How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 47


Ji Luoqing was startled, and even forgot the painful feeling of being hit hard when she saw her kissing someone just now.

I only heard Yan Shiying say: "Just now that person is the president of the machinery club who has been competing with us for a training camp. After he heard that I was in charge of the drama club's training camp report, he wanted to treat me..." She paused, like He bit his lip as if unable to speak.

After Ji Luoqing was startled, her face flushed in disbelief.

"...It's too much." He was so angry that his body was trembling slightly, and when he saw Yan Shiying frowning slightly and lowering her head, the pity and anger in his heart burned like wildfire in his chest.

"I heard that the senior has a way to get a place for this training camp." Yan Shiying raised her eyes and looked at him hopefully, "Can the senior help me?"

She thought that Ji Luoqing would have no reason to reject her, after all, it should be easy for him to do this, but she didn't expect Ji Luoqing to be silent.

He opened his mouth as if it was very difficult: "... Sorry, I can't do it. I can agree to other things, but this one..."

"That's my bottom line, not even with my favorite people..."

He spat out these words with great difficulty, and looked at Yan Shiying anxiously and uneasy.

Yan Shiying immediately understood.

It's not that he can't, it's that he doesn't want to.

It's like letting an upright and honest person embezzle, this is the bottom line that he will never trample on.

Also... If he was really the type of person who likes to use privileges, he would have been able to ascend to the sky in the academy, let alone get Qin Shuyao. But until Qin Shuyao got together with other male protagonists, he was just an unknown little character.

However, Yan Shiying was not disappointed, she was just skeptical when she heard Ouyang Jinkong's words, but now she further confirmed that Ji Luoqing's background was indeed amazing.

His kindness and sticking to the bottom line... She didn't hate it, but rather appreciated it.

Since he even refused her, it proved that he would not easily bow down for others.

Moreover, she had already destroyed Shang Xuhuai's declaration form, and asking Ji Luoqing to help her just wanted to get double insurance.

Yan Shiying was about to speak when she heard Ji Luoqing say, "Do you still remember when you asked me about being in Professor Shen's team?"

Yan Shiying remembered that she was the one who asked Xu Wanyun to help her investigate the suspicious points that Ji Luoqing found at that time.

At that time, she was wondering why he had withdrawn from the team with such a precious quota, even though he had already joined Professor Shen's team.

"Actually, I was one of Professor Shen's initial team members, but I later found out that I was able to join because Professor Shen accidentally learned of my identity."

Ji Luoqing couldn't help but sneak a glance at Yan Shiying while explaining in a low voice, her expression full of anxiety.

"So it's not that I don't want to help you, it's..."

But even he himself would rather climb up step by step.

Before he finished speaking, Yan Shiying sighed deeply.

Forget it, since the training camp is hopeless, let him add another step to her plan.

"I know what you mean, it doesn't matter if the senior can't help me with this matter." She let go of his wrist and stared at him quietly, "but at least... I don't want to let my best friend down all the time."

Ji Luoqing could tell right away that she was referring to what she asked him to do last time.

For the first time, Ji Luoqing felt extremely disgusted with Qin Shuyao.

She always came to him again and again about Qin Shuyao's affairs, but Qin Shuyao never mentioned Yan Shiying in front of him.

At first glance at these two people, he always thought that Qin Shuyao was fire, while she was more like ice, but now the two gave him completely opposite feelings.

Ji Luoqing was already filled with guilt for not being able to agree to her request to help her, and he would never refuse this request no matter what.

But the more this happened, the more he became annoyed by the unrestrained demands of the other side.

But if he makes her happy by doing it...

Ji Luoqing nodded silently.

Yan Shiying seemed relieved and didn't linger any longer.

Looking at Yan Shiying's leaving back, Ji Luoqing felt a little confused for the first time.

Grandpa told him not to abuse his privilege since he was a child, and it should be the right thing to stick to the bottom line, but after seeing her suffer like that, is his persistence still right

Before noon, Yan Shiying received an excited message from Qin Shuyao, saying that Ji Luoqing really took the initiative to ask her to meet today, and it was all thanks to her gratitude for her proposal.

Yan Shiying watched the news with great interest.

She remembered that Qin Shuyao asked Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi to be today, right

She clicked on Qin Shuyao's circle of friends, and as expected, she saw a few pictures of the preparation site for the event.

She silently wrote down the location and approximate time.

In the morning, the college organized everyone to visit the nearby scenic spots. Because the dog days are about to enter and the weather is getting hotter, the activities in the afternoon were directly changed to free activities.

There is a water park near here, and most people choose to go there in the afternoon.

Although it is a large-scale tourism activity organized by the college, most people still choose to play with their close friends.

Yan Shiying was no exception, because her dressing style was quite different from before, and every time she went to the department, there were always boys going around her, asking her for her number in various ways. She was tired of this set of patterns, so she made an appointment with the members of the Shengbo Club who usually train together.

Originally, it was agreed that there would be three people, but when they got together, they found that there was one more person in the line, and it was the barbecue man who sat next to her last time.

Yan Shiying saw the intention in his eyes at a glance.

She didn't say anything, and bought ice cream with a few people as usual while shopping and playing.

Strolling in front of a refreshment shop, Yan Shiying saw the dazzling signboard of the music club at a glance, surrounded by crowds of people, and thought it was the event Qin Shuyao was talking about.

But Yan Shiying searched there, but did not see Qin Shuyao and Xia Fanyi.

Turning around, Yan Shiying pretended to be thirsty and ordered the barbecue man to run errands to buy drinks.

The rest of the people decided to go to the nearby entertainment facilities, but Yan Shiying excused herself and went to the several facilities around the refreshment shop by herself.

Passing by a huge ferris wheel, Yan Shiying saw the backs of Ji Luoqing and Qin Shuyao on the bench as expected.

Qin Shuyao talked to Ji Luoqing with a gentle face, and her usually lively energy turned into soft fingers at this moment. If there were special effects in this world, Yan Shiying could almost see the pink hearts surrounding her.

Looking at her again, there was an extra bandage on her leg.

It seems that she not only accepted the previous proposal, but also intentionally created a wound. Thinking of what Shang Xuhuai said to her in the morning, it's no wonder that he made a point of explaining that he didn't hurt Qin Shuyao, and Qin Shuyao didn't choose to tell her about it.

So what about Xia Fanyi and Yue Xiuning

Yan Shiying took cover under the tree, looked around her carefully, and saw Yue Xiuning in a place where there were most girls.

He was sitting on a step, his light chestnut hair almost shining in the sun, holding two ice creams that were almost melting, and letting the cream on top drip into the grass.

Surrounded by many girls who are Yingying and Yanyan, watching his outstanding appearance and whispering to each other with his companions, Yue Xiuning turned a blind eye to these, just looked expressionlessly at Qin Shuyao who was sitting with Ji Luoqing in the distance , the eyes were terribly cold.

However, Qin Shuyao didn't notice Yue Xiuning's gaze, and kept talking to Ji Luoqing without knowing it.

Yan Shiying's mouth curled into a faint smile.

She pretended to walk in front of Yue Xiuning unintentionally, and blinked at him as if meeting him in surprise, "Yue Xiuning?"

Seeing Yan Shiying in front of him, Yue Xiuning seemed to be slowly coming back to life, and his eyes gradually brightened.

Yan Shiying was still looking around, "Where's Yaoyao? Didn't she promise to be with you today..."

"Don't mention her." Before she could finish speaking, Yue Xiuning interrupted her in a deep voice.

Yan Shiying was silent for a while, then smiled lightly, "Then I'll go first, my friend is still waiting..."

Before he finished speaking, Yue Xiuning casually threw the cone into the trash can, walked down the steps and led her up: "Follow me."

The two walked through the crowd and gradually came to a secluded and quiet corner. Yue Xiuning stopped and didn't speak, just silently turned his back to her.

Yan Shiying smiled silently behind him, but said in a very gentle voice: "Yue Xiuning? Are you unhappy?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Yue Xiuning fixed her eyes on her.

"You are Qin Shuyao's best friend... right?"

Yan Shiying nodded without knowing it.

very good.

Yue Xiuning pulled her into his arms, lowered his head and stroked her cheek.

He didn't know until today that Qin Shuyao had always regarded him as a backup. Just by the way she talked to Ji Luoqing, he knew that she had liked Ji Luoqing for a long time.

It's only because she hid it so well the first time, he didn't notice anything strange at all.

He has always been the only one who treats other people as a backup. He doesn't have any kind of woman for his status. He thought she was just hard to chase, but he didn't expect that this woman from a mediocre family would dare to treat him like this.

What if she knew...he was with her best friend

At the same time as this thought flashed across his mind, Yue Xiuning leaned over and kissed Yan Shiying heavily like revenge.

The moment his lips touched, Yue Xiuning couldn't help but hugged her tightly, and his eyes changed instantly.

No... no, she is different.

Feeling that she responded to him obediently and obediently, Yue Xiuning's heart suddenly softened.

Qin Shuyao would use it to betray him, but Yan Shiying would never. How could he vent his resentment towards Qin Shuyao on her.

She is always so kind, whenever he is uncomfortable or depressed she is always by his side, tenderly forgiving his over possessiveness and temper.

He lost his mother when he was young, his father grieved in public, and secretly changed lovers one after another.

When he grew up, he inherited his father's flair and his mother's beauty, and kept changing the women around him like revenge, never repeating the same.

Seeing his father's regretful eyes, he will have the pleasure of revenge.

He originally thought that his nature was like this, but at this moment he suddenly found out from Yan Shiying that he lacked a sense of security.

He is like a bird that has lost its way, searching for a habitat without stopping, and now he has finally found an island where he can dock.

Yue Xiuning greedily demanded the lips of the man in his arms.

Yan Shiying.

Don't make me fly again.

He will cover the island with his wings and keep no one near.

He knew early on... his love was total possession.