How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 142


Zong Wei returned to the car full of depression, the driver was very winking and didn't ask anything, and was going to take him back.

However, Yan Shiying's figure appeared in his line of sight, looking lost and frail under the night light.

Zong Weihuai only hesitated for a moment, and then chose to let people follow.

When I followed her whereabouts and saw her in the bar, Yan Shiying was sitting in a booth drinking, and there were already three or four empty wine bottles in front of her, and they were all of high prescription.

Seeing her drinking so much alcohol, Zong Weihuai's expression turned a little ugly. Seeing that the people sitting next to her were Cheng Mobei and his group, his expression became even more icy.

The driver who accompanied Zong Weihuai did not dare to speak, and could only watch Zong Weihuai walking past with a low eyebrow.

Cheng Mobei and the others were at a loss by her. He called her here at first just to tease her, but he didn't expect that she not only drank non-stop, but also shed tears from time to time while drinking. It was obvious that she had encountered something sad. , looked at several people scratching their heads, not knowing how to comfort her.

But seeing Zong Weihuai walking straight, Cheng Mobei suddenly felt a sense of crisis for some reason, he hugged Yan Shiying beside him and laughed foolishly.

"Hey, isn't this Young Master Zong? When will the Zong family come here for entertainment?"

Yan Shiying didn't struggle, and let Cheng Mobei hug her as if she had lost her soul.

Because of her unexpected obedience, Cheng Mobei was in a good mood, seeing Zong Weihuai frowned, and stopped a few meters away from them, as if he couldn't smell their scent.

He was neatly dressed, and his cold and abstinent appearance was even more incompatible with this place.

"Come here." He swept towards Yan Shiying.

Yan Shiying didn't move.

Zong Weihuai waited for a while, no joy or anger could be seen on his face, he just said lightly: "I gave you a chance."

Yan Shiying still didn't move.

Zong Weihuai immediately turned around and left, Cheng Mobei couldn't help lowering his head, "Hey, you look like this, don't you have a fight with that kid from the Zong family..."

His tone was more teasing, and he actually didn't believe that she would have anything to do with someone like Zong Weihuai.

Yan Shiying didn't say anything, just sniffed and silently pushed him away to get the wine again, even Cheng Mobei couldn't stand the downcast look, frowned and said in displeasure: "Hey, you don't need money for your uncle's wine How much more do you want to drink? Stop drinking... "

As soon as the words fell, Zong Weihuai, who had left just now, turned back.

This time he didn't ask Yan Shiying any more, he just pulled Yan Shiying up and took her away without any explanation.

The driver stopped Cheng Mobei's gang, and Zong Wei led her out of the bar unimpeded.

Zong Weihuai frowned tightly, and there was sullenness in his usually indifferent eyes. Before he wanted to ask Yan Shiying anything, Yan Shiying reached out and hugged him first.

Suppressed soft whimpers and sobs continued to come from her chest. Accompanied by the faint smell of alcohol and subtle warmth, she hugged him like she was hugging the only driftwood tightly. Zong Weihuai's heart shook. Dissatisfaction and anger continued to subside in her faint cries.

After a moment of stalemate, Zong Weihuai finally stretched out his hand as if in compromise.

At first, he just supported his shoulders. After realizing that she was unconsciously crawling into his arms like a small animal, he stretched out his other hand, and finally hugged her tightly.

The strange feeling in my heart was too obvious to ignore, and I couldn't help but recall the scene when I sent her home that day.

She fell asleep, and the kiss became more tactile because of the danger, hot and wet. Zong Weihuai lowered his eyes, knowing that he should let go.

It's like he's moved but can't do anything


No one in the academy knew what happened to Zong Weihuai and Qi Haoran, but the people around him had noticed the clues.

Lu Li leaned on the roof and took a puff of cigarette with his eyes squinted. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Qin Muxu who was standing with Qin Nianzhi.

After hearing a lot of "future" spoilers from Yan Shiying last time, he couldn't help paying attention to Qin Muxu's behavior.

It's funny to say that before, he didn't notice that his good brother had anything special about his little sister, but once he observed Qin Muxu carefully, he faintly noticed that he was unusual about Qin Nianzhi.

Originally, he had doubts about what Yan Shiying said that day, but when he really found out that Qin Muxu liked Qin Nian, he knew that she hadn't lied to him.

But he said that he is also Qin Nianzhi's business...

Lu Li sneered, took a deep breath of the cigarette, threw it on the ground, and crushed it with his feet.

When he went downstairs, he ran into Qi Haoran who was alone, and Lu Li couldn't help being taken aback.

He tentatively asked Qi Haoran a few words, but she stopped her indifferently.

Lu Li knew in his heart that something must have happened between him and Zong Weihuai, otherwise why would he always meet him who was alone again and again.

The Zong family and the Qi family were still the same family hundreds of years ago, but there was an accident that year, and an agreement was made between the two patriarchs. From then on, the Qi family will assist the Zong family from generation to generation. But after so many years, it is also expected that there will be some conflicts between the two families.

Seeing that Qi Haoran's eyes suddenly looked away without moving, Lu Li followed his line of sight curiously, and his body froze immediately.

Qi Haoran has already walked towards Yan Shiying without hesitation.

Lu Li looked at the direction he was leaving, thought of something, and suddenly clenched his hands with a gloomy face.

When Qi Haoran saw Yan Shiying, he smiled happily, "Why did you go this way today? Don't you usually go to the library at this hour?"

He took her hand as usual, "just go to dinner with me later, today I..."

Before he finished speaking, his hand was thrown away.

"No need, I've already made an appointment." Yan Shiying said, casting a cold glance at him.

Her indifferent eyes pierced into his chest like countless needles, Qi Haoran who had never seen this side of her was suddenly stunned.

This is the first time she looked at him with such eyes. Did he do something wrong

Countless words he wanted to say weighed down his throat like a stone, Qi Haoran stared stiffly at Yan Shiying who turned around and left, and saw her meeting with Tang Bingchuan in the distance.

Qi Haoran's eyes suddenly turned cold.

She knew he hated Tang Bingchuan.

But his heart has never been more restless than ever, he doesn't know what he did to make Yan Shiying change into today's attitude, but for the first time, he has the urge to pull Yan Shiying away desperately .

The appearance of Zong Weihuai brought him a sense of crisis that he had never felt before. He originally thought that he was the condescending king of this game, but at this moment he could no longer pretend to be at ease.

Based on his understanding of Zong Weihuai, he knew that he would not do any tricks behind his back, so he began to wonder if Tang Bingchuan was playing tricks in the middle.

It's a pity what he doesn't know is that once he starts to care about it, once his heart is moved, he will naturally no longer be able to do a job with ease.

Qi Haoran skipped the afternoon class and waited for her at the place she frequented most.

He had touched Yan Shiying's course of action, and knew that he would be able to wait for her here. But ten minutes passed, fifteen minutes, half an hour...

After glancing at the text message that disappeared again, Qi Haoran turned off the phone expressionlessly.

He didn't know until the next day that in order to avoid him, she not only changed her class, but even changed her entire course of action.

For several days, Yan Shiying avoided him like he was avoiding the plague.

After finally meeting her, before Qi Haoran even had time to open his mouth, Yan Shiying, who was still smiling, immediately changed his face, changing into cold and defensive eyes in an instant, turning around and walking away as if avoiding him.

She didn't say a word, but Qi Haoran seemed to have been punched severely, his face turned blue and turned white.

This time he couldn't maintain the posture on his face, he clenched his fists with a livid face, the uneasiness and boredom in his heart gradually expanded like a lit white paper, Qi Haoran restrained the anger in his heart, and put the gift back in his hand pocket.

Damn, what the hell is going on here? !

His eyes were so cold that his blood froze, and he felt a tingling pain in his chest just thinking about it.

He hadn't spoken to her for a long time, and even seeing her seemed like a luxury. Her sudden change of attitude made Qi Haoran feel like a beast being forced into a prison, almost driven mad by her.

What did he do wrong? Yan Shiying doesn't usually have this personality at all, so he must have done something to make her unhappy...

Just thinking about it, the sudden sense of panic suppressed his breathing, Qi Haoran subconsciously bit his finger.

It was a habit he'd quit long ago, and now he's returning with anxiety.

On the other side, Yan Shiying's cell phone kept ringing, and there was no name on the screen, only an unknown call was displayed.

Tang Bingchuan couldn't help asking her, "Aren't you going to answer?"

Yan Shiying raised her head and glanced at the phone, hung up and shook her head.

Here, Qi Haoran called after being hung up, and it was already busy.

The few friends of his who were sitting in the lounge asked him, "Is she not coming?"

Qi Haoran turned off the phone with a sullen face and did not speak.

After a while, he suddenly remembered something and called again.

There were several busy voices in a row, and Qi Haoran stood there for a while before confirming that he was really blocked.

The few people in the lounge noticed that he was clenching his mobile phone so hard that his joints turned white, and he looked at Zong Weihuai's seat that had been vacant for a long time with a strange look on his face.

When Qi Haoran finally saw Yan Shiying, she was walking alone on the way out of the library.

He blocked her way, looking at her earnestly, "Yingying, let's talk."

Yan Shiying did not refuse.

They changed to a quiet place, Qi Haoran stared at her for a while before speaking.

"Actually, I've always wanted to apologize to you. I didn't do well that day at the banquet. I... I shouldn't have asked you like that."

In the past few days, Qi Haoran has been thinking over and over for a long time, the only thing that made her feel that she did something wrong was that he threatened Yan Shiying at the banquet that day.

Qi Haoran turned his head uncomfortably, "That's because I like you so much... I can't bear to see you with people like Tang Bingchuan..."

His posture was extremely low, and his appearance was even a little shy. But before he finished speaking, Yan Shiying said, "Enough! How long are you going to lie to me?!"

Her gaze carried the indifference and contempt of seeing through something, and for a moment he held his breath in a kind of great panic.

Qi Haoran forced a smile, "What are you talking about..."

"I heard everything you said that day... How long will you let me play this play with you? Why did you approach me, why was I bullied and isolated by college girls, and why did you say you like me? Don't you know these things better than anyone else?"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Haoran seemed to be hit hard by something, the blood on his face faded, as if he found it difficult to stand still.

His pale face at the moment already explained everything, Yan Shiying looked at his face with only strong disappointment left, "Qi Haoran, how could you be like are too much."

At the end of the sentence, her voice was a little choked up, and there were tears in her eyes.

Seeing her flushed eyes, Qi Haoran felt as if his heart was being squeezed hard, and it became difficult to breathe. Unprecedented regret and annoyance enveloped him, and his heart ached, Qi Haoran couldn't stop thinking, how good it would be if everything started again...

He opened and closed his lips a few times before making a hoarse voice, "But... I really like you..."

As soon as these words were uttered, it was as if something had collapsed in an instant.

Qi Haoran's body trembled uncontrollably, "I swear, after I confessed my love to you, I never lied to you again! I knew I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong... Can you give me another chance?"

He grabbed her hand, stared at her, dropped all gestures and begged her for that glimmer of hope.

But what Yan Shiying said next completely shattered his faint hope.

"Speaking of this, I should be the one thanking you."


"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even know that Tang Bingchuan is such an important existence to me."

Qi Haoran looked at Yan Shiying with a gentle look in his eyes in astonishment, all expressions on his face froze in an instant.

His feet remained motionless as if they were nailed in place. Hearing Yan Shiying's "thank you" voice, the hand hanging by his side was gradually clenched tightly, making a creepy sound.

The remorse in his heart has been covered by great anger, Qi Haoran can hardly believe what he heard just now.

It would be fine if it was Zong Weihuai, but it turned out to be that Tang Bingchuan? That Tang Bingchuan, why did he...

He hated and was annoyed, and wanted to ask Yan Shiying why, but no matter if the result was perfunctory, silent or otherwise, he couldn't bear any kind of answer.

He flinched, so in the end, he could only watch Yan Shiying go further and further away, until he could no longer see her.

Qi Haoran didn't go to class for several days in a row, Yan Shiying's knife was too ruthless, he was caught off guard and fell into a coma.

Qi Haoran was depressed for a while, and slowly came to his senses.

During this period of time, because he cared about Yan Shiying, he was too cautious, and he almost forgot his most powerful weapon.

Those methods that he despised in the past are now the best way to realize what he wants.

Nothing he wanted but couldn't get. Now that she has decided that he is mean, then he will simply be mean to the end.

Yan Shiying didn't know what Qi Haoran was thinking, but took advantage of this time to secretly contact Qin Muxu to help him attack Qin Nianzhi.

When Yan Shiying was still "Mint", she had already figured out Qin Nianzhi's temper and preferences, and decided to help him only to gain his trust, but Lu Chi hid his and Qin Nianzhi's affairs very well. No one knew about them until news of their engagement was known.

Therefore, in order to avoid Lu Chi's thunder, when Yan Shiying contacted Qin Muxu, she quietly arranged the time when Lu Chi was not around.

But what makes Yan Shiying strange is that whenever she arranges this way, she always feels that Qin Muxu's eyes looking at her are indescribably strange.

This man was always shrouded in mysteries that she couldn't understand, Yan Shiying cautiously slowed down his offensive.

What makes Yan Shiying even more depressing is that she originally thought that after changing her appearance, she would show off the people who secretly kissed her at the banquet, but she didn't expect that she didn't find anything unusual after contacting several people. Treat this as an unsolved mystery.

And she soon received the news that Tang Bingchuan's family had undergone great changes and he hadn't come to the academy for several days.

After Yan Shiying asked, she found out that Tang Bingchuan's family owed huge debts, and now even going to school has become a problem.

Yan Shiying was very surprised, because this plot actually happened later in the original world, and it was Qi Haoran who acted because of Qin Nianzhi.

But now Qi Haoran and Qin Nianzhi obviously don't have any feelings for each other, and if they want to make a move, it will only be for her.

In connection with what happened a few days ago, Yan Shiying can guess what Qi Haoran wants to do.

But it was not a good time for Tang Bingchuan to leave the academy now, and she still kept Tang Bingchuan useful.

So Yan Shiying contacted Tang Bingchuan for a meeting and decided to help him solve this problem. But the tens of millions of debts caused even Yan Shiying some headaches.

Unexpectedly, on the way to see Tang Bingchuan, she was stopped by someone.

"Lu Li..." Yan Shiying opened her eyes wide, surprised as if she didn't know they would meet again.

Lu Li cut to the point, "Yan Shiying, I've thought about what you said that day."

He probably thought for a long time, and spoke quickly, "If I did that to you because we have nothing to do with each other, then as long as you have something to do with me."

Yan Shiying blinked and looked at him timidly, "What do you mean?"

"Be my woman."

Lu Li fixed a glance at her, "As long as you become my woman, nothing you worry about will happen."

Yan Shiying sneered in her heart.

Qi Haoran would at least say he liked her, but Lu Li would only use these as excuses.

But Yan Shiying knew that what drove Lu Li to pay attention to her was unwillingness, so Yan Shiying's expression changed after a while.

"But..." Yan Shiying frowned as if in a dilemma, and made a weak moaning voice, "I already have someone I like..."

She glanced in Tang Bingchuan's direction, then lowered her head blushing again.

Lu Li's eyebrows twitched, and he snorted coldly, "It can't be that Tang..."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Shiying blushed and nodded.

Her foreshadowing of Tang Bingchuan several times before has played a role at this moment. Lu Li has no doubts, but just looks at her in disbelief, "Do you know how much debt his family owes now? It's too late for others to hide from such a guy, and you still take the initiative to go up Get together?"

"You don't understand." Yan Shiying sighed and raised her head, her eyes flickered for an instant, and under the light flowed a thrilling love and admiration.

For a moment, Lu Li felt that he couldn't breathe. He always felt that she was docile and weak, but at this moment, the strong and rolling love in her eyes cut him open like a knife, stripping off all his disguises.

Her eyes were brighter than ever, illuminating the corner that he had forgotten for a moment, and Lu Li felt inexplicable trembling.

"Those things that happened before, I will treat them as never happened, so please keep Tang Bingchuan a secret..."

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly realized that she could never belong to him.

After Yan Shiying finished speaking, she bowed to him and walked away.

When she walked in front of Tang Bingchuan, Yan Shiying was still sneering in her heart.

Only what can never be obtained will make people keep chasing and longing.

Especially... someone as arrogant as Lu Li.

Tang Bingchuan seems to have lost a lot of weight because of his family affairs recently, and his mental state is not very good. But when he saw her, there was a smile in his eyes.

Yan Shiying asked him about his current family situation and future plans. The two of them were talking while walking, when Yan Shiying was suddenly grabbed by someone's hand from behind.

Yan Shiying looked at Lu Li who had gone and returned in surprise, and couldn't think of what he wanted to do.

"Go away!" Lu Li brushed away Tang Bingchuan, who was in the way, and dragged Yan Shiying to another direction.

Yan Shiying had no choice but to be dragged in by him. His stride was too big, and she had to walk several steps in a row to keep up. The strength of the hand that was pulling her was extraordinarily strong, causing her to frown in pain.

Yan Shiying struggled a few times but failed to break free, she couldn't help feeling a little impatient, she withdrew her hand and shook it vigorously.

"I told you to let go!"

Her voice was colder than ever before, and Lu Li couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment by the threatening aura that came from within.

Before Lu Li turned her head, Yan Shiying instantly put on a pitiful expression, "You hurt me..."

Lu Li didn't say anything, just let her go.

Yan Shiying was quickly taken by him to a tall and magnificent commercial building. Just as she recognized that it was owned by the Lu family, Lu Li gave instructions to the people in the lobby, and then took her upstairs.

"Don't you want to save Tang Bingchuan?"

Upon hearing Lu Li's words, Yan Shiying suddenly had a strange premonition.

Sure enough, upon hearing Lu Li's next words, Yan Shiying knew that his guess was right.

"I can help Tang Bingchuan pay off all the debts, but I want you."

Seeing her staring blankly and not speaking, Lu Li narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "You have no choice but to promise me, or do you want to see Tang Bingchuan's family ruined?"

These words were cold-blooded and tyrannical, almost forcing her into a desperate situation and forcing her to make a choice.

Lu Li watched her reaction coldly, and spoke almost mockingly. "Aren't you willing to do anything for Tang Bingchuan? Then show me."

Yan Shiying was silent for a while, tears rolled down her cheeks like beads, and she let out an extremely forbearable whimper, like the desperate whine of an animal trapped in a cage. Under such an overwhelming desperate situation, her beauty is so The gorgeous and Yuli.

"Asshole... You know it well..."

"Yes, I know."

Lu Li looked at Yan Shiying's tears streaming down his face in fascination, and increased his bargaining chips like a patient hunter, "You have to think about it before answering, even if you can afford it, it depends on Tang Bingchuan's ability to wait." How long will it last..."

He told her the consequences of being dragged to debtors one by one like a few treasures, until Yan Shiying finally collapsed.

"Enough! I promise you!"

Yan Shiying closed her eyes, " have to promise me that you can't tell him about this anyway..." Her face was full of determination and sadness for the one she loved.

She clearly agreed, but Lu Li's eyes turned cold instantly, and there was an anger in his eyes that he didn't understand.

She was willing to do this for him.

"Although I won't say it, it's hard to guarantee that he will accidentally find out. What do you think will happen to him then?"

Lu Li pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, Yan Shiying's face paled instantly, "Lu Li, what do you want to do?!"

He suddenly grabbed her waist, leaned over and kissed her heavily, but she pushed her away forcefully and slapped him backhandedly.

"Lu Li, you bastard!!"

She was trembling with anger, crying while trembling, as if the most magnificent gemstone had been shattered, spilling out dazzling beauty.

Lu Li licked the slightly sore corner of his mouth, showing an evil bastard smile.

"I know."

Lu Li said in a low voice, raised his hand to wipe her tears, but she bit her hard.

She was biting so hard, but Lu Li didn't seem to feel the pain. He slightly hooked his lips and looked at her crying, with cruelty in his eyes.

But only then, you are mine.


Only a few days later, the largest shareholder of the Lu Corporation suddenly changed, and there was an invisible undercurrent surging within the group, and those well-informed knew that the sky was about to change. And at this moment, the Lu family suddenly announced that the eldest son, Lu Chi, was getting engaged.

The engagement ceremony was held this week, and the partner was actually Qin Nianzhi, the adopted daughter who was taken to the Lu family a few years ago.

At first, Lu Li didn't care about this news, she was just an adopted daughter of the Qin family, and Lu Chi could marry whoever he liked, and the Lu family didn't have to marry to survive. But he found out by accident that Qin Nianzhi was actually the flesh and blood of the Qin family.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. Once this kind of incident gets out, it will deal a huge blow to the reputation and stock price of the Lu family.

If it was a few months ago, Lu Li would have tried his best to prevent this marriage. But now, working hard is better than anyone else's understanding of what it feels like to get someone to do everything and use all means. And his elder brother is obviously more greedy than he imagined, not only wanting people, but also power.

"Mrs. Lu, I'm already dressed."

"Mrs. Lu, you are so beautiful..."

Standing in the cloakroom, Qin Nianzhi looked at the thin woman in the mirror, with a dazed expression as if he had just woken up from a dream.

In the beginning, she approached Lu Chi obviously to save Bohe. From the beginning to the end, she was just pretending to be acting, but how did she get into this situation step by step

The people next to her were still envious of how brilliant the jewels were on her body, but Qin Nianzhi felt that he didn't even have the strength to regret it.

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Nianzhi felt that she had stepped into a trap. From the moment she decided to use Lu Chi and pretended to submit to him, everything became irreversible.

Everything these days is like a dream, she thought she could use Lu Chi's love for her to save Mint, but found that she was too naive.

Lu Chi could deliberately disguise everything a few years ago, so how could she be Lu Chi's opponent? Besides, Lu Chi was far more terrifying than she had imagined. She thought she could use Lu Chi, but in the end she just plunged herself into deeper despair. The only belief that supported her was mint.

But now she not only failed to save Mint, she even couldn't take care of herself.

All she knew was that they never found mint. This person seemed to have evaporated suddenly, even if they used the power of the Lu family, they couldn't find him.

And Lu Chi publicized the news of their engagement with such fanfare, not only put the Lu family, but also her on a high platform, forcing her to move forward.

It's not that she didn't have the chance to escape, but she was too cautious in doing things. After she thought about it, the Lu family changed.

After Lu Chi was replaced as the person in charge of the Lu family, it would be a thousand times more difficult to escape than before.

Her biological mother had long since passed away, leaving the Lu family, she was homeless. The only thing she cared about was Mint, but there was no news from Mint.

"Mrs. Lu, you can come and try on another dress."

Qin Nianzhi didn't pay attention to the voice, stood up preoccupied, and was led into a small room by the side door.

Noticing the darkening of the surrounding environment and seeing the person standing in front of him clearly, Qin Nianzhi immediately covered his mouth with tears of joy and sobbed, and threw himself into the other person's arms.

"Great! Luckily you're okay..."

The visitor gently touched her head, and said with a low smile, "I'm not late, am I?"

Qin Nianzhi shook her head with tears in her eyes. Too many emotions and words were intertwined in her throat, making her speechless for a while.

But after a while, Qin Nianzhi felt something was wrong.

This soft touch of the chest, and this voice...

Qin Nianzhi raised his head in confusion, just as the person in front of him took off his mask.

Behind the mask is a strange and handsome face, with very beautiful eyes, and there is a kind of indistinguishable taste under the dim light. But combined with all the characteristics she just discovered, it is clear that Mint he...

It's a woman.

Qin Nianzhi was staring at him blankly, when the person in front of him suddenly chuckled, those beautiful eyes stared straight at her, "Why, don't you recognize me?"

Qin Nianzhi didn't know why she blushed. She turned her head away and didn't dare to look at her. She just muttered softly, "No, no, I, I just didn't expect..."

She muttered for a long time but didn't hear any movement in front of her, so she couldn't help raising her head cautiously. As soon as he raised his eyes, he met the pair of gentle eyes that were as magnificent as the stars in front of him.

The person in front of her suddenly sighed softly, and raised her hand to wipe away the tears from her face.

"I know, you have worked hard during this time."

Such a few simple words instantly defeated Qin Nianzhi.

Qin Nianzhi blinked, and tears fell from his eyes.

Lu Chi would touch her too, but every time he touched her it just made her feel extremely sick, and she wished she could run away from him.

But Mint's fingertips were very warm, and her movements were as gentle as if she was dealing with fragile jewels. It made her whole soul seem to have removed the heavy armor, and her body regained its warmth. The pain of living in a nightmare for the past half month seemed like Turning into a feather and flying away, only at this moment did she feel that she was really breathing.

That's when she realized that some things had nothing to do with gender identity. She hugged Mint's body, praying that time would never pass by at this moment.

But Lu Chi went crazy, never caring whether the other party was a man or a woman, or what species, she thought of Lu Chi's frightening methods, and the dangerous situation that Mint would be exposed at any time, and anxiously expressed her worries .

But I heard Mint say, "I will leave right away, but before I leave, there is something I must tell you."

After a while, the door was closed, everything was quiet as if nothing had happened, only Qin Nianzhi was left with shock written all over his face.


[I want to see you.]

[I have made an appointment with Tang Bingchuan today...]

[Before ten o'clock, I will definitely send you back to see him.]


[Just a moment, I'll leave after I see you. Or I'll go see him for you.]

[... I just came out.]

In a dark and deserted alley corner, as soon as he saw Yan Shiying, Lu Li couldn't wait to push her against the wall and kiss her hard.

The breath is tangled, the air is ambiguous.

Lu Li kissed so excitedly that she gnawed at her neck along the base of her ears, but was stopped by Yan Shiying in a panic, "Don't... you will be discovered by him... Lu Li! You promised me!"

Lu Li froze immediately, breathing heavily against her shoulder to calm down.

He raised his eyes to look at Yan Shiying, and suddenly said in a very low voice, "What do you like about him?"

He spoke too softly, Yan Shiying didn't hear what he was saying at all, she just frowned and pushed him away coldly, "I should go."

Even though her lips were red and her eyes were bright, her expression was as indifferent as a pool of stagnant water, which was in stark contrast to his enthusiastic one.

"Remember what you promised me, and I will personally confirm the rest of the money to be called to him."

Lu Li was silent and didn't speak, but when she was about to leave, he suddenly pressed her down and demanded heavily on her lips. It wasn't until she struggled to push him away and said "he's waiting for me" that Lu Li let her go.

Seeing Yan Shiying leave without hesitation after carefully sorting out all the traces, Lu Li touched his lips with gloomy eyes.

Usually he would leave in the opposite direction from her, but today he drove the car in the direction she was going by mistake, and saw the two talking.

When he saw Yan Shiying showing an incomparably bright and bright smile towards the man, Lu Li's pupils shrank, and the cigarette in his hand was twisted in half.

The cigarette ash fell on his hand, Lu Li lowered his head and sneered, and kicked the car out.

Not long after Lu Li's car left, a figure suddenly walked out from the corner of the alley where they had just stayed, looking at Yan Shiying who was blushing and watching Tang Bingchuan leave with complicated eyes.

If he hadn't happened to break through, he wouldn't have known that she would do this for that Tang Bingchuan.

Zong Weihuai sighed in his usual cold eyes.

It's just that she doesn't seem to know... That Tang Bingchuan seems to have been dating many noble girls in the academy behind her back.

He wanted to leave like this, but he didn't expect to see Qi Haoran's figure.

He followed Yan Shiying not far or near, and followed her all the way to the college unconsciously.

Looking at Yan Shiying who seemed to be in a good mood just after they separated from Tang Bingchuan, Qi Haoran was filled with gloom and gloom.

Obviously he has arranged everything, obviously he has even paved all the back roads, just waiting for Yan Shiying to come to him. But one day passed, two days, three days... He didn't even see Yan Shiying.

He didn't know what went wrong, she was still close to Tang Bingchuan as if she didn't know anything, but he wanted to see her like crazy...

Qi Haoran was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even know that his way was blocked. Until he looked up and saw that it was Zong Weihuai, he heard Zong Weihuai say: "Did you do what happened to Tang Bingchuan?"

His voice was very cold, Qi Haoran looked at him expressionlessly, "I don't know what you're talking about." But he was annoyed in his heart, he had expended so much effort but it backfired, now it doesn't matter if he did it or not. 818 novels

But Qi Haoran is familiar with him, and Zong Weihuai is also familiar with him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zong Weihuai understood everything immediately, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, he didn't want to get into this muddy water, and he was carrying the symbol of the Zong family on his body, which made him unable to do many things as usual. But now that he saw Yan Shiying's current situation, he had to make a move.

The two broke up unhappy.

And ever since Yan Shiying agreed to Lu Li, he seemed to be addicted to her suddenly, and the addiction was astonishing. He saw her more and more times, and stayed with her longer and longer. They are all trying to find various opportunities and excuses to meet her.

Just finished dealing with Qin Muxu and Qin Nianzhi's matter, the phone screen suddenly lit up, Yan Shiying scanned it, it was Lu Li.

She told him that she was going to see Tang Bingchuan tomorrow and that she had no time to talk to him tonight, and then turned off the phone.

The phone on the table was quiet for a while, and then turned on frequently. The last time when it turned on, Yan Shiying only saw two words on the screen: open the door.

Yan Shiying frowned.

Thanks to Lu Li, she finally didn't have to live in a multi-person dormitory, and changed from a dormitory to a single-person house. But even if it is a single building, there are still people around.

Obviously it was not the time for the appointment to meet, and I don't know why he suddenly went crazy today, Yan Shiying sighed, and put some notes written on the table into the drawer.

After walking out of the house and taking a few steps, Yan Shiying soon saw Lu Li.

As soon as he saw her, he immediately pulled her into the house with a sullen face.

As soon as the door was closed, Yan Shiying couldn't help asking, "What are you doing? Today is obviously not..."

Before she could finish her words, the man had already pressed her extremely enthusiastically, and couldn't wait to kiss her.

"I didn't mean to, I just want to see you so much... You don't know how uncomfortable it is for me to see you with that guy every day..." He licked and bit her neck indiscriminately while talking, and she pushed him backhand, but He grabbed his hand and kissed it piecemeal along the fingertips.

Yan Shiying trembled slightly from his kiss, tried to hold on, but was quickly defeated, she could only turn her head, "Today is not the time for us to meet, you go out..."

She pushed him away, and Lu Li kissed her fingers delicately, looking at her cold eyebrows and eyes, but became more emotional.

He kissed her passionately, and didn't let go of her until she couldn't breathe. When she was breathing heavily with loose eyes, he suddenly said: "I saw that Zong Weihuai has been following you these few days."

"What is your relationship with him?"

Yan Shiying froze for a moment, and bumped into Lu Li's eyes looking at her.

Lu Li smiled casually, and brushed her hair, "Why did you have a relationship with that person Zong Weihuai? Could it be that you have been in contact with him after the incident of taking the medicine?"

He knew that Lu Li must have doubts about her, or maybe he was already guessing that she used Qi Haoran to have a relationship with Zong Weihuai.

There are too many male protagonists to hook up with, so such accidents are inevitable.

Yan Shiying's thoughts turned, but she just glanced at him with some resentment on her face, turned her head away, "Aren't you friends? Why don't you ask him."

Lu Li immediately guessed something from her instant reaction. She hated him, and thought he and Zong Weihuai were friends before approaching him. Could it be... to use Zong Weihuai to revenge him

Lu Li almost couldn't help laughing, "Who do you think Zong Weihuai is..."

"I want you to let me go."

As soon as Yan Shiying finished speaking, the smile on Lu Li's face disappeared, and violent flames were faintly revealed in his eyes.

"So you want to leave?" The man sneered sullenly, his face suddenly changed, and he pushed her onto the bed regardless of her struggle, "You think I'll let you go like this? Yan Shiying, don't think about it!"

He forced her to kiss her, and after struggling for a moment, her voice could not help but cry.

"Lu Li, you bastard!"

"I know… "

Even though she just closed her lips indifferently and wept silently, Lu Li still obsessively licked the tears off her face.

He knew that she agreed to be with him only because he despicably threatened her with Tang Bingchuan, but even if he knew that she was only using him to save Tang Bingchuan, he still insisted on keeping her by his side.

Lu Li guessed that the eyes she was looking at him at this moment must be cold and disgusted, as if she was looking at a reptile, but so what? As long as she is by his side at this moment, even if it will cause her pain, even if he is being used, he doesn't care.

The man was immersed in the pleasure of owning her. After the impulse, he softened his voice and kissed her pitifully, "I was so angry just now, didn't I scare you? I'm sorry Yingying, I shouldn't lose my temper with you , as long as you don't say leave, I will never get angry again, and I won't attack Tang Bingchuan, okay?"

He coaxed her in a low voice, he was both a baby and Yingying's coquettish begging for mercy, his humble attitude was completely different from just now, as if as long as she didn't mention leaving, he would always be so docile.

"Don't be angry with me, if you are really upset, just bite me..."

When Yan Shiying bit him without hesitation, Lu Li groaned in pain.

But looking at Yan Shiying who was biting him tightly like venting his anger, Lu Li felt unprecedented satisfaction in his heart.

He would rather let her hate him than to get her by any means. Unlike his brother, he wants nothing but her.

The man held her in his arms very possessively, like a tamed beast, letting her hold the rein...


Soon it was the day of the engagement banquet, and almost all the prominent figures in the entire city A showed up at the banquet, including the famous Zong family and the Qi family.

The engagement banquet was held extremely grandly by Lu Chi, he was full of energy and ambition to give Qin Nianzhi a grand engagement banquet, the whole scene was full of expensive decorations and precious flowers.

Today will be the day he has dreamed of in his life. He has already obtained the Lu family he wants most, and the person he has been longing for for many years will soon be engaged to him.

He opened the door, and the makeup artist was arranging Qin Nianzhi's makeup and hair.

The makeup artist was assigned to Qin Nianzhi a week ago to be in charge of all her makeup and hair. She knew very well how much the man in front of her cared about Qin Nianzhi to an outrageous degree. Therefore, as soon as Lu Chi came in, she bent over and left in a hurry, leaving space for them without hesitation.

In the last gap before the door closed, the makeup artist saw the woman sitting on the chair with exquisite face and gorgeous dress, but her eyes were as empty as a soulless doll.

Lu Chi looked at Qin Nianzhi in a dress, she was so beautiful in his eyes. He couldn't help walking up to her, half kneeling down, "You are so beautiful today..."

He stroked her long hair and greedily sniffed the fragrance behind her ears.

Qin Nianzhi sat there motionless, and gave him a shy smile in a formulaic and skillful manner, "Thank you."

"You don't know how long I've been fantasizing about this day... from the first day you entered the house..." Lu Chi pressed her finger, kissing her earlobe and whispering in her ear.

It started again.

Qin Nianzhi looked away in disgust, endured another round of sticky touch from Lu Chi, and controlled himself not to let the expression of disgust and resentment show on his face.

In the past, he just hated her when he touched her, but now it's just him approaching her. Qin Nianzhi felt goosebumps all over his body, especially after knowing the secret that Mint told her.

She looked up at the ceiling indifferently, when will the engagement ceremony start

At this time, the venue was full of seats, and there were many well-known figures in the business and political circles present, including Qin Muxu and Lu Li, of course.

Qin Muxu, Qi Haoran, and Zong Weihuai sat at a table each, while Yan Shiying was brought by Lu Li and forced to sit with him.

The seats are arranged very wide, but for some reason, the people at these tables seem to stop their eyes on Yan Shiying next to Lu Li.

Soon, Qin Nianzhi entered the venue with flowers in hand.

Her first reaction was to anxiously sweep across the table, but Qin Nianzhi breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't see the figure she was thinking about.

The master of ceremonies' blessing voice and envious or curious eyes from below, the heavy gems representing the crystallization of love, the pure white and flawless wedding dress...all of these made Qin Nianzhi's body gradually chill.

She looked at the high-spirited man beside him, standing under the dazzling spotlight, his face was full of pride.

Does she really want to marry this man, get married and have children, and stay with him for the rest of his life

Qin Nianzhi thought.

She has been thinking about this question ever since she met Mint that day, and now she finally has the answer.

What Mint said to her that day was repeated in her mind over and over again, and all her smiling faces and voices seemed to give her courage to stick to what she thought in her heart.

A smile slowly appeared on Qin Nianzhi's face.

She always thought that after the Lu family changed, she would never have the chance to leave Lu Chi again, but she was wrong.

The master of ceremonies had finished reading the greetings, Lu Chi smiled and reached out to her.

Qin Nianzhi snatched the microphone from the master of ceremonies, and spoke crisply.

"Sorry, I can't be engaged to this person."

The small discussions at the banquet gradually stopped. Some people thought it was a joke and looked at Qin Nianzhi on the stage curiously.

But she didn't expect her next sentence to drop a bomb.

"Because we are brothers and sisters."

All the guests were silent for a moment, and there was an uproar!

Lu Li's expression changed, and he almost jumped up from his seat!

Qin Nianzhi continued.

"And I like women."

After she finished speaking, she smiled, looking indescribably free and easy.

Lu Chi's expression on the side was so ugly that he could almost kill someone.

The entire banquet can only be described as noisy, and there was an endless stream of shocked whispers from the audience. The heroine at the engagement scene said that she was gay on the spot. This scene can be said to be wonderful and can be laughed at by those present for a lifetime.

Qin Nianzhi talked about the flowing water, and immediately threw away the bouquet in his hand after speaking, took off his high-heeled shoes under the flying petals, and was about to jump off the stage, but was grabbed by Lu Chi with a livid face and pulled him back. The MCs and security guards all reached out to them at the same time...

The scene in front of me is accompanied by a piece of western classical music, which can be called a world famous painting.

Only Qin Muxu looked at the scene in front of him with a strange face, and murmured in Yan Shiying's direction in disbelief, "How did she do it..."

When Yan Shiying saw Qin Muxu, she was always paying attention to him. They were not far away, and she quickly caught this sentence.

Interesting... Now she has reason to doubt whether Qin Muxu is a character who has already awakened consciousness.

It was the first time that Yan Shiying became interested in people in this world, but she felt that the floor under her feet suddenly shook violently, and the whole scene was torn apart like broken porcelain, with cracks everywhere.

Watching this scene, Yan Shiying's eyes suddenly lit up!

Sure enough, this is the fastest and most effective way to conquer this world. The heroine is the core of this world, and even several male protagonists serve around her.

She finally found a way to speed through the world.

Qin Nianzhi, who was originally cheerful on the stage, suddenly trembled and knelt on the ground with a pale face.

The whole scene looked like it was about to collapse, and the people around wanted to stay in place as if the pause button had been pressed.

Qin Nianzhi seemed to be completely unaffected, and after a while, his gaze was fixed on Yan Shiying's direction.

"You, a supporting role, dare to spoil my good deeds."

Her eyes were gloomy and cold, and her facial features were exactly the same as Qin Nianzhi's, but her whole temperament had undergone an earth-shaking change.

Yan Shiying was stunned, her eyes were already surrounded by the familiar darkness, her body fell rapidly in the feeling of weightlessness.

Sure enough, characters in this world will awaken self-awareness.

But unfortunately, she is the kind of person who likes to turn the world upside down in the world chosen for her by the system.

It doesn't matter how many worlds there are.

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