How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 46


In an instant, Yan Shiying realized that he was deceiving her.

If he really found something strange, he should have discovered that the declaration form had been changed and came to question her, instead of lightly asking her back.

Thinking about this, Yan Shiying quickly showed an inexplicable expression on his face, "What are you talking about? Why should I go to your room?"

She pushed away the arm that was blocking her, and walked directly past him, but doubts arose in her heart.

Having said that, it must not be a coincidence that Shang Xuhuai would ask her such a thing, he must have discovered something, that's why he asked.

Although she was very careful yesterday, it is very possible that she accidentally missed something, but he has no conclusive evidence. I hope her reaction will not make him suspicious.

Thinking about it, Yan Shiying walked towards the elevator as if nothing had happened, and heard Shang Xuhuai say behind her: "Then why did you call me yesterday?"

Yan Shiying was taken aback, did he really save her number

She turned her head suspiciously, "When did I give you my phone number?"

Just as he was talking, he saw Shang Xuhuai's face suddenly changed slightly, and he grabbed her arm.

He moved too fast, Yan Shiying was startled, subconsciously pushed him away, looked at him coldly, "What are you doing?"

He didn't feel annoyed when he hit her, but just looked at her lightly, "It's okay."

But she heard someone pushing a cart of things rumbling past behind her. There were many sharp objects in the cart.

Of course, Yan Shiying didn't think that Shang Xuhuai would be so kind. Just when the elevator came up, she stepped over the car and stepped directly into the elevator.

Shang Xuhuai followed behind her, and when he passed the cart, he glanced at the other person with no warmth in his eyes, "Walk carefully while walking."

The other party kept nodding obediently.

Yan Shiying just pressed the elevator close button when she saw a hand suddenly appear at the elevator entrance.

Shang Xuhuai also followed her into the elevator, but he didn't press the floor, but stood beside her with his hands in his pockets, as if he was in a good mood.

Yan Shiying thought he was just following her all the way to the first floor, but he didn't expect that he followed her all the way out of the elevator.

She also wanted to go directly to Ji Luoqing, but Yan Shiying had no choice but to change her way and walk towards a back garden behind the hotel.

During this time period, most people have not woken up, and no one has been seen along the way, and the early morning is extremely quiet.

Shang Xuhuai didn't speak, but followed her all the way in a dawdly way, no matter where she went, he would follow her.

Yan Shiying finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Shang Xuhuai, what do you want to do?!"

"What I want to do, you should be very clear in your heart." Shang Xuhuai narrowed his eyes, looking at her leisurely.

You have to get rid of this trouble.

Yan Shiying thought about a few things quickly in her mind, and was about to speak, but Shang Xuhuai suddenly sneered, and kicked the swing in front of her with increasingly cold and wary eyes, "You value Qin Shuyao so much?"

… ah

Before Yan Shiying could react for a while, Shang Xuhuai said to herself, "Don't worry, I just played a little joke with her yesterday and didn't hurt her, let alone I haven't done it yet. What, I was stopped by a man with glasses who came out."

Shang Xuhuai glanced at her vaguely, "You don't have to make a special call, if there's anything, why don't you tell me in person."

He turned his head with a casual smile on his face, "What do you think?"

Only then did Yan Shiying realize that he was thinking in a completely different direction from hers. She couldn't help but feel amused in her heart, but her face naturally followed his words and threatened him.

"Have I already said not to touch my things? If you bully Yaoyao again, I can do it to you the first time in the classroom that day, and the second time."

"Oh?" Shang Xuhuai suddenly glanced behind her, with a playful smile on his face, "By the way, that man with glasses, didn't you always want to get rid of him?"

Yan Shiying was slightly stunned, and saw him leaning over with a light smile, "How about I help you?"


Before Yan Shiying could react, she was suddenly grabbed by Shang Xuhuai's waist and pulled into her arms.

He hugged her so hard that she could barely move. With his other hand, he held the back of her head forcefully, and under her astonished gaze, he kissed her deeply irresistibly.

The first to enter the tip of his nose was the faint smell of cigarettes on his body, mixed with a little mint smell of aftershave, occupying her surroundings as aggressively as his movements.

After Yan Shiying was taken aback, she bit down without hesitation.

In an instant, the smell of rust spread between his lips and teeth, but Shang Xuhuai didn't seem to feel the pain, not only didn't retreat, but he invaded even more, almost arbitrarily letting her continue to bear his plunder.

A bloody kiss.

While Yan Shiying was so angry that her face turned slightly red, she finally realized what he was looking at behind her just now.

Ji Luoqing.

He stood at the entrance of the garden, staring blankly at her who was hugged and kissed by Shang Xuhuai, and there was an emotion on his face that was so complicated that she couldn't understand it.

After a while, he turned around in a panic with a pale face as if he had suddenly woken up.

Yan Shiying's eyes suddenly sank.

She found a gap and pushed Shang Xuhuai away heavily, turned around and wanted to stop Ji Luoqing, but a hand protruding from behind covered her mouth.


Shang Xuhuai leaned over with a low smile, and hugged her tightly tightly, "Now you don't have to worry anymore, right? You owe me once, Yan Shiying..."

She just struggled in his hands like a fish. His eyes fell on her earlobe exposed to his sight, and her exquisite jade white ears were flushed red, fresh and ready to drip like newly ripened fruits.

Shang Xuhuai's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help leaning over to peck...

The next moment, Yan Shiying bit his hand hard.

She used so much force that she bit his hand until it was bloody.

Shang Xuhuai didn't even frown, let her bite enough before letting go, but when Yan Shiying turned around, he immediately slapped him across the face.

Shang Xuhuai indifferently turned his head away, and was attacked somewhere shortly afterwards.

Severe pain came from below his body, Shang Xuhuai bowed his body with a pale face, cold sweat dripped down his back for a moment. But he still raised his head, facing Yan Shiying with a provocative smile, "What, are you angry?"

Yan Shiying glanced at him expressionlessly, and chased after Ji Luoqing without saying a word.

Shang Xuhuai watched Yan Shiying completely disappear from his sight without blinking. After a while, he raised the bloody hand that was bitten by her, and sucked the place where the teeth marks were in his mouth. The blood-stained lips looked strange and evil.

He looked at the direction Yan Shiying was leaving with a sneer, with an almost naked aggression in his eyes.

... Yan Shiying, we will meet again next time.

Yan Shiying walked very fast, and caught up with Ji Luoqing within a few steps.


She called him, and upon hearing her voice, Ji Luoqing's body froze, and she turned her head in disbelief.

Panting, Yan Shiying stopped in front of Ji Luoqing, and before she could say anything, she heard Ji Luoqing suddenly say, "It's bleeding."

"What… "

Before she finished speaking, she saw Ji Luoqing take out a white handkerchief, approach her silently and wipe off the blood on her lips.

The blood on her lips was actually Shang Xuhuai's blood. Even though she bit her lip, this lunatic still refused to let go. He sucked her lips so hard that now she felt her lips were faintly numb.

Ji Luoqing's eyes were very focused, as if he was afraid of accidentally hurting her, and his movements were so gentle that they were almost meticulous.

Before he finished wiping, Yan Shiying quietly grabbed his wrist.


Yan Shiying said with melancholy eyes, "Can you help me?"

That kind of hesitant, slightly melancholy look was full of pity that made people want to give her everything.