mint, Qin Nianzhi felt cold hands and feet, and his mind went blank.

It's just like she couldn't imagine that the gentle, polite, smart and excellent elder brother in front of others had a terrifying desire to control her in private.

She didn't know when she started this nightmare, she only knew that Lu Chi's control over her was getting worse and worse. She also tried to resist, but every time she resisted, she would only get more brutal suppression from Lu Chi.

But Mint is different. In the past, when those people disappeared, she just felt dazed. The fear of Lu Chi and the Lu family made her frightened and terrified, but only Mint was her real weakness, she seemed to be woken up As if, for the first time, he had the idea of rising up and resisting.

She forbids and cannot tolerate Lu Chi hurting him, even if it means sacrificing herself...

Fortunately, Mint's whereabouts are already mysterious, she only knows him as Mint until now, and she has never even seen his full face under the mask. I'm afraid Lu Chi won't be able to find anything for a while, so she has to do something now.

The head of the Lu family has passed away. The mistress of the Lu family flies around all the year round and rarely comes back. Lu Li also often lives in the academy. In this empty and gorgeous building, there are often only her and Lu Chi in addition to a few servants. .

The domestic servant is always on Lu Chi's side, not only obeying Lu Chi's orders, but also acting as Lu Chi's eyeliner. She is the only one standing opposite Lu Chi.

Can neither escape nor resist, what else can she do

Qin Nianzhi was thinking desperately, but suddenly recalled Lu Chi's occasional look at him, and what the maid said to him in private that time.

Although she and Lu Chi are not biological siblings, could it be...

Qin Nianzhi looked hesitantly at the hibiscus-like, charming girl in the mirror, and couldn't help being stunned.

He keeps saying everything he wants...does that include her too

It was like being hit hard on the back of the head suddenly, all the probing and deep meaning wrapped in honey were suddenly peeled off, those things that she used to ignore, those things that she used to be ignorant of, everything was abnormal in her mind clearly connected...

Once you open your eyes, all the answers are immediately at your fingertips.

Qin Nianzhi squatted on the spot with a pale face, and did not speak for a long time.

After a long time, she smiled wryly and closed her eyes.

She went to take a shower, changed into new clothes, put on perfume, and tied her hair. From the clothes to the smell of her body, all these are Lu Chi's favorites. After doing all this, Qin Nianzhi sat on the bed, quietly waiting for Lu Chi to come home.

So Lu Chi, who had just returned home that day, had just finished taking off his coat when he was hugged by Qin Nianzhi who was coming towards him. Like a young animal looking for protection, she wept and acted like a baby to him.

This was the first time she took the initiative to hug him and crawl under his wings.

Lu Chi was overwhelmed by great ecstasy. The thick mask he had carefully maintained for many years was almost shattered under her simple hug. At this moment, Lu Chi's expression was so ecstatic that he was almost crazy.

But that was only for a short moment. After a few seconds, he stabilized his mind and looked at Qin Nianzhi with unusually soft eyes.

"Nianzhi, why are you crying? Who bullied you, tell brother..."

Qin Nianzhi, who was burying his head in Lu Chi's chest, didn't know that Lu Chi looked at her at this moment, like a hunter watching his prey throw himself into the net, calmly and greedily.


Yan Shiying thought that she would never know what Zong Weihuai and the others talked about, but she didn't expect that she could break the secret by herself.

She helped Tang Bingchuan deal with the post-college affairs, and it was already very late.

The surroundings were very quiet at the moment. She was walking on the path in the twilight. She thought that there were no people around at this time, but she heard two men talking.

Yan Shiying followed the voice to look for it, and when she saw that it was Qi Haoran and Zong Wei, her heart skipped a beat and she quickly hid herself carefully.

The atmosphere between the two of them was obviously not as harmonious as it was during the day, but instead there was a faint sense of tension.

"Don't you think you've gotten too close to him lately?"

When Qi Haoran opened his mouth, Yan Shiying's pupils shrank, and her heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

The "she" he mentioned didn't refer to anyone in particular, but Yan Shiying already vaguely knew what he meant.

Zong Weihuai frowned and remained silent.

"Obviously you told me not to get too close to him, it's not like you."


"Why, don't you have a crush on him too?"

Yan Shiying clicked her tongue secretly in her heart.

He came here at this time, and if he was not careful, the previous plan would fall short. Yan Shiying listened carefully with a gloomy face, while thinking about the remedy in her mind.

As soon as Qi Haoran's almost teasing words came out, Zong Weihuai said sullenly, "Don't think too much..."

"How much?" Qi Haoran suddenly laughed coldly, "Don't think I don't know what Qin Muxu told you today."

This time Chang Zongwei was stunned, "Did you go find him?"

"Even if I don't look for him, I can guess it. I have been with you for more than ten years, and I am too familiar with you."

Zong Weihuai was quiet for a moment, then sighed.

When he sighed, Qi Haoran immediately sensed something from his reaction, and his face immediately changed, "Zong Weihuai, you clearly know that I am serious this time, how could you...?!"

"Xiao Qi, calm down..."

"Do you know what brother Xu saw? How did you tell me? There are so many famous ladies in the alliance for you to choose, why do you want to grab it from me?"

"Seriously?" Zong Weihuai's voice sank, obviously losing his temper, "Why did you approach her in the first place, don't you know in your heart?"

"..." This time it was Qi Haoran's turn to remain silent.

"Deliberately let her be excluded by the people in the academy, and you want to save her and then throw her hard into the clouds. You know who you did to her before, and you know better than me."

When Zong Weihuai said the words "for whom", Qi Haoran's body froze suddenly.

Zong Weihuai had already patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly, "Think about what you should do now, figure out your position, Qi Haoran."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Haoran's complexion suddenly turned livid.

"she is mine!"

Zong Weihuai was firmly grabbed by the collar, and his expression remained unchanged, "The Qi family is mine too." He suddenly thought of something, and frowned, "Spare me your despicable means."

For a simple and weak person like her, as long as he doesn't pay attention, he might be played around by someone like Qi Haoran.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Qi Haoran's face was even uglier than his, and he almost gritted his teeth and said: "You will destroy her, understand? You are the one who should stay away from him the most! You have no right at all touch her!"

This sentence seemed to have poked a sore spot in Zong Wei's arms, and a rare smoldering anger appeared on his face.

"Shut up!"

I don't know who made the first move. The atmosphere between the two people was like a bomb that ignited at one point. In an instant, the two of them fought together, but they both had a tacit understanding and did not touch their faces.

The surrounding flowers were crushed by their fights, Yan Shiying hid behind a remote corner, her heart was beating wildly, but there was a strange smile on her face.

Qi Haoran, you are finished.