How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 22


Xia Fanyi's eyes suddenly sank. He took a few steps to Yan Shiying's side and carefully helped her up. After confirming how far she had fallen, he raised his head and looked coldly at the people in front of him.

"Who let you in?"

The voice was so cold that it felt like falling into an ice cave.

Jiang Ruotong did not remain silent this time, she took a step forward, raised her head arrogantly, "It's me."

Seeing that the person who came was Xia Fanyi, Jiang Ruotong was not shy at all, but calm and composed.

Their Jiang family is from the political arena, her grandfather is a retired general, and she is his favorite little granddaughter, but she usually keeps a low profile, so except for her best friends, few people know her identity.

The Xia family and the Jiang family are family friends, and they are very satisfied with her. They have long expressed their intention to marry her family. If there are no accidents in the future, she should marry Xia Fanyi.

Xia Fanyi was also aware of this, so after she revealed her identity, she was not at all worried about which side Xia Fanyi would take.

But I heard Xia Fanyi say: "You tell me the names of these people, and I will hand over this matter to the school affairs office."

Jiang Ruotong understood what he meant as soon as he heard it. He wanted to characterize this matter as a private fight, and his expression changed all of a sudden.

The girl next to her still didn't know anything, and said angrily, "Xia Fanyi, why don't you ask what Yan Shiying has done?"

Yan Shiying, who was dragged out by name, leaned against the wall, showing a bleak smile, "I don't even know why you are looking for me."

But she was thinking in her heart that she knew why Jiang Ruotong looked familiar. After hearing Jiang Ruotong's voice, she remembered that when she first entered Shengbo, several people talked and mocked her in front of her, and Jiang Ruotong was among them.

Although she didn't know what entanglements they had in the past, since Xia Fanyi came forward, she was happy to let him handle it easily. Judging from his attitude today, we can see that Xia Fanyi's guilt towards her has not yet been eliminated, and Jiang Ruotong brought these people just at this juncture. As long as she dresses appropriately and is a little weak, Xia Fanyi will be willing to fight for her.

Jiang Ruotong was really irritated by Xia Fanyi's attitude, and the hatred was pulled from her to Xia Fanyi at once, and the two quarreled violently.

From time to time, words such as the writing and directing team, Wang Luoluo, adding roles, and changing the play were mentioned in the words. Yan Shiying quickly deduced that she must have overheard something in the writing and directing team.

Yan Shiying recalled it for a while, and immediately recalled that when she first went to the writing and directing team to lead the script, a person named Wang Luoluo actually said that there was a role that was suitable for her, and someone ordered her not to change the script.

I thought that incident was just an inconspicuous episode, but I didn't expect that one day it would become what it is today.

But Yan Shiying really never thought about competing with Jiang Ruotong for the heroine. Although the heroine will have a lot of scenes with Xia Fanyi and Yue Xiuning, it will be inconvenient for her to attack two people at the same time—always rehearse together , It is too easy to reveal stuffing after a long time.

Now her role is just right, not too marginalized, and she has a certain rivalry with several male protagonists.

She rather hoped that Jiang Ruotong would directly complain to the director's office, so that they would dispel the idea of adding a heroine.

He was watching coldly, but he heard Jiang Ruotong say: "Then ask her, is Qin Shuyao her good friend?"

When Qin Shuyao was mentioned, both Xia Fanyi and Yan Shiying were stunned for a moment.

He glanced at Yan Shiying, and answered for her, "Yes."

"That's fine." Jiang Ruotong sneered, "A while ago Xuanxuan saw Mr. Wang Luoluo hanging out with Qin Shuyao, and these days she said she would add a heroine. You said Yan Shiying didn't do anything here, you Do you find it credible?"

Yan Shiying sighed in her heart, and after arguing for a long time, it turned out that it was Qin Shuyao who caused her trouble.

She was about to explain something, but she heard Xia Fanyi say, "It is impossible for Wang Luoluo to decide to add a heroine, and I can assure you that Qin Shuyao has absolutely nothing to do with this matter." Yan Shiying You are innocent, you should stop making trouble."

Jiang Ruotong opened his eyes wide in disbelief, "What did you say about me?!"

The two started arguing again.

Yan Shiying pretended to be scared and hid behind Xia Fanyi and watched, wandering about where else to buy oolong tea later, she was thirsty.

The matter finally ended with both parties taking a step back. Xia Fanyi promised that Jiang Ruotong would not be replaced, nor would a heroine be added to the script, and Jiang Ruotong would apologize to Yan Shiying.

Yan Shiying was quite satisfied with the result of this treatment, and secretly praised Xia Fanyi's gun in her heart.

After the girl who pushed her reluctantly apologized to her, Xia Fanyi grabbed her and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Jiang Ruotong before taking a few steps.

"Stop." Jiang Ruotong's expression was a little more relaxed than before, "Xia Fanyi, talk to me." After speaking, he turned around and walked in another direction.

Yan Shiying saw an imperceptible impatience in Xia Fanyi's eyes.

He let her go, told her to go in and take a good look at the wound, and then followed Jiang Ruotong's pace to leave.

A few girls accepted as soon as they saw it, and they didn't stay any longer. Instead of following Jiang Ruotong, they left together through another passage of Shengbo.

Jiang Ruotong stood still in the open space where no one was around, with his back turned to Xia Fanyi's face was a little sad.

She had known about the family's intentions a few years ago, and had met Xia Fanyi several times on various occasions. She was satisfied with him and liked him a little bit in her heart.

Although she knew that he had been favored at home since he was a child and might not be very fond of others, she was still full of expectations for their future.

So she said: "Xia Fanyi, do you know that we might get married in a few years?" She stared at the small indoor fountain not far away, trying to pretend to be calm, "What do you think about family?"

It was quiet behind. After a while, she heard Xia Fanyi say: "Forget about it, I have someone I like, and I will mention it to my family in a few days."

Jiang Ruotong couldn't hold back any longer, turned around abruptly, and looked at him in shock.

Xia Fanyi's expression was flat, as if he was talking about lunch: "Isn't the Jiang family running away from the military alliance recently? The Xia family has some connections in the high places of the military alliance, so we will help with this matter." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glanced at her, "Any thing else?"

Jiang Ruotong looked at him with some bitterness, but finally didn't ask "what's the relationship between you and Yan Shiying", but just shook his head silently.

"Then I'm leaving." Xia Fanyi didn't stay for a second, her footsteps were hasty, as if she was in a hurry to go back.

Jiang Ruotong walked forward in a daze.

She was beautiful when she was young, and many boys in her family pursued her. She was used to being admired by all the stars, and it was the first time she experienced frustration and shame in Xia Fanyi.

She was thinking about how Yan Shiying was hiding safely behind Xia Fanyi, and without paying attention, she tripped over the edge of the fountain and half of her body fell into it.

Half of her skirt and the end of her hair were soaked, Jiang Ruotong sat in the fountain in a bit of a mess, and slowly clenched her hands.

... Yan Shiying.

Yan Shiying didn't go back after Xia Fanyi left, but ran to the vending machine to buy oolong tea, and then walked back while drinking it satisfied.

Just when she was about to clear out the boxes she had received, a hand suddenly pulled her aside, and one hand blocked her exclamation.

"Where did you go just now? I've been looking for you for a long time."

Yan Shiying was startled at first, but when she heard this voice, she immediately recognized the person coming, and quietly let go of the hand that was holding the water bottle.

She took her hands off her face and quickly swept around.

As expected of Yue Xiuning, when she first came to Shengbo and was taken for a tour, she classified this place as one of the hidden places convenient for doing that thing, and seeing his proficiency, you can tell that he is also experienced.

After confirming that Xia Fanyi would not pass by here even if he came back, Yan Shiying turned around, "Why are you here?"

Yue Xiuning didn't answer, just curled his lips slightly and caressed her waist carelessly, "Does the wound still hurt?"

She vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Yue Xiuning's appearance at this moment, but she just shook her head with a cute smile on her face.

The next moment, Yue Xiuning hugged her whole, put her on the railing and looked at her at the same level, his beautiful peach eyes fixed on her, "I want to see you smile."

Yan Shiying immediately understood what he wanted to do, it seemed that he was frustrated by Qin Shuyao again and came to her for healing.

She pursed her lips shyly, showing a smile, Yue Xiuning pressed over suddenly, Yan Shiying thought he was going to kiss her, but he just buried his head on her neck and hugged her tightly.

After a while, he seemed to have regained his composure, and said lightly, "Where did you and Xia Fanyi go just now?"

Yan Shiying looked at him in surprise, Yue Xiuning played with her hair and said nonchalantly: "The Blue Earl of the T family, Xia Fanyi has always used this one from his family."

Yan Shiying also noticed Xia Fanyi's habit, but she was surprised that Xia Fanyi had never had close contact with her, and he could smell it just by grabbing her hand, which scared her a bit.

"It's about the heroine of this show." Yan Shiying told the whole story, "Jiang Ruotong saw was my good friend Qin Shuyao, Wang Luoluo was very close to her, and she didn't know where she heard it. The rumor of changing roles, I thought it was related to me, so I just came to see me... "

"What does it have to do with her?" Yue Xiuning suddenly interrupted her with a sneer, "I asked the director to do this."


Yan Shiying was really startled now. Just as she was about to ask him why, she suddenly heard a familiar male voice from across the door:

"Yan Shiying? Where are you?"

It was Xia Fanyi's voice.

Yan Shiying glanced at the distance between Yue Xiuning and Yue Xiuning, hesitating whether to speak or not.

"If you don't answer him, are you here?"

Hearing what he said, Yan Shiying thought for a while, supported the pole and jumped off by herself. Just when he was about to answer, Yue Xiuning saw a scorching light in Yue Xiuning's eyes, he grabbed her hand and pushed her against the wall.

"Well… "

Yan Shiying only had time to make a gasp before being kissed fiercely by him. Yan Shiying stiffened her body to deal with Yue Xiuning, while fearing that Xia Fanyi would come in.

Yue Xiuning seemed to have noticed this, and kissed even more brazenly. After a while, he whispered in her ear, "Aren't you going to let him in?"

Yan Shiying rolled her eyes fiercely in her heart, I believe you idiot!

Really speaking, Yue Xiuning should be more afraid of being seen by Xia Fanyi than she is, and if Xia Fanyi accidentally slips the tongue to Qin Shuyao, he will probably have more headaches than her.

Thinking about it, Yan Shiying lowered her head and pushed him a little annoyed, "Yue Xiuning."

Seeing that she was a little annoyed, Yue Xiuning lightly smiled and pecked her lips lightly, "I won't tease you anymore, go ahead."

It wasn't until Yan Shiying walked to the door that Yue Xiuning's voice came from behind, "Don't let him find out."

Yan Shiying turned her head, and Yue Xiuning stood in the shadow with his hands in his pockets, with no expression on his face.

"Yan Shiying? Where did you go..."

Yan Shiying came back to her senses, opened the door and walked out, "I'm here."