How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 21


Until he walked out of the teaching building, Shao Cheng still felt a little dizzy.

All the way, he was secretly looking at Yan Shiying, thinking "No way, can he really have dinner with the goddess tonight?" He was already fantasizing about where to eat with her at night, but he heard Yan Shiying speak lightly :

"I'm so sorry, I just said that just to let him stop pestering me. Actually, I have other things to do tonight." After speaking, she smiled apologetically at him.

Shao Cheng was stunned for a moment, not only was he not angry but slightly surprised that she even apologized to him? ! She is too polite... A goddess is indeed a goddess!

"It's okay, it's okay, if you have something to do, you can go to your own business, it's because the person pestering you is not good, I'm annoyed for you when I look at you with a stern face."

Shao Cheng said enthusiastically that he didn't know how to say it, and he still had a happy smile on his face.

Yan Shiying seemed relieved, "It's great that you're not angry." She took out a coupon from her wallet, held the corner with her white fingers and handed it to him lightly, "I heard that this The seafood in the store is delicious, can you please help me to try it?"

She gave him something! She even gave him something! !

Shao Cheng looked at the slender fingers she handed over, blushed suddenly, and took them with both hands excitedly.

"And what happened today is a secret that only the two of us know, right?" Yan Shiying blinked at him.

Shao Cheng nodded vigorously, he will never tell about today's matter! Absolutely will not let the third person besides them know!

Only then did Yan Shiying turn around and leave in satisfaction. He didn't find anything wrong at all, and watched her leave with a smirk on his face. Seeing from behind that there was a bandage on her leg, he showed his old father's worry with distress.

He casually dismissed Dai Yijie's younger brother, and Yan Shiying didn't go to Shengbo in the afternoon because of her leg injury.

In the evening, Yan Shiying took a difficult bath and threw all the changed clothes into the washing machine.

Although she didn't participate in the rehearsal because her leg was injured, Yan Shiying still attached great importance to the performance on the school day. She practiced all night without hurting her leg, and played games with Yan Siming as usual before going to bed.

Sheng Bo's schedule for the second day was in the afternoon, and Yan Shiying rarely took time to attend a class in the morning.

Most of the people here will be the successors of their own group in the future, and many of them have never attended a class except for the first time they came to apply for the aisle, and started to practice in their own group directly. Those who will go to class, except those who originally plan to specialize in studies, and the rest are those from ordinary families who want to take care of their research in a down-to-earth manner.

Those with hidden privileges like Yan Shiying's family have already greeted the college, and they can graduate smoothly even if they don't go to class.

Before going to the classroom, Yan Shiying went to the place where the supply laboratory raised rabbits. The environment there is very clean and there is no peculiar smell. In addition to the staff who will come to clean up regularly, many students who love animals will adopt a few of the rabbits to take care of them.

Yan Shiying saw that some of the cages had stickers with nicknames on them, which meant they had been selected by someone else, and there were rabbits in the cages with white and gray spots.

Because of yesterday's incident, Yan Shiying paid special attention to the empty cage. After asking, she found out that the rabbit that was applied for experimentation would be filled with a new one the next day. She found the application record and looked through it. I didn't see anyone applying yesterday, and I didn't see Geng Wen'an's name in the applicant column.

It was just a vague glance, and Yan Shiying wondered if she might have read it wrong, maybe... it was just a plush toy

Yan Shiying walked around in front of the cage again, and a rabbit teaser next to her thought she liked animals, and asked her enthusiastically if she wanted to adopt one too.

Yan Shiying glanced at her, didn't speak, and silently scanned the unlabeled cage, and saw a snow-white rabbit lying on the ground with all four legs in the air as if dead.

Yan Shiying stretched out her hand and plucked its drooping ears, and it immediately rolled over as if frightened and stood up, shaking its ears and looking around.

The person next to him smiled and said, "It seems that this was delivered yesterday. I always like to sleep in that position. The uncle who came to clean it yesterday was shocked. Do you want to raise it?"

The rabbit stood up and sniffed the ground with its pink triangular nose. It found a fresh apple leaf, squatted down and chewed it slowly.

The two watched it chew like a charm for five minutes.

After a while, Yan Shiying asked the person next to him, "How do you put a sign on it?"

A few minutes later, Yan Shiying downloaded a new app on her phone, which could monitor the rabbits in her cage in real time.

Before leaving, Yan Shiying hung a label with "Ying" on the cage, Rua, who was a little bit reluctant to let go, grabbed the white rabbit's fluffy soft belly.

After that, Yan Shiying went to the classroom. She had a locker there and wanted to see what was in it, but she didn't expect to see Jiang Ruotong in the classroom.

Jiang Ruotong is also Shengbo's, and she is the heroine chosen by Shengbo. Because the script this time can be regarded as a male group play, her role as the heroine is of great significance, and she has many scenes with Xia Fanyi and Yue Xiuning.

Because I often see her and Xia Fanyi doing role analysis with the director together, Yan Shiying is also familiar with her, but I didn't expect that she would even take a professional class with him.

Jiang Ruotong is very beautiful, she is completely different from Yan Shiying, she looks like a quiet and elegant temperament, she is very popular with the students around her, people who talk to her can see her It's like a duck to water.

But every time she saw Yan Shiying, she was neither salty nor dull, and she never talked to her when she met her in Shengbo. Can not remember.

Seeing Yan Shiying, she just glanced at her lightly, and turned her head away as if she didn't know her at all. When Yan Shiying walked to another corner, the girl next to Jiang Ruotong approached in a low voice: "Tongtong, is she the one who wants to compete with you for the leading role?"

Jiang Ruotong nodded slightly.

Yan Shiying woke up after sleeping for a whole class, and while hammering her backache body, she vowed in her heart that she would never suffer this crime again next time.

After class, she found her locker, and when she opened it, she found a scratched notebook inside.

Yan Shiying opened the notebook in a little surprise, the top was slashed into long strips as if someone was venting, and when he opened the notebook, scraps of paper fell down.

She managed to find a few barely legible handwriting in the notebook, which should have been written by the original owner himself, and wrote some complicated-looking chemical names.

Yan Shiying turned on her mobile phone and checked, and found that what she wrote was actually a psychedelic-drug ingredient, so she couldn't help but frown.

It seems that the fact that the original owner did not hesitate to prescribe drugs in order to achieve his goal in the setting is true. Maybe he has already done it, and he does not know when the victim will come to the door.

The more Yan Shiying thought about it, the more speechless she became, and she locked the locker again.

When she went to Shengbo in the afternoon, Yan Shiying was still thinking about the things in her notebook. Before she got close to Shengbo, she felt a tall figure covering her from behind and walking beside her.

Yan Shiying turned her head to look, and immediately froze slightly.

"Shi Ying." Geng Wen'an smiled at her, and walked side by side with her, looking as gentle and refined as usual, "Let's go together."

An alarm bell rang in Yan Shiying's heart, but a perfect smile appeared on his face, and he looked at him with wide eyes in surprise and joy, "Brother Wen'an?! Long time no see."

But he was thinking in his heart that his disguise was no less than hers.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes yesterday, the Geng Wen'an he saw yesterday would have been like another person in the world, Yan Shiying was even more energetic in her heart, and didn't want him to see any clues.

Geng Wen'an said softly, and looked at her with dark eyes warmly, "Didn't you worry about joining the club last time? How about it? Do you want to come to my room to chat today? I happen to be free."

The time and reason were perfect, Yan Shiying sighed in her heart, unable to refuse, she agreed with a smile on her face.

Geng Wen'an took her directly through another door, turned around and went straight to his room.

It was only then that Yan Shiying realized that she had never seen this road before, and she had never walked this road when Yan Ruyan showed her around that day. It seems that it should be a secret passage directly leading to the president's office.

Yan Shiying quietly remembered it.

After arriving at the room, Geng Wen'an closed the door, turned around and found Yan Shiying was looking at the furnishings in his room curiously, he looked at her quietly for a while, and said, "Do you want to visit my secret room?"

Chamber of Secrets

Yan Shiying's heart skipped a beat, and she blinked curiously, "You still have a secret room? Okay."

Geng Wen'an took out a small key from the bird's beak of a phoenix sculpture on the table, and unabashedly opened a mezzanine in the floor in front of her. After opening, a downward staircase appeared in front of her. In front of Yingying.

After stepping down a flight of stairs, Geng Wen'an smiled and reached out to her, "Come here."

Yan Shiying quickly adjusted her breathing and heartbeat, and after a few seconds, she put her hand on Geng Wen'an's as if nothing had happened.

The stairs are a bit narrow and steep, but no problem for two people. The sound insulation effect of the passage is very good, at least Yan Shiying can even see her own breathing and heartbeat when walking.

The surrounding area was very quiet, and it was at this moment that Geng Wen'an spoke.

"Shiying, do you like raising rabbits?"

Yan Shiying turned her head. Under the faint light, the half smile he showed her was as precise as a protractor.

Yan Shiying smiled at him, and asked him lightly, "Has Brother Wen An ever raised rabbits?"

"I have raised them." Geng Wenan turned his head away, his voice was a little ethereal in the passage, "I have raised several, but they always died because of unexpected accidents, and I found out later that I hate seeing life in my life. Gone in front of them," Geng Wen'an held her hand and walked down the stairs, looking up at her, "because you can't save them."

"I didn't raise any more after that."

Yan Shiying followed with regret, "It's a pity. But I like cats more." As she spoke, she seemed to have accidentally stepped on a step, she stepped on his foot with a low cry, and quickly stood up to him Apologize and back away.

"It's okay." Geng Wen'an narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled at her, "Your leg is hurt, be careful."

He spoke in a gentle and concerned voice, but the moment Yan Shiying turned his head, there was a slight chill in Yan Shiying's eyes, as sharp as a blade suddenly unsheathed.

After Yan Shiying stepped on Geng Wen'an's foot, she felt much better. After walking for a while, she found that the stairs were going up. It wasn't until she walked out of the passage that she realized that Geng Wen'an's secret passage was connected to an attic.

The attic is full of large and small green plants and potted plants, almost filling the entire attic.

The skylight is stained glass, and the light casts beautiful and dreamy patterns on the ground. There are also large and small paintings hanging beside it. Some of them seem to have been painted just now, and the paint is still half dry.

Yan Shiying was a little dazzled, she couldn't help but walked to the painting with her hand away.

Geng Wen'an looked at Yan Shiying who was touching the canvas curiously, and a slight unhappiness rose in his eyes. He suppressed it in a blink of an eye, walked forward with a smile, and asked her very gently: "Do you like it?"

"Yeah." Yan Shiying nodded seriously. She has some artistic talent, and she has a wonderful empathy for things like paintings. She turned her head and praised him sincerely, "You are so good at painting!"

Before she came up, she never thought that Geng Wen'an would have such superb painting skills, and she was about to praise him again, but she saw mockery flashing in his eyes.

Yan Shiying was taken aback for a moment, and when she tried to look more closely, she found nothing. Just as she was suspecting that she had read it wrong, she heard Geng Wen'an say at this moment, "Since you like it, you can choose one and I'll give it to you."

Yan Shiying was not being polite to him now, she looked through all the paintings hanging in the attic from beginning to end, and finally picked a painting that was a bit unremarkable in the corner.

Geng Wen'an was taken aback when he saw the painting she picked out, showing some hesitation for the first time, "Are you sure you want this one?"

The other paintings hanging in the center are full of light, hope, and longing for the future, but only this painting has a main theme full of depression and mania, and the chaotic red and black are tearing each other on the canvas, faintly revealing despair and arrogance.

Yan Shiying admired the picture with satisfaction and nodded. She likes red, and she wants to hang it at home to ward off evil spirits!

Geng Wen'an stood silently, looked at the painting for a long time, and took it down by himself.

On the way back, Yan Shiying always felt that Geng Wen'an's attitude towards her seemed to be much better, and even when talking about Sheng Bo with her, there was no longer any temptation that seemed to be nothing.

Before leaving, he also gave Yan Shiying a poster tube, and rolled up the picture into it.

Just when Yan Shiying was about to leave, Geng Wen'an stopped her again, hurriedly stuffed her with a small jade bottle, and told her to wipe the wound every morning and evening.

Even someone like Yan Shiying didn't see why Geng Wen'an's attitude towards her improved.

In the original plot, he kept Qin Shuyao elusive. It was not until Qin Shuyao took the initiative to spend his family property and invested in a career that everyone was not optimistic about him at that time that he began to get close to Qin Shuyao. But after Qin Shuyao was with him, there was a long period of time. All the time he was guessing whether Geng Wen'an had feelings for her or not.

Yan Shiying put the painting in her locker, walked to the rehearsal hall and subconsciously scanned it, and found that Ji Luoqing and Yue Xiuning were not there today.

After walking a few steps, Yan Shiying found that the shoelaces were unraveled.

As she squatted down to finish tying her shoelaces, Yan Shiying felt a figure standing in front of her.

Xia Fanyi stood in front of her, frowning slightly, as if hesitating how to speak.

After she left yesterday, he spent the whole afternoon thinking about how she stood in front of him with one leg dripping with blood. She didn't come yesterday afternoon, and he was a little absent-minded during the whole rehearsal.

Knowing that she would come today, he arrived at the rehearsal hall early, and before he could figure out how to speak, he saw Yan Shiying raised her head and smiled at him.

"How's Yaoyao's injury?" She said as she walked towards the middle.

"Oh, I took care of her yesterday, it's just a few scrapes, it'll be fine soon."

"That's fine." Yan Shiying said lightly, "As long as Yaoyao is fine."

Xia Fanyi followed her footsteps and paused, feeling her chest tightened inexplicably.

How could it be okay? He clearly knew that she was going to be on stage soon, but he hurt her like that... He admitted that he was only thinking about what would happen to Qin Shuyao at that time, and didn't even care about how she would get hurt, but The more she cared about Qin Shuyao, the more he realized what he had done.

She could pretend he had done nothing wrong, but his upbringing, conscience, morals, and guilt couldn't make him act like nothing was wrong.

Do try to make it up to her.

Xia Fanyi noticed that she was wearing a long skirt today, and her gaze was heavy. Just as she was about to speak, two boys ran past him chasing and fighting.

Xia Fanyi's throat tightened, and before he could make a sound, his body was already behind Yan Shiying.


Xia Fanyi held her shoulder and slid it to one side, and whispered into her ear, "Are you alright?"

Yan Shiying raised her head in a daze, blinked at him very slowly, her eyes slid all the way from his face to the hand holding her shoulder.

Xia Fanyi's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly let go of his hand and took a few steps back, laughing dryly, "Those people almost hit you just now."

The suspicion in Yan Shiying's eyes dissipated, she let out an "oh", and slowly pulled the shoulder straps of the skirt that had slipped from her shoulders onto her shoulders.

Xia Fanyi's cheeks flushed, and only then did he notice what the soft touch in his palm was just now, and his heart felt a little unnatural.

But Yan Shiying picked up the materials on the chair and glanced at them, bent down with her slender body, and lifted a box on the ground.

Xia Fanyi's eyes were fixed, and he immediately walked over a few steps, "I'll help you!" Almost grabbing the box from her hand.

Yan Shiying was startled, and quickly chuckled, "I can't even move this, can I? Here are some clothes ordered for the character, and I will move it into the dressing room by myself later. "

Xia Fanyi was very stubborn, "I can put it at the door for you."

Yan Shiying rolled her eyes and smiled at him, "Then you hold it for me, and I'll see if the quantity is right." She picked up the materials again, opened the box and took out the clothes from it for comparison.

The box was a bit deep, and she had to stand on tiptoes and bend down to get to some of them. Xia Fanyi quickly sank the box, but saw the long hair on her shoulders slipping down like water, and a piece of snow-white color broke into the collar. In his eyes, there is an indifferent fragrance rushing into the tip of his nose.

Xia Fanyi froze, not knowing why she still didn't look away. In the next second, a long skirt covered his face, and Yan Shiying's triumphant laughter sounded in his ears as if he had succeeded in a prank.

His vision was dark, Xia Fanyi shook his head in a little panic, and didn't put the box down in time, as if this could cover up his embarrassment at the moment.

"Yan Shiying!" In the darkness, Xia Fanyi felt someone gently push his back, he yelled angrily, took off the clothes covering his eyes, only to see Yue Xiuning holding Yan Shiying's waist , grabbed her wrist with one hand, and raised his lips lazily towards her, "Be careful."

He let go of her, and Yan Shiying immediately stood up and nodded to him with a reddish face.

The smile on Xia Fanyi's face faded.

Seeing Yue Xiuning leave, Xia Fanyi stood motionless in front of her, and slightly turned her head towards her, "Do you still like him?" His voice was extremely low.

Yan Shiying's eyes immediately turned away from Yue Xiuning, and she glanced at him lightly, "It's none of your business." After speaking, she took the cardboard box from his hand and walked over without looking sideways.

Xia Fanyi looked at her back, and tried his best to suppress the nameless anger that surged up in his chest for no reason.

Yan Shiying hung up the clothes in the suitcase in the dressing room, and was just about to go to the self-service drink machine to buy a bottle of oolong when suddenly several people came out and blocked her way.

Four or five girls blocked her way, looking at her with their arms crossed.

Most people are in the rehearsal hall at the moment, and there is no one else on this road except them.

Yan Shiying's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly scanned the faces of several people.

The leader was Jiang Ruotong, the others were from Sheng Bo, and there were a few unfamiliar faces she had never seen before. It was immediately clear to her heart that these people had come prepared, otherwise how could they have brought them out in advance? Outsiders were brought in from St. Platinum.

She wasn't panicking at all, but her eyes widened in panic, "You... what are you doing?"

Jiang Ruotong stared at her blankly, but didn't speak. A person next to her who seemed to be her little sister said, "Are you scared? Why did you go when you were so scared? Do you know why you came to Shengbo? Do you know how to do your duty?"

As the man said, he stretched out his index finger and poked her hard twice on the shoulder, pushing her back, and then approached her again.

"You're quite capable, aren't you? Don't do a good supporting role, and come here to grab other people's heroines. Don't you look in the mirror to see that you are worthy?"

Yan Shiying's eyes widened in bewilderment, "What heroine? Did you make a mistake?" But she was a little disappointed in her heart. She thought it was about drug administration. She thought that the hidden danger could be solved, but she didn't expect It was Shengbo who was dissatisfied with her.

"You still dare to argue?!" The other girl looked at Yan Shiying's extremely beautiful face even when she was at a loss, jealousy arose in her heart, and she waved her hand.

Yan Shiying wanted to escape, but found a girl standing behind her waiting for her to retreat, her eyes were cold.

She stood there without moving, and when the palm swung down, she turned slightly to the side, narrowly avoiding the slap.

She was about to say something with a calm expression, but she suddenly heard familiar footsteps in her ears.

The girl waved for nothing, furious, and was about to raise her hand to wave again, but Yan Shiying stretched out her hand to block it. During the entanglement, she shook her hand and threw Yan Shiying to the ground, right in front of Xia Fanyi who just opened the door .

Yan Shiying curled up her left leg and let out a low cry as if in extreme pain.